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Text-enhanced and implicit reasoning methods are proposed for answering questions over incomplete knowledge graph (KG), whereas prior studies either rely on external resources or lack necessary interpretability. This article desires to extend the line of reinforcement learning (RL) methods for better interpretability and dynamically augment original KG action space with additional actions. To this end, we propose a RL framework along with a dynamic completion mechanism, namely Dynamic Completion Reasoning Network (DCRN). DCRN consists of an action space completion module and a policy network. The action space completion module exploits three sub-modules (relation selector, relation pruner and tail entity predictor) to enrich options for decision making. The policy network calculates probability distribution over joint action space and selects promising next-step actions. Simultaneously, we employ the beam search-based action selection strategy to alleviate delayed and sparse rewards. Extensive experiments conducted on WebQSP, CWQ and MetaQA demonstrate the effectiveness of DCRN. Specifically, under 50% KG setting, the Hits@1 performance improvements of DCRN on MetaQA-1H and MetaQA-3H are 2.94% and 1.18% respectively. Moreover, under 30% and 10% KG settings, DCRN prevails over all baselines by 0.9% and 1.5% on WebQSP, indicating the robustness to sparse KGs.  相似文献   

Multi-label text categorization refers to the problem of assigning each document to a subset of categories by means of multi-label learning algorithms. Unlike English and most other languages, the unavailability of Arabic benchmark datasets prevents evaluating multi-label learning algorithms for Arabic text categorization. As a result, only a few recent studies have dealt with multi-label Arabic text categorization on non-benchmark and inaccessible datasets. Therefore, this work aims to promote multi-label Arabic text categorization through (a) introducing “RTAnews”, a new benchmark dataset of multi-label Arabic news articles for text categorization and other supervised learning tasks. The benchmark is publicly available in several formats compatible with the existing multi-label learning tools, such as MEKA and Mulan. (b) Conducting an extensive comparison of most of the well-known multi-label learning algorithms for Arabic text categorization in order to have baseline results and show the effectiveness of these algorithms for Arabic text categorization on RTAnews. The evaluation involves four multi-label transformation-based algorithms: Binary Relevance, Classifier Chains, Calibrated Ranking by Pairwise Comparison and Label Powerset, with three base learners (Support Vector Machine, k-Nearest-Neighbors and Random Forest); and four adaptation-based algorithms (Multi-label kNN, Instance-Based Learning by Logistic Regression Multi-label, Binary Relevance kNN and RFBoost). The reported baseline results show that both RFBoost and Label Powerset with Support Vector Machine as base learner outperformed other compared algorithms. Results also demonstrated that adaptation-based algorithms are faster than transformation-based algorithms.  相似文献   

The aim in multi-label text classification is to assign a set of labels to a given document. Previous classifier-chain and sequence-to-sequence models have been shown to have a powerful ability to capture label correlations. However, they rely heavily on the label order, while labels in multi-label data are essentially an unordered set. The performance of these approaches is therefore highly variable depending on the order in which the labels are arranged. To avoid being dependent on label order, we design a reasoning-based algorithm named Multi-Label Reasoner (ML-Reasoner) for multi-label classification. ML-Reasoner employs a binary classifier to predict all labels simultaneously and applies a novel iterative reasoning mechanism to effectively utilize the inter-label information, where each instance of reasoning takes the previously predicted likelihoods for all labels as additional input. This approach is able to utilize information between labels, while avoiding the issue of label-order sensitivity. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method outperforms state-of-the art approaches on the challenging AAPD dataset. We also apply our reasoning module to a variety of strong neural-based base models and show that it is able to boost performance significantly in each case.  相似文献   

Text classification or categorization is the process of automatically tagging a textual document with most relevant labels or categories. When the number of labels is restricted to one, the task becomes single-label text categorization. However, the multi-label version is challenging. For Arabic language, both tasks (especially the latter one) become more challenging in the absence of large and free Arabic rich and rational datasets. Therefore, we introduce new rich and unbiased datasets for both the single-label (SANAD) as well as the multi-label (NADiA) Arabic text categorization tasks. Both corpora are made freely available to the research community on Arabic computational linguistics. Further, we present an extensive comparison of several deep learning (DL) models for Arabic text categorization in order to evaluate the effectiveness of such models on SANAD and NADiA. A unique characteristic of our proposed work, when compared to existing ones, is that it does not require a pre-processing phase and fully based on deep learning models. Besides, we studied the impact of utilizing word2vec embedding models to improve the performance of the classification tasks. Our experimental results showed solid performance of all models on SANAD corpus with a minimum accuracy of 91.18%, achieved by convolutional-GRU, and top performance of 96.94%, achieved by attention-GRU. As for NADiA, attention-GRU achieved the highest overall accuracy of 88.68% for a maximum subsets of 10 categories on “Masrawy” dataset.  相似文献   

