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化柏林  王惠临 《情报学报》2006,25(2):189-196
本文以LFG为基本参考模型,提出了一个具体语法开发平台的系统框架与功能结构。语法开发平台包括三个子系统:语法提取子系统、语法分析子系统、语义分析处理子系统。文章对语法提取子系统进行了全面的系统设计,既为语法分析子系统奠定了基础,又为构造具体的应用系统留有程序接口。  相似文献   

<正> 华东师范大学图书馆计算机集成管理系统通过鉴定 1991年12月19日,华东师范大学的图书馆计算机集成系统通过了国家教委条件装备司组织的专家鉴定。该系统在富士通公司的FACOM K-280N小型机的硬件支持下,在引进ILIS软件系统的基础上,根据我国大学图书馆的实际需要,充分考虑到图书馆信息管理的功能,对引进系统进行了改造和扩充,并重新开发了中西文图书采访子系统和LCMARC-CNMARC的转换程序,输出符合国家标准和国际标准。该系统较完整、功能齐全,包括图书采访子系统,期刊采访子系统、图书/期刊编目子系统、流通子系统、检索子系统和公共参数管理子系统,并且系统汉化程度高,成为一  相似文献   

一、庞大而复杂的系统按照系统论的观点,整个社会是一个大系统。广播电视系统是它的子系统。广播电视系统是一个多形态、多层次、多功能的向大众传播信息的社会人——机系统。广播电视系统本身又有许多子系统,子系统之下还有它的子系统。大系统与子系统之间,这个子系统和那个子系统之间,是互相联系、互相影响、互相制约、互相渗透的。让我们先看看这些大大小小的子系统。——按大的门类或形态来分,有无线广播、有线广播、无线电视、有线电视、广播电视教育、广播电视研究等子系统。  相似文献   

面向教学的信息资源定制系统设计与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐州师范大学图书馆利用J2EE技术,开发了"面向教学的信息资源定制系统"。包括 用户登录子系统、定制信息显示子系统、定制信息发送子系统、信息资源定制子系统和后台维护 子系统。图1。参考文献8。  相似文献   

本文根据高校图书馆数字化资源及用户群的特点,描述了由用户子系统、信息检索子系统、信息推送子系统组成的主动推送系统框架,并分析了系统实现的关键技术。  相似文献   

文章根据高校图书馆数字化资源及用户群的特点,给出网络环境下高校图书馆数字化资源主动推送系统的界定;描述了由用户子系统、信息检索子系统、信息推送子系统组成的主动推送系统框架;分析了系统实现的关键技术。  相似文献   

针对MELINETS系统Ⅱ编目子系统的主要特点,结合自己的工作实践和体会,总结了MELINETS系统Ⅱ编目子系统在使用过程中的一些技巧和方法,并提出了该系统存在的问题及改进措施。  相似文献   

歌华有线新总前端作为目前国内最大的、现代化的有线电视网络总前端,是一个统一管理、分区域、网络化部署的,包括了信源子系统、主前端子系统、区域前端子系统、本地前端子系统、应用子系统、数据广播子系统、射频传输子系统、监测子系统、网管子系统、软件子系统,为全北京市有线电视用户提供模拟和数字电视服务,并为开展各种本地化、个性化的增值服务打下坚实的基础。新总前端机房建筑面积6800平米,技术系统工程已于2008年5月正式投入运行,已稳定运行15个月。  相似文献   

三、浦东新区信息业主体框架的基本内容我们认为,信息业应主要包括以下五个方面,也可以说是五个子系统:图书文献服务系统、情报服务系统、咨询服务系统、电子计算机系统和通信系统。这五者有机结合,便构成了信息业的主体框架,成为一个“大系统”。其中,图书文献子系统、情报子系统  相似文献   

本文针对我国出版发行业存在的买书难、卖书难的状况及我国书业书目存在的主要问题,提出书业书目是一个系统,包括预告书目子系统、图书出版记录子系统、可供书目子系统和图书市场信息子系统,并阐述了对各子系统的改进措施。  相似文献   

文章在简要介绍开放服务网关(OSGi)规范、Bundle模型及实现框架基础上,设计了基于OSGi的知识服务应用示范系统体系架构,共包括资源层、数据交互层、功能组件层、服务组件层、组件管理层和应用服务层等六层,最后基于Felix框架实现了一个简单的知识服务原型系统,初步完成对科技监测、领域知识结构及其演化分析、学术关系网络分析、领域科研信息环境和关联数据服务等知识服务子系统的模块化、组件式开发,验证了各服务功能实现即插即用、动态化管理的可行性和先进性,初步为各知识服务示范子系统的集成部署奠定了实践基础。  相似文献   


数字图书馆云服务平台的重要组成部分是基础设施云。针对基础设施云的分布式、异构性等特点,提出基于模块化的基础设施云设计与实现方法,分析每个模块的主要功能以及如何将各个模块进行互联等一系列关键问题,为今后基础设施云的搭建和优化提供重要的参考。  相似文献   

