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Increasing the cultural and linguistic diversity of the teaching workforce in Australia was a key recommendation of the House of Representatives Standing Committee Inquiry into Teacher Education in their report, Top of the Class (written by L. Hartsuyker Hartsuyker, L. 2007. Top of the class: Report of the inquiry into teacher education, (Report by the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Education and Vocational Training) Canberra, Australia: The Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia.  [Google Scholar]). The report reflects findings from national and international research that support the need to increase the diversity of the teaching profession as a means to improve student outcomes, particularly given the increasingly diverse make-up of student populations. The Hartsuyker Report also notes, as a “national concern”, the relatively low enrolment of World English-speaking (WES) students in Australian teacher education courses and calls for targeted funding by the federal government for further research into why this is the case (as discussed by J. Han and M. Singh in 2007 Han, J. and Singh, M. 2007b. Getting World English speaking student teachers to the top of the class: Making hope for ethno-cultural diversity in teacher education robust. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 35(3): 291309. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). This paper seeks to add to current research on the attraction and retention of WES students into Initial Teacher Education (ITE) programmes in Australia. It does so by relating some of the key findings from a case study of three WES Education Assistants, originally from Malaysia, who retrained to become teachers through an ITE programme at an Australian university. Significantly, as a result of a partnership developed between a school and a university, they entered the programme through an alternative access course, were awarded Recognition of Prior Learning for their work experience, and were able to remain in their community while studying externally. They were also provided ongoing mentoring support by the teaching staff and myself as programme co-ordinator. This paper aims to add to current research in this field by identifying the key driving and restraining forces that impacted on their ability to become teachers via an Australian ITE programme.  相似文献   

In recent years, multimedia technologies have become increasingly common in teaching practice. Digital video has provided a welcome alternative to traditional instructional techniques. Though it has been used to facilitate research collaboration [Armstrong, V., & Curran, S. (2006 Armstrong, V., & Curran, S. (2006). “Developing a Collaborative Model of Research Using Digital Video.” Computers & Education 46 (3): 336–347  [Google Scholar]). “Developing a Collaborative Model of Research Using Digital Video.” Computers & Education 46 (3): 336–347], it remains an under-utilized resource for presentation and research dissemination in doctoral education. The Innovation Academy at Trinity College Dublin and University College Dublin has established innovation and entrepreneurship alongside research and education as an integral element of the PhD programme. Since 2010, the Innovation Academy has facilitated the use of digital video within an interactive multidisciplinary learning environment. While enrolled on a Graduate Certificate in Innovation and Entrepreneurship, over 100 doctoral students have planned, shot, edited and presented a short video, ‘pitching’ their PhD research. This paper details the rationale and process of capturing complex research findings using this medium. We explore the challenges of using video to organize empirical data, visually represent theoretical concepts and evaluate its effectiveness in communicating PhD research to non-expert groups, the wider academic community and potential industry partners. Based on our findings, we reflect on how digital video may be used as a valuable tool for learning in action.  相似文献   

Is it still possible to combine two programmes of study in higher education, and if so, what are the characteristics of these double‐students and what kind of obstacles do they face? In the Netherlands, about 10 percent of students in university education take two studies at the same time.

Different theoretical approaches offer hypotheses to explain the choice of students for a second study, compared to students who pursue the regular one‐study programme. Human capital as well as financial (socio‐economic) capital theory provides some insights in this choice process. Education programme‐related factors, as well as motivational and (social and academic) integration (Tinto, 1987 Tinto V 1987 Leaving College: Rethinking the Causes and Cures of Student Attrition Chicago The University of Chicago Press  [Google Scholar]) factors, will possibly be important determinants for pursuing one or two study programmes in higher education.  相似文献   

