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本次调查以2014届MLIS毕业生为对象,采用纸制问卷和电子问卷相结合的方式获得156个有效样本,重点就MLIS毕业生对培养过程的主要环节和有关因素的满意度进行调查,以反映培养质量并发现存在的问题。通过数据统计和分析,本次调查发现:MLIS培养单位对MLIS的定位及当前社会需求有较准确的把握;应大力加强对MLIS研究生的专业知识和职业认知教育;应重视MLIS培养方案的修订,特别是课程体系的优化;必须进一步明确和突出MLIS培养的实践特色,提升实践教学质量和学生的实践能力;建立和完善案例库、教材等MLIS教育基础资源,鼓励教育教学改革与创新;应反思当前的招生机制,优化生源结构。  相似文献   

研究生教育肩负着高层次人才培养的重要使命,课程设置是保障研究生培养质量的必备环节。文章对我国图书情报硕士专业学位(MLIS)培养政策文件中课程设置要求及培养单位课程设置情况进行调查分析,发现培养单位专业基础课程涵盖图书情报领域核心知识、能力培养课程培养专业基本能力、探索发展课程特点显著,但存在核心课程急需全面覆盖、能力培养课程设置不足、探索发展课程过于分散、课程名称有待规范统一、课程信息难以公开获取等问题。因此提出全面覆盖核心课程设置、加强能力培养课程设置、合作探索未来发展课程、规范统一课程名称、公开获取课程信息等对策,以促进MLIS课程建设,提升MLIS培养的质量和水平。  相似文献   

新文科背景下,各学科、专业都在积极谋篇布局,作为天然具有新文科特征的图书情报专业,更应有所作为。揭示图书情报专业学位(MLIS)硕士研究生的专业认同现状、影响因素及提升策略,是制定培养方案、提高培养质量的必要前提与重要依据。文章通过问卷调查获取研究数据,并进行实证分析。结果表明,MLIS研究生的专业认同普遍较高,且受性别、类型、入学前对专业的了解程度和进入专业方式的影响。培养MLIS研究生的交叉学科团队意识,加强专业宣传,重视专业实践能力培养,有针对性地提供就业指导,有助于提升专业认同。  相似文献   

考察当前图书情报实践领域对MLIS专业人才的要求,结合美国MLIS教育和国内MBA教育成功的经验,强调应注重培养学生具备信息职业操守、现代管理理念、信息营销意识、信息服务意识及信息技术手段,倡导EMMS+IT人才培养模式。同时,专业硕士学位应注重培养学生的实践能力和理论素养,使他们成为既具本土化实践能力又具国际视野的新型图书情报人才。  相似文献   

信息环境的变化使得社会对信息人才的需求发生了改变。文章调查了不同信息职业对图情档专业人才的需求情况,包括招聘单位的类型、岗位设置情况、岗位职责、岗位能力要求等,并根据目前我国信息职业的人才需求状况,从图情档教育的人才培养目标、学科融合、课程设置、实践能力培养等方面对我国图情档教育改革提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

作为一门应用型学科,图书馆学、情报学教育的每一步发展均与实践密切相关。图书情报专业硕士学位(Master of Library and Information Science,MLIS)的设立以及后续教育部对于专业学位研究生培养模式的改革,既从制度上保障了图书馆学、情报学、档案学在科学化进程中依然能够保持与实践的紧密结合,也为其专业教育与国际接轨创造了条件。文章分别从美、英、日三国选取设有MLIS培养计划的教育机构,对其实践和案例教学情况进行网络调查,内容包括教学理念、总体设计和具体实施等三个方面。通过对比分析,发现其特色之处,如面向具体实践领域设置培养方向和课程、实践实习的远程实施和虚拟仿真、安排实践机构和实践专家走进校园等。可为我国开展实践与案例教学提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

