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介绍了portal服务器及其配置,portal技术的安全体系结构,最后通过一个基于web的portlet组件讨论了portal的工作原理.  相似文献   

美国密歇根大学:2004年8月开始使用Sakai,现在安装的是Sakai2.3,在其上开发的平台称为CTools(https://ctools.umich.edu/portal)。到目前为止,在CTools上已创建17453个站点,共有67000名用户。  相似文献   

认证系统在校园网运营管理中起到非常关键的作用。文章阐述了校园网运营管理面临的问题,提出802.1X和web/portal二次认证系统方案。  相似文献   

目前,高校面临因应用系统不能有效集成导致的信息资源缺乏共享、硬件利用率低、用户缺乏统一的信息入口的问题.因此,本文采用SOA集成整合校园原有的系统,实现应用的集成、信息的共享,并融合云计算形成云计算中心,以提高硬件利用率,最后,在SOA和云计算融合的基础上,设计portal统一门户登录界面,满足用户的一站式服务需求.  相似文献   

根据高校数字化校园建设的需要,提出一个基于SOA架构的数字化校园门户的设计方案。结合portal技术设计统一门户入口、页面整合、角色访问控制、统一认证与单点登录、异构系统整合等,形成统一的SOA信息门户整体实施架构。实现资源整合,构建统一的用户管理、资源管理和权限控制,从而消除信息孤岛,方便校园用户应用及科学管理,降低门户实现和管理成本,提高工作效率。  相似文献   

<正>为了反思"种子的萌发"一节的教学,使学生学会探究方案的设计及在亲历真实实验现象的观察活动中自主构建生物学概念,笔者从"教学环节设计与时间分配""活动设计与效果""活动中学生的参与情况""问题引领及效果"4个观察视角来进行观课。根据设计的观察表,笔者反复观看自己"种子的萌发"一节课堂教学视频(http://lslk.eduyun.cn/portal/redesign/index/index.jsp?sdResIdCaseId=ff8080814ecf13e2014ed843aff061ad&t=2)和教学设  相似文献   

The reinforcement effect of a reconstruction scheme for a steel factory building was investigated using finite element method and dynamic performance test. The workshop concerned is a portal frame structure with four spans and two slope roofs, of which ten columns need cutting for expanding span. The design and reconstruction pro- ject of column-cut supported by joist were introduced, which includes column reinforcement, connection rebuilding between brackets and crane beams, and the changing of rigid joint into hinge joint. The construction scheme was put forward in the light of the characteristics of the reinforcement and reconstruction. Spot test of dynamic performance on the workshop and comparison with theoretical analysis results show that the column-cut supported by joist design is effective and the reconstruction project is successful.  相似文献   

More recent motivational research focuses on the identification of effective techniques for enhancing instructional design and meeting the needs of diverse student populations (Wlodkowski R. J., 1981). Learning-motivation researchers are applying some of the same theories and concepts found to be effective in industry to the development of motivational models that enhance the teaching-learning environment. One of such models is the Attention Relevance Confidence Satisfaction (ARCS) model of motivational design developed by John M. Keller (Small Ruth V., 2007). The continuous improvement in handheld devices technologies has led to a new learning paradigm called mobile learning which involves the delivery of learning contents to learners utilizing mobile computing devices. Handheld devices, however, have constraints which limit their use for effective learning. Towards improving the effectiveness of mobile learning is a new mobile learning model proposed by Shih on which instructional designs for mobile learning can be based to facilitate mobile learning design and to achieve better mobile learning outcomes (Yushin E. Shih & Dennis Mills, 2007). Shih's model is based on Graphical User Interface (GUI). This paper presents an enhanced Shih's model for effective mobile learning outcome in a university environment by making provision for instructional design to include online library search for both e-books and audio books using collaborative filtering algorithm to aid the search and posting and reading of testimonials about positive mobile learning outcomes so as to encourage other mobile learners. It also incorporates the use of Voice User Interface (VUI) to access the learning portal in order to overcome mobile devices interface limitations in addition to Graphical User Interface (GUI) proposed by Shih, so as to cater for the learning needs of the blind and the visually impaired.  相似文献   

