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The purpose of this paper is identify those characteristics of instructional technology that may influence a faculty member's willingness to integrate it in his/her teaching by drawing upon the diffusion of innovation literature. It then presents the results of a study, conducted at a small liberal arts college, on the effectiveness of a faculty training program that was designed to encourage faculty to adopt a course management system in their classroom-based, undergraduate courses. The training program was based on an approach that considers those factors that influence the adoption rate of technology, specifically the course management system, Blackboard.  相似文献   

新加坡南洋理工学院从担负的历史使命出发,围绕为国家经济社会培养助理工程师等高技能人才,在组织架构、管理机制、人员选任与管理、教学运行模式、配套保障体系等方面,进行了科学而系统的自顶向下的制度设计,保证了学校系统的运行不偏离目标且实现了高效率。  相似文献   

从工作机制、思想政治教育、学风建设、实践教育和军政训练、就业调控与引导等五个方面探讨了清华大学国防生培养的主要做法,对于军队学历教育院校生长军官培养具有一定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

创新是一个民族进步的灵魂,是一个国家兴旺发达的不竭动力。作为高校信息资源的图书阅览室,应以创新为承载体,在基础设施建设、人员培训、科学管理、服务利用等方面探索行之有效的方法和途径,充分发挥图书馆的教育、情报和服务等职能,为高等教育做出积极的贡献。  相似文献   

《Support for Learning》2006,21(4):188-193
This article addresses the important issue of initial teacher preparation in relation to classroom management. It is based on a study of Post Graduate Certificate of Education (Secondary) students in one university department. The study sought to ascertain the ongoing concerns of trainees during the course of their year's training, and to identify key issues for training providers as a result of this process. Data were gathered both by interview and by questionnaire. Carolyn Bromfield uses the findings to broker a discussion about the nature of behaviour training; her key message is that there is a need to move trainee thinking from a traditional behaviourist approach to one which highlights the relationship between behaviour and learning.  相似文献   

作为一所大学的领导者,大学校长需要一定的学科规训。大学校长的学科规训是在长期的训练和熏陶中所形成的一种不可言状的个人知识、思维方式和理论素养,无时无刻不在影响着校长的思想与行为,对于其在领导和管理工作中的思维方式、价值判断和领导决策起着重要的作用。通过将世界百强大学校长与中国34所985工程大学校长学科规训进行比较发现,前者的学科规训侧重于人文社会科学,而后者大多偏向理工科。这样,我国研究型大学就容易朝向一种畸形发展,并处在一种非健康的趋势之中。究其原因,教育方面处于深层;校长选任,属直接原因;经济发展状况,难脱根本。由此,应加强人文精神的培育,通过教育循人的自然因势利导,引领人进入更高的德性、智慧、教养和学问的状态;改革校长遴选机制,变官本位、内部选拔模式为多元化的选任、评价体系;增进大学校长的学科规训,通过改善了的学科规训,使其获得相应的思维方法和思想训练,从而促进研究型大学的发展和高层次人才的培养。  相似文献   

高职扩招是应对产业转型升级对高素质技术技能型人才需求的重要战略举措。以中山职业技术学院为例,立足于高职院校自身的现实情况,理性分析高职扩招所围绕的区域经济生态、教育生态、制度生态、校园文化生态等因素,提出在学分制框架下,实行多元产教协同人才培养模式改革,促使每一个学生都有机会获得“合适”教育,是扩招成败的关键。为创新人才培养模式改革,高职院校在教学资源的配置、师资结构的调整、教学管理等具体实践环节上进行了系统变革,不断破解难题,助力扩招平稳顺利推进。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to consider the stress within the teacher's environment and examine methods of assisting public school teachers with managing stress. Participants in the study were 124 female public school teachers of grades K-12 from the public school systems of two central Georgia counties. Three weeks after completing a set of pretest questionnaires, each teacher participated in one of two three-hour training sessions. In the individualized training method, participants were led through a step-by-step development of an individualized plan for more effectively managing the stressor they had identified at the beginning of the training session. By the end of the session, each participant had her own plan for working on her own major stress. In the global approach training method, information about stress was presented to the participants in a lecture fashion with the focus being on general knowledge with no attempt being made to direct the participants in the development of individualized plans. Approximately three weeks after the training session, all participants were sent a set of questions concerning their activities in stress management since the training. The results of the study provided data concerning types of stresses experienced, sources of stress at work and home, effects of stress and burnout, and relative effectiveness of the two training approaches in terms of degree of relief, variety and type of methods utilized, and degree of involvement. The results indicate that the teachers who received the individual training method did significantly increase the time they spend on managing stress.  相似文献   

本文主要从人才的选拔、教育及培养等方面论述了叶卡特琳娜二世独特的人才策略。指出正是由于叶氏不仅善于选拔人才,而且还注重对人才的教育和培养,才使她网罗了大批有用之才。从而使她的治国方针奠定在丰富的人才资源之上。  相似文献   

