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Understanding user experience (UX) becomes more important in a market-driven design paradigm because it helps designers uncover significant factors, such as user’s preference, usage context, product features, as well as their interrelations. Conventional means, such as questionnaire, survey and self-report with predefined questions and prompts, are used to collect information about users’ experience during various UX studies. However, such data is often limited and restricted by initial setups, and they won’t easily allow designers to identify all critical elements such as user profile, context, related product features, etc. Meanwhile, with widely accessible social media, the volume and velocity of customer-generated data are fast-increasing. While it is generally acknowledged that such data contains important elements in understanding and analyzing UX, extracting them to assist product design remains a challenging issue. In this study, how UX data underlying product design can be isolated and restored from customer online reviews is examined. A faceted conceptual model is proposed to elucidate the crucial factors of UX, which serves as an operational mechanism connecting to product design. A methodology of establishing a UX knowledge base from customer online reviews is then proposed to support UX-centered design activities, which consists of three stages, i.e., UX discovery to extract UX data from a single review, UX data integration to group similar data and UX network formalization to build up the causal dependencies among UX groups. Using a case study on smart mobile phone reviews, examples of UX data discovered are demonstrated and both customers and designers concerned key product features and usage situations are exemplified. This study explores the feasibility to discover valuable UX data as well as their relations automatically for product design and business strategic plan by analyzing a large volume of customer online data.  相似文献   

基于数据资源作为独立要素视角,提出数据驱动平台商业模式创新的基础要素维度要从二维(主体与业务)拓展到三维(数据、主体和业务).分析认为:(1)数据资源对传统资源要素的重构包括业务重构型、主体重构型和主体和业务融合重构型3种组合类型;(2)数据驱动平台商业模式创新有3条实现路径,从供应端重构实现价值主张推动式创新、从需求...  相似文献   

杨楠 《科研管理》2021,42(5):87-93
伴随着社会化媒体的普及,企业日益注重虚拟品牌社区的建设,借此向顾客展示产品独特价值,以期形成良好的口碑传播效应。通过采用扎根理论研究方法,搜集社区评论信息作为经验资料,并进行编码分析,提炼出互动体验、社区归属感以及品牌定位等范畴,阐释了顾客参与价值共创与品牌形象塑造的关系。研究表明,产品价值共创包括价值认知以及用户需求等核心要素,且有利于形成良好的品牌文化,而品牌形象的塑造则依赖于创新产品及建构以用户价值交互为基础的生态圈,顾客参与价值共创有助于品牌形象的塑造,企业应围绕产品创新打造虚拟品牌社区,强化顾客互动体验,并建立完善的信息沟通机制,引导顾客积极参与价值共创。  相似文献   

为了有效避免产业集群企业之间盲目、无序的竞争以及产品同质化,完善产品布局设计格局,促进产业集群转型升级势在必行。为此,本文从产品结构性能、创新能力、价格以及空间创新密度四大维度构建一种数据驱动的产品布局设计方法。以产业集群数据资源为基础,运用聚类算法和文本挖掘技术构建产品设计决策模型,为产业集群产品的布局设计提供相应的辅助决策。以宁波注塑机产业集群为例,验证本文方法的有效性。  相似文献   

为精准捕捉各类企业创新偏好信息,提出一种专利数据驱动下基于模糊三支概念格对企业创新偏好进行群体画像的模型,以专利IPC信息为切入点层次化抽取企业群体创新偏好共性特征,实现领导型、稳定型、潜力型、危险型四类企业创新偏好的差异化多粒度刻画。在此基础上提出模糊三支概念格相似度定义,构建带有相似度的创新偏好模糊三支概念格,揭示各企业间创新偏好关联关系。以中国集成电路设计行业数据为例实证验证模型有效性,结果表明模型可以清晰展现各类企业差异化创新偏好领域布局以及结构布局,为企业竞争战略制定及政府创新决策提供理论依据及参考。  相似文献   

Knut Holt 《Research Policy》1978,7(4):342-360
For more and more firms product innovation is becoming the key to survival and future growth. Successful product innovation cannot be based only upon inspiration, fantasy and random ideas; in most firms a purposeful and systematic approach also is required. Information is a key concept in this context. As product innovation activities are very different from day-to-day activities, a special information system is required.Based on an in-depth study of a large firm, it appears that systematic innovation requires: (a) a sound business concept with future oriented strategies and policies; (b) a competent staff who master the necessary tools; (c) an efficient organization with an appropriate information system; (d) relevant methods for diversification studies and product planning; and (e) development of individual products based on systematical provision of information about user needs and proper specification of requirements.In small firms innovations are based more on the entrepreneurial approach. Such firms often demonstrate a very innovative attitude, but many of them are hampered by lack of skills in marketing and management. They also lack supporting services which can provide information about the environment.Considering the importance of small firms in economic development and social progress, they should be given support in their innovative attempts. This can be done by organizing innovation centers which arrange studies, develop courses, and give practical assistance to firms engaged in innovative work. Governments should develop policies and provide information stimulating both small and large firms to innovations that are more desirable from a social point of view.  相似文献   

