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The present study examined the interactive effects of school norms, peer norms, and accountability on children's intergroup attitudes. Participants (= 229) aged 5–11 years, in a between‐subjects design, were randomly assigned to a peer group with an inclusion or exclusion norm, learned their school either had an inclusion norm or not, and were accountable to either their peer group, teachers, or nobody. Findings indicated, irrespective of age, that an inclusive school norm was less effective when the peer group had an exclusive norm and children were held accountable to their peers or teachers. These findings support social identity development theory (D. Nesdale, 2004, 2007), which expects both the in‐group peer and school norm to influence children's intergroup attitudes.  相似文献   

"规范何以可能"是规范研究的最基本的问题。对这一问题的研究可分为两种不同的进路或模式,一种是合理性意义上的,可表示为"必然→规范→自由";一种是发生学意义上的,可表示为"自由→规范→必然"。两种模式或进路之间的冲突和矛盾只是表面上的,实质上,它们共同探讨了规范的可能性与规范研究的必要性。这一点可通过规范、自由、必然三者之间的关系来说明。  相似文献   

在保持问题的研究中,关于不周矩阵模之间的研究是一个热点问题,而上三角块矩阵模到全矩阵模的结果并不多.设R是一个至少含有3个单位的主理想整环,Mmn(R)与Tmn(R)分别是R上全矩阵模及上三角矩阵模。在一定条件下刻画了R上的上三角块矩阵模到全矩阵模的保逆线性算子的具体形式.  相似文献   

对可逆三角模进行了研究.证明了一个只有平凡幂等元的可逆三角模必定是阿基米德的这一结论  相似文献   

凯尔森在晚期著作《规范的一般理论》中,提出了规范逻辑问题,即标准真—假逻辑中的特定原则,特别是矛盾律和推理原则是否能够适用于道德和法律规范的问题。凯尔森对这一问题的回答是否定的。他认为规范没有真值,它们不是语句而是存在,所以规范之间的冲突不是语句真假上的矛盾,由一般规范到个别规范的过程也不是逻辑推理的结果。因此矛盾律和推理原则都不能适用于规范,也就是说,逻辑是不适用于规范的。凯尔森的规范逻辑观点本身包含着概念上的混淆,他所说的"逻辑"问题也不是标准意义上的逻辑问题。但正是他后期的规范逻辑理论反映了其规范思想的重大转变,反映了他从理性的规范理论向非理性主义规范理论的转变,反映了他对康德主义原则的怀疑和背弃。  相似文献   

In light of public health concerns surrounding the consequences of sedentary behavior and physical inactivity, exploring ways to encourage physically active lifestyles has become a critical concern for researchers. Social norms, conceptualized as how individuals perceive the beliefs and behaviors of significant others, have the potential to be a powerful influence on individuals. The investigation of social norms, initially grounded in theory of planned behavior, evolved to be the focal point of the focus theory of normative construct and the theory of normative social behavior. This more complex conceptualization of social norms provided insight into how perceptions of social norms influence decisions about health-related behaviors. The purpose of this review is to present social norm theories as a viable framework to investigate how environments can be structured to promote physical activity.  相似文献   

新《企业会计准则》关于资产减值准备主要有计提范围、可以转回的资产范围、计提基础以及资产组合计提四个方面的变化,形成了独立的资产减值准则,更具操作性。本文从新《企业会计准则——资产减值准备》准则会计规范与现行企业会计制度中资产减值准则的异同谈起,剖析了现行资产减值准则存在的弊端,分析了新准则对企业的影响,并就此提出了自己的几点思考。  相似文献   

近年来我国学术界对社会科学学术规范的研究大致可分为现象研究(提出问题)、成因研究(分析问题)和对策研究(解决问题)三大类。这三大研究主题的出现和推进,基本反映了我国社会科学学术规范研究的历史进程和延续脉络。现根据这三个研究主题的推进顺序,概括介绍近年来社会科学学术规范研究的相关成果及其对人文社科研究领域学术规范建设的影响。  相似文献   

课程研究有两种基本范式:现代课程范式与后现代课程范式。而两种课程范式又有其不同的师生观,这两种师生观的比较对我国现行教育具有一定的启发意义。文章从学生观、教师角色转变和师生关系转型三方面展开讨论。  相似文献   

翻译规范与严复的翻译   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄伟芳 《培训与研究》2006,23(3):127-129
翻译规范论主要是从描写的角度来探讨翻译的。翻译是涉及两种文化的社会文化活动,因此它必然受两种不同的文化规范限制。严复的翻译向来是翻译界评论的焦点。在他翻译里出现的种种不正常现象都是受当时的翻译规范制约的结果。本文就试图用图里的翻译规范论来解释严复的翻译,探讨严复翻译过程中所遵循的翻译规范,以给予他的翻译一个客观的评价。  相似文献   