This article reviews Check-In, Check-Out (CICO; Hawken & Horner, 2003 Hawken, L., & Horner, R. (2003). Evaluation of targeted intervention within a schoolwide system of behavior support. Journal of Behavioral Education, 12, 225240.[Crossref] [Google Scholar]) as an intervention within a multitiered system of support. Although literature has emerged demonstrating successful intervention outcomes for a wide range of students (e.g., Campbell & Anderson, 2011 Campbell, A., & Anderson, C. M. (2011). Check-In/Check-Out: A systematic evaluation and component analysis. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 4, 315326.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]; Hawken & Horner, 2003 Hawken, L., & Horner, R. (2003). Evaluation of targeted intervention within a schoolwide system of behavior support. Journal of Behavioral Education, 12, 225240.[Crossref] [Google Scholar]), insufficient attention has focused on the administrative and organizational systems needed for high-fidelity, sustained adoption of these practices to maximize student outcomes. We address this need by demonstrating how to explicitly and systematically embed CICO into the multitiered system of supports by reviewing data, systems, and practices needed to sustain high-quality Tier 2 interventions such as CICO. One school district's systems implementation data and student outcome data are shared highlighting lessons learned during training, initial implementation, and follow-up related to CICO systems in schools. The article emphasizes the roles of school psychologists as well as the importance of collaboration with other educators in CICO implementation.  相似文献   

The PhD viva has been described as mysterious (Burnham 1994 Burnham, P. 1994. Surviving the doctoral viva: Unravelling the mystery of the Ph.D. oral. Journal of Graduate Education, 1: 3034.  [Google Scholar]; Morley et al. 2002 Morley, L., Leonard, D. and David, M. 2002. Variations in vivas: Quality and equality in British PhD assessments. Studies in Higher Education, 27(3): 263273. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), unpredictable (Rugg & Petre 2004 Rugg, G. and Petre, M. 2004. The unwritten rules of PhD research, Maidenhead: Open University Press.  [Google Scholar]) and potentially frightening for students (Delamont et al. 2004 Delamont, S., Atkinson, P. and Parry, O. 2004. Supervising the doctorate: A guide to success, Maidenhead: Open University Press.  [Google Scholar]), with its form and duration a function of the predilections of individual examiners as well as a function of differences across disciplines. Despite its myriad manifestations, the PhD viva voce (live voice), as oral examination of the doctoral thesis, constitutes the final ‘test’ of the PhD endeavour. In the UK, this is a private event, though in some countries such as Belgium and the Netherlands, for example, the viva is conducted in a public arena (Delamont et al. 2004 Delamont, S., Atkinson, P. and Parry, O. 2004. Supervising the doctorate: A guide to success, Maidenhead: Open University Press.  [Google Scholar]). Although there is no standard or prescribed format, students across all disciplines can expect to defend their thesis through a process involving questioning, clarification and discussion of key elements. This critical commentary discusses a number of issues that inform the preparation of students, focusing on the role of the internal and external examiner, the viva voce process, guidance for students and some practical suggestions for supervisors and students, particularly the value of full role-play in building students’ confidence. The extent to which the doctoral viva, in its current ‘secret’ form, can be seen as a fully accountable and independently rigorous process is taken up in the conclusion that highlights the phenomenon of ‘cosy’ reciprocal examining arrangements, the spectre of litigation when things go wrong and the need to consider a fundamental review of both the purpose and conduct of the viva.  相似文献   

Continuing professional development (CPD) doctorate programmes may not be the only learning and development opportunities which universities and other organisations can provide for educational psychology practitioners (EPs). However, as Morris and Brightman pointed out in 2006 Morris, S. and Brightman, C. 2006. In what ways can universities make a relevant contribution to the provision of relevant continuing professional development (CPD) activities for EPs?. CPD Link, 28: 324.  [Google Scholar], they are likely to continue as important sources for professional development for some years to come. Such programmes serve the purposes of providing continuing professional development for individuals, conferring higher status on the professional group and, for some, developing specialist skills and knowledge. This paper reports on two studies carried out nearly a decade apart. The first involved the collation of data from eight focus groups in London and the Home Counties who discussed the costs and benefits of setting up part‐time doctoral programmes for experienced practitioners in 1998, as discussed by Cameron in 1999 Cameron, R.J. 1999. “Continuing professional development in educational psychology: Practitioners’ views on a new part‐time doctoral programme at UCL”. (Unpublished internal report: available from the author on request.) [Google Scholar], and the other was a small‐scale follow‐up survey in 2007 using a questionnaire which was based on the issues arising from the earlier focus group discussions and which was designed to explore consistent, changed and evolving views and opinions of practitioner EPs towards this extended form of EP professional training. While both studies uncovered evidence of the research–practice divide which has been a feature of EP practice for many decades, it was clear from the 2007 survey that much of the ambivalence of practitioners to the “academic dimension” of training, present in the first investigation, had dissipated and that national doctorate programmes for experienced practitioners had become a familiar feature of the educational and child psychology landscape. Some theory/research versus practice tensions still remain, however, and these, together with their likely implications for current and future developments in the profession, are also considered. Finally, some key issues arising from both the 1998 and the 2007 studies are used to illuminate the potential role of CPD doctorates in enabling EPs to address future challenges in the practice context.  相似文献   


