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By the resolution of February 9, 1976, the Council of Ministers of the European Community requested that a report be prepared with a view toward increasing the possibilities of academic recognition of diplomas and periods of study by the member states. Under the responsibility of M. G. Brunner, in charge of the educational system in the commission of the Communities, this report was edited by a British expert and published at the end of last year. While right of domicile and free circulation of workers among the countries of the Common Market constitutes one of the fundamental principles of the Treaty of Rome, the parliament itself does not deal specifically with the question of free circulation of students. The present mobility of students within the community is very weak. It involves only 0.5% of the total student population. Hence the concern of the commission to promote everything that might be conducive to improving this mobility. The recognition of academic qualifications is one of the essential conditions for the circulation of students from one university to another. It has been made possible by agreements among the member states, and the efforts of the commission will in the years to come be directed toward finding an overall solution for the Community at large on the basis of these agreements, the scope of which has remained limited.  相似文献   

EuCEENet forms a new basis for communication between European centres of excellence in continuing engineering education. It provides an infrastructure for persons in charge of continuing engineering education within the participating institutions for continuous discussion and cooperation in areas of common interest, to act as access points to continuing engineering education provisions at a European level, and for collaborative European continuing engineering education efforts. The University Extension Centre at Vienna University of Technology established EuCEENet on the basis of standard listserv software provided for EARN. EuCEENet is able to support many activities of its members. Its strength is that participants are connected personally and not only technologically and that they are representing organizations with similar objectives and quality standards so that they can trust each other.  相似文献   

博洛尼亚进程对欧洲高等工程教育专业认证产生了重要的影响,本文以欧洲工程教育认证网络(ENAEE)及欧洲工程教育专业认证(EUR-ACE?)体系的出现和发展为切入点,分析了其历史、背景、组织结构、认证标准,及其与欧洲各国工程教育专业认证之间的关系,并将EUR-ACE?认证体系与华盛顿协议进行了比较,发现EUR-ACE?体系在欧洲层面建立起了一种分散式的第一阶段和第二阶段统一的认证体系。EUR-ACE?体系既强调灵活性和兼容性,又努力保证各国的多样性。  相似文献   

高等学历信号的有效性是指高等学历信号能否对能力不同的人进行有效甄别,而高等教育体制会对高等学历信号的有效性产生重要的影响。中国目前的高等教育体制使高等学历信号失效,失效后的高等学历信号对劳动力就业市场、对社会生产率、对个人的选择及对高等教育本身都产生了极为深远的影响。  相似文献   

This article assesses the impact of the Bologna Process on the grading schemes of EU member countries. In light of some problems regarding the implementation of the European Credit Transfer system (ECTS), the author proposes further reforms and offers some elements of a unified grading system for European higher education. The author explores the variation among Europe's grading systems and the resulting lessons learned are shared here. Lastly, this article also argues that principles of justice and fairness, deemed central to academic freedom, are best upheld by the use of a unified grading system at national and European levels.  相似文献   

针对网络工程专业实践教学环节存在的问题,设计了四种驱动力、四种推力、四种拉力的"三力合一"实践教学体系。四种驱动力是:校企合作+项目驱动的全程仿真实训过程,有趣+有用+有挑战的教学案例,上机实验+课程设计+综合实训+顶岗实习的实践过程一体化,ISAS+项目团队+建立课程网站的全程参与式学习过程。四种推力是:全程考核,强化技能认证,假期集中实践,双元制。四种拉力是:开辟第二课堂实施分层教学,以项目团队的形式培养精英学生,工作室,导师制。在驱动力和前拉后推的联合作用下,调动学生的积极性,变被动为主动,最大限度地提升学生的专业技能。  相似文献   

网络计划技术在汽车维修中的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从汽车修理网络计划技术基本内容、应用和汽车修理网络计划方案的优化入手,探讨利用网络计划技术方便快捷地优化汽车修理工艺过程。  相似文献   


In this article, we discuss the process of standardization of Higher education (HE) initiated by the Bologna Process bringing to the forefront the temporal politics of the standardization of European Higher Education Arena (EHEA). Empirically, we perform a comparative review of the Scorecards indicators at the base of the Bologna Process monitoring project. We argue that the fabrication of EHEA could be seen as the installation of new time-space ‘time’ and ‘space’ appear inevitably intertwined. Instead of being a simple addition, the time space of EHEA interferes with the multiple time spaces of educational institutions and is characterized by being a network time, an unbroken and fragmented temporality sustained, enacted through, and controlled by the fluidity and the malleability of standards. They change recurrently over time, playing with different rhythms. What emerges is an overall arrhythmia that maintains the field permanently in tension. This reconfigures temporality as intrinsically manifold: as multiple and heterogeneous. Moreover, the temporal politics of standards reconfigures perception of past, present and especially future. The current state of implementation is constantly being (re)shaped in relation to the present and future performances, where’s one today level of EHEA targets achievement forms the basis for improvement tomorrow. In this scenario, assessing standards and headline targets become a policy instrument for synchronizing the countries performances, by locating them in a temporal framework that encodes future-oriented dispositions.  相似文献   

