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A central concern surrounding test-based accountability is that teachers may narrow teaching practices to improve test performance on a curriculum-based specific knowledge test rather than student learning more broadly. Two of the most common teaching practices that “teach to the test” are providing test-specific classwork and increasing the frequency with which students take practice tests. Whether such teaching practices improve student learning—both in terms of learning the content associated with a specific knowledge test as well as more general learning—is a largely unanswered question. To approach this question, this paper uses a student fixed effects approach to analyze the impact of these kinds of narrow teaching practices on student performance on a specific test as well as a general knowledge test. We find that test-specific classwork and practice tests with specific test items tend to have little or negative impacts on curriculum specific or general knowledge test performance, except for male students, and that subject practice tests (without emphasizing test-specific items) have positive effects on student outcomes on both kinds of tests, but larger on the curriculum-specific than on the general test, and much larger on the curriculum-specific test for male students. We discuss the logic for these results and what they tell us about the effectiveness of test-focused teaching practices more generally.  相似文献   

Epilepsy is the most common neurological disorder in childhood and can have a significant impact on a child's schooling. Children with epilepsy may have special educational needs due to having learning disability, specific learning difficulties, specific cognitive deficits or having symptoms associated with ASD, ADHD, depression or anxiety. These difficulties are often under‐recognised due to the emphasis placed on the management of seizures. The effects of seizures and side‐effects of anti‐epileptic medications (AEDs) can also influence classroom learning. The significant stigma associated with epilepsy can influence attitudes towards affected children and impact on self‐esteem. Interventions to support children with epilepsy should focus on epilepsy management, learning and behavioural interventions and whole‐school psychosocial interventions. Epilepsy is a spectrum condition and for some children the effects on schooling will be minimal but for others significant supports will be needed. Therefore, an individualised approach within the school environment and close collaboration between teachers, parents and medical professionals are essential in order to meet the children's needs.  相似文献   

No more than与Not more than@田温  相似文献   

Using qualitative data from two Chilean public schools, I interrogate the expectation that standardised testing motivates staff to critically self-assess themselves and to be accountable for failing evaluations. The research findings bring new insights into looking at ways in which school members, especially head managers, strategically debate, highlight and obscure scores, classifications and ranking positions to generate narratives of institutional success, while defending themselves from negative outcomes. Members are both disciplined by state technologies, but are also actively committed to produce school identity narratives in creative ways as a manner to make sense of the school and maintain its value.  相似文献   

more than和no(not)more than不仅仅是反义词,它们在不同的句子中表示不同的意思,列举如下:  相似文献   

英语中,more than和less than的使用频率相当高,用法也较为复杂。笔者在此将其分别归类,以供同学们在学习中参考。  相似文献   

一、more than的用法1.(指数量)多于I’ve known him for more than twenty years.我已认识他20多年了。  相似文献   

In a retrospective study, we compared school performance of 53 children practicing music (group 1) with 67 controls not practicing music (group 2). Overall average marks as well as average marks of all school subjects except sports were significantly higher in children who do (group 1) than in those who do not practice music (group 2). In a multiple regression analysis, musical training, parent’s income, and educational level (grades) correlated significantly with overall average marks. A slight decrease of overall average marks over 4 years from grades 3 to 6 was found in the control group only. Musical training evidently correlates with children’s better performance at school, but is obviously part of a multifactorial dependence. Continuous musical training appears to help achieve and maintain school performance at a high level over time.  相似文献   

一、more than的基本用法1.more than后面接数词时,意为"……以上"、"多于……"、"……有余"。例如:  相似文献   

请看以下句子:Morethan150peopleweremissingintheearthquake.地震中有150多人失踪。Morethan400youngtreeswerecutdownbythepeoplecomingfromthenextvillage.从邻村来的人砍掉了400多棵小树。以上两句中Morethan的意思是“超过……”。  相似文献   

not more than与not less than、no more than与no less than用法极易混淆。下面试用对比方法给以归纳,希望能给同学们一点帮助。一、与基数词连用1.not more than“顶多”、“不多于”(=at most),只说明事实。2.not less than“至少”、“不少于”(=at least),只说明事实。例如:  相似文献   

