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The present study examined the perceptions of 140 parents and 323 teachers regarding career entry into science and engineering for students with learning disabilities. Parents' and teachers' perceptions were assessed on the following eight variables: (a) facility access, (b) expense of accommodations, (c) role models, (d) teacher understanding of students' academic needs, (e) length of learning time, (f) student aptitude and educational preparation, (g) career guidance, and (h) employer attitudes. Results revealed that parents, significantly more than teachers, feel that teachers do not make the necessary effort to accommodate students with learning disabilities and that employers in the science and engineering fields are reluctant to hire persons with learning disabilities. Implications of the results for rehabilitation counselors working with learning disabled students interested in science and engineering are offered.  相似文献   

Harvey Siegel's conception of critical thinking is riddled with unnecessary and confusing dualisms. He rigidly separates 'critical skill' and 'critical spirit', the philosophical and the causal, 'is' and 'ought', and the moral and the epistemological. These dualisms are easily traced to his desire to defend an absolutist and decontextualised epistemology. To the Deweyan naturalist these dualisms are unnecessary. Appealing to the pragmatist notion of beliefs as embodied habits of action evincing emotion, I show how language, meanings and the mind, including the mind of the critical thinker, emerge from our biological being.  相似文献   

Systems and methodologies have been developed to improve the learning and practice of programming. We examine the kinds of support tools that have been developed to date, and we discuss their role in meeting the needs of beginning students. We begin with a literature review to summarize the actual difficulties involved in learning the tasks of program development. A comprehensive survey of environments developed to support the learning of problem solving and programming follows, covering programming environments, debugging aids, intelligent tutoring systems, and intelligent programming environments. A careful analysis of these systems uncovers the limitations that have prevented them from accomplishing their goals.  相似文献   

Computer-based learning environments (CBLEs) present important opportunities for fostering learning; however, studies have shown that students have difficulty when learning with these environments. Research has identified that students’ self-regulatory learning (SRL) processes may mediate the hypothesized positive relations between CBLEs and academic performance. In this review, we identified 33 empirical studies of SRL and CBLEs. We address three research questions: (1) How do learner and task characteristics relate to students’ SRL with CBLEs? (2) Can various learning supports or conditions enhance the quality of students’ SRL as they learn with CBLEs? (3) What conceptual, theoretical, and methodological issues exist for this growing area of research? We found evidence that specific SRL processes are more often associated with academic success than others and that SRL skills can be supported. We also identified a number of issues that researchers should aim to address in future investigations, including a more comprehensive measurement of facets of SRL and the quality of SRL processes, the seeming disconnect between SRL processes and learning outcomes, and the distinction between self- and other-regulation. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

非言语学习困难问题是近年来学习困难研究的新领域。本文对非言语性学习困难的概念、症状表现及干预模式等方面的研究进展进行了述评,并提出未来研究应从统一非言语性学习困难的界定标准、扩展研究领域及探索适合的干预模式入手,进一步深化和推动非言语性学习困难的研究。  相似文献   

胡勇  邱晴 《宜春学院学报》2011,33(7):108-110
批评话语分析主要目的是通过表面的语言形式,揭露语篇、意识形态和权势之间的关系。在国内某知名公司致广大用户的一封信中,及物性、人称代词和语篇的选择与运用,发挥着为其公司意识形态服务并且试图统治读者思想的作用。从批评话语分析角度对这封信的解读,能够促使读者对大众语篇进行批评性阅读,提高读者的批评语言意识与反控制意识。  相似文献   

数学学习困难及其心理分析   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
数学学习困难是学校教育中普遍存在的现象。本文在阐述数学学习困难的概念及其相关研究的基础上 ,从学习动机、问题表征能力、解题策略以及元认知技能等方面分析了学生数学困难形成的原因 ,为学校进行补偿教育提供理论依据。  相似文献   

学习障碍是一个比较新的、越来越受到关注的领域。近年来,我国开始重视学习障碍儿童的干预训练,从单一的采用某种干预模式到综合利用多种干预技术,在全纳中重视个别化教育的指导,加强学校教育和家庭教育的配合,对学习障碍儿童的干预训练提出了一些以后发展的方向。  相似文献   

创建学习型组织是一个最前沿的管理理论,是成功企业共有的特征,是市场竞争的最终决定力。真正有生命力的保持企业活力的组织是那些善于学习的企业。人人都希望自己的组织是一个学习型组织,人们也认识到创建学习型组织的重要性、必要性和紧迫感。然而,学习型组织的创建,是不可能一蹴而就的,创建进程中存在着许多需要克服的智障因素。消除组织学习的智障,是个世界性的难题,它贯穿于创建学习型组织的全过程。  相似文献   

学习障碍儿童成为一个显著的特殊的庞大的研究群体,在全纳教育理念下审视这一被研究群体. 可从教师、学生、教学策略三个方面对学习障碍儿童进行全纳性教学,以促进学习障碍儿童平衡发展.  相似文献   


