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Discussions of teacher quality in U.S. public schools have tended to focus on teacher licensing. Reformers from diverse perspectives have proposed "raising the bar" for licensing by various means (e.g., harder licensing exams, more coursework, graduation from the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education teacher-training programs, elimination of emergency or provisional licensing). However, all of these proposals assume that teacher licensing plays an important role in determining teacher quality and performance. In this article I argue the contrary. Raising the bar for teacher licensing in ways that have been proposed is unlikely to have any significant short- or long-term effects on student achievement. Moreover, by shrinking the applicant pool for vacancies, these restrictive proposals may have the perverse effect of lowering average teacher quality, particularly for high-poverty or rural districts that already face thin applicant pools. A preferred approach is to swap regulation of inputs for accountability for outputs, that is, a more flexible licensing regime that relaxes entry barriers combined with greater accountability for student achievement gains. Such a proposal is based on a simple economic principle: Welfare is more likely to be improved if state regulators focus on what they can measure (student achievement), not what they cannot (teacher quality).  相似文献   

In national education systems worldwide, teacher quality has become synonymous with education reform efforts, but a more elusive goal is empirically measuring teacher quality. One proposed measure of teacher quality, teacher licensing, also known as certification, is an increasingly ubiquitous component of national education systems and pre-service teacher education around the world. Rapidly developing national education systems, like those in the Arabian Gulf states, are actively seeking to measure teacher quality through teacher certification and to estimate teacher quality using scores on student achievement tests. This study synthesizes research literature and contextual data as a foundation for using hierarchical linear models to estimate the impact of teacher certification on student achievement in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. Despite the emphasis on improving teacher quality by establishing teacher certification requirements in GCC national education systems, the researchers found neither a direct nor a consistent association between teacher certification and student achievement in the GCC.  相似文献   

In Germany, teachers give a recommendation on the type of school a student should attend after primary school. In some federal states, access to a more demanding school type is restricted to students holding an appropriate recommendation. In a first step, we discuss different theories and approaches as to why a student??s social origin or migration background has an impact on the recommendation, irrespective of school performance. Then we test different hypotheses using data of a combined teacher, student, and parent survey, conducted from the 3rd grade on in Bavaria and Hessen. Overall, we have information on 1.644 students and 147 teachers. We find strong relationships between social origin and school recommendations as teachers take parents?? educational aspirations into account. Students?? positive school behavior has a positive impact on getting a recommendation for a higher school type; however, the influence of parents?? socio-economic status remains. The data show no evidence for children with migration backgrounds facing greater risks of receiving lower recommendations than other children??irrespective of their family language.  相似文献   

This review explores Alfred Schademan??s ??What does playing cards have to do with science? A resource-rich view of African American young men?? by examining how he uses two key concepts??hybridity and resources??to propose an approach to science education that counters enduring deficit notions associated with this population. Our response to Schademan??s work expands upon his definition of hybridity and its purpose in the science classroom and highlights the tensions inherent in the appropriation of student resources in classroom spaces. This conversation points also to the need for research analyses and pedagogical approaches that simultaneously valorize student resources, allow student opportunities to learn the dominant codes, and provide teacher and student opportunities to transform them. Carol Lee??s notion of ??cultural modeling?? is discussed as a possible framing device to facilitate this kind of research.  相似文献   

This paper uses cultural historical activity theory to examine the interactions between the choices primary teachers make in the use of practical activities in their teaching of science and the purposes they attribute to these; their emotions, background and beliefs; and the construction of their identities as teachers of science. It draws on four case studies of science lessons taught over a term by four exemplary teachers of primary science. The data collected includes video recordings of science lessons, interviews with each teacher and some of their students, student work, teachers?? planning documents and observation notes. In this paper, we examine the reflexive relationship between emotion and identity, and the teachers?? objectives for their students?? learning; the purposes (scientific and social) the teachers attributed to practical activities; and the ways in which the teachers incorporated practical activities into their lessons. The findings suggest that it is not enough to address content knowledge, pedagogy and pedagogical content knowledge in teacher education, but that efforts also need to be made to influence prospective primary teachers?? identities as scientific thinkers and their emotional commitment to their students?? learning of science.  相似文献   