This paper examines the legitimacy of norms as a means of evaluating academic conduct. Section one provides a general overview of some issues involved. In section two the concept of norms is unpacked and, in section three, some problems with an adequate account of norms are identified. In section four the rationality of norms is examined and in the following section, section five, the concept of deviance is discussed. It is argued that deviance from rational academic norms is usually, but not always, unacceptable. However, it also is suggested that dissenting conduct is required of academics since it is a central professional norm, closely connected to the purposes of a university. The concept of academic freedom, whilst not examined in any detail in this paper, provides a general defence of dissenting–but, in general, not of deviant ‐conduct. Given the difficulties associated with the concept of norms, the importance of character over conduct is emphasised. It is concluded that the moral basis for evaluating academic conduct and, hence, attempts to improve university teaching, is seriously problematic.  相似文献   

Children are sensitive to a number of considerations influencing distributions of resources, including equality, equity, and reciprocity. We tested whether children use a specific type of reciprocity norm—market norms—in which resources are distributed differentially based strictly on amount offered in return. In two studies, 195 children 5–10 years and 60 adults distributed stickers to friends offering same or different amounts of money. Overall, participants distributed more equally when offers were the same and more unequally when offers were different. Although sensitive to why friends offered different amounts of money, children increasingly incorporated market norms into their distributions with age, as the oldest children and adults distributed more to those offering more, irrespective of the reasons provided.  相似文献   

本文主要从准则的内容框架、租赁的相关术语、范围、分类以及会计处理等方面对比分析了我国租赁准则与国际租赁准则的异同,从而阐述了我国租赁准则与国际准则趋同的必要性。  相似文献   

The present study examined how peer group norms influence children's evaluations of deviant ingroup members. Following the manipulation of competitive or cooperative norms, participants (children, Mage = 8.69; adolescents, Mage = 13.81; adults, Mage = 20.89; = 263) evaluated deviant ingroup members from their own and the group's perspective. Children rated cooperative deviancy positively and believed their group would do the same. Adolescents and adults believed that their group would negatively evaluate cooperative deviancy when their group supported a competitive allocation strategy. Reasoning varied based on norm and participants’ agreement with deviancy. Understanding an ingroup may not be favorable toward a cooperative deviant in a competitive context is a developmental challenge requiring the coordination of social and moral norms.  相似文献   

古希腊哲学中散见的规范思想是现代规范理论发展的源头,其特点在于把自然和事实看成规范好坏、正确与否的标准,不区分实然和应然。从现代哲学的角度来看,这是一种典型的自然主义倾向,这种倾向深深影响着现代规范理论的发展。现代西方规范理论研究不是表现出对这种"自然主义谬误"的反思和批判,要求严格区分"是"与"应当",就是坚守规范与社会现实相结合,规范来源于生活的原则,试图以一种新的方式,在更高的层次上实现规范理论研究向古希腊规范思想源头的回归。  相似文献   

The effects of social group norms (inclusion vs. exclusion vs. exclusion-plus-relational aggression) and school norms (inclusion vs. no norm) on 7- and 10-year-old children's intergroup attitudes were examined. Children (n = 383) were randomly assigned to a group with an inclusion or exclusion norm, and to 1 of the school norm conditions. Findings indicated that children's out-group attitudes reflected their group's norm but, with increasing age, they liked their in-group less, and the out-group more, if the group had an exclusion norm. The school inclusion norm instigated more positive attitudes toward out-group members, but it did not moderate or extinguish contrary group norms. The use of school norms to counteract the effects of children's social group norms is discussed.  相似文献   

翻译常规是图里翻译理论的核心。图里不仅提出了翻译常规的概念和分类,还指出了翻译常规对于翻译实践的重要性,即掌握翻译常规是成为一名翻译的前提。图里对于在学校环境中译者培训的建议对中国翻译教学的改革有着重要的启示。  相似文献   

数学课堂规范包括支配课堂的一般社会规范和围绕特定数学交互的数学规范.数学课堂规范的特征有:数学课堂规范是"预成性"和"生成性"统一的结果;学生数学观念影响数学课堂规范的发展;社会规范和数学课堂规范之间有差异;创生数学课堂规范就是创造一种信任和尊重的学习气氛.做数学的新规范和标准也需面对传统教学方式的桎梏,学生数学观的局限性,以及数学参与公正性等的挑战性和复杂性。  相似文献   

周诗岩 《宜宾学院学报》2010,10(3):110-112,125
图里的翻译规范理论给翻译研究提供了新的策略,即必须把译者放到具体的历史语境中,去研究当时的规范在社会和文化方面是怎样约束译者的行动的,从而给予译者以客观、公正的评价。  相似文献   

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