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<正>Q:有这样一个句子:“Li Hua gets up early every morning and he is never late for school.请问:我该怎样在句后用英语表达“张红也是如此呢?”A:这个问题很有意思。表达“甲(不)如此,乙也(不)如此”,我们最熟悉的说法是用so与neither/nor引起的简略倒装句(第二句只保留主语),以避免重复前一句话,使第二句显得简洁、明快。如:  相似文献   

One day when Einstein was 1(?) his way home, a young man stopped him and wished 2(?) a word with him. Einstein granted his request. The young man asked, "How, Mr Einstein, can you 3(?) your fame? " The scientist said, "It seems that you have been thinking of 4(?) famous every day." The young man nodded.  相似文献   

An Answer     

徐凡 《父母必读》2008,(9):122-123
如何纠正孩子的发音? Q我的孩子4岁4个月,说话时发音不怎么准,有些字词说不清楚。如:f的音她会发成b的音,g的音会发成d的音,还有一些卷舌、平舌的都发不大准。有什么快速、方便的办法来纠正吗?  相似文献   

Answer Sheet     

徐凡 《父母必读》2008,(10):118-119
又换看护人了Q女儿2岁了,从4个月起白天就由奶奶或姥姥来照看,一般半年替换一次。姥姥前两天刚过来,女儿变得特别黏我,而且本来大小便已经很规律了,现在又开始频繁尿裤及尿床。这种两边交替的看护方式会对她造成不良影响吗?在这种看护方式下,我应该做些什么帮助她适应?  相似文献   

Q What does his father like?/What is his father like?/What does his father look like?这三句话的意思有何不同?(滁州欣宜)A这里涉及对like意思的理解:like既可以作动词,表示"喜欢"的意思,也可以作介词,表示"(看起来)像……"的意思。你提到的第一句,like是动词,全句意为"他爸爸喜欢什么?"可以用"He likes  相似文献   

Q有这样一道同义句改写题,我不知所措:The minute I sat down in front of the TV,my mom came over.=My mom came overI sat down in front of the TV(.池州舟舟)A这里的the minute/moment...相当于as soon as...,意思为"一……就……"。再如:I need to see her the minute she arrives.=I needto see her as soon as she arrives.所以,横线上应填写as soon as。(思迈)  相似文献   

易辉 《初中生》2008,(1):59-59
Mary has been going to primary school for a week.At the end of the first week,ber father asked her,“Whieh period you like best at school?”  相似文献   

A boy goes to a pet shop to buy a parrot.There he sees a parrot with a red string tied to itsleft leg and a green string tied to its right leg. He asks the owner the significance of thestrings. "Well.this is a highly trained parrot.Ifyou pull the red string he speaks French; if you  相似文献   


Q我在书面表达时写了这样一句话:He’s easy to do it well.老师说应该改用it开头:It’s easy for him to do it well.——How come?(宿州雨荷)"A通常情况下,easy/difficult/possible/impossible/necessary等形容词后接不定式时,不以"人"打头做主语,其常见的表达方式为"It’s  相似文献   

An Easy Answer     
The old lady was being interviewed by the press after she hadreached the age of 110. "What do you think is the reason for long life?" they asked her.  相似文献   

本文通过对考生答卷中选择性试题的最大可能错同数的研究,建立甄别雷同答卷模型,对考生选择题作答情况进行分析,以判别是否存在雷同答卷。研究过程中以实际考试数据进行验证,证明该方法是可行,有效的。  相似文献   

Key to the January & February Issue  相似文献   

Abstract The procedures used in presenting many concrete operational problems have two drawbacks: children may fail through misunderstanding the questioner's intention and there is a biasing towards a unidimensional interpretational of the question. Story completion procedures were used here in an effort to circumvent these problems. In the first experiment six and seven year‐old children had to select one of four completions of a story of traditional style and content. Selection of completions that involved the coordination of perceptual dimensions was associated with separately‐assessed ability in conservation and in class inclusion. This was interpreted as showing that success and failure on these standard tasks reflects answer preferences which are not specific to the procedures used in the tasks. The second experiment attempted to equalise the biasing towards the unidimensional answer in conservation tasks. The problem was presented through a narrative in which the answers of a nonconserving and of a conserving protagonist came into symmetrical conflict. Selection of the conservation completion by the four and five year‐old subjects was far more common than in the standard situation, suggesting that when the biasing is removed a more basic form of conservation competence is revealed.  相似文献   

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