课程重建:欧洲工程教育改革的启示   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
近十年来,欧洲工程教育相继实施了三项大型改革计划,即H3E计划、E4计划和TREE计划。本文介绍这些计划的背景与主题,重点阐述E4计划中的创新课程体系主题,分析研究了其结果导向、课程创新和自主选择的核心改革思想与举措,并就我国工程教育的改革发展提出了相应建议。  相似文献   

Economic theory predicts that improvements in signaling of achievement generated by external exit examination systems will (1) result in students learning more and this in turn will (2) enable them to get better paying jobs. Since New York State had the only statewide curriculum-based external exit exam system in the nation in the early 1990s, hypothesis 1 predicts that New York students should out perform socio-economically comparable students from other states. Cross section analysis of mean 8th grade NAEP math scores and SAT-I scores found that New York students were indeed about one grade level equivalent ahead of where one would expect given their socio-economic background. A similar analysis of dropout rate data found no differences between New York and other states. Hypothesis 2 was tested in HSB and NLS-88 data. Female students who reported that their high school required they pass a minimum competency exam in order to graduate were paid significantly more after they graduated from high school. Men did not earn more but did get a higher hourly wage.  相似文献   

After a brief glance backward at the development of the European Study Course EMS with double qualification (of the national acknowledged awards Bachelor of Engineering and Diplomingenieur FH) the three main parts of this course at the home institution, at the host institution and in industry are described. It is shown that high calibre students get the chance of acquiring three nationally acknowledged degrees within four years. Some of the main problems that arise from the language barrier, in the field of pedagogies and the academic recognition especially in keeping the ‘equivalence equation’ are made clear. At the end an evaluation of international joint study programmes for undergraduates with reference to defined criteria of growing complexity is given in the form of a diagram.  相似文献   

The need for an international, or at least European, system of recognition of academic and professional qualifications increases as the professional job market becomes more and more international. On the contrary, no widely accepted European system exists at present, not even in engineering, although in this field the situation appears more advanced than in others, thanks to the comparatively great international experience and exchanges in the academic and professional worlds. Thus, notwithstanding a European Community Directive of 1989 that intended to make easy the trans-national mobility of all professionals, and the 1997 ‘Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications Concerning Higher Education in the European Region’ promoted by the Council of Europe and UNESCO, international exchanges and mobility still encounter difficulties, due partly to long-standing prejudices, but also to insufficient mutual knowledge of the different national systems and significance of the degrees awarded. This paper summarizes briefly the present situation in the European Union with regard to recognition and accreditation of engineering degrees and qualifications, illustrates the actions undertaken by Working Group 2 of the EU-supported Thematic Network ‘Higher Engineering Education for Europe’, and advances a tentative proposal with regard to the gradual, bottom-up establishment of a system for mutual recognition and accreditation of degrees and professional qualifications in engineering.  相似文献   

从工程制图的学习兴趣的培养、与创造性思维、与做人的高度方向 (z轴 )教学 ;工程制图与哲学、与美学、与物理学、数学的横向 (y轴 )教学 ;以及工程制图与教学大纲、教学周历、教材资料、教学挂图、教学模型、教学投影片、制图环境、教学环节、试题库、计算机教学等方面的纵向 (x 轴 )教学三个方面 ,论述了立体网络化教学改革与实践的探索和尝试  相似文献   

针对计算机网络工程全面信息化管理进行分析,提出计算机工程信息化优势,阐述计算机网络工程全面信息化管理中存在的问题,总结如何实施计算机网络工程全面信息化管理,提高管理人员信息化水平和网络安全意识.  相似文献   

目前实验中常存在各门课程关联性差,验证性实验过多以及过分依赖硬件设备的问题。结合实验教学经验,提出了从网络本质出发,在所有专业实验课程中强化分层的思想和协议的作用。将不同的课程的重心映射在对应的网络层次上,通过在不同课程中多角度使用和分析协议,体现协议在网络中的核心作用。通过软件模拟的方式解决真实环境的不足。实验内容的优化,特别是精心设置的设计类实验项目,能够进一步提高学生的动手能力,培养创新精神。  相似文献   

The Master's degree course in European Construction Engineering has many unique features. Its students come from several different European countries, each student studies in at least three different European locations, and the teaching staff are drawn from seven different European universities. The course is therefore genuinely multinational and European. The development and delivery of the course over the past 6 years has revealed fundamental differences in European education practices which have provided a learning experience for both students and staff. This paper describes the course development and discusses some of the issues that have arisen during the development process, many of which are yet to be finally resolved.  相似文献   

Over the past years, the European Journal of Engineering Education (EJEE), the journal of the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI) developed as a more research oriented journal. Bibliometric analyses show that EJEE keeps pace with other leading journals in the field of Engineering Education in most respects. EJEE serves a worldwide audience with about as many contributions from Europe as from other parts of the world. Yet, the impact factor of the journal calculated according to the formula of Thomson's ISI Web of Science seems to be lagging behind. As an explanation for this phenomenon, it is argued that EJEE keeps on publishing papers that are appreciated by practitioners in the field, even if they do not generate a lot of citations in scientific journals.  相似文献   

随着WebGIS功能的扩展,信息安全问题越来越重要,首先对WebGIS的体系结构作了进一步的阐述。然后对WebGIS的网络平台安全维护技术进行了概述。  相似文献   

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