Although the Knowledge Graph (KG) has been successfully applied to various applications, there is still a large amount of incomplete knowledge in the KG. This study proposes a Knowledge Graph Completion (KGC) method based on the Graph Attention Faded Mechanism (GAFM) to solve the problem of incomplete knowledge in KG. GAFM introduces a graph attention network that incorporates the information in multi-hop neighborhood nodes to embed the target entities into low dimensional space. To generate a more expressive entity representation, GAFM gives different weights to the neighborhood nodes of the target entity by adjusting the attention value of neighborhood nodes according to the variation of the path length. The attention value is adjusted by the attention faded coefficient, which decreases with the increase of the distance between the neighborhood node and the target entity. Then, considering that the capsule network has the ability to fit features, GAFM introduces the capsule network as the decoder to extract feature information from triple representations. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed method, we conduct a series of comparative experiments on public datasets (WN18RR and FB15k-237). Experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms baseline methods. The Hits@10 metric is improved by 8% compared with the second-place KBGAT method.  相似文献   

In recent years, reasoning over knowledge graphs (KGs) has been widely adapted to empower retrieval systems, recommender systems, and question answering systems, generating a surge in research interest. Recently developed reasoning methods usually suffer from poor performance when applied to incomplete or sparse KGs, due to the lack of evidential paths that can reach target entities. To solve this problem, we propose a hybrid multi-hop reasoning model with reinforcement learning (RL) called SparKGR, which implements dynamic path completion and iterative rule guidance strategies to increase reasoning performance over sparse KGs. Firstly, the model dynamically completes the missing paths using rule guidance to augment the action space for the RL agent; this strategy effectively reduces the sparsity of KGs, thus increasing path search efficiency. Secondly, an iterative optimization of rule induction and fact inference is designed to incorporate global information from KGs to guide the RL agent exploration; this optimization iteratively improves overall training performance. We further evaluated the SparKGR model through different tasks on five real world datasets extracted from Freebase, Wikidata and NELL. The experimental results indicate that SparKGR outperforms state-of-the-art baseline models without losing interpretability.  相似文献   

集群创新系统中知识网络的界定及其运作机制研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从评析研究集群创新系统中知识网络的相关文献入手,对集群创新系统中的知识网络进行了深入分析与界定.研究表明,集群创新系统中知识网络对于集群创新系统意义重大,该网络的学习具有集群组织间学习与集群个人途径组织学习两种模式.以直连接表征集群组织间学习以体现组织结点在知识网络活动中存在强联系,以水波状连接表征集群个人途径组织学习以体现此类学习的广泛性,则是一种更为合理的表征形式.两种连接表征的学习活动相互促进.  相似文献   

Unsupervised feature selection is very attractive in many practical applications, as it needs no semantic labels during the learning process. However, the absence of semantic labels makes the unsupervised feature selection more challenging, as the method can be affected by the noise, redundancy, or missing in the originally extracted features. Currently, most methods either consider the influence of noise for sparse learning or think over the internal structure information of the data, leading to suboptimal results. To relieve these limitations and improve the effectiveness of unsupervised feature selection, we propose a novel method named Adaptive Dictionary and Structure Learning (ADSL) that conducts spectral learning and sparse dictionary learning in a unified framework. Specifically, we adaptively update the dictionary based on sparse dictionary learning. And, we also introduce the spectral learning method of adaptive updating affinity matrix. While removing redundant features, the intrinsic structure of the original data can be retained. In addition, we adopt matrix completion in our framework to make it competent for fixing the missing data problem. We validate the effectiveness of our method on several public datasets. Experimental results show that our model not only outperforms some state-of-the-art methods on complete datasets but also achieves satisfying results on incomplete datasets.  相似文献   

Multi-label classification (MLC) has attracted many researchers in the field of machine learning as it has a straightforward problem statement with varied solution approaches. Multi-label classifiers predict multiple labels for a single instance. The problem becomes challenging with the increasing number of features, especially when there are many features and labels which depend on each other. It requires dimensionality reduction before applying any multi-label learning method. This paper introduces a method named FS-MLC (Feature Selection forMulti-Label classification using Clustering in feature-space). It is a wrapper feature selection method that uses clustering to find the similarity among features and example-based precision and recall as the metrics for feature rankings to improve the performance of the associated classifier in terms of sample-based measures. First, clusters are created for features considering them as instances then features from different clusters are selected as the representative of all the features for that cluster. It reduces the number of features as a single feature represents multiple features within a cluster. It neither requires any parameter tuning nor the user threshold for the number of features selected. Extensive experimentation is performed to evaluate the efficacy of these reduced features using nine benchmark MLC datasets on twelve performance measures. The results show an impressive improvement in terms of sample-based precision, recall, and f1-score with up to 23%-93% discarded features.  相似文献   