新产品概念开发是产品创新成功的关键之一。本文对于影响新产品概念开发的若干重要因素:顾客喜好、主观估计的偏差、新产品数据来源、成本因素、可制造性和开发中的环保问题等进行了分析,提出了相应的观点和看法。在新产品概念开发中充分考虑并恰当处理这些重要因素将有助于开发出高质量的产品概念。  相似文献   

This paper reports our experimental investigation into the use of more realistic concepts as opposed to simple keywords for document retrieval, and reinforcement learning for improving document representations to help the retrieval of useful documents for relevant queries. The framework used for achieving this was based on the theory of Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) and Lattice Theory. Features or concepts of each document (and query), formulated according to FCA, are represented in a separate concept lattice and are weighted separately with respect to the individual documents they present. The document retrieval process is viewed as a continuous conversation between queries and documents, during which documents are allowed to learn a set of significant concepts to help their retrieval. The learning strategy used was based on relevance feedback information that makes the similarity of relevant documents stronger and non-relevant documents weaker. Test results obtained on the Cranfield collection show a significant increase in average precisions as the system learns from experience.  相似文献   

尹航  朱建新  郭韬 《软科学》2012,26(11):1-5
基于生态位的理念,将产品创新过程划分为概念设计生态位、研发生态位、调试生态位、工业生产生态位以及市场交易生态位,以此形成产品创新过程中的演进序列;通过分析产品创新过程中调试生态位的影响因素,继而测度调试生态位的演进状态。以17个处于调试生态位的产品创新项目作为实证分析对象,应用Entropy-Topsis模型测评产品创新生态位的演进态势,对收集的样本调查数据进行分析并验证理论模型。  相似文献   

大数据的应用是学术和实践热点,但现有研究缺乏数据驱动的新产品开发过程研究。基于新产品开发理论,构建大数据嵌入的新产品开发过程对创新绩效作用机理的理论模型。收集跨国数据,采用回归分析,验证理论模型。结果表明:中美新大数据嵌入的商业分析和产品测试提高创新绩效。在中国,大数据嵌入的产品设计最能提升销售增长率;而在美国和新加坡,大数据嵌入的产品测试最能提升销售增长率。在中国,大数据嵌入的产品设计最能提高毛利率;而在美国,大数据嵌入的产品测试最能提高毛利率;在新加坡,则是大数据嵌入的市场投放最能提高毛利率。  相似文献   

设计团队知识交流与创新绩效的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈国栋 《科研管理》2014,35(4):83-89
产品设计在我国企业的产品创新中是一项被"遗忘"的因素,但随着设计商业价值研究的不断深入,设计作为创新元素的研究也逐渐成为热点。在现有研究成果的基础上,结合我国企业进行设计创新的实践行为,从目标、政策、手段和资源四维度构建了设计团队知识交流的一般框架,分析领先用户、高层管理政策、信息技术和资源冗余对设计团队知识交流的影响,测量知识交流对创新绩效的作用,结果发现:高层管理政策是设计团队知识交流的关键,而信息技术是重要手段;受企业传统产品创新模式的制约,领先用户与资源冗余对于提升设计团队的知识交流不具有明显的作用;研究还发现,设计团队之间有效的知识交流对增强创新绩效有重要的推动作用。  相似文献   

In ad hoc querying of document collections, current approaches to ranking primarily rely on identifying the documents that contain the query terms. Methods such as query expansion, based on thesaural information or automatic feedback, are used to add further terms, and can yield significant though usually small gains in effectiveness. Another approach to adding terms, which we investigate in this paper, is to use natural language technology to annotate - and thus disambiguate - key terms by the concept they represent. Using biomedical research documents, we quantify the potential benefits of tagging users’ targeted concepts in queries and documents in domain-specific information retrieval. Our experiments, based on the TREC Genomics track data, both on passage and full-text retrieval, found no evidence that automatic concept recognition in general is of significant value for this task. Moreover, the issues raised by these results suggest that it is difficult for such disambiguation to be effective.  相似文献   

基于组织信息处理理论的视角,考察了企业的营销资讯获取对突破性创新绩效的驱动机制.构建了一个四阶段的突破性创新过程模型,分析了创新者如何管理每一阶段的营销资讯获取工作,并发展出有关营销资讯与突破性创新绩效的研究命题.研究发现.营销资讯的收集和获取活动仅在突破性创新的产品设计、产品检测和产品商业化阶段是有效的,而在市场机会分析阶段的营销资讯存量与突破性创新绩效负相关.最后讨论了研究结论、理论和实践贡献以及未来进一步研究的方向.  相似文献   

马巍 《情报科学》2006,24(7):1066-1068
本文介绍了用以词为基础的概念学习法来自动扩展提问式的算法,该算法通过学习出现在当前提问中的概念描述词来逐词扩展提问。实验表明,与传统的向量空间检索模型及相关反馈算法相比,本算法能大大提高查全率和查准率。该方法可用于数字图书馆和WWW等的检索中。  相似文献   