Background/aim:Currently, the liver is cold-preserved at 0~4 °C for experimental and clinical purposes. Here, we investigated whether milder hypothermia during the initial phase of the preservation period was beneficial for liver viability upon reperfusion. Methods:In the first set of experiments, rat livers were preserved either conventionally in clinically used histidine-trypthopan-ketoglutarate (HTK) solution (Group A:45 min and Group B:24 h) or by slow cooling HTK solution (from 13 °C to 3 °C) during the initial 45 min of preservation (Group C:24 h). In the second set of experiments, additional groups of livers were evaluated:Group BB—preservation according to Group B and Group CC—preservation according to Group C. Further, some livers were preserved at 13 °C for 24 h. Livers were then reperfused using a blood-free perfusion model. Results:Bile production was approximately 2-fold greater in Group C compared to Group B. Alanine transaminase (ALT) and aspartate transaminase (AST) release into perfusate were 2~3-fold higher in Group B compared to Group C. No significant differences were found in ALT and AST release between Group C and Group A. Livers in Group CC compared to Group BB exhibited significantly lower portal resistance, greater oxygen consumption and bromosulfophthalein excretion into bile and lower lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release into perfusate. Histological evaluation of tissue sections in Group BB showed parenchymal dystrophy of hepatocytes, while dystrophy of hepatocytes was absent in Group CC. Livers preserved at 13 °C for 24 h exhibited severe ischemic injury. Conclusion:These results suggest that the conventional way of liver preservation is not suitable at least for rat livers and that slow cooling of HTK solution during the initial phase of cold storage can improve liver viability during reperfusion.  相似文献   

Background/aim: Currently, the liver is cold-preserved at 0-4 ℃ for experimental and clinical purposes. Here, we investigated whether milder hypothermia during the initial phase of the preservation period was beneficial for liver viability upon reperfusion. Methods: In the first set of experiments, rat livers were preserved either conventionally in clinically used histidine-trypthopan-ketoglutarate (HTK) solution (Group A: 45 min and Group B: 24 h) or by slow cooling HTK solution (from 13 ℃ to 3 ℃) during the initial 45 min of preservation (Group C: 24 h). In the second set of experiments, additional groups of livers were evaluated: Group BB-preservation according to Group B and Group CC-preservation according to Group C. Further, some livers were preserved at 13 ℃ for 24 h. Livers were then reperfused using a blood-free perfusion model. Results: Bile production was approximately 2-fold greater in Group C compared to Group B. Alanine transaminase (ALT) and aspartate transaminase (AST) release into perfusate were 2-3-fold higher in Group B compared to Group C. No significant differences were found in ALT and AST release between Group C and Group A. Livers in Group CC compared to Group BB exhibited significantly lower portal resistance, greater oxygen consumption and bromosulfophthalein excretion into bile and lower lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release into perfusate. Histological evaluation of tissue sections in Group BB showed parenchymal dystrophy of hepatocytes, while dystrophy ofhepatocytes was absent in Group CC. Livers preserved at 13 ℃ for 24 h exhibited severe ischemic injury Conclusion: These results suggest that the conventional way of liver preservation is not suitable at least for rat livers and that slow cooling of HTK solution during the initial phase of cold storage can improve liver viability during reperfusion.  相似文献   

春风———春天的使者,你饱含深情,悄悄地来到人间,轻快地奔跑着,送来了温暖的阳光,逗笑了冰冻的小河,唤醒了冬眠的小生灵,吹绿了大地,吹艳了各色的花。不信么,请看,田野上,一朵朵花开了,红红的、白白的、黄黄的……像赶趟子似的,姹紫嫣红,争奇斗艳。这时节,可把蜜蜂忙坏了:他呼朋引伴,欢快地歌唱,和彩蝶一起,在花丛中跳集体舞,这朵花上闻闻,那朵花上吻吻。孩子们更是欢天喜地,他们擎着各色各样的风筝,奔跑着,呼喊着,童心随着风筝飞上了蓝天。啊。春风,你不但吹绿了大地,而且吹暖了人们的心。春风$东台市廉贻二…  相似文献   

潘雪 《家教指南》2005,(3):24-25
在校园里广泛流行,经久不衰的一首儿歌唱道:秋天到了,小鸟恋爱了,蚂蚁同居了,苍蝇怀孕了,蚊子流产了,蝴蝶离婚了,毛毛虫改嫁了,年轻的你还等什么呢?  相似文献   