Few-Shot Event Classification (FSEC) aims at assigning event labels to unlabeled sentences when limited annotated samples are available. Existing works mainly focus on using meta-learning to overcome the low-resource problem that still requires abundant held-out classes for model learning and selection. Thus we propose to deal with the low-resource problem by utilizing prompts. Further, existing methods suffer from severe trigger biases that may result in ignorance of the context. That is, the correct classifications are gained by looking at only the triggers, which hurts the model’s generalization ability. Thus, we propose a knowledgeable augmented-trigger prompt FSEC framework (AugPrompt), which can overcome the bias issues and alleviates the classification bottleneck brought by insufficient data. In detail, we first design an External Knowledge Injection (EKI) module to incorporate an external knowledge base (Related Words) for trigger augmentation. Then, we propose an Event Prompt Generation (EPG) module to generate appropriate discrete prompts for initializing the continuous prompts. After that, we propose an Event Prompt Tuning (EPT) module to automatically search prompts in the continuous space for FSEC and finally predict the corresponding event types of the inputs. We conduct extensive experiments on two public English datasets for FSEC, i.e., FewEvent and RAMS. The experimental results show the superiority of our proposal over the competitive baselines, where the maximum accuracy increase compared to the strongest baseline reaches 10.8%.  相似文献   

Sequential recommendation models a user’s historical sequence to predict future items. Existing studies utilize deep learning methods and contrastive learning for data augmentation to alleviate data sparsity. However, these existing methods cannot learn accurate high-quality item representations while augmenting data. In addition, they usually ignore data noise and user cold-start issues. To solve the above issues, we investigate the possibility of Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) with contrastive learning for sequential recommendation to balance data sparsity and noise. Specifically, we propose a new framework, Enhanced Contrastive Learning with Generative Adversarial Network for Sequential Recommendation (ECGAN-Rec), which models the training process as a GAN and recommendation task as the main task of the discriminator. We design a sequence augmentation module and a contrastive GAN module to implement both data-level and model-level augmentations. In addition, the contrastive GAN learns more accurate high-quality item representations to alleviate data noise after data augmentation. Furthermore, we propose an enhanced Transformer recommender based on GAN to optimize the performance of the model. Experimental results on three open datasets validate the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed model and the ability of the model to balance data noise and data sparsity. Specifically, the improvement of ECGAN-Rec in two evaluation metrics (HR@N and NDCG@N) compared to the state-of-the-art model performance on the Beauty, Sports and Yelp datasets are 34.95%, 36.68%, and 13.66%, respectively. Our implemented model is available via https://github.com/nishawn/ECGANRec-master.  相似文献   

The classical problem of broadband matching was first studied by Bode (1) and developed later by Fano (2); however, Fano's solution, although very elegant, has a practical limitation. The key idea is to replace the load Z2(S) by its Darlington equivalent ending in 1 ohm, but the optimum design is, in general, not very simple. Youla (3) proposed an alternative method where it is relatively easy to find the optimum network even for the more complex impedance load. The paper shows that maximization of the gainbandwidth product, in the presence of load or source variations, depends on the choice of the reflection coefficient zeros, either in the left half-plane or in the right half-plane.  相似文献   

We address the problem of finding similar historical questions that are semantically equivalent or relevant to an input query question in community question-answering (CQA) sites. One of the main challenges for this task is that questions are usually too long and often contain peripheral information in addition to the main goals of the question. To address this problem, we propose an end-to-end Hierarchical Compare Aggregate (HCA) model that can handle this problem without using any task-specific features. We first split questions into sentences and compare every sentence pair of the two questions using a proposed Word-Level-Compare-Aggregate model called WLCA-model and then the comparison results are aggregated with a proposed Sentence-Level-Compare-Aggregate model to make the final decision. To handle the insufficient training data problem, we propose a sequential transfer learning approach to pre-train the WLCA-model on a large paraphrase detection dataset. Our experiments on two editions of the Semeval benchmark datasets and the domain-specific AskUbuntu dataset show that our model outperforms the state-of-the-art models.  相似文献   

