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Although the past two decades have witnessed an increasing interest in the education of children with disabilities in Jordan, special education services are extended to less than 3% of the target population. Accordingly, the overwhelming majority of children with disabilities stay home with very little professional support and help available to them or to their families. The primary purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the present situation of families of children with disabilities in Jordan. Basic information about developments in this area is provided and the results of a survey conducted by the authors are presented.  相似文献   

The educational and developmental needs of children with disabilities in general, and of children with vision impairments in particular, have been ignored until recently in the Sultanate of Oman. However, the situation of special education and rehabilitation services is changing and there is progress to report. This article presents an overview of the prevalence and patterns of vision impairment, types of services offered, and priorities for future work.  相似文献   

There is widespread agreement that early intervention for children with visual impairments and their families is important and beneficial. However, few con- trolled prospective studies of the effectiveness of various types of early intervention have been completed with these children. This randomized study evaluated the immediate and long-term effects of a comprehensive, weekly homebased intervention for infants and toddlers with visual impairments, compared with a low-intensity treatment through parent group meetings offered approximately 12 times per year. In annual assessments conducted for t h e years after the intervention was begun, there were negligible statistically significant or practical differences between groups based on a variety of measures of child and family functioning. In light of the cost-effectiveness analyses reported, questions are raised about the type of early intervention that should be provided to children with visual impairments.  相似文献   

There is widespread agreement that early intervention for children with visual impairments and their families is important and beneficial. However, few con- trolled prospective studies of the effectiveness of various types of early intervention have been completed with these children. This randomized study evaluated the immediate and long-term effects of a comprehensive, weekly homebased intervention for infants and toddlers with visual impairments, compared with a low-intensity treatment through parent group meetings offered approximately 12 times per year. In annual assessments conducted for t h e years after the intervention was begun, there were negligible statistically significant or practical differences between groups based on a variety of measures of child and family functioning. In light of the cost-effectiveness analyses reported, questions are raised about the type of early intervention that should be provided to children with visual impairments.  相似文献   

This study examines the significance of acoustic conditions on the reception of sound signals in children with multi sensory impairments, using distraction/behavioural observation audiometry techniques. The important factor in initiating a response proved to be the + 10dBA signal over background noise level. Joan Graham, peripatetic teacher of pre-school children with hearing and multi sensory impairments, City of Birmingham education authority, and Brian Fraser, School of Education, Birmingham University, discuss these findings with reference to educational practice and classroom design, with the aim of improving conditions for the development of residual hearing in children with multi sensory impairments.  相似文献   

本研究通过比较20名5岁健听儿童与20名5岁听障儿童声调发音的声学参数,探求听障儿童声调的发音特点。研究结果表明:(1)听障儿童较容易掌握一声调,其一声的起点、终点、斜率与健听儿童无显著差异;(2)听障儿童二声调发音存在异常,其起点显著大于健听儿童,斜率显著小于健听儿童;(3)三声调对于听障儿童的发音难度相当大,35%的听障儿童用平调或降调的形式代替三声调,其他听障儿童三声调起点、终点、折点显著大于健听儿童,听障儿童的三声调斜率k升显著小于健听儿童;(4)听障儿童四声调发音存在异常,其四声调终点、斜率显著大于健听儿童。研究认为从发声层面,听障儿童之所以不能正确掌握二、三、四声调,是因为在声调的关键点不能将基频降低到合适水平。  相似文献   

弱智儿童适应性教育再思考   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
适应是弱智儿童成长发展的基本形式和趋势。适应力决定了弱智儿童真实生活的水平与质量。本文以新的适应观“适应是弱智儿童与环境双方的改变、调适”为主导 ,论及弱智儿童适应过程、特点。明晰弱智儿童适应性教育诊断 ,适应性养成教育的思路。启发对障碍、对环境建构的理解  相似文献   

Gina Conti-Ramsden, Christopher Donlan and John Grove raise important issues for the curricular provision for pupils with severe language impairment in their exploratory study.  相似文献   

日本智障儿童的数学教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了日本特别支援教育理念,智障儿童数学教育历史、现状与案例,旨在唤起人们对智障儿童数学教育及其研究的关注,促进我国智障儿童得到切合自身发展需要的数学教育.  相似文献   

This article describes an investigation of 26 mainstreaming programs for students with hearing impairments from pre‐kindergarten through high school. The purpose of the study was to examine selection criteria, quality and quantity of mainstreaming time, and available support services. Students were found to be mainstreamed according to a number of criteria reported in the literature such as academic performance, hearing loss, and interpersonal skills, but also were affected by the willingness of regular education teachers to accept them into their classrooms. Academic mainstreaming was infrequent, and classroom observations showed that children with hearing impairments often appeared to be not well integrated into classroom activities. Programs varied considerably on all variables examined, including support services; in particular sign language interpreting was offered in some programs, available to a limited extent in others, but in many cases not at all. Clearer definitions of mainstreaming are a necessity and regular education teachers need to be informed of the special requirements of children with hearing impairments.  相似文献   

The present study assessed the impact that children with intellectual disabilities have on their mothers' self-esteem. It also examined the differences in self-esteem between mothers of children with intellectual disabilities and mothers of non-disabled children. The study sample consisted of 50 mothers of children with intellectual disabilities living in Central Greece and a comparison group of 50 mothers of non-disabled children. Two instruments were used for the data collection: (a) a questionnaire for biographic information and (b) an adaptation of the Culture-Free Self-Esteem Inventory. Results indicated significantly lower self-esteem for the mothers of children with intellectual disabilities. Moreover, the best predictor of maternal self-esteem in the disabled group was the size of the family.  相似文献   

