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Despite a recently renewed theoretical interest in both North America and in Britain in the sociology of school knowledge, we still have little, if any, comparative empirical material from these two continents. This paper reports the findings of a sociological study, designed to replicate the previous English empirical work by Vulliamy, into music teaching in Ontario high schools. Unlike in England, no overt culture clash was found in Ontario schools between ‘school’ music and ‘students’ ‘ music, both because of the wider scope of ‘what counts as school music’ in Canada and because music is not a compulsory school subject there. However, by focusing upon the deep structure of the pedagogical process, as opposed to surface features of classroom interaction, it is argued that particular ideologies of the dominant musical culture are transmitted in very similar ways in both contexts. What is shared is a conception of music as equatable with musical notation. The ideological significance of this is pinpointed in an analysis of the structurally homological relationship between different musical languages and the social/‐cultural contexts of their creation. The processes of school music teaching not only contribute to the legitimation of a dominant musical ideology, but also to much more pervasive ideological assumptions underpinning capitalist societies.  相似文献   

择校的教育社会学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
择校是一个备受争议的问题。教育促进社会流动的功能、学校化社会的影响和教育资源的分布不均衡等是择校发生的原因。通过高额的择校费使一部分低经济地位的家庭子女丧失了接受优质教育的机会。择校的存在不利于教育公平的实现,在一定程度上再生产了社会的优势阶层。教育社会学对择校的分析主要关注社会的弱势群体,企求教育公平。  相似文献   

In spite of continuing investigations, researchers have yet to satisfy practitioners, policy‐makers and the international research community about production of a defensible collection of important indicators for gauging school effectiveness. The research project described in this article had four major purposes: (a) to investigate and compare the perceptions of principals, teachers and area superintendents about the overall effectiveness of schools and effectiveness on specific dimensions; (b) to assess and compare the perceptions of these educators about the importance of the specific dimensions for overall effectiveness; (c) to assess the association between principals’ perceptions of effectiveness on, and importance, of these dimensions; and (d) to probe school‐level differences about the two types of organizations. Perceptual data were obtained from elementary and junior high school principals throughout Alberta, Canada, as well as from teachers and area superintendents in one major city. Schools were rated as most effective in maintaining an appropriate school climate, while the most important dimensions involved climate (elementary), and morale, climate and acknowledging achievements (junior high). Factor analysis produced eight underlying indicators, but it also demonstrated the complexity of the effectiveness construct. Comparisons of effectiveness and importance highlighted some important but least effective areas, such as encouraging academic success and maximizing staff satisfaction. Practical and research implications are elucidated.  相似文献   

社会学视野下的学校文化建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学校文化是多维的,学校文化影响着学校内部空间不同个体间的交往方式、言说方式以及行动方式。通过社会学的视野去审视学校文化的状况,在学校场域内,恪守着一定的规则,通过"平等交往、自由言说以及民主行动"营造良好的学校文化氛围,以打造学校文化的核心价值体系,从而涵养个体的精神世界,提升学校的文化品味。  相似文献   

我国不仅农业院校中开设《农村社会学》课程,而且一些非农业大学,甚至一些高职高专也纷纷开设这门课程,但探索《农村社会学》教学,特别是多媒体课件教学的实效性研究却很少。本文探讨了提高多媒体课件实效性的经验,研究了多媒体课件实效性规律。以《农村社会学》为例进行多媒体课件的实效性研究具有明显的类型学意义。  相似文献   

科学知识社会学产生于20世纪70年代,并迅速产生了国际性影响。科学知识社会学流派中发展最为成熟、最具代表性的爱丁堡学派有以下主要理论观点:一是其理论核心“强纲领”,二是其说明模式“利益理论”,三是其建构方法“有限论”。  相似文献   


Given that the British Government is proposing to require all schools to provide the Secretary of State with details of, amongst other things, their respective truancy rates, this article sets out to demonstrate that attendance figures, as well as examination results, should be modified before publication. It reports on a study involving 5,429 pupils in their final year of primary education attending 138 junior/primary schools in a single authority in Wales and utilises child, home and school data.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research project is to investigate if characteristics of school boards and their administrative control do explain variance among schools in pupil achievement in the cognitive domain. A combination of findings of research on school effectiveness and organizational effectiveness, gives the ground for the framework of school boards’ administrative control used in this study. A random sample of 133 school boards and one specific primary school, selected out of the total number of schools they oversee, was drawn. The findings show that characteristics of school boards do explain variance in cognitive achievement. Even after controlling for student background and school characteristics, school boards do make a difference. School boards that involve school team and parents (committee) in their decision‐making process manage schools with relatively better results in the cognitive domain.  相似文献   

This article examines some of the effects of the focus of school effectiveness research on the single variable of examination success. It considers the English political context within which the use of this indicator has developed and argues that such a focus has caused considerable harm. Finally, it emphasises the need for researchers to develop and use a greater variety of measures of school effectiveness.  相似文献   

追求学校教育质量与效能是当今世界各国基础教育改革的核心要旨.学校效能研究从揭示学校对学生的成就影响开始,其间经历有效学校运动到学校改进运动,其目的是改进学校,使学校成为有效能的学校.学校效能研究在40年的发展过程中在方法论上不断革新,试图揭示学校效能的因素,在实践层面为政府以及学校重建提供理论指引;同时学校效能研究面临着政治化、专门化和技术化问题,问题的解决有待于研究的进一步深化.  相似文献   

论中职德育工作的实效性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
完成提高中等职业学校教育质量的攻坚任务,必须实践“育人为本,德育优先“的根本的教育指导思想.作为中职教育的实践者在提高中职德育实效性上,必须从理论上认清中职德育工作的本质,理解中职德育过程的特点,从具体的育人实践中体现德育工作的本质,才能提高德育工作的实效性,更好地帮助学生成才、成人和健康发展.  相似文献   

学习有效性是指学习的价值性评价和功能性评价,它由学习结果和学习体验构成。学生英语学习有效性的提高在于学生自主学习能力的培养、学习兴趣的激发和轻松愉快学习环境的营造。  相似文献   

提出了初中物理教学改革的重要性,阐述了制约物理教学有效性的主要因素,包括课堂时间与实践性课程安排较少、教学模式落后、缺乏应用型人才的培养等,针对存在的因素提出改变传统的教学理念、主动引导并激发学生的学习兴趣、优化课程结构,以及加强物理实验课程设置等提高初中物理教学有效性的策略。  相似文献   

School Culture,School Effectiveness and School Improvement   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The relevance of the concept of culture to school effectiveness and school improvement is explored. Two typologies are developed. The first proposes four ‘ideal type’ school cultures, based on two underlying domains; the second, a more elaborate and dynamic model, proposes two ‘ideal type’ school cultures, based on five underlying structures. Each is discussed for its heuristic, conceptual, methodological and explanatory potential in research in the fields of school effectiveness and school improvement. In distinguishing collegial cultures from collaborative styles, the article advances recent writing on collaboration. From the theory hypotheses about the relationship between school culture and school effectiveness and improvement can be derived as well as techniques to test such hypotheses.  相似文献   

一、学校体育的状况1.农村学校体育教学现状我国是一个发展中的国家,广大农村教学资源严重匮乏,农村学校大多顾不上学校体育的存在与发展。许多希望小学只有一座房子、几间教室。大多数农村学校不仅缺少必需的基本场地器材,更缺合格的体育教师。在不发达地区,因为财政拮据,设备  相似文献   

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