This paper reports on research undertaken into the processes through which student teachers begin to formulate an identity as a professional teacher. Using Fuller's investigations into the attitudes of trainee teachers towards their courses (1969) as a baseline, a discussion is established on the place of the student voice in contemporary initial teacher training programmes. In order to further investigate the potential importance of affording student teachers the opportunity to reflect on and express their thinking and feeling as they embark on their chosen career path, the concerns of a group of student drama teachers were recorded and interpreted. The vehicle for this exercise involved writing and subsequently performing reflective monologues. These were analysed by using The Listening Guide as composed by Gilligan et al. (2003 Gilligan, C., Spencer, R., Weinberg, M. K. and Bertsch, T. 2003. “On the Listening Guide: a voice-centered relational model”. In Qualitative Research in Psychology Edited by: Camic, P. M., Rhodes, J. E. and Yardley, L. 157172.  [Google Scholar]). This paper illustrates how the methodology revealed distinct yet generally harmonious voices at work in the group in the first few weeks of their training year. Subsequent analysis suggests a model for the initial formation of a teaching identity built on aspects of self, role and character. Recognising the relative values and relationships between these factors for student teachers may, it is argued, provide greater security for them while affording their tutors insights which could help them to re‐shape initial teacher training programmes.  相似文献   

Across Europe there are growing concerns about Islamophobia and far-right and anti-democratic movements. Until Anders Behring Breivik’s July 2011 attacks in which 77 died, Norway’s vulnerability was not perceived as great as that of other jurisdictions. Breivik declared his abhorrence of multiculturalism but also drew the world’s attention to intolerance and xenophobia in Europe, increasingly directed towards Muslims. In response, Prime Minister Stoltenberg spoke widely of ‘the new Norwegian we’, cautioning against exclusionary discourses and underlining that minorities are an equal part of Norwegian society. This paper examines education policy in the context both of extreme right political activity and national and international debates about nationalism and cosmopolitanism, considering ways in which policy supports an inclusive notion of nationhood, and ways in which it promotes an exclusive model of national identity. Drawing on framing questions from the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement’s 1995 International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (1995). National case studies final guidelines. Amsterdam: IEA. [Google Scholar] civic education study, relating to national identity and social cohesion, it examines how programmes address social cohesion, human rights, cultural diversity, and conceptualise minorities. It assesses the effectiveness of cross-curricular approaches to contribute to justice and equality and challenge racism in a multicultural society, proposing an inclusive model of education for cosmopolitan citizenship, which incorporates diversity.  相似文献   

The success or failure of a school reform can be measured by whether the reform has become an accepted, effective, and sustainable part of the school's culture. For example, as the National Middle School Association (2003 National Middle School Association. 2003. Research and resources in support of “This we Believe”, Westerville, OH: Author.  [Google Scholar]) argued, “new programs must become integral to the school culture” (p. 11) before a school can call itself a “middle” school. But how can a school monitor its progress, and at what point can a school claim that a new reform or new programme has become part of its culture? Wallace's revitalisation theory (1956), Hall and Hord's Processural Structure (1986) and Hall, Wallace, and Dossett's Concerns-Based Adoption Model (1973) are used to describe the cultural revitalisation taking place with the introduction of middle schooling into Australia and specifically within 3 Queensland middle schools. Results have highlighted gaps and tension points that need to be resolved before any widespread cultural transformation can be claimed.  相似文献   


