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In order to plan appropriate cooperative programs for particular higher education consortia, it is necessary to identify the characteristics of these organizations. The spatial configuration technique was used to illustrate the impact of eleven variables of the member institutions in differentiating among four consortia. Six of the variables — Control, Highest Degree Awarded, Percentage of Males, Math SAT Scores, Conventional Orientation, Scientific Orientation, and Endowment — were found to be significant in differentiating among the consortia. It was concluded that the spatial configuration technique was an effective way of visually comparing those consortia composed of member institutions, which as groups had similar and dissimilar characteristics.  相似文献   

Many e-learning service systems fail. This is particularly true for those sponsored by joint industry/university consortia where substantial economic investments are required up-front. This article provides an industry/university consortia reference model validated through experiences with the 8-year-old Teradata University Network. The reference model addresses basic and advanced sustainability capabilities that integrate partner, application, faculty, student, and e-learning service system issues. Our validation of the reference model includes a mapping to the literature regarding recent advances in e-learning service system infrastructures and supported capabilities. One outcome of that validation step is a comprehensive set of capability assessment questions to be used by consortia.  相似文献   

分析了基于AHP法的模糊隶属度函数模糊子集的创建过程,并将其应用到在线学习效率评价过程中。用模糊评价方法对学生的学习状态进行了定量化描述,把原来普通集合对类属、性态的非此即彼的绝对属于或不属于的判定,转化为对类属、性态作从0到1不同程度的相对判定,为将学习过程的定性分析转换为定量评价打下了基础。  相似文献   

Operational characteristics for successful mentoring programs of new university faculty include clarity of purpose of the program, methods for matching mentors and protégés, mentor training, mentor–protégé relationship building, and program effectiveness assessment. Strengths of formal, informal, peer, group or consortia, intra-departmental, inter-departmental, and research mentoring approaches to mentoring from the literature are presented. Using characteristics and outcomes from successful programs, a proposed four-stage model of conceptualization, design and development, implementation, and evaluation can lead to the benefits of socialization into the culture, emotional support, networking, and increased job performance.  相似文献   

This article describes a mixed‐methods needs assessment, or developmental evaluation, that was conducted for the providers and stakeholders of Oklahoma's community‐based organizations (CBOs). The needs assessment, which was the first phase in developing training on outcome monitoring for their HIV prevention programs, relied on three evaluation approaches: Behavioral‐objectives, participatory, and empowerment. This article describes the background for the needs assessment, the needs assessment process, and the lessons learned. When dealing with such a complex issue as HIV prevention where multiple goals must be achieved for success, a mixed‐methods approach to needs assessment may better capture real‐world needs. Furthermore, it may increase acceptance of the needs assessment findings and conclusions by the diverse groups that have a stake in the evaluation. However, as this study exemplified, implementing and reporting a mixed‐methods needs assessment that is based on differing evaluation approaches is complex, challenging, and resource intensive. This study can contribute to theory building for mixed‐methods evaluation.  相似文献   

The fundamental purpose of the Tech Prep Education Act is to prepare students for rapid technological advances and the America's participation in a global economy. Technical preparation (Tech Prep) addresses this goal through a curriculum comprising mathematics, science, communications, and various related occupational cluster areas to bridge secondary with postsecondary education. Across the nation, approximately 800 local consortia formed during the 1992 fiscal year to receive federal funding to plan and implement these new educational programs. The present study was conducted to document the planning and implementation processes used in 17 Tech Prep consortia in a Midwest state. The three research objectives were to document (a) how planning and implementation processes occurred, (b) the roles of local Tech Prep project leaders who assumed responsibility for guiding these processes, and (c) the leaders’ perceptions of how various planning and implementation processes contributed to the development of effective Tech Prep programs. The findings from this research can assist local consortia in conducting planning and implementation processes for new Tech Prep programs.  相似文献   

本文在对我国高校教育评估的现状及不足进行分析的基础上,提出了高校教育评估应坚持的三个原则,分析了开展高校教育功效评估工作的策略,并探讨了高校教育功效评估向教学、科研和学生就业方面的三个延伸,目的是为了更好地推动功效评估工作进入科学化、规范化的轨道。  相似文献   

本文通过对高校教师教学质量测评系统的需求进行详细分析,细化了系统的功能需求,描述了测评的四个阶段,对每一个阶段分模块进行描述,采取了面向对象方法描述了每一个模块.在系统设计阶段采用了统一建模语言,对测评系统进行了三层架构,并应用了包的设计对复杂的业务进行了处理,最后用Java为编程语言实现了系统测评的四个阶段,并用先进的测试方法对系统进行了测试,实现了系统设计的各项功能.  相似文献   