What influence does the teacher exercise over their students' learning outcomes? This study investigates the impact of teacher quality on student learning outcomes in science halfway through the first year of high school. A multiple‐measurement model estimates the potential impact of teacher influence on learning outcomes for 1,060 secondary school students (16‐year‐olds), as well as the influence on student engagement, motivation, and self‐discipline. Teacher quality has a very weak effect on student learning outcomes. However, teacher quality seems to influence student motivation and self‐discipline to a significantly larger extent. Further, there is an indirect effect of teacher quality on learning outcomes in science via student engagement, motivation, and self‐discipline. Holding the science teacher accountable for pupils' learning outcomes is highly problematic.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a study undertaken with the primary aim of investigating the role of wonder in the learning process. The study was carried out by a 9th grade science teacher in collaboration with a university professor. The teacher taught two classrooms of 27 and 30 students respectively, by trying to evoke a sense of wonder only in one of them. To this end the teacher identified ideas and phenomena as potential sources of wonder and initiated the instruction through these ideas and phenomena. Observation and especially student optional journals were the main instruments of the research. A quantitative analysis of journal entries made by the students of both classrooms, provided evidence for higher involvement for the students??both males and females??of the classroom where the teacher evoked a sense of wonder. Also an analysis of students?? comments provided evidence that wonder, experienced as astonishment and a shock of awareness can help students change their outlook on natural phenomena. Moreover two paper-and-pencil tests administered at the end of the school year provided additional evidence that wonder had an effect on students?? ability to remember ??wonder-full?? ideas and also an effect on better understanding, of at least, three phenomena. This empirical evidence of better retention and understanding is evidence of the role of wonder as an attention catcher and generally of the role of affective factors in the learning process.  相似文献   

Using a framework of assessment literacy that included teachers?? view of learning, knowledge of assessment tools, and knowledge of assessment interpretation and action taking, this study explored the assessment literacy of five experienced middle school teachers. Multiple sources of data were: teachers?? predictions about students?? ideas, students?? written and verbal responses to assessment tasks, teacher background questionnaire, and a videotaped teacher focus group. We investigated middle school teachers?? predictions, interpretations, and recommended actions for formative assessment in genetics. Results documented a variety of ways that teachers would elicit students?? ideas in genetics, focusing on discussion strategies. Findings showed how well teachers predicted student conceptions compared to actual student conceptions. We also found that teachers mostly described general topics they would use to address students?? alternative conceptions. Less often, they explained specific content they would use to challenge ideas or pedagogical strategies for conceptual change. Teachers also discussed barriers to addressing ideas. Teacher professional development should provide more support in helping teachers close the formative assessment cycle by addressing conceptions that are elicited with assessments.  相似文献   

The world over, secondary school science is viewed mainly as a practical subject. This may be one reason why effectiveness of teaching approaches in science education has often been judged on the kinds of practical activity with which teachers and students engage. In addition to practical work, language??often written (as in science texts) or oral (as in the form of teacher and student talk)??is unavoidable in effective teaching and learning of science. Generally however, the role of (instructional) language in quality of learning of school science has remained out of focus in science education research. This has been in spite of findings in empirical research on difficulties science students encounter with words of the instructional language used in science. The findings have suggested that use of (instructional) language in science texts and classrooms can be a major influence on the level of students?? understandings and retention of science concepts. This article reports and discusses findings in an investigation of physics teachers?? approaches to use of and their beliefs about classroom instructional language. Direct classroom observations of, interviews with, as well as content analyses of the participant teachers?? verbatim classroom talk, were used as the methods of data collection. Evidence is presented of participant physics teachers?? lack of explicit awareness of the difficulty, nature, and functional value of different categories of words in the instructional language. In conclusion, the implications of this lack of explicit awareness on the general education (initial and in-service) of school physics teachers are considered.  相似文献   

Aydeniz and Hodge investigated how college professors negotiate their responsibilities as teachers and as researchers and the rationales behind their pedagogical approaches. Their findings illustrate how difficult it can be to keep the balance between these two responsibilities in a university that does not support professor??s enactment of teaching goals. Thinking identity as a dynamics in self and institutional boundary, Albrecht and Fortney in their forum contribution, expand the analysis of Professor G??s professional identity and conclude that in his case, institutional boundary is impermeable as it values research scientist more than teacher identity. In this forum contribution I emphasize the role of institutional culture in the identitarian process, interpreting the identity and identity formation of a science college teacher within the dynamics of the academic field. I expand the discussion to the other side of the problem, bringing excerpts of an interview with a Physics student from a Brazilian university as an illustration of how the academic habitus can impact the formation of a student??s identity.  相似文献   