静悄悄,静悄悄,我们在森林里听松涛。听,风来了,风来了,听,涛声响了,涛声响了!沙—像小雨掠过了树梢,喻—像大海在头顶涨潮。小鹿停止了奔跑,鸟儿在天空舞蹈,大自然的音乐多么美,我们陶醉在森林的怀拖。静悄悄,静悄悄,我们在森林里听松涛。听,风小了,风小了,听  相似文献   

心底的快乐太多,看,溢出来了,一层层地,染红了脸颊;心底的希望太大,看,溜出来了,一缕缕地,扮靓了全身;我要是那只蜜蜂就好了,可以跟你说些悄悄话,因为我的心里也满载着春天的快乐和希望,快要装不下了。  相似文献   

铁路作为“历史上最具革命性的工具”,它在中国的起步经历了一个艰难曲折的过程,然而,它的出现对中国近代社会的影响是巨大的,主要表现在,铁路加快了人口流动,促进了沿线地区经济的发展,推动了近代中国城市化的进程,加强了各地区之间的联系,加快了地区间信息传递的速度,扩大了地域间的文化交流,转变了人们的意识形态。可见,铁路是一种先进的生产力,大大推动了社会的发展进程,是社会嬗变的推进器。  相似文献   

通过开设探索性、综合性实验,开放重点实验室,创新实验教学形式和方法等措施,试行了萜类化学实验教学改革,通过改革,激发了学生的求知欲和探索精神,调动了学生的积极性和创造性,提高了学生的实验操作技能,培养了学生分析和解决问题的能力,学生自主创新能力得到了明显提高。同时,也转变了教师重理论轻实践的传统观念,提高了教师的技能素质和科研能力,自身的学术水平也得到了较大提高。  相似文献   

孙中山将同盟会的纲领阐发为民族,民权,民生的三民主义,扩大了统一战线,赢得了辛亥革命的胜利,建立了资产阶段共和国,结束了绵延两千余年的封建君坟专利政体。马克思主义的广泛传播,新文化运动的蓬勃发展,在共产国际,苏联和中共帮助下,孙中山确立了联俄,联共,扶助农工的三大政策,并发展了三民主义,指导了两次国共合作统一线的实现,取得了北伐战争和抗日战争的胜利,大大推动了新民主主义革命事业的发展。  相似文献   

贾平凹 《新读写》2009,(4):15-15
树林子像一块面团了,四面都在鼓,鼓了就陷,陷了再鼓;接着就向一边倒,漫地而行的;呼地又腾上来了,飘忽不能固定;猛地又扑向另一边去,再也扯不断,忽大忽小,忽聚忽散;已经完全没有方向了。然后一切都在旋,树林子往一处挤,绿似乎被拉长了许多,往上扭,往上扭,落叶冲起一个偌大的蘑菇长在了空中。哗地一声,乱了满天黑点,绿全然又压扁开来,清清楚楚看见了里边的房舍,墙头。  相似文献   

那是我上二年级的时候,期中考试,第一节考了数学,第二节考语文,老师把语文卷发下来,我便拿起笔进入了紧张的考试,题不算难,正当我感到高兴的时候,却被一道题卡住了。这道题是我们学过的,竟然有20分,我的天呀!如果这道题不做的话,我的冠军美梦也就破碎了,这时我想起了抄。我像个小老鼠似的,东张张西望望,看到安全了才把语文书偷偷地抽了出来,可这时偏偏老师又朝我这边走来,我吓得满头大汗,头也不敢抬,赶紧把书放了进去。老师走了以后,我才偷偷地把书又抽了出来,顺利地抄了下来……星期一,上午第一节课,老师面带笑容…  相似文献   

面对世界石油、石化工业日益激烈的竞争,全方位降低成本,提高经济效益,已成为国外各大石油石化公司孜孜以求的目标。对成本最低化的追求推动了大公司之间的兼并联合,加快了产业结构的调整,提高了资产的运作水平,优化了资源和市场配置,促进了技术进步,强化了企业的经营管理,精简了人员和机构,提高了经济效益。  相似文献   

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