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以《网站开发技术》课程为载体,在教学空间理论的基础上分析了教学时间与教学空间的关系,阐述了开放教育中利用有限面授时间拓展教学空间以实现良好教学效果的可行性,并提出了具体的教学空间拓展方法。  相似文献   

网站的本地化是一个系统工程,非常复杂。因此在此过程中需要组建至少由译员和技术人员组成的团队来完成。译员在该团队中所起的作用是什么呢?他该扮演一个怎样的角色呢?作者认为译员在该团队中所起的作用是至关重要的,因此他理应扮演一个负责人的角色。  相似文献   

达文菊 《甘肃教育》2005,(10):45-45
数学教学实质上就是思维的教学,在数学教学中如何拓展学生的思维空间,本人谈几点体会:  相似文献   

李吉林在长期的教育实践中形成了自己的教育思想,即李吉林教育思想。可以说,这些年来李吉林和她的团队所展示的丰富而独特的教育业绩,便是李吉林教育思想的实践成果。关于李吉林教育思想的具体内容,在李吉林的一系列论著中已有清晰阐述,学界及教育一线工作者也已有不少研究与评价。笔者为本文规定的任务是:探讨并明确表述李吉林教育思想的基本特征,提示情境教育研究尚可期待的进一步拓展的空间。  相似文献   

对于教育技术工作来说,网络的意义体现在多个方面,它是一个环境,是一种工具,也是一个研究对象,本作选取一个角度-从网络促进专业研究,交流的视角出发,结合教育信息化网站的构建介绍该类网站所具有的特色,网站的设计与构建过程及技巧。  相似文献   

培养学生的说话能力不仅会使其语言表达能力得到提高,而且也会促使其写作能力、综合素质的提高,要想达到这一效果,就必须从拓展学生课堂说话空间,课外说话的空间和社会说话的空间三个方面入手.  相似文献   

阅读字间包含两个维度的内涵,即阅读的深度及阅读的广度。拓展阅读空间,具体而言应包含两方面的实践:一方面。开展扎实的课堂教学,拓展阅读的深度;另一方面,实现有效的课外延伸,拓展阅读的广度,促使学生在阅读空间的拓展中,获得语文素养的全面提升。  相似文献   

本文为适应高科技迅猛发展与院校教育转型的新形势 ,进一步提高我军事院校教学质量 ,从学员的角度探讨未来教员的角色定位。分别从教导做人、辅导学业、指导生涯、引导创新四方面阐述了学员心目中的未来教员形象。  相似文献   

作文是一种创造性的活动,它不仅能反映一个学生的语言运用能力,更能反映其认识能力、审美能力、思想修养和文学艺术修养。因此,作文水平的高低是衡量学生综合素质的一个重要方面。因此教师要丰富作文教学途径,扩大学生视野,拓展学生的写作空间,进而提高学生的写作水平。  相似文献   

In the former Portuguese colony, Macau, higher education is gaining more importance in the post-1999 era in local talent-building and regional integration to safeguard its socioeconomic sustainability. This paper is based on a recent and ‘innovative’ development in the arena of higher education in the territory, a creation of new space in mainland China for a local public university. By adopting a critical spatial perspective, we examine this idiosyncratic Macau model in three aspects: (1) What kind of power/knowledge production occurs in this new creation of space? (2) How does this new space (re)configure Macau higher education development in both local and global contexts? (3) In what ways does this emergent space re-order the relations between the state, society and school? In employing this spatial stance, we aim to open up understanding of how spatiality affects diverse possibilities in the case of Macau, in global higher education movement more broadly.  相似文献   

In this paper I exploit a reform that expanded UK post-compulsory education during the 1980s and 1990s to examine the effect of education on health. The expansion resulted in a rapid increase in education over the whole education distribution. I find evidence that education had an effect in reducing body mass index, waist circumference and weight. For other health measures (self-reported general health, long term or limiting illnesses), blood pressure and health behaviours (smoking and drinking) there were small to no improvements. There is suggestive evidence that the mechanisms driving these results are improvements in labour market and social status.  相似文献   

Researchers increasingly suggest that accessibility remains a prominent issue across the World Wide Web (www). This study raises awareness about issues of access in higher education. This qualitative research design utilized a listserv that invited university based webmasters to use freeware to evaluate the overall accessibility of their institutions' homepage website. Participation was voluntary and evaluations were gathered electronically. Our sample indicated that most universities' homepages were non-compliant with the www.WorldWideWeb Consortium guidelines. One particular institution, however, satisfied all W3C guidelines earning a perfect Triple A. Simply stated, this exemplary website serves people of all exceptionalities. Studying this institution's implementation process, we propose that other institutions might emulate this exemplary model to achieve greater website accessibility for all constituents.  相似文献   

The rapid increases in enrollment seen in many developing countries might further worsen the poor schooling quality found in these countries. I estimate the effect of enrollment growth following the removal of primary school fees in Tanzania and find evidence of a sizeable increase in pupil-teacher ratios and a reduction in observable teacher quality, but rule out a substantial effect on test scores overall. These results are robust to instrumenting enrollment growth using predetermined fertility and migration decisions, and to a number of checks including the use of baseline enrollment rates as an alternative source of variation in enrollment growth. However, when investigating the possibility of heterogeneous effects for urban and rural areas, I find evidence of a deterioration of test scores in urban areas.  相似文献   

教师教育的政策导向与体制变革   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国教师教育改革的政策导向是倡导教师职业的专业化发展和专业化管理.在此政策导向引导下,本轮教师教育改革使教师教育体制发生了三项重要的变化:专业化成为教师教育体系的内在价值导向;教师资格认证制度成为教师职业和教师教育体系的制度化联系和教师专业的品质保障;在教师专业化管理的基础上,实现了教师教育体制在职前和取后教育的全面开放.教师专业能力的常规性认证制度和专业团体参与规范的制度是专业化的必要环节,也是进一步落实教师教育改革政策所需的制度创新.  相似文献   

Technology is modifying the way companies do business all over the world. The education sector is no exception; virtual education has emerged as a basic tool to satisfy the changing needs of traditional and newly incorporated students, as well as meet the new requirements of educational institutions. This article therefore tries to achieve a double objective: to analyze what drives the development of online education within the Universities of the European Union and to design a theoretical framework that permits to obtain responses to que question of why students continue their estudies at the same educational institution. Thus, first, the analysis of external factors identifies social, political and technological capacity as issues that explain the rise of e-learning within the field of European higher education. Second, the empirical work shows the design of a cause-effect model with relationships between different variables in which market orientation of Universities and usability play an important role in the future intentions of use for students.  相似文献   

教育权是教育法研究的核心。教育权可从广义与客体等层面分别定位为国家教育权、社会教育权、公民教育权。教育权的横向分配和纵向分配都有不同模式。我国教育权分配模式的现实选择,既有其根据也有其问题,需要在改革中逐步完善。  相似文献   

主体性思想政治教育的四维向度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现代思想政治教育是区别于传统思想政治教育的主体性思想政治教育。主体性思想政治教育具有四个向度:即“以人为本”的教育理念,高度珍视受教育者主体性的伦理观.实现人的全面发展和社会和谐发展的价值观以及理论教育实践转向的教育实践观。  相似文献   

试论高校体育课程和运动的价值取向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国高校体育课程设置长期以来逆人本价值取向的弊端,主要原因在于传统知识观和课程观的影响,以及中国传统文化中现代体育精神的缺失。教育必须以人为本,高校体育课程和运动应体现“以人为本”的教育理念,并积极开发相应的体育课程和运动资源。  相似文献   

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