Urban school districts have increasingly enacted policies of personalism, such as converting large schools into smaller schools. Such policies ask teachers to develop supportive, individual relationships with students as a presumed lever for student achievement. Research on student?Cteacher relationships generally supports policies of personalism. Much of this literature also considers these relationships?? sociocultural dimensions, and so leads to questions about how low-income youth and youth of color might respond to teacher efforts to develop closer relationships with them. This qualitative study, conducted over 1?year with 34 youth at 3 small, urban high schools, explores how youth from nondominant groups responded to teacher personalism. Data show that teacher practices consistent with culturally-responsive pedagogy and relational trust literature do promote student?Cteacher relationships. However, tensions arose when participants perceived that teacher personalism threatened their privacy or agency. Sociocultural and institutional contexts contributed to these tensions, as participants navigated personalism amidst experiences that constrained their trust in schools. A staged model of student?Cteacher relationships integrates these findings and extends current thinking about culturally-responsive personalism. These findings inform implications for teacher practice and policies of personalism.  相似文献   

This study developed a system using two-phased strategies called ??Pause Lecture, Instant Tutor-Tutee Match, and Attention Zone?? (PLITAZ). This system was used to help solve learning challenges and to minimize learning progress differences in a software learning class. During a teacher??s lecture time, students were encouraged to anonymously express their desire to pause the lecture, or to take a short break, in order to catch up with a teacher??s lecture. A simple proportion of one-third of the class was found to be a suitable pause-lecture threshold to prevent learning progress differences from becoming too great as well as to provide enough peer tutorial resources. During students?? practice time, an instant tutor-tutee match strategy extended tutorial resources, which took 60% workload from the teacher. Meanwhile, the attention zone (AZ) strategy helped the teacher to identify students with low levels of learning progress, as AZ students who needed more attention. It was found that AZ student numbers had a negative relation to overall learning achievement. Furthermore, 49% of the identified AZ students who received PLITAZ strategies experienced improved learning progress over identified non-AZ students. Overall learning progress differences were significantly minimized with the Instant Tutor-Tutee Match and Attention Zone strategies.  相似文献   

Talks of education transformation to improve the quality and outcomes of education in Malaysia culminated in the articulation of standards for teachers. The all new Malaysian Teacher Standards (MTS) launched in 2009 is to establish ??high competency?? standards for the teaching profession and to increase the status of teachers in Malaysia. This article briefly describes the standards that concern teachers and teacher educators alike. It is proposed that there are three challenges to the standards system that teacher educators may face. First, on transforming ingrained beliefs, values and biased perceptions of teaching that student teachers bring to the teaching institution. The second centers on the rhetoric-reality gap of the MTS itself, while the third challenge involves the actual training of teachers. Given these three challenges, this article also outlines several avenues for teacher educators to consider as they set out to better understand and re-design teacher education programs in this standards-based era of educational transformation. The discussion of the challenges and the proposed resources to meet the challenges are by no means exhaustive or acts as a conclusion but rather to create awareness for further discussion and analysis of the implications proposed in this article.  相似文献   

教师课堂语言“冷暴力”给学生的精神和心理带来了很大的消极影响。从有效教学的视角来看,其危害主要有:降低教师自身威信,削弱教育影响力;挫伤学生学习兴趣,影响自我效能赢;容易引起师生冲突,导致课堂“突发事件”。消除对策主要有:转变教师观念,树立“人本”思想和多元评价,激发教师成就感,建立教师心理疏导机制。  相似文献   