This paper identifies evidence that significant procedural learning can emerge from process approaches to teaching writing, including from the transition of pupils’ writing from draft to revision. It shows how writing schemes that use an underlying process framework to structure learning, give pupils ownership of their own writing and exploit the resources of classes as learning communities can enable pupils to learn how to write more effectively, and in some cases to discover what they want to say through the process of composition. The paper draws on this and other work to set out a number of implications for teaching and classroom practice.  相似文献   

The ability to teach one’s self is a critical skill for workers in the 21st century because of the rapidity of change and innovation. To educate students to meet this challenge, we need to re-envision curriculum with the goal of producing graduates who have the ability to complete the transition from novice to expert after graduation and continue to deepen their expertise throughout their careers. Using engineering education as a model of current efforts in curricular revision, we present a method for curricular review based on learning types in order to design an undergraduate experience that is transformative and congruent with a learner-centered approach. Michael Harris received his Ph.D. in Public Policy from Indiana University, his Master’s degree from Tel-Aviv University, and his undergraduate degree in economics and business administration from Ben-llan University. He is a graduate of the Harvard Graduate School of Education Institute for Educational Management (IEM) and Management Development Program (MDP). Dr. Harris serves as the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at Kettering University. Roxanne Cullen holds a Ph.D. in English from Bowling Green State University with a specialization in Composition Theory and Rhetoric. She is currently Professor of English at Ferris State University, where she has also held various administrative posts.  相似文献   

儿童学习不良问题是目前困扰义务教育发展的一个重要问题。家庭环境有硬环境和软环境之分,硬环境比如家庭的成员结构、成员素质、资源分配、生活方式等,软环境比如家庭成员间的关系、父母的教养方式和态度、家庭功能等,这些因素都会对儿童学习不良造成不同程度的影响。改善学习不良儿童家庭环境的几点建议包括:(1)给予孩子积极关注;(2)创造良好的家庭心理环境;(3)改善家庭功能,明确角色定位;(4)与孩子共同学习、共同成长;(5)关注孩子的身心健康。  相似文献   

联通主义视域下的移动学习环境设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
联通主义学习理论阐述了网络时代下学习的发生过程,即知识是以不同方式进行联通、重组和再造。文章对联通主义学习理论进行了概述,分析了利用该理论进行移动学习环境设计的可行性,并且根据该学习理论,构建了移动学习环境的基本结构,分别对其中的学习共同体、学习资源、支持工具、学习情境四个环境子要素进行设计。鉴于对联通主义理论下移动学习环境的设计,以期给学习者提供一个优质的学习环境,促进学习者高效学习。  相似文献   

对学习不良学生的教育长期以来一直是教育中的难题。新课程改革倡导学生学习方式要有所改变,强调学生自主、合作、探究式的学习,要求教师在多元智力理论的指导下重新审视学生,并提出相应的教育对策,以期解决学习不良这一难题。  相似文献   

对Stephen B.McCamey1996年修订完成的《学习障碍评价量表》(学校版)进行了修订。中文版量表共85个项目,包括7个分量表:听、思考、说、阅读、书写/写作、拼写和数学运算。对416名小学二至五年级学生的测量表明:(1)项目的回答模式合理; (2)该量表具有较高的内部一致性系数和重测信度系数;(3)该量表具有较好的结构效度、效标关联效度和内容效度。  相似文献   

The Learning Disability Index (LDI) is one of many diagnostic indicators proposed for the identification of students with learning disabilities that relies on patterns of performance on cognitive tests. The LDI is hypothesized to relate to students' specific neuropsychological deficits. The present study investigated the diagnostic utility of the LDI with the third edition of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children by comparing students previously diagnosed with learning disabilities (n = 2,053) to students without learning disabilities (n = 2,200). Subsamples of youth with specific reading (n = 445) and math (n = 168) disabilities permitted further assessment of the efficacy of the LDI. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves revealed that the LDI resulted in a correct diagnostic decision only 55% to 64% of the time. These results demonstrate that the LDI is not a valid diagnostic indicator of learning disabilities.  相似文献   

Universities have recently strengthened their class attendance policies along with associated practices that intensify the surveillance of learning: a series of administrative and pedagogic strategies that monitor the extent to which students conform with behavioural expectations associated with learning. Drawing on university policy statements, the paper identifies implicit arguments underpinning attendance requirements for students in higher education. These include demonstrating the accountability of publicly funded higher education, a concern for the pastoral and academic welfare of students and their appropriate preparation for expectations associated with workplace and professional practice. In a critique it is argued that attendance policies promote presenteeism as part of the discourse of learnerism. Such rules further infantilise students rather than developing their capacity to make informed choices as adults thereby failing to respect their academic freedom.  相似文献   

智力-成绩差异模式是学业不良诊断中最常用的方法,但同时也面临尖锐的批判,近年来,有研究者提出"反应-干预模型",摒弃了智力测验.事实上,智力测验在学业不良诊断中是一种资格性(eligibility)的筛查,具有不可低估的作用.在实际操作中,只有将两种模式结合起来,取长补短,才能更有效地进行诊断.  相似文献   

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