The concept of a ‘publication’ no longer applies only to printed works; information technology has extended its application to several other types of works. This article describes a facility called the Common Knowledge Library that publishes modules of formally structured information representing facts and knowledge of various kinds. Publications of this new type have some characteristics in common with databases, and others in common with software modules; however, they also share some important characteristics with traditional publications. A framework for citation of previous work is important in order to provide an incentive for contributors of such modules. Peer review – the traditional method of quality assurance for scientific articles – must also be applied, although in a modified form, for fact and knowledge modules. The construction of the Common Knowledge Library is a cumulative process; new contributions are obtained by interpreting the contents of existing knowledge sources on the Internet, and the existing contents of the Library are an important resource for that interpretation process.  相似文献   

When students are given assignments with specific information needs, they may turn to the library for help. The UNC Health Sciences Library developed three short online modules to teach first-year pharmacy students how to find early/animal studies, mechanism of action information, and specific study types in an effort to lessen demand on the reference desk. The modules filled two goals: to free up time that had been spent on three common low-level questions and to provide a pedagogically sound online tool to teach students how to find answers to these three questions. The modules were created using Adobe Captivate. Developing and promoting the modules took three hours of the pharmacy librarian's time compared with nearly 23 hours spent answering individual questions via e-mail, in consultations, and at the reference desk before the modules were introduced. After introducing the modules, only one student asked for help from the library compared to more than 60 who viewed the online modules at least once.  相似文献   

文检课知识内容按认知心理学可分为陈述性知识、程序性知识和策略性知识三大模块,三大模块的教学存在着一些突出的问题。如陈述性知识模块教学以接受式教学为主,学生被动、枯燥、缺乏兴趣;策略性模块教学容易被忽略,学生缺乏研究性学习的能力及检索策略的训练,无法培养信息素养;而竞赛式教学和研究性教学能够提供解决以上问题的方法。文章在教学实践基础上着力研究了竞赛式教学和研究性教学的特点及其在文检课几个模块中的应用,力图解决目前文检课的一些不足争缺陷,为文检课的改革发展提供有益的思路。参考文献6。  相似文献   

CSCD个性化服务研究与设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对CSCD个性化服务进行研究,并设计其体系结构和功能模块,包括用户管理、存储服务、推送服务、定制服务和推荐服务;设计数据库结构及其之间的关系;并根据以上设计,采用基于struts2架构,利用hibernate进行服务器的交互,通过tiles整合页面各个模块,应用JQuery架构在JavaScript的编写中,实现CSCD的个性化服务。  相似文献   



The research determined to what extent best practices are being followed by freely available online modules aimed at teaching critical thinking and evidence-based practices (EBPs) in health sciences fields.


In phase I, an evaluation rubric was created after reviewing the literature. Individual rubric questions were assigned point values and grouped into sections, and the sections weighted. Phase II involved searching Internet platforms to locate online EBP modules, which were screened to determine if they met predetermined criteria for inclusion. Phase III comprised a first evaluation, in which two authors assessed each module, followed by a second evaluation of the top-scoring modules by five representatives from different health sciences units.


The rubric''s 28 questions were categorized into 4 sections: content, design, interactivity, and usability. After retrieving 170 online modules and closely screening 91, 42 were in the first evaluation and 8 modules were in the second evaluation. Modules in the first evaluation earned, on average, 59% of available points; modules in the second earned an average of 68%. Both evaluations had a moderate level of inter-rater reliability.


The rubric was effective and reliable in evaluating the modules. Most modules followed best practices for content and usability but not for design and interactivity.


By systematically collecting and evaluating instructional modules, the authors found many potentially useful elements for module creation. Also, by reviewing the limitations of the evaluated modules, the authors were able to anticipate and plan ways to overcome potential issues in module design.  相似文献   

This case study provides insights into how one academic library scaled and structured its information literacy program for a rapidly growing online learning division. Particular attention is paid to strategies for reaching learners who bypass portions of the liberal studies requirements and techniques for designing information literacy modules taught by the instructor of record. This case study demonstrates how this library’s online information literacy program reached a new population of student while creating efficiencies with staff time. Attention is also paid to aspects of the program still under development, such as additional modules and a comprehensive assessment strategy.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]针对新生代用户群体对信息检索系统的需求,提出一种游戏化信息检索系统的理论模型,实现激发用户使用检索系统的兴趣,支持用户的信息检索与交互以及鼓励用户持续使用的目标。[方法/过程]基于游戏化基础理论、相关框架及信息检索系统的机制,对不同游戏元素进行组合,在考虑不同游戏元素与规则之间关系的前提下,设计具有特定功能的模块,实现游戏元素在非游戏情境中的应用。[结果/结论]为构建游戏化信息检索系统的理论模型,确定20种游戏元素,并按其功能进行组合,设计出12类游戏模块,包括5类简单模块和7类复合模块,使信息检索系统具备游戏功能。提出的构建思路和理论模型弥补当前游戏化信息检索领域研究的不足,为开发游戏化信息检索系统及后续的相关研究提供了理论框架。  相似文献   

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