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过度教育测度方法的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
过度教育已经成为西方发达国家普遍存在的一种现象,然而,对于过度教育的测度却未形成统一的方法.本文拟对现有的关于过度教育的发生及过度教育收益率的测度方法进行比较研究.  相似文献   

本文评介测度过度教育的几种主要方法,概括了过度教育研究所得出的一些基本结论,并阐述了过度教育研究对我国高等教育研究和改革的启示。  相似文献   

从宏观上看,过度教育是指教育供给超过了教育需求;从微观上看,过度教育是指个人拥有的教育存量超过了现有工作岗位的需求。中外学者在不同理论框架下对过度教育进行了不同的阐述;对过度教育的测度,成因,影响以及危害等都做出了不同的解释,研究过度教育,对指导我国高等教育的发展有着重大意义。  相似文献   

教育与工作之间的不匹配问题是过度教育问题的延伸,近几年来才逐渐引起了学术界的重视。本文对教育与工作之间的不匹配的定义、测度方法、成因以及对工资收益的影响等问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

本文利用1996-2006年的香港人口普查数据,采用众数法和标准差法,对不同工龄和不同行业的雇员的过度教育发生概率进行了测度,并运用ORU模型估算出过度教育对雇员工资收入的影响.在此基础上,进一步研究了香港主要行业的过度教育发生率与其对GDP贡献比率之间的关系,发现二者之间存在着显著的u形关联,即在增长较缓慢和较快速的行业中,过度教育发生率显著较高.因此,研究过度教育应进入不同行业内加以审察.此外,在这两类行业中雇员的教育水平有很大差距,过度教育并非单纯的"教育供应"过量问题,而更多是一个"教育需求"问题.过度教育在不同行业中所起的作用及其对整个经济转型所产生的影响,才是问题的核心.  相似文献   

西方关于过度教育的研究与启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
二战后,西方发达国家大幅度增加了对教育的投资,教育规模得到了空前的发展。到上世纪70年代,大量从业人员的实际教育水平明显超过了其所从事工作对教育的要求,被西方教育经济学家称为过度教育现象。本文从导致过度教育产生的原因出发,综合分析了西方社会关于过度教育发生率、过度教育与劳动生产力、过度教育与教育质量、过度教育与个体收益率等方面的理论和实证研究,并探讨了这些研究对我国社会经济和高等教育发展的启示。  相似文献   

直面过度教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪70年代过度教育的概念诞生后,各国纷纷开始了对过度教育的研究。对照各国的过度教育的发展过程及其研究结果,可以得出以下结论:我国确实存在着特殊的过度教育,并将长期存在,因此,高校学生应直面过度教育的现状,积极采取应对措施。  相似文献   

文章分析了过度教育在我国的表现,介绍教育经济学度量过度教育发生率的方法并分析了我国过度教育发生的情况和过度教育将会造成的影响,并从教育经济学角度提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

尽管对教育过度的研究已进行了20多年,但对教育过度的界定还未取得共识;研究者们所表述的意思基本相近,即个人或社会拥有的教育存量超过了现有职业岗位的需要。从追溯教育过度的概念出发,系统回顾了学者们对我国教育过度问题的争论,并阐述了深入研究教育过度问题的意义。  相似文献   

上世纪60年代开始,希腊的高等教育规模得到了空前发展,使劳动力的平均受教育年限迅速提高,但由于国有企业私有化改革和私营企业对大学毕业生的吸纳能力有限,劳动力的教育收益率逐年下降,出现了明显的过度教育现象。本主要从过度教育与家庭社会经济背景的关系、过度教育与学科专业的关系和过度教育在国有和私营部门之间的差别等方面论述了希腊过度教育的特点。  相似文献   

关于我国过度教育现象的经济学思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
过度教育在我国已经出现,对经济社会发展弊多利少,究其本质而言是一种市场供给和需求的非均衡状态,探究过度教育的成因和寻找修正过度教育的对策都需要从这样一个经济学视角来着手。  相似文献   