<正>More than和less than的用法很复杂,但在英语中经常使用。下面我把它们的用法归纳如下;一、more than与less than1.a.more than放在数词之前,意为"超过,不止,以上",用于此意义时,可以与over互换使用。例如:My grandfather and my grandmother are more than seventy.  相似文献   

more than在中学英语课本中出现的频率很高,其常见含义是多于、超过,后面经常接基数词。例如:He has more than ten English books.他有十多本英文小说。He has been unemployed for more than 18 months.他失业已经超过18个月了。  相似文献   

m ore than意为“超过……”、“不止……”、“……以上”,在中学英语课本中多次出现,现将其用法归纳如下,供大家学习时参考。1.“m ore than+名词”表示超出名词本身的分量或含义,意为“不止于……”、“不仅仅……”。例如:China D aily is m ore than a newspaper,ithelps us to learn English《中国日报》不仅仅是一份报纸,它还能帮我们学习英语。H e is m ore than our teacher,he is our close friend.他不仅是我们的老师,还是我们亲密的朋友。2.“m ore than+数词”意为“多于”、“超过”,相当于over。例如:There are m ore than…  相似文献   

more than在中学英语课本中经常出现,其用法非常广泛,与之构成的短语和句式也比较复杂。同学们在使用和翻译该词组时往往出现差错。现归纳这一词组的主要用法及与之有关的典型例句,供同学们在复习时参考。一、m ore than的后面可以跟以下词类和从句。1.“m ore than+名词”,其意为“不仅仅是”、“不只是”、“胜过,超过”。例如:M ore than one m an knows it.不只一个人知道此事。M y trip to Beijing is m ore than sightseeing.我到北京旅行不仅仅是去观光。Ilike autum n m ore than sum m er.我喜欢秋天胜过夏天。2.“m ore than+数…  相似文献   

1.Go along zhongshan road,and turn right at the second crossing.co across the bridge(L.65)  相似文献   

Several recent studies using instrumental variables based on changes in compulsory school-leaving age laws have estimated the causal effect of schooling on health outcomes and health-related behaviors in the U.K. Despite using the same identification strategy and similar datasets, no consensus has been reached. We contribute to the literature by providing results for the U.K. using a different research design and a different dataset. Specifically, we estimate the effect of schooling on health outcomes (obesity and physical health) and health-related behaviors (smoking, alcohol consumption and exercise) for women through within-MZ twins estimates using the TwinsUK database. For physical health, alcohol consumption and exercise, the within-MZ twins estimates are uninformative about whether there is a causal effect. However, we find (1) that the significant association between schooling and smoking status is due to unobserved endowments that are correlated with schooling and smoking and (2) there is some indication that more schooling reduces the body mass index for women, even once these unobserved endowments have been controlled for.  相似文献   

一、no more 1、no more通常用在口语里,也可以变换成not…any more的形式,一般用来修饰表示具体动作的非延续性动词,意思是指今后或从那以后"不再"。例如:I'll drink no more.=I'll not drink any more.Lost time will return no more。I will go there no more.=I won't go there any more.  相似文献   

more than是英语中一个常见的结构,也是英语学习者较难掌握的常用结构之一。它不仅仅用于比较,在使用时应注意与其形近的more...than,no more than,not more than,no more...than,not more...than结构区分开。文章对more than及几个形似结构的语义和翻译技巧进行归纳和辨析,帮助读者准确理解它们各自在具体语境中的用法。  相似文献   

在高中英语第二册(试用本)第五课中有这样一句话:“Hibernation is more than sleep.It is a very deep sleep.”《教学参考书》中译为,“冬眠不是一般的睡眠,而是一种酣睡。”教学中我们应注意到,amore than”这个词不能简单地理解为“比……更多”,而应象《教参》上那样解释为“远不止……”或“不只是……”,意即“远远超出字面所表达的范围”。例如: Karl Marx was more than a scientist,he was a revolutionary。马克思不只是一位科学家,而且是  相似文献   

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