体能训练及其管理在日常训练中占有重要的地位,它直接影响着边防部队任务完成的质量.从目标管理理论是一个成熟的理论体系、目标管理理论的普适性、目标管理理论适用于公安边防部队体能训练管理、填补目标管理理论在部队体能训练管理领域研究的空白四个方面,论证了目标管理理论运用到公安边防机动部队训练管理的可行性.  相似文献   

教师培训管理模式是影响中小学教师培训质量的重要因素,通过对教师培训管理工作的概述,明确教师培训管理的内容和权限。教师培训管理模式的构建必须依托培训的目标管理、过程管理和分级负责来实现,但还必须始终加强对教师培训管理模式运行保障的建设,确保培训目标的顺利完成。  相似文献   

巴黎高师为使自然科学和人文科学两个部门在学校共处和竞争,在教育理念上仍追求自由和个性化教育,为使培养人才"菜单"是作为"跳板",而不是"模子",引进其他高校或国家科学研究中心的多种和经常更新的教学研究人员参加到高师学校队伍中.在专业领域,成立了"认识论学科部"、"环境学科平台"、"科学历史和哲学课题组",三个空间彼此互动.普遍开展法律教育,以使学生更好地服务于社会.以艺术为中介,要求师范生普遍涉猎多种艺术门类,以鼓励其在各个学科中的创造精神.  相似文献   

实训基地是高职教育实践教学的重要场所,实训基地的建设直接影响高职院校的人才培养。船舶与海洋工程装备制造专业群的实训与企业生产密切相关,从管理制度、宣传培训、标志标识、考核制度等方面进一步规范管理,力图把企业6S管理应用到专业群的实训基地建设中,解决船舶专业群实训基地存在的问题,将资源利用最大化,优化现场人、事、物管理的规范。  相似文献   

教学管理是贯穿双语培训的重要环节。笔者从构建双语培训管理系统、狠抓双语教学常规管理、落实双语教学管理策略等角度,对如何以管理促教学从实践方面作出了具体阐释。  相似文献   

教练员是训练过程的设计者,也是训练管理工作的重要决策者。从创造学理论和体育运动的实践角度对优秀教练员所应具备的创新能力进行了研究和阐述。  相似文献   

英语专业学士学位论文写作是教育部检查本科教学的一个重要环节。选题的恰当与否直接关系到论文写作的成败,而选题的恰当与否往往又与论文作者平时的问题意识、思维训练、学科知识积累等密切相关。实践证明,问题意识和思维训练对有意义的课题选择和有价值的论文写作有着不可低估的重要作用和意义。  相似文献   

After going through Assertive Discipline training, a student teacher entered her new first-grade class. The mentor classroom teacher did not use Assertive Discipline, but gave permission for the student teacher to use this management system. After teaching students her rules, rewards, and negative consequences—and appropriately implementing Assertive Discipline—it was found that students responded to both the student teacher and the regular classroom teacher in the appropriate ways each expected.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to characterise the development of a preservice physical education teacher's professional activity over the course of training interactions with her co‐operating teacher. The student teacher's professional development was studied using a hermeneutic and inductive approach based on the analysis of data from observation and self‐confrontation interviews. The results showed that the preservice teacher's conceptions regarding her teaching developed despite communication difficulties with her co‐operating teacher and that she constructed new knowledge—at times without her co‐operating teacher's awareness—even when she disagreed with him. However, the student teacher's classroom activity did not always change as a result of this new knowledge. The self‐confrontation interviews revealed her construction of knowledge, as well as the reasons for disagreement and her resistance to changing her classroom action.  相似文献   

The responsibility for effective transfer of training falls into a gray area between trainers, trainees, and management. It is easy for trainers to point fingers at management and say that they are not supporting transfer of learned skills in the work environment. But this assumes that management views training as an integral component for improving organizational performance, which is often not the case. Training is more often managed as a cost than as an asset. One Training section at Intel has been experimenting with increasing transfer and improving organizational performance by directly influencing the trainee population during and after training. The rationale is that the best way to generate interest from upper management, is to demonstrate business results. This article describes a series of tactics for improving transfer of training. Each tactic was driven by the training function in an attempt to directly influence the transfer of specific management skills to the work environment.  相似文献   

介绍了中山大学珠海校区基础教学实验中心,建立起跨学科、多专业的实践教学大平台,全方位为实验教学服务,为人才培养服务。实验室平台式的建设与管理避免了仪器设备的重复购置,先进的仪器设备保证了基础实验教学的顺利进行。实验中心以实验室管理体制和实验教学改革为切入点,建立起“人、财、物和日常管理纵向统一,实验教学与人才培养横向联系”的管理模式,既是一个实验技术和实验室管理的大平台,又是一个实验教学质量保障和监控的大平台。创新的管理体制及运行机制有利于教学资源的充分共享与创新型人才培养,成效显著。  相似文献   

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