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Machine reading comprehension (MRC) is a challenging task in the field of artificial intelligence. Most existing MRC works contain a semantic matching module, either explicitly or intrinsically, to determine whether a piece of context answers a question. However, there is scant work which systematically evaluates different paradigms using semantic matching in MRC. In this paper, we conduct a systematic empirical study on semantic matching. We formulate a two-stage framework which consists of a semantic matching model and a reading model, based on pre-trained language models. We compare and analyze the effectiveness and efficiency of using semantic matching modules with different setups on four types of MRC datasets. We verify that using semantic matching before a reading model improves both the effectiveness and efficiency of MRC. Compared with answering questions by extracting information from concise context, we observe that semantic matching yields more improvements for answering questions with noisy and adversarial context. Matching coarse-grained context to questions, e.g., paragraphs, is more effective than matching fine-grained context, e.g., sentences and spans. We also find that semantic matching is helpful for answering who/where/when/what/how/which questions, whereas it decreases the MRC performance on why questions. This may imply that semantic matching helps to answer a question whose necessary information can be retrieved from a single sentence. The above observations demonstrate the advantages and disadvantages of using semantic matching in different scenarios.  相似文献   

Question-answering has become one of the most popular information retrieval applications. Despite that most question-answering systems try to improve the user experience and the technology used in finding relevant results, many difficulties are still faced because of the continuous increase in the amount of web content. Questions Classification (QC) plays an important role in question-answering systems, with one of the major tasks in the enhancement of the classification process being the identification of questions types. A broad range of QC approaches has been proposed with the aim of helping to find a solution for the classification problems; most of these are approaches based on bag-of-words or dictionaries. In this research, we present an analysis of the different type of questions based on their grammatical structure. We identify different patterns and use machine learning algorithms to classify them. A framework is proposed for question classification using a grammar-based approach (GQCC) which exploits the structure of the questions. Our findings indicate that using syntactic categories related to different domain-specific types of Common Nouns, Numeral Numbers and Proper Nouns enable the machine learning algorithms to better differentiate between different question types. The paper presents a wide range of experiments the results show that the GQCC using J48 classifier has outperformed other classification methods with 90.1% accuracy.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the problem of classification of textual web reports. We are specifically focused on situations in which structured information extracted from the reports is used for classification. We present an experimental classification system based on usage of third party linguistic analyzers, our previous work on web information extraction, and fuzzy inductive logic programming (fuzzy ILP). A detailed study of the so-called ‘Fuzzy ILP Classifier’ is the main contribution of the paper. The study includes formal models, prototype implementation, extensive evaluation experiments and comparison of the classifier with other alternatives like decision trees, support vector machines, neural networks, etc.  相似文献   

The application of natural language processing (NLP) to financial fields is advancing with an increase in the number of available financial documents. Transformer-based models such as Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) have been successful in NLP in recent years. These cutting-edge models have been adapted to the financial domain by applying financial corpora to existing pre-trained models and by pre-training with the financial corpora from scratch. In Japanese, by contrast, financial terminology cannot be applied from a general vocabulary without further processing. In this study, we construct language models suitable for the financial domain. Furthermore, we compare methods for adapting language models to the financial domain, such as pre-training methods and vocabulary adaptation. We confirm that the adaptation of a pre-training corpus and tokenizer vocabulary based on a corpus of financial text is effective in several downstream financial tasks. No significant difference is observed between pre-training with the financial corpus and continuous pre-training from the general language model with the financial corpus. We have released our source code and pre-trained models.  相似文献   