南开大学图书情报硕士(MLIS)教育是为日新月异的中国社会培养具备职业操守、先进的管理理念、营销意识、服务战略和策略及现代信息技术能力的高素质、复合型人才(简称为MMES+IT)。该中心是南开大学MLIS教育专门机构。中心主任柯平教授是我国著名的图书情报专家,信息资源管理系主任、博  相似文献   

考察图书情报职业在我国的发展变化及表征,指出职业性是MLIS(图书情报硕士)的本质特征,当前图书情报职业种类不断增加,领域不断拓展。针对丰富的图书情报实践工作,结合职业化内涵分析,总结MLIS职业化教育的现状与困境。在此基础上,从发挥行业企业作用、强化培养过程的实践性、推动以职业资格认证制度为导向的外部质量评价体系的建立、构建面向职业化的教育模式4个角度探讨基于职业化导向的MLIS发展路径。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]通过对国外高校图书情报专业研究生人才培养模式的分析,促进我国高校图情学科教育在人才培养模式上的转变,以满足大数据及人工智能时代背景下企业对人才的需求。[方法/过程]运用网络调查、文献收集和对比分析的研究方法,选择iSchools联盟中美国10所高校作为研究样本,对其理论课程体系、实践教学环节、人才培养模式进行研究和分析,针对人工智能背景下对图情学科人才的需求,提出对我国图情学科研究生人才培养的建议,以期推动我国图情学科教育的改革。[结果/结论]在满足社会需求的条件下,注重研究生的数据素养能力、学科融合能力及理论与实践相结合能力的培养是未来图情学科研究生人才培养的趋势。  相似文献   

在全球一体化、媒介融合的时代背景下,全媒体新闻人才培养是当今业界普遍关注的教育核心问题。实践能力是当下新闻专业学生培养中比较薄弱的环节,特别是如何提高体育新闻专业学生的实践能力,提升学生的就业能力,成为体育院校新闻教育工作的一大课题。本文从调查体育院校新闻专业学生实践能力的状况入手,对六所体育院校新闻专业培养方案中的实践环节进行分析,根据新形势下体育院校新闻专业学生培养的新特点,提出体育院校新闻专业学生实践能力培养的对策。  相似文献   

The Future Voices in Public Services column is a forum for students in graduate library and information science programs to discuss key issues they see in academic library public services, to envision what they feel librarians in public service have to offer to academia, to tell us of their visions for the profession, or to tell us of research that is going on in library schools. We hope to provide fresh perspectives from those entering our field, in both the United States and other countries. Interested faculty of graduate library and information science programs who would like their students' ideas represented in these pages are invited to contact Nancy H. Dewald at nxd7@psu.edu.

Martha Stortz is a student in the Library and Information Science (LIS) program at the University of Western Ontario. In this essay she offers her perspective on the teaching of librarianship.

The University of Western Ontario's LIS program is part of the Faculty of Information and Media Studies (FIMS) and enjoys the benefits of interdisciplinarity brought about by collaboration with other FIMS programs such as Journalism and Media Studies. Originally founded as the independent School of Library and Information Science in 1967, the school merged with other programs in 1996 to form FIMS. Two major LIS programs of study are offered: one leading to the Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS) and the other to the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). The MLIS program is accredited by the American Library Association.

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从胜任特征的角度出发,以国际上影响较大的图书情报硕士专业学位的教育质量标准为基础,构建图书情报硕士胜任特征指标体系。在此基础上设计问卷、收集数据,采用因子分析法提炼出图书情报硕士胜任特征的五大子群,即基础性胜任特征群、专业性胜任特征群、拓展性胜任特征群、职业发展胜任特征群和管理胜任特征群,结合层次分析法构建了图书情报硕士胜任特征模型,为图书情报硕士专业学位教育细化培养目标、创新培养模式、制定图书情报职业资格标准提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

