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Self, who we are and how we come to see ourselves, is increasingly viewed as the ongoing and changing story we tell about our lives. It is a story that begins in the early childhood years and that we actively construct out of the relational matrix of home, school, and community. Early childhood settings are crucial sites where young children construct stories of who they are in relation to others. Teachers play a meaningful role in guiding young children in constructing an ongoing sense of self in relation to others.  相似文献   

在多年的小学英语教学实践中,笔者深深体会到:要让所有的学生都能经常地开口说英语是一件很令教师伤脑筋的事情.为什么呢?第一,小学生学习英语缺乏像学习母语时的真实语言环境,语言环境的缺乏给学生学习制造了很大的麻烦;第二,学生学习英语的机会极少.  相似文献   

震惊全国的云南大学校园凶杀案,随着犯罪嫌疑人马加爵在海南三亚被缉拿归案,案情暂告一个段落。堂堂高等学府,人类精英荟萃的殿堂,竞出此等惊天大案,令人难以置信。联系近年来屡见于报端的校园血案和青少年犯罪上升趋势,许多人心中深感忧虑:我们的教育怎么啦?为何老是出事?  相似文献   

Service Learning (S-L) is an integral component of the Early Childhood preservice curriculum at the University of South Carolina. In spite of the fact that our college students had experienced the benefits of S-L first hand during their professional education, they had not become adept at implementing this experiential pedagogy into their own preschool and primary classrooms. This article describes the strategies the authors used to motivate their college students to integrate S-L into the classrooms where they were completing their capstone internship. It recounts these teacher education students' successes in planning and implementing effective S-L projects and identifies the benefits that came to the preservice teachers, their young students, and the schools and communities where they taught.  相似文献   

Homeless parents of young children face many stressors that erode their self-esteem. This article articulates these stressors and how they negatively impact homeless parents and their children. Strategies for helping parents empower themselves and their children are explained.  相似文献   

复合型英语人才课程设置及学生综合能力的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
合理设置课程体系是培养世纪复合型英语人才的关键所在,因此必须加强学生英语基本能力的训练,采21用“英语+某一专业”基本知识和技能的培养模式,通过设置必修课保证主干课程,通过设置选修课拓宽学生的知识面,达到培养学生综合能力的目的。  相似文献   

2010年11月24日,国务院颁发了<关于当前发展学前教育的若干意见>,提出了加快推进学前教育发展的十条政策措施(简称"国十条"),引起社会各界的广泛关注.这既是贯彻落实全国教育工作会议精神和<国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)>的体现,也是对人民群众反映强烈的"入园难"、"入园贵"等问题的回应.积极发展学前教育、着力解决"入园难",充分体现了新时期党和政府对发展学前教育的高度重视.  相似文献   

很多人甚至包括从事美术教育工作的人,都认为美术教学只是教美术基础知识和基本技能,并以“训练”学生的基本技能为主。从幼儿园开始,以临摹为主的教学方法大行其道,课堂上老师画一笔,学生就跟着画一笔,因而使得诸如固定的笔墨程式、简笔画、填色画,甚至于描红本之类的书四处充斥。绘画技能过于强化的训练,结果不是培养艺术人才,而是技术工人,创造力成了最缺乏的东西了。孩子们的创造力究竟在哪里?它是在教师的粉笔下,还是在调色碟里?我们说,创造力就攥在孩子们的手心里。其实艺术的创作过程,是通过“观察——想象——发现—…  相似文献   

There is currently a great deal of interest in the underlying metaphonological abilities of children with phonological output impairment and their possible relationship with both the continuing speech problem and later literacy development. We present data from 61 children with phonological output problems and 59 normal speakers on a range of metaphonological, speech output, language and cognitive assessments. While supporting an overall group difference in metaphonological ability, the range of individual variation is highlighted. Some weak relationships were found between metaphonological skills and other language and cognitive performance, but not between metaphonological ability and severity of speech performance. The accepted developmental order of phonological awareness tasks was not entirely supported; rather, subgroups of children were found who were showing quite different orders of difficulty. A distinction between segmentation and rhyming skills was confirmed.  相似文献   

Research on the ways in which special needs children in Russia can more fully participate in the same educational settings as other children shows that a wide array of services and programs needs to be developed before Russia will be able to achieve significant progress in this area.  相似文献   

综合多年来植物生理实验教学的实践,结合目前社会对人才培养的要求,根据植物生理学课程的特点,从理论课讲授和实验课教学两方面提出改进方法和措施,逐渐将本课程的素质教育定位为"学会做人,学会求知,学会合作,学会创造"。旨在为培养适应市场需求的、具有综合能力和创新能力的高素质人才提供参考。  相似文献   

对于什么样的"课"是"好课",历来有多种说法,可谓仁者见仁,智者见智。然而,这些所谓"好课标准"都是成人所构建的。课堂生活是孩子们经历最多、体验最深的一种生活方式。教育现象学研究要求关注教育情境中师生的"生活体验(世界)",关注教育的实际发生领域,关注生活的意义。由此,本研究旨在用教育现象学的方式倾听孩子们内心的声音,用描述性的语言勾勒出孩子们心目中的"好课堂"。  相似文献   

关爱实习学生,加强能力培养   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文从地质学科的特殊性和将来就业需要两方面阐述了野外地质实习的重要性,提出了给实习学生关爱,增强学生的自信心,提高学习的主动性;同时让学生经受严格而系统的科学训练,提倡多因素决定的非线性思维,而不是非此即彼的线性(惯性)思维;培养他们勇于提问、独立思考和解决问题的能力,培养真才实学人才,从而达到野外教学实习的目的。  相似文献   

学籍档案管理是教学管理和学校管理的重要组成部分.在成人教育工作中,应充分发挥学籍档案管理的管理功能、指导功能和检测功能,以及对教学的监督作用、调度作用和提供信息保证教学活动顺利进行的作用.为了提高成人教育的教学质量,务必使档案管理工作适应成人教育发展的特点.  相似文献   

在社会主义初级阶段,受趋利等因素的影响,人性恶找到了发作的温床,表现为社会犯罪现象凸显。国家依法惩处罪犯,一方面,维护了社会的秩序和稳定,但另一方面,他们的未成年子女(以下简称“特定子女”)也在法律惩处中遭到连带和殃及,从而又影响了社会的和谐稳定。从思想政治教育的视角,社会稳定的高度、关注民生的良心,探讨了对“特定子女”帮扶的社会主义理念原则:在经济理念上的民生原则,在思想理念上的疏导原则,在教育理念上的保障原则,在发展理念上的法制原则。  相似文献   

This research aimed to examine whether and why children hold favorable self‐conceptions (total = 882 Dutch children, ages 8–12). Surveys (Studies 1–2) showed that children report strongly favorable self‐conceptions. For example, when describing themselves on an open‐ended measure, children mainly provided positive self‐conceptions—about four times more than neutral self‐conceptions, and about 11 times more than negative self‐conceptions. Experiments (Studies 3–4) demonstrated that children report favorable self‐conceptions, in part, to live up to social norms idealizing such self‐conceptions, and to avoid seeing or presenting themselves negatively. These findings advance understanding of the developing self‐concept and its valence: In middle and late childhood, children's self‐conceptions are robustly favorable and influenced by both external (social norms) and internal (self‐motives) forces.  相似文献   

数学复习课中训练学生解题能力注意以下三方面内容:(一)具备良好的基本功是解好题的基础;(二)训练题目要系统化;(三)培养学生建立数学思想,掌握数学方法。  相似文献   

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