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Very few studies have investigated the age at which early intervention should begin. Similarly few studies have examined the effects of early intervention for infants who are medically fragile. The present study responds to these two critical issues by longitudinally comparing groups of infants who are medically fragile. These infants were randomly assigned to receive developmentally appropriate programs beginning at either 3- or 18-months adjusted age. Analysis of measures of child development and family functioning for the first three annual assessments indicated that the two groups were similar on measures of child functioning at the first and second assessment. However, at the third assessment, children who received the intervention at an earlier age scored significantly higher than did children whose intervention began 15 months later. No significant group differences were found on measures of family functioning at any of the assessments. Implications of these results for future research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Very few studies have investigated the age at which early intervention should begin. Similarly few studies have examined the effects of early intervention for infants who are medically fragile. The present study responds to these two critical issues by longitudinally comparing groups of infants who are medically fragile. These infants were randomly assigned to receive developmentally appropriate programs beginning at either 3- or 18-months adjusted age. Analysis of measures of child development and family functioning for the first three annual assessments indicated that the two groups were similar on measures of child functioning at the first and second assessment. However, at the third assessment, children who received the intervention at an earlier age scored significantly higher than did children whose intervention began 15 months later. No significant group differences were found on measures of family functioning at any of the assessments. Implications of these results for future research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

本文分析了生态脆弱区“脆弱化”的原因,指出不适当的环境管理是造成“脆弱化”最主要的人为因素,认为从系统的角度重构生态脆弱区的环境管理是生态环境重建的重中之重。本文探讨了脆弱区生态重建的环境管理的内涵及作用,并提出在进行生态重建时,环境管理工作应抓住以下几个环节:(1)健全环境管理机构;(2)完善环境管理工作系统;(3)大力推广各种生态重建模式;(4)积极制定相关的环境经济政策和措施。  相似文献   

This paper describes an investigation into how the use of Logo affects children's basic knowledge of angle. It shows that teachers should not assume that unstructured use of Logo with a minimum of teacher intervention will have a beneficial effect on children's knowledge of angle and how it is measured. It appears to be the case that children make erroneous adjustments to their conceptual knowledge of angle in order to accommodate the results of an acquired procedural interaction with the computer.  相似文献   

Suzanne Saunders, lecturer at the Centre for the Study of Special Education, Westminster College, Oxford, describes a small scale research project funded by the Mencap City Research Foundation into the practice of teaching children with Fragile X Syndrome, and suggests effective intervention strategies.  相似文献   

基于离散余弦变换的脆弱数字水印计算过程中,由于浮点数-整数转换过程舍入误差造成影像峰值信噪比(PSNR)降低,提取水印标准互相关相似度(NC)低,采用遗传算法、克隆选择算法等智能优化算法,可以修正变换过程产生的舍入误差,提高基于离散余弦变换的脆弱数字水印的性能。并且这一思路能够进一步用在其他数字水印技术中,采用智能算法来修正某些关键计算步骤引入的舍入误差。  相似文献   

Infants with Down syndrome (DS) represent a population in which new behaviors are acquired significantly more slowly than in nondisabled infants. We propose that infants' spontaneous movements hold a key to understanding the process of development—of integrating intrinsic dynamics and function. In this investigation, we compared the spontaneous leg movements of 10 infants with DS and 2 groups of nondisabled (ND) infants matched for chronological age and motor age. In contrast to common perceptions, we did not observe a significant difference in the frequency of movements between infants with DS and ND infants. But, infants with DS demonstrated significantly fewer of the most complex patterned leg movements, that is, kicking patterns. Further, the frequency with which both DS and ND infants kicked was significantly correlated with the age at which they began to walk. Biomechanical variables were identified, as well, that related to their emergent movement patterns. These data are consistent with Edelman's proposal that spontaneous movements that occur repeatedly in regions of the organism's functional work space facilitate the development of stable behavioral patterns and emphasize the role of the interaction of multiple subsystems in the emergence of new behaviors.  相似文献   

1980--2010年,中央召开了五次西藏工作座谈会,为促进四川藏区的发展做出了巨大贡献。然而,四川藏区和我国东南沿海以及与其他内地相比,发展差距依然很大,藏区城乡之间发展差距也比较明显。四川藏区农村贫困问题突出,新老致贫因素交织,形势依然严峻。拟在对四川藏区的贫困现状进行分析的基础上,剖析四川藏区贫困的原因,针对提高贫困农牧民的自我发展能力提出一些建议。  相似文献   

Block-wise fragile watermarks can be used to reveal maliciously tampered areas in multimedia products. However a forged content containing a cloned fragile watermark can be constructed by using a series of watermarked data. To defeat this type of counterfeit attack, a novel fragile watermarking technique is proposed in which different pseudo-random data are selected for different host products, and the generated fragile watermark is dependent upon the selected information. While inserting the fragile watermark, the  相似文献   

We draw on data collected by two researchers in two projects, one with an experienced and one with a novice teacher. We highlight connections between the teachers’ personal narratives and their professional practice. We describe educational settings and instructional practices that enabled the two teachers to recognise fragile stories in their personal and professional lives. As participant observers, through interviews and in an exchange of narrative accounts, we helped the teachers strengthen their fragile stories and witnessed a process of change in which the teachers structured their lives in such ways that safeguarded authenticity and congruency with important personal issues.  相似文献   

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