This article describes a framework for the effective supervision and systematic evaluation of practicum skills. The practicum format has been developed with the intent of applying competency-based evaluation methods to practicum and promoting self-critique skills among counselor trainees. A methodology for counselor self-critique, based on selective editing and focused discussion of videotaped sessions, is presented and explored.  相似文献   

Tech Prep is a federal education initiative funded by the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act initially authorized in 1990 then reauthorized in 1998. Texas HB 2401 subsequently established the parameters for the operation of Tech Prep in Texas. Texas has 26 regional consortia that coordinate the delivery of services between secondary school districts and two-year colleges under the leadership of consortium directors. The research reported in this paper examined the effectiveness of these consortia based upon an opinion survey administered to Texas Tech Prep consortia directors, community college technical administrators, and secondary technical program directors.  相似文献   

基于对2007-2017 年我国高校本科教育评估的相关研究成果的检索,可以看出10 年来本科教学从水平评估和到审核评估的发展脉络与演变过程。主要通过文献研究法对国内研究成果进行具体的剖析,透视我国高校本科教育评估近十年间的研究态势及演变过程,揭示其研究成果与隐性缺失。本科审核评估研究的特征主要有:研究方法以定性研究为主,定量研究所占比重较少;研究内容分布较广但不均衡;理论借鉴较多,高等教育评估元理论缺乏。  相似文献   

探讨了区域图书馆联盟建设的规律性认识,即区域图书馆联盟建设发展的动因.根据研究分析,结合国内外区域图书馆联盟的发展现状,从内外两方面论述了目前区域图书馆联盟建设发展的障碍,并提出了相应的解决对策.  相似文献   

高校教学质量评价是高校教育管理的重要环节,科学有效地评价教学质量对促进学校发展具有重要意义。该研究介绍了基于物元模型的一种高校教学质量评价方法。针对以往定性评价和指标综合指数评价中存在的信息屏蔽问题,试着应用物元分析法来进行高校教育质量评价,以弥补以往评价方法的不足,提高高校教学质量评价的科学性和准确性。  相似文献   


This article describes an undergraduate criminal justice research methods course that uses interactive teaching methods to explore the dynamics of policy analysis and program evaluation. The issue of prison overcrowding is introduced after a solid base of research methods concepts has been mastered. Prison overcrowding is presented in a detailed scenario that includes changes in state and local policy. Student workgroups explore issues involved in prison overcrowding using multiple sources of information, including the World Wide Web.  相似文献   

区域高等教育联盟在美国的存在与发展已近百年。作为一种以州为基本单位的高校合作实体,美国区域高等教育联盟的使命由高等教育资源的分享延伸到近年来对知识区域的塑造,故其目标与功能日趋多样化。美国区域高等教育联盟多属于自愿结盟,推行理事会的治理,具备稳定与多元的经费来源。相对于跨州的、全国性的高等教育联盟,区域高等教育联盟的基本特征在于其地缘邻近性与成员学校构成的异质化、较高程度的内部合作性与组织融合性、联盟与区域之间的密切互动性。  相似文献   

This paper describes an intergenerational project developed in partnership between a social work degree program and an Older People's Theatre group. Bringing together a small group of students, older actors, and film makers, methods from drama and the arts were utilised to explore the topic of intimacy and sexuality in later life. The project produced digital stimulus learning materials. Formal evaluation identified beneficial outcomes for participants highlighting the advantages of older people's leadership in social work education and the transformative potential of the dramatic learning methods used. Such pedagogical approaches are essential to achieve genuine quality personalized outcomes for older people in contact with care services.  相似文献   

Some researchers have suggested that both federal and local studies of early childhood programs could be improved by delegating a portion of the responsibility for federally funded national evaluations to the local level so that local project staff have important roles in national studies. This article describes some of the ways in which the federal government has decentralized the responsibility for national evaluations of federally-funded early childhood programs, the methods used in local evaluation studies, and the strengths and weaknesses of centralized and decentralized national evaluations.  相似文献   


This paper describes the application of evaluation methods to a distance course and discusses the need for ongoing evaluation to control the quality of distance education courses. During the last quadrimester of 1996, a course in Graphic Mechanics was offered in Brazil through a distance education program entitled “Programa Educ@r”1 via the World Wide Web. Evaluation methods and data analysis were developed and applied during the period of the course, and results of the evaluation are discussed.  相似文献   

This article describes the results of a two‐year national study to evaluate the contribution of information technology projects to student learning in higher education in Australia. The study reviewed the outcomes of 104 teaching development grants that made significant use of a range of communication and information technologies in projects which had received a total of 4 million dollars in funding. In approximately 90% of cases, the project leaders reported having had the intention of improving student learning outcomes, but only one third were able to report this as the actual outcome. A review of the evaluation methods used by project leaders revealed a strong focus on student reactions to projects, rather than on methods that would have uncovered student learning outcomes.  相似文献   

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