The purpose of this research study was to understand how mathematics majors make sense of similar matrices, a linear algebra topic that is rich in internal and external connections, in a series of in-depth qualitative interviews in a technology-assisted (MATLAB) learning environment. The study was also an attempt to develop a cognitive theory in mathematics majors’ treatment of similar matrices and matrix representations of linear transformations in a computer-assisted learning environment by drawing primarily on three aspects of the experimental mathematics methodology, made possible by using modern digital tools to enhance learning: testing conjectures, suggesting proofs, and, computing lengthy hand derivations (Borwein &; Bailey, 2003 Borwein, J. M., &; Bailey, D. H. (2003). Experiments in mathematics: Computational paths to discovery. Natick, MA: AK Peters. [Google Scholar]). The analysis revealed a diversity of innovative ways by which research participants coordinated analytic and computational (MATLAB) methods for understanding matrix similarity and its connections to the rest of linear algebra. The paper concludes by offering pedagogical implications and recommendations for further research.  相似文献   

Synthesizing research with practice in a meaningful manner continues to be a challenge, particularly in relation to securing the place of play in the school setting. The struggle for early childhood teacher educators in dealing with the realities of this research-to-practice dilemma requires constructive action. A theoretical framework that is embedded within Howard Gardner's (2007 Gardner, H. 2007. Five minds for the future, Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Publishing.  [Google Scholar]) Five Minds for the Future is recommended, along with strategies for the practitioner in the field and implications for the teacher educator.  相似文献   

Online learning has enjoyed increasing popularity in gerontology. This paper presents instructional strategies grounded in Fink's (2003 Fink , L. D. ( 2003 ). Creating significant learning experiences: An integrated approach to designing college courses . San Francisco : Jossey Bass . [Google Scholar]) theory of significant learning designed for the completely asynchronous online gerontology classroom. It links these components with the development of mastery learning goals and provides specific guidelines for incorporating these principles into each aspect of the online classroom such as the syllabus and presentation areas (class announcements, lectures, conferences, study groups). Strategies for cultivating connection to promote learning and retention in the online classroom and directions for future research on these pedagogical strategies are proposed.  相似文献   

This paper argues that in order to begin loosening the ties that bind care and gender in primary education, we need to re-examine the knowledge sought and found by educational research about teachers. The focus is primarily on how we understand men who teach. Through an examination of two scholarly texts – Ashley, M., and J. Lee [2003 Ashley, M., and J. Lee. 2003. Women Teaching Boys: Caring and Working in the Primary School. Stoke-on-Trent: Trentham. [Google Scholar]. Women Teaching Boys: Caring and Working in the Primary School. Stoke-on-Trent: Trentham] and King, J. [1998 King, J. 1998. Uncommon Caring: Learning from Men Who Teach Young Children. New York: TCP. [Google Scholar]. Uncommon Caring: Learning from Men Who Teach Young Children. New York: TCP] – I argue that we must be mindful that our research can effectively produce and reiterate common-sense understandings of men that binds them to the hegemonic masculine ideal. It is argued that mixed-method qualitative research that untangles the layers of context influencing the lives of men who teach is important. The paper also suggests that the study of male teachers' emotions, as at once individual and social, and private and public, can disrupt the rational–emotional binary that cements care to gender and reveal new configurations of the gender order.  相似文献   

The relationship between home and school is an integral feature of how pupils learn and parents have a central role to play in their child’s education. Philosophical and practical discourse around inclusion has informed and directed inclusive policy in recent years. In Northern Ireland, it has latterly been conducted under the auspices of emerging and revised legislation that is intended to promote the rights of children with special educational needs (SEN) and their families. This paper will examine provision for SEN within the evolving continuum of education in Northern Ireland. The paper will explore findings from the qualitative phase of recent research (O’Connor et al, 2003 O’Connor, U., Hartop, B. and McConkey, R. 2003. Parental attitudes to the statutory assessment and statementing procedures on special educational needs, Bangor: Department of Education.  [Google Scholar]) on parental perceptions of SEN provision and contextualize these within the recent changes in educational policy and legislation. It will examine the research findings and their implications within the context of school practice, institutional and professional development.  相似文献   