Library and Information Science (LIS) education in Ethiopia started in the late 1950s, passing through several ups and downs. In an attempt to assess the status of LIS education in Ethiopia, the reasons for the closure of the first Bachelor of Library and Information Science (BLIS) program, review of strengths and weaknesses of existing LIS programs, the reasons for discontent of employers on the services provided by LIS professionals as well as the reasons for the dissatisfaction of the LIS professionals were investigated. Interviews (for LIS employers) and questionnaires (for LIS employees) were administered at selected organizations. Some of the general findings of the study are that the BLIS program at the Addis Ababa University was changed to a pure Information Systems program due to university-wide curriculum review initiatives; the current BLIS program at Jimma University is the strongest in addressing the limitations and expectations identified by LIS employers; and the reasons for the dissatisfaction of LIS professionals are pay, promotion, benefits, rewards, procedures and communication aspects of their job. LIS professionals believe that their qualifications are inadequate for performing their job.  相似文献   

This paper traces the history of Library and Information Science (LIS) education in Ethiopia, since its inception in 1959, reviewing both the retrospective (historical background) and prospective (rebirth and future direction). A comparison of the curricula of Jimma and Haramaya Universities demonstrates the transition from a traditional, closed model of librarianship to the contemporary, open model and the changes in programs’ names from Library Science to Information Science. Internationalization of the programs, incorporation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) related courses, and information literacy programs are enhancing the transformation of LIS education. The author recommends continued reorienting of programs to meet rapidly changing needs, expanding the academic as opposed to vocational only dimensions, and increased marketing.  相似文献   

简要地回顾我国(大陆)的图书馆学和情报学教育的发展道路,指出目前LIS面临着知识生产方式转变、学术交流方式变革、社会经济制度再设计、数字不平等、社会对LIS专业认知度不高等诸多挑战,提出要进一步明确LIS教育的定位和发展方向,加强批判性思维能力和信息设计能力培养等对策建议。  相似文献   

The challenge of recruiting science librarians is an ongoing issue, despite efforts to isolate, address, and remedy the deficiency. Most research has focused on investigating why current science librarians chose their careers and on ways library information science (LIS) programs can entice Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS) candidates into science librarianship. At Brooklyn College, librarians created a science information internship for undergraduate science majors. By exposing these students to librarianship as a potential career path, we hope to attract and groom future science librarians. This article discusses the development of the internship, the challenges and successes of the pilot, and the assessment of the pilot for improvements and expansion.  相似文献   

As a result of suggestions from the American Library Association (ALA) the Division of Library and Information Science (DLIS) program at St. John's University implemented an end-of-program electronic portfolio (ePortfolio) requirement. The purpose of this ePortfolio is to provide information on student proficiency in the eight ALA core competencies to our external accrediting agency—the ALA Committee on Accreditation (CoA). This article will discuss how a Library and Information Studies (LIS) faculty member and a New Media and Communications Specialist worked together in developing the ePortfolio as an assessment tool for ALA reaccreditation within an online LIS program.  相似文献   

美国iSchool的趋势与启示   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
信息学院运动(简称iSchool运动)目前成为美国图书情报界特别是教育领域发展的新趋势,为美国图书馆情报学(LIS)教育注入新的活力。美国《新闻和世界报道》2007年版排名前10位的LIS学校全部参加了iSchool运动,主要以这10所iSchool为代表,介绍美国iSchool发展现状以及包括学院定位、课程建设、学生教育和学术研究等方面的特征,以期发现美国LIS教育发展趋势和成功经验,为我国LIS教育的改革和发展提供参考。  相似文献   

Dr. Ken Haycock directs the recently created Master of Management in Library and Information Science (MMLIS) program in the Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California. As the only LIS program located in a major business school, the MMLIS is focused on integrating business skills with traditional library and information science to graduate students who are prepared for leadership roles in the profession. The MMLIS program requires students to have prior work experience. Students work in teams to solve real world problems and also choose an independent project. Of particular interest is a proposed special track for experienced library and information science managers to acquire the MLIS.  相似文献   

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