The incidence of overeducation in eight European countries is here assessed by means of multiple indicators. With the exception of Spain, the results reveal that overeducation is a minor risk amongst European tertiary graduates. Yet, the contrast between different indicators reveals the existence of an overeducation of a moderate kind in countries with high rates of tertiary attainment (Norway, Finland and Netherlands). Our results also reveal the importance of higher education differentiation for understanding the risk of overeducation. Graduates from humanistic fields, bachelor courses and vocational colleges are more exposed to overeducation, though their disadvantage varies cross-nationally.  相似文献   

The idea of the knowledge society is becoming increasingly dominant in various public and scholarly writings. Several governments have reacted by advocating a further expansion of higher education in order to provide a highly skilled workforce. This seems at odds with views regarding the underutilisation of skills of employed graduates. This paper sketches some major characteristics of the emergent knowledge society from sociological, epistemological and economic viewpoints. Next, it discusses current research on the incidence of overeducation. It is pointed out that measures on overeducation are inaccurate and do not take into account changes in the emergent knowledge societies. The paper concludes with implications for future research on the nature and change of knowledge-based occupations.  相似文献   

本文从人力资本、失业等角度探讨过度教育定义,在此基础上对过度教育的发生率和收益率的计算提出了修正建议,同时从教育不匹配和技能不匹配的角度出发,提出应重新思考过度教育的涵义。  相似文献   

This paper examines the incidence and determinants of overeducation in the Belgian private sector. Two different approaches are used to define overeducation by means of data on characteristics of employees and employers. Using the 1995 Structure of Earnings Survey, between 22% and 24% of the workforce is found to be overeducated. Results support the idea that employers view labour market experience as a substitute for formal education. They also show that male workers and people employed in state‐owned firms are less affected by overeducation. Further results suggest that the size of the establishment has a very weak (negative) impact on overeducation.  相似文献   

The paper estimates the returns to overeducation by the Over-Required and Undereducation (ORU) model. The estimated results indicate that the returns to overeducation are positive, but lower than the returns to required education, which suggests that while overeducated employees’ earnings are diminished, they still can benefit from it. The paper also attempts to estimate the returns to overeducation by occupations, industries and regions. The result shows that in the field where educational level has much to do with the skills required by employers, education-job match has a greater effect on one’s earnings, such as professionals and skilled persons. On the contrary, education-job mismatch has little effect on one’s earnings, such as non-skilled employees, administrative and clerical employees. In addition, the returns to overeducation are lower or insignificant for those working in competitive but lower paid industries and areas. Conversely, the returns to overeducation are higher for those working in the highly monopolized and highly paid industry and area. It can be argued that regardless of the incidence of overeducation, those with higher level of education prefer to choose the lower level of job in these industries and areas.  相似文献   

西方过度教育的理论综述   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在很多经济合作与发展组织(OECD)国家里,已经有越来越多的高学历工人从事以前由低学历工人从事的工作,这种现象通常被解释为过度教育。教育供给增长速度过快为产生过度教育提供了客观环境,而过度教育的产生与个人异质性和工作技术结构都相关,同时也与受教育者从学校过渡到工作岗位的中介场所——劳动力市场有关。过度教育的实质是什么,如何解释过度教育现象?教育经济学家在不同理论框架下对过度教育进行了不同的阐释。  相似文献   

The paper estimates the returns to overeducation by the Over-Required and Undereducation (ORU) model. The estimated results indicate that the returns to overeducation are positive, but lower than the returns to required education, which suggests that while overeducated employees’ earnings are diminished, they still can benefit from it. The paper also attempts to estimate the returns to overeducation by occupations, industries and regions. The result shows that in the field where educational level has much to do with the skills required by employers, education-job match has a greater effect on one’s earnings, such as professionals and skilled persons. On the contrary, education-job mismatch has little effect on one’s earnings, such as non-skilled employees, administrative and clerical employees. In addition, the returns to overeducation are lower or insignificant for those working in competitive but lower paid industries and areas. Conversely, the returns to overeducation are higher for those working in the highly monopolized and highly paid industry and area. It can be argued that regardless of the incidence of overeducation, those with higher level of education prefer to choose the lower level of job in these industries and areas. __________ Translated from Beijing Daxue Jiaoyu Pinglun 北京大学教育评论 (Peking University Education Review), 2007, 5(2): 136–146  相似文献   

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