党的二十大报告指出,“积极稳妥推进碳达峰碳中和”“加快规划建设新型能源体系”。氢能作为绿色低碳的二次能源,在促进可再生能源规模化高效利用、推动交通领域能源替代、加快工业领域深度脱碳等方面具有应用前景,是建设新型能源体系不可或缺的组成部分,也是实现碳达峰、碳中和的重要绿色解决方案。为全面系统研究我国氢能政策体系,文章调研621份我国中央和地方政府发布的氢能政策文件,基于政策信息学,利用自然语言处理技术挖掘氢能政策要素信息和结构化数据指标,结合文本分析、定量分析和数据可视化分析研究氢能政策发展演化轨迹、产业区域格局及产业链布局等特征,该研究框架及分析方法有利于提高研究氢能政策的系统性和时效性。基于上述研究,文章最后针对我国氢能产业的薄弱环节提出加速发展的政策建议。  相似文献   

Depression is a widespread and intractable problem in modern society, which may lead to suicide ideation and behavior. Analyzing depression or suicide based on the posts of social media such as Twitter or Reddit has achieved great progress in recent years. However, most work focuses on English social media and depression prediction is typically formalized as being present or absent. In this paper, we construct a human-annotated dataset for depression analysis via Chinese microblog reviews which includes 6,100 manually-annotated posts. Our dataset includes two fine-grained tasks, namely depression degree prediction and depression cause prediction. The object of the former task is to classify a Microblog post into one of 5 categories based on the depression degree, while the object of the latter one is selecting one or multiple reasons that cause the depression from 7 predefined categories. To set up a benchmark, we design a neural model for joint depression degree and cause prediction, and compare it with several widely-used neural models such as TextCNN, BiLSTM and BERT. Our model outperforms the baselines and achieves at most 65+% F1 for depression degree prediction, 70+% F1 and 90+% AUC for depression cause prediction, which shows that neural models achieve promising results, but there is still room for improvement. Our work can extend the area of social-media-based depression analyses, and our annotated data and code can also facilitate related research.  相似文献   

随着电网建设的不断完善升级,电力客户对于电力产品及其配套服务的品质要求不断提升,并且逐渐呈现高要求、差异化的发展趋势.面对客户需求的差异化和企业内部服务资源的有限性,供电企业有必要对客户进行科学合理的细分,实施差异化管理.下以供电企业的大数据为依托,运用数据挖掘技术,从客户的供电可靠性要求、客户价值和客户行为3个维度,建立细分指标体系,利用K-means聚类算法建立客户细分模型,并以南网某省为例进行实证分析,最终证明了所建立的细分模型是合理的.  相似文献   

This paper describes, evaluates and compares the use of Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) as an approach to authorship attribution. Based on this generative probabilistic topic model, we can model each document as a mixture of topic distributions with each topic specifying a distribution over words. Based on author profiles (aggregation of all texts written by the same writer) we suggest computing the distance with a disputed text to determine its possible writer. This distance is based on the difference between the two topic distributions. To evaluate different attribution schemes, we carried out an experiment based on 5408 newspaper articles (Glasgow Herald) written by 20 distinct authors. To complement this experiment, we used 4326 articles extracted from the Italian newspaper La Stampa and written by 20 journalists. This research demonstrates that the LDA-based classification scheme tends to outperform the Delta rule, and the χ2 distance, two classical approaches in authorship attribution based on a restricted number of terms. Compared to the Kullback–Leibler divergence, the LDA-based scheme can provide better effectiveness when considering a larger number of terms.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a novel knowledge-based word-sense disambiguation (WSD) system. In particular, the main goal of our research is to find an effective way to filter out unnecessary information by using word similarity. For this, we adopt two methods in our WSD system. First, we propose a novel encoding method for word vector representation by considering the graphical semantic relationships from the lexical knowledge bases, and the word vector representation is utilized to determine the word similarity in our WSD system. Second, we present an effective method for extracting the contextual words from a text for analyzing an ambiguous word based on word similarity. The results demonstrate that the suggested methods significantly enhance the baseline WSD performance in all corpora. In particular, the performance on nouns is similar to those of the state-of-the-art knowledge-based WSD models, and the performance on verbs surpasses that of the existing knowledge-based WSD models.  相似文献   

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