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在学习外语的过程中,学习者都会因母语而受到不同程度的干扰,而导致学习过程中产生诸多问题。本文从语音、词汇、语法三方面阐述了母语在韩国学生学习汉语过程中产生干扰的问题,并试对此提出解决建议。  相似文献   

Stephanie K. Kim 《Compare》2016,46(1):116-135
Under the slogan of internationalisation, Korean universities have opened international colleges as a way to better attract and accommodate foreign students. However, due to a lack of foreign student recruiting capability, the majority of the students who enrol at one such international college are not foreign, but Korean. Contradictions arise when the English-language medium enforced by the foreign faculty members of the college conflicts with the linguistic practices of the mostly Korean student body. This article uses an international college in South Korea as a case study for the examination of the role of English on student life at Asian universities pursuing internationalisation strategies via the recruitment of foreign faculty members. Paradoxically, by establishing an international college that aggressively enforces the English language medium, the Korean university has created an environment where students avoid using English at all.  相似文献   

分析了韩国的中国学研究发展历程及特点,认为韩国与中国同属汉字儒家文化圈,加上历史传统与地缘上的密切联系,全面认识和了解韩国的中国学研究历史和现状,总结韩国的中国学研究方法和特点,对于开拓国内学者的马克思主义中国化研究视角和方法有着积极的意义。  相似文献   

Lee Y  Kim S 《Child abuse & neglect》2011,35(12):1037-1044


This study explored the prevalence of childhood maltreatment in South Korea using the retrospective version of ICAST and the associations between perceptions of abuse experienced during childhood and recent interpersonal problems and depression.


539 young persons, aged 18–24 years, from various universities, work places, and clinical settings participated in a study using the ISPCAN Child Abuse Screening Tool-Retrospective Version (ICAST-R), the short form of the Korean-Inventory of Interpersonal Problems Circumplex Scale (KIIP-SC), and the Korean version of the Beck Depression Inventory (K-BDI).


While males reported more physical abuse, females reported being exposed to more emotional or sexual abuse. The proportion of reported extra-familial or peer abuse was relatively high. Interpersonal problems and depression were significantly high for those who experienced all types of abuse during childhood. Perception of physical abuse as reasonable/justified discipline affected interpersonal problems and perception of emotional abuse when compared to peers affected interpersonal problems and depression. Unlike previous studies, this study identified more depressive symptoms reported with disclosure of sexual abuse.

Practice implications

These findings highlight the importance of understanding how one perceives maltreatment. Perceiving an abusive act as a justifiable disciplinary method may affect reporting as well as longer term consequences for the victim. A wide range of perpetrators and different settings in which maltreatment may occur must be considered as influencing these perceptions. This study contributed to the determination of validity of the ICAST-R for use in wider population surveys.  相似文献   

在跨国移民的研究中,文化适应是一个备受关注的问题,文化冲击则是一个分阶段的文化适应过程。在韩国的中国移民中,朝鲜族是一个特殊的族群。朝鲜族和韩国人有着同源的文化和血脉,随着中韩建交他们是最早进入韩国社会的中国移民。语言相通加之文化同源,他们在韩国社会经历着不同于其他移民的文化适应过程。在韩朝鲜族在经历了到韩半岛寻根的期冀,到无法真正融入韩国社会的失意,现在他们开始重新调整自己在韩国社会的定位,文化适应过程正在从危机期走向调整期。  相似文献   

越南留学生汉语学习策略分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文根据目前在广西学习汉语的留学生以越南人为主的情况,用Oxford的语言学习策略量表(SILL)对越南留学生进行问卷凋查,以了解他们学习汉语时使用学习策略的情况。对调查结果的分析表明,越南留学生使用最多的是元认知策略和社交策略,其次是补偿策略和认知策略,使用比较少的是情感策略和记忆策略。本文还对越南留学生为何如此选择学习策略的原因作了初步分析。  相似文献   

Some recent attention has been directed towards the role that post‐16 colleges can play in providing young people at risk of exclusion from school with opportunities to experience ‘alternative’ curricula and ways of learning. In this article the case of ‘Darren’ is considered, a boy for whom education in a mainstream secondary school setting appeared to have grown increasingly disjointed and irrelevant. This ‘case’ is used to highlight some of the challenges involved in school–college liaison in supporting young people who experience social, emotional and behavioural difficulties (SEBD).  相似文献   

This year marks the 25th anniversary since action learning (AL) was first introduced in 1993 in South Korea. Although AL has greatly contributed to meeting organizational needs so that it would result in its strong presence as an organizational learning tool, there is no single review study on the development of AL practice in Korea. The purpose of this study, therefore, was to examine the development of AL practice in Korea to understand its current state and envision the future. To that end, two research questions guided our inquiry: What are the distinctive features of the development of AL practice in Korea? What is unique about the development of AL practice in Korea? To answer the two research questions, we conducted semi-structured interviews with 13 AL practitioners who have experienced AL practice for many years, analyzed 13 annual AL conference proceedings published since 2005, and reviewed Korean publications on AL published since 2000. Based on the triangulated data analysis, we discuss the uniqueness of the development of AL practice in Korea and implications for research and practice.  相似文献   