The development of advanced writing skills has been neglected in schools of the United States, with even some college graduates lacking the level of ability required in the workplace (National Commission on Writing, 2003 National Commission on Writing. April 2003. The neglected “R”: The need for a writing revolution April, Retrieved December 1, 2008, from http://www.writingcommission.org/prod_downloads/writingcom/neglectedr.pdf [Google Scholar], 2004 National Commission on Writing. September 2004. Writing: A ticket to work… or a ticket out: A survey of business leaders September, Retrieved December 1, 2008, from http://www.writingcommission.org/prod_downloads/writingcom/writing-ticket-to-work.pdf [Google Scholar]). The core problem, we argue, is an insufficient degree of appropriate task practice distributed throughout the secondary and higher education curriculum. We draw on the power law of skill acquisition, the role of deliberate practice in expert performance, and the uniquely intensive demands that advanced written composition place on working memory to make this case. A major impediment to assigning enough writing tasks is the time and effort involved in grading papers to provide feedback. We close by considering possible solutions to the grading problem.  相似文献   

The formative Assessment for Learning proposals outlined by Black and Wiliam (e.g. Black et al., 2002 Black P Harrison C Lee C Marshall B Wiliam D 2002 Working inside the black box: assessment for learning in the classroom (London, King's College)  [Google Scholar]) have been well publicised. Since 2002, in its Assessment is for Learning programme, the Scottish Executive Education Department (SEED) has been exploring ways of bringing research, policy and practice in assessment into closer alignment using research on both assessment and transformational change. This paper focuses on one project within Assessment Is for Learning, in which pilot primary and secondary schools across Scotland were encouraged to develop formative assessment approaches in classrooms. They were supported in this by researchers, curriculum developers and local and national policy‐makers. The paper examines the rationale and methods behind the enactment of formative assessment in these schools. It draws upon evidence provided by the interim and final reports of participating schools to draw conclusions about areas of success within the project and potential barriers to the project's future in its evolution from pilot to national programme.  相似文献   


The aging of college and university faculties mirrors general demographic trends in the United States (Administration on Aging, 2003 Administration on Aging . ( 2003 ). A profile of older Americans . Retrieved August 25, 2004 from www.aoa.gov/prof/statistics/profile/2003/2003profile  [Google Scholar]). It also presents unique issues and challenges that reflect the work and retirement patterns of professors and the nature of academe itself (TIAA-CREF Institute, 2004 TIAA-CREF Institute . ( 2004 , Spring ). Recruitment, retention, and retirement: Institute's conference focuses on higher education's three Rs . Quarterly , 47 . [Google Scholar]). There have been major economic and policy changes of the past decade, including the uncapping or elimination of the mandatory retirement age for professors, the erosion of financial support for many public institutions of higher education, the use of more part-time and contract faculty, and the soaring costs of health care. These have all impacted college and university faculty and the institutions that they serve. This theme issue addresses the impact of some of those trends, and offers possible solutions to the complex issues that they raise.  相似文献   


Higher education institutions are joining many other social entities in shifting how participants are evaluated; work is undergoing increasing analysis through metrics, big data analytics, and related methodologies. As applications of academic metrics expand, new formulations of what is considered as ‘excellence’ in teaching and research are being constructed and new kinds of academic ‘star’ faculty and journals determined. Academic participation is being tightly coupled with specific, manipulable quantitative measures, providing formidable lessons about how intellectual endeavors are valued. This paper presents analyses of ‘performative metrics’ approaches: metrics-related methodologies are being manipulated at levels including faculty member, department, publisher, and university, often in ways well described by game and drama theory (Howard 1994 Howard, Nigel. 1994. “Drama Theory and its Relation to Game Theory. Part 1: Dramatic Resolution vs. Rational Solution.” Group Decision and Negotiation 3 (2): 187206. doi: 10.1007/BF01384354[Crossref] [Google Scholar]). Academic life is often associated with potentials for unbiased pursuits of knowledge; as discourse intensifies concerning metric manipulation, identities and reputations of academic participants could shift, providing challenges to those who desire trust and impartial merit rewards.  相似文献   

Education must be a force for opportunity and social justice, not for the entrenchment of privilege. We must make certain that the opportunities that higher education brings are available to all those who have the potential to benefit from them, regardless of their background (DfES, 2003 Department for Education and Skills. 2003. The Future of Higher Education, London: The Stationery Office. Cm 5735 [Google Scholar] : 67).

We will continue to widen participation in higher education and encourage students of all backgrounds with academic potential to go to university (Queen’s Speech, 15 November 2006).  相似文献   

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