This paper is a response to ??Challenges and Opportunities: Using a science-based video game in secondary school settings?? by Rachel Muehrer, Jennifer Jenson, Jeremy Friedberg, and Nicole Husain. The article highlights two critical areas that I argue require more research in the studies of video games in education. The first area focuses on the need to better understand how children interact with non-educational games, outside of the school setting. This includes issues such as ??gamer culture?? and game play styles. The better we understand these issues, the better educational game designers and implementers can imagine the kinds of behaviors that might be elicited from students when we bring educational games into their classroom. In this focus, the student is the unit of analysis, but it is the student in and out of the classroom: the way the student understands video games when she is at home, playing with friends, and at school. The second area focuses on the study of the classroom as a unit of analysis. As the authors of this study reveal, classroom cultures affect the reception and success of an educational game. This is to ask, how does a game play when students have to play it in pairs or groups for a lack of resources? What is the role of the teacher in the success of video game implementation? How does a game react to multiple server requests in a short period of time? These are issues that are still largely unexplored in the educational game design literature.  相似文献   

Peer harassment is a major social problem affecting children and adolescents internationally. Much research has focused on student‐to‐student harassment from either an individual or a multilevel perspective. There is a paucity of multilevel research on students’ relationships with the classroom teacher. The purpose of this study was to use a socioecological perspective to examine the relationships between individual student‐level characteristics, problematic teacher–student relationships, and student‐reported peer harassment. A total of 1,864 children (50.7% female) aged 8 to 13 years (M = 9.82, SD = 1.24), nested in 27 schools (58.2% public) in Spain, participated in the study. Ninety‐four homeroom teachers reported on teacher–student relationships, and students completed self‐report measures related to peer harassment and teacher–student relationships. Multilevel models showed that relationships between students and teachers exerted a varying degree of influence on classroom levels of peer harassment. Specifically, student‐reported teacher support was associated with diminished student‐reported peer victimization, whereas direct and indirect student‐reported teacher‐to‐student aggression was associated with increased peer victimization. Additionally, student‐reported student‐to‐teacher aggression and teacher‐to‐student aggression were associated with increased student‐reported peer aggression. Teacher‐reported variables at the classroom level, however, contributed little to student‐reported outcomes. Results are discussed in the context of future research on relationships between teachers and students.  相似文献   

This article explores current debates about the development of teaching and learning in the UK. The author examines how these debates are mirrored in discussions about teacher education and notions of professionalism and professional development. There is an account of the history of thinking about pedagogy in the UK, with a particular focus on the work of Lawrence Stenhouse and his ??teacher as researcher?? conception of curriculum and teacher development. The author argues that this is a strong and useful model for the development of pedagogy. The ??teacher as researcher?? model is offered as a framework that integrates many different perspectives. The article concludes with a discussion of the blocks and facilitators to this vision of the teacher as researcher being adopted.  相似文献   

现代远程教育的发展增加了社会成员接受高等教育和选择的机会,全方 位、互动交流的教育环境便利了师生之间的交流,为建立平等、民主、和谐的新型师生关系创造了条件。本文试图从师生角色观的变化的视角探讨现代远程教育中的师生关系变化,并分析了影响远程教育中师生关系的因素。  相似文献   

The student–teacher relationship is critically important: influencing children's academic, social, behavioural and emotional development. While much research has examined the predictors and consequences of the student–teacher relationship across the school years, no review to date has focused specifically on the characteristics and outcomes of students who are already at a heightened risk of experiencing a negative student–teacher relationship. This review explores the characteristics that place students at such risk, the periods throughout schooling when students are most at risk, the influence of previous attachment relationships, including those with other teachers and parents, and the impact that a positive or negative student–teacher relationship can have. It concludes by examining the predictive and protective functions of student–teacher relationships: both for students in mainstream cohorts and for students who are at risk.  相似文献   

This contribution explores the relation of teacher experience with features of teacher–student relationships. Cross-sectional and longitudinal data were used to investigate this relation. The cross-sectional data set consisted of data on teacher–student relationships of over 6000 teachers with 1–36 years of experience. Teacher experience was compared with the amount of teacher influence and proximity in the relationship. The longitudinal data set included data on perceptions of teacher–student relationships of 343 teachers, that were collected each year during 2–20 years of these teachers’ career. Growth trajectories in these relationships were estimated for the first 20 years of the teaching career using multi-level analyses.Results showed that, on average, teachers’ ideal perceptions of influence and proximity were rather stable during the career. Teachers’ self-perceptions and students’ perceptions of proximity in the teacher–student relationship were rather stable as well. Students’ and teachers’ perceptions of teacher influence on average grew in the first 6 years of the teaching career.  相似文献   

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