Traditional index weighting approaches for information retrieval from texts depend on the term frequency based analysis of the text contents. A shortcoming of these indexing schemes, which consider only the occurrences of the terms in a document, is that they have some limitations in extracting semantically exact indexes that represent the semantic content of a document. To address this issue, we developed a new indexing formalism that considers not only the terms in a document, but also the concepts. In this approach, concept clusters are defined and a concept vector space model is proposed to represent the semantic importance degrees of lexical items and concepts within a document. Through an experiment on the TREC collection of Wall Street Journal documents, we show that the proposed method outperforms an indexing method based on term frequency (TF), especially in regard to the few highest-ranked documents. Moreover, the index term dimension was 80% lower for the proposed method than for the TF-based method, which is expected to significantly reduce the document search time in a real environment.  相似文献   

在网络虚拟品牌社区(OUIC)前端创新环节,企业是否参与、何时参与、如何参与知识创造管理不仅会影响到企业的产品创新绩效,甚至会影响企业在市场中的核心竞争力。本研究选择具有一定高新技术信息支撑的家电电器行业OUIC为研究背景,引入创意组合管理(IPM)为研究的核心变量,通过构建不同创意主题发布模式(B端创意主题与C端创意主题)与不同前端创新阶段(创意产生阶段与创意发展阶段)的2×2组间设计来验证相关命题。结果表明,针对不同创意主题社区,企业采取的不同决策行为,对产品创新绩效均存在显著差异。(1)证明了不同创意主题发布模式(B端创意主题或C端创意主题),会对用户的知识创造力产生差异性影响。B端创意主题(企业主导发布),企业可以引导社区用户重点进行新产品核心子系统相关创意的开发;C端创意主题(用户主导发布),企业可以引导社区用户重点进行新产品周边子系统相关创意的开发。(2)验证了在用户参与OUIC 前端创新环节知识创造过程中,企业实施创意组合管理(IPM)对用户知识创造力与产品创新绩效产生的正面显著效果。(3)验证了用户参与OUIC前端创新环节知识创造过程中,企业对用户创新行为的最佳干预时机。在B端创意主题(企业主导发布)下,企业在创意产生阶段(第一阶段)实施创意组合管理(IPM)为最佳导入时机;C端创意主题(用户主导发布)下,企业在创意发展阶段(第二阶段)实施创意组合管理(IPM)为最佳导入时机。研究在理论上不仅丰富和完善了虚拟经济营销管理相关理论,而且在应用上有助于企业利用互联网工具为产品创新发掘新的途径,并培育企业市场核心竞争力。  相似文献   

相关概念的关联参照检索是概念检索的重要研究内容。本文提出了一种基于主题的语义关联的参照检索模型,通过融合语义网、本体论的相关知识及信息提取等语言处理技术,提取关于特定主题的文档的主题概念及概念之间的关联构成该主题的语义关联模型,并辅助于参照检索过程。  相似文献   

耿东海  樊一阳 《现代情报》2014,34(3):162-167
人类进入信息时代尤其是进入大数据时代后,信息数量急剧增长,传统信息检索方式由于其自身不足已经满足不了人们的要求。在用户体验为中心的时代,本文通过对比传统信息检索和可视化信息检索的概念、模型,提出了基于用户体验的可视化信息检索的概念、模型和检索界面,对于提高检索效率和准确性有一定的帮助。  相似文献   

采用探索性案例研究方法对中国北车集团大连机车车辆有限公司和谐N3型机车创新过程作了深入分析,并构建了一个基于政策驱动的机车车辆企业自主创新模式的整合框架。研究表明,由于机车车辆业市场主体的特殊性,铁道部通过政府规划和运输政策确定创新产品的设计概念,设计阶段是政策驱动下铁道部和机车车辆企业交融互动的过程。产品创新的研制过程以企业为主体,以政府(铁道部)确定的技术跨越点为目标形成创新产品概念,依托重点项目引进、消化、吸收国外先进技术并整合国内外资源来完成创新产品的研制。  相似文献   

王莉 《科研管理》2019,40(7):182-191
通过虚拟顾客参与平台(Virtual Customer Environments, VCE)来吸引顾客参与创新、利用顾客大数据、创建顾客中心型组织成为企业的重要策略,但VCE的运行机制并未得到理论界的足够重视。本文以VCE功能为主线,将VCE分为信息展示、需求收集和深度互动三个子平台。基于刺激-机体-反应模型,分析每个子平台的运行机制。具体而言,IT环境和市场环境的发展构成VCE的运行基础,企业和顾客之间的交互关系构成VCE的运行动因,企业吸引行为和顾客参与行为构成VCE的运行过程。进一步运用内容分析法,本文检验了中国500强企业网站中VCE子平台的运行,实证研究结果支持理论模型所提出的运行机制。但同时也发现,大多数中国500强企业尚未充分构建需求收集和深度互动这两个子平台,表现为在实际运行中未能有效吸引顾客参与。本研究不仅推动了VCE理论的发展,对顾客参与理论进行了拓展,并且有助于指导企业完善VCE平台的构建,从信息技术的角度塑造顾客导向型组织,提升创新绩效。  相似文献   

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