本文立足了解韩国中小学道德教育目标、内容、方式和评价的研究,以期给我国学校道德教育带来一点启示。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代中期以来,为扭转人才流失、缩小教育领域贸易赤字并提高高等教育核心竞争力,韩国政府开始积极推进高等教育国际化建设。各高校为提升大学排名、获得政府财政资助并增加学费收入,积极配合政府实施各项高等教育国际化策略。韩国政府出台《留学韩国计划》吸引外国留学生以提高生源国际化水平,设立"21世纪智慧韩国"工程提高科研水平以加快科研国际化步伐,通过"世界一流大学项目"引进优秀外籍教授以加强师资队伍国际化建设,提高英语授课课程比例以深化课程国际化改革,建立区域教育枢纽以打造高等教育国际化高地,同时整合有效资源以丰富国际化形式。当前韩国高等教育国际化虽保持良好的发展势头,但仍存在很多亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

韩国通过建设终身学习城市,完善了终身教育体系,推广了终身学习的理念,增加了居民终身学习的机会,以期实现学习强国。本文分析了韩国终身学习城市的源起及发展背景,研究了其终身学习城市的发展现状及特点,并对韩国终身学习城市的评选标准及其成效进行了介绍。随着我国终身学习活动的推广,建设终身学习城市也迫在眉睫。研究韩国终身学习城市,对我们学习型城市的建设有着重要的启示作用。  相似文献   

没钱如何办好学校,这也许是绝大多数中国高校校长最关心的问题。对A学院的案例研究表明,该校1997年至2003年发展的基本经验可概括为以下三条:(1)以规模效益为核心的学校发展战略;(2)在全校范围内强调经营意识与成本意识;(3)积极与地方政府合作,建立高校与地方之间的良性共生关系。该案例研究还表明,从组织管理理论的角度看,变化的社会环境与高校应变能力之间的不对称性问题,规模发展与质量控制问题,组织发展的阶段性与相应组织管理改革问题,建立适合创新型高校生存与发展的公共治理环境问题等,是当前中国地方普通高校和民办高校共同面临的问题。  相似文献   

韩国从1971年最初设立特殊班级开始,历经40年的发展,目前已形成独具特色的全纳教育体系.回顾韩国全纳教育的产生与发展,分析韩国全纳教育的实践策略与存在问题,对中国随班就读的理论与实践具有重要借鉴与参考价值.  相似文献   

韩国终身教育在20世纪60年代开始兴起,经过40多年的努力,韩国政府不断扩大终身教育机会,用多种政策法规促进终身教育的发展。从终身教育思想、机会、相关法规及政策等方面分析韩国终身教育发展的特点。  相似文献   

成人教育具有终身性、开放性和自主性的学习特点,在终身教育、终身学习体系中具有独特地位。韩国一直非常重视教育,在终身教育思想的影响下,成人教育取得了巨大成功。学习和借鉴其主要经验,对于我国成人教育的改革与发展有所裨益。  相似文献   

韩国的现代化发展经历了开始、高潮和平稳三个阶段,积累了一定的经验和教训,针对我国现代化发展的问题也有一定的借鉴意义,本文从政府与市场的关系、政府和企业的关系、出口贸易和国际市场的关系、生产和科研的关系等四个方面总结出了韩国现代化发展历程对中国现代化的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This article presents a linear-analytical case study on the development of ICT within the educational systems of Chile and South Korea. Through a comprehensive meta-data analysis and bibliographic review, we collected information on both educational systems and their ICT adoption policies. Key differences necessary to understand how both countries have developed their educational systems by integrating ICT were analyzed, including the educational system structure, the organization of state entities responsible for educational ICT, cultural characteristics, the creation of policies regarding ICT in education, and the effectiveness of such policies for the expansion of infrastructure and the ICT curriculum integration. We analyze these key differences in order to understand two cases of ICT integration initiatives on a national level, so that we might better understand the primary factors that influence successful ICT integration, as well as those that may hinder progress in this area.  相似文献   

作为高等教育重要组成部分的研究生教育,在提高综合国力、科技竞争力以及国际地位方面发挥着举足轻重的作用,比较分析中韩两国在研究生教育制度方面的差异及造成这些差异的原因,会对我国的研究生教育有所启迪,对于我国高等学校自身的发展及缩小与世界著名大学的差距有重要意义。  相似文献   

This article examines the relevance of postcolonialism in early childhood education, with special reference to the kindergarten education system of South Korea. Most of the research on Korean kindergarten education has conceptualized it as preparing children for their later schooling and helping them learn the moral and social values most desired by society. In order to problematize such a monolithic conceptualization of kindergarten education, this article intends to reconceptualize it by analysing Korean kindergarten education in the context of its postcolonial condition. Using a postcolonial framework and Foucault's concepts of power and discourse, this article provides significant insights into reclaiming kindergarten education as a historical, cultural, and discursive product. With a specific focus on different conceptions of “readiness” as an example, how kindergarten education in Korea has become hybrid through postcolonial experiences is further elaborated.  相似文献   

职业教育在韩国快速工业化的进程中起了关键作用。韩国发展职业教育的成功经验对我们有重要的启示。我国在工业化过程中须坚持全面、协调、可持续发展,创新机制,最大限度追求质量效益。  相似文献   

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