Even though Ghana has embraced international calls for mainstream education, many children with intellectual disabilities still receive education in segregated special schools. This article discusses the views of seven informants on the importance of special schools in Ghana. After securing the consent of our informants, we conducted in-depth qualitative interviews, transcribed and subjected the data to thematic analysis. The following views on the education of children with intellectual disabilities in special schools emerged; availability of dedicated teachers, variations in learning activities, playing the preparatory role, inclusion on their premises, discrimination and cultural stereotypes. The findings indicate that special schools still play important roles in the education of children with intellectual disabilities in Ghana.  相似文献   


Children with and without hearing impairments participated in an e-mail project where each student had a year-long opportunity to exchange messages with a peer to learn about that person's experiences and interests, working in a low-stakes (risk-free) environment. Students were asked to function as teacher/resource by describing information they had learned in their social studies curriculum or other areas and as learners by further questioning their partners about their topic. In this model, knowledge would be deepened through rethinking and recording ideas, and by replying to questions that were sent to e-mail partners. E-mail is used as a collaborative tool and is applied in a purposeful and highly motivating context, one that does not fit the traditional classroom use of writing. Differences in teaching methods and values resulted in differences in e-mail accessibility for students.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of a family‐focused early intervention program developed to meet the needs of children with hearing loss and their parents. The participants were 12 children with severe and profound hearing loss who lived in a rural area of Turkey. They did not have any additional disabilities. Their ages ranged between 0 to 4 years. These children and their families had not participated in any intervention program before this research was designed. The 12 participants and their families were assigned to either an experimental or a comparison group. The data was collected before and after the implementation of the program, using three instruments; a preliminary information form for parents, a Scale of Parental Needs and an observation form to evaluate verbal communication. After the implementation of the intervention program, statistically significant differences were found between the experimental and comparison groups regarding their verbal communication.  相似文献   

我国视障儿童的早期教育起步较晚,受关注程度较低.近年来,随着我国经济和社会事业的快速发展,视障儿童的早期教育愈发为政府和社会各界所重视,作为专业进行视障教育的盲人学校,推进视障儿童早期教育责无旁贷.  相似文献   

Currently, no standardised, nonmotor test is available to assess mental ability in children with physical impairments and mental ages below 2 years. Instead, these children are often administered traditional developmental tests that may underestimate mental ability because the tests are heavily loaded with motor items. Underestimation of ability may result in misdiagnoses and inappropriate educational goals. The Mayes Motor-Free Compilation (MMFC) was developed to provide an unbiased assessment of mental ability in young children with motor disabilities. During field testing with over 200 children who had physical impairments, MMFC items were adapted to allow for nonmotor responses. In the present study, the MMFC and Bayley Scales of Infant Development Mental Scale were both administered to normal children under 2 years of age to determine the concurrent validity of the MMFC. Using the BSID-II as the criterion, the findings suggest that the MMFC can provide a valid estimate of mental age, even though items requiring motor skills are not included.  相似文献   

Globally, children with intellectual disabilities are at an increased risk of being victims of maltreatment compared to those without disabilities. Among the children who do disclose the abuse, limitations with communication and working memory can result in their allegation being perceived as not credible. There are several evidence-based interviewing methods available to interviewers for improving the accuracy and amount of detail in children’s testimonies, such as free-recall and cognitive load questioning. In general, these interviewing methods have been developed and tested with typically developing populations, and do not take into consideration the needs of children with intellectual disabilities. Further, there is very little empirical work to guide forensic interviews with intellectually disabled populations, despite there being a great need for such strategies. To address this notable gap in the literature, the current article reviews the contemporary literature on forensic interviewing to identify the best methods for questioning children with intellectual disabilities in maltreatment cases. Adaptations to the commonly used forensic interviewing techniques, including verbal, nonverbal, and repeated questioning strategies, are proposed that address the unique developmental, social, and emotional needs of this population. Furthermore, a series of recommendations are provided to enhance the limited forensic interviewing research with this population.  相似文献   

This is a study of deaf children in Bhimavaram, West Godavari district Andhra pradesh. Physical disability hampers personality development of the child, because of the social stigma that such disability conditions carry. Children with hearing disability cannot speak also as they are deprived of learning and imitating sounds in the environment. Because of the disability of hearing and speaking they are segregated from the rest of world due to the lack of communication. Due to its invisible nature, the disability does not evoke the necessary response from the public. Compared to other human positions, hearing is next to mind itself, mans most important assistant for an integrated and satisfying social existence. It can isolate a person from his/her family, peers and community. Those who do not understand this disability may subject the victim to extremely negative attitudes.  相似文献   

The effect on families and the changes that occur in relation to a child with disability or independently are considered through the life span. The recent advances in prenatal screening, special care baby units and genetic counselling may increase fear of disability and have not decreased the incidence. As the rest of the family grow older, the disabled child goes through school years, faces adult life, often with disappointments, and remains having special needs and specific vulnerability until old age.  相似文献   

近些年来,随着随班就读工作的深入开展,培智学校的教育对象从招收轻度智力障碍学生为主逐渐转变为招收中、重度智力障碍学生为主,且学校中同时伴有情绪行为障碍及自闭症的学生越来越多。良好的教育训练可以改善与提高中、重度智力障碍儿童的适应能力,其中,学校的课程设置与开发尤为重要。学校在个别化教育、生存教育与生活教育等理念的指导下,以智障学生生活适应能力培养为核心,进行了课程开发实践研究,取得了一定成效。  相似文献   

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