Generally, QA systems suffer from the structural difference where a question is composed of unstructured data, while its answer is made up of structured data in a Knowledge Graph (KG). To bridge this gap, most approaches use lexicons to cover data that are represented differently. However, the existing lexicons merely deal with representations for entity and relation mentions rather than consulting the comprehensive meaning of the question. To resolve this, we design a novel predicate constraints lexicon which restricts subject and object types for a predicate. It facilitates a comprehensive validation of a subject, predicate and object simultaneously. In this paper, we propose Predicate Constraints based Question Answering (PCQA). Our method prunes inappropriate entity/relation matchings to reduce search space, thus leading to an improvement of accuracy. Unlike the existing QA systems, we do not use any templates but generates query graphs to cover diverse types of questions. In query graph generation, we put more focus on matching relations rather than linking entities. This is well-suited to the use of predicate constraints. Our experimental results prove the validity of our approach and demonstrate a reasonable performance compared to other methods which target WebQuestions and Free917 benchmarks.  相似文献   

Few-shot intent recognition aims to identify user’s intent from the utterance with limited training data. A considerable number of existing methods mainly rely on the generic knowledge acquired on the base classes to identify the novel classes. Such methods typically ignore the characteristics of each meta task itself, resulting in the inability to make full use of limited given samples when classifying unseen classes. To deal with such issues, we propose a Contrastive learning-based Task Adaptation model (CTA) for few-shot intent recognition. In detail, we leverage contrastive learning to help achieve task adaptation and make full use of the limited samples of novel classes. First, a self-attention layer is employed in the task adaptation module, which aims to establish interactions between samples of different categories so that new representations are task-specific rather than relying entirely on the base classes. Then, the contrastive-based loss functions and the semantics of the label name are respectively used for reducing the similarity between sample representations in different categories while increasing it in the same categories. Experimental results on a public dataset OOS verify the effectiveness of our proposal by beating the competitive baselines in terms of accuracy. Besides, we conduct the cross-domain experiments on three datasets, i.e., OOS, SNIPS as well as ATIS. We find that CTA gains obvious improvements in terms of accuracy in all cross-domain experiments, indicating that it has a better generalization ability than other competitive baselines in both cross-domain and single-domain settings.  相似文献   

Using AI technology to automatically match Q&A pairs on online health platforms (OHP) can improve the efficiency of doctor-patient interaction. However, previous methods often neglected to fully exploit rich information contained in OHP, especially the medical expertise that could be leveraged through medical text modeling. Therefore, this paper proposes a model named MKGA-DM-NN, which first uses the named entities of the medical knowledge graph (KG) to identify the intention of the problem, and then uses graph embedding technology to learn the representation of entities and entity relationships in the KG. The proposed model also employs the relationship between entities in KG to optimize the hybrid attention mechanism. In addition, doctors' historical Q&A records on OHP are used to learn modeling doctors’ expertise to improve the accuracy of Q&A matching. This method is helpful to bridge the semantic gap of text and improve the accuracy and interpretability of medical Q&A matching. Through experiments on a real dataset from a Chinese well-known OHP, our model has been verified to be superior to the baseline models. The accuracy of our model is 4.4% higher than the best baseline model. The cost-sensitive error of our model is 13.53% lower than that of the best baseline model. The ablation experiment shows that the accuracy rate can be significantly improved by 8.72% by adding the doctor modeling module, and the cost-sensitive error can be significantly reduced by 17.27% by adding the medical KG module.  相似文献   

Entity alignment is an important task for the Knowledge Graph (KG) completion, which aims to identify the same entities in different KGs. Most of previous works only utilize the relation structures of KGs, but ignore the heterogeneity of relations and attributes of KGs. However, these information can provide more feature information and improve the accuracy of entity alignment. In this paper, we propose a novel Multi-Heterogeneous Neighborhood-Aware model (MHNA) for KGs alignment. MHNA aggregates multi-heterogeneous information of aligned entities, including the entity name, relations, attributes and attribute values. An important contribution is to design a variant attention mechanism, which adds the feature information of relations and attributes to the calculation of attention coefficients. Extensive experiments on three well-known benchmark datasets show that MHNA significantly outperforms 12 state-of-the-art approaches, demonstrating that our approach has good scalability and superiority in both cross-language and monolingual KGs. An ablation study further supports the effectiveness of our variant attention mechanism.  相似文献   

陈晓静 《科学学研究》2009,27(2):262-268
 组织学习和知识创新可谓当前的一大研究热点,但是国内外学者尚未真正展开对组织学习方式与隐性知识创新相关关系的研究。基于此,本文以上海、浙江、北京、江西等地几百家公司高层管理人士为调查对象,从实证角度展开研究。结果表明:(1)干中学学习对隐性知识创新有正向影响,但不显著;(2)从经验中学习对隐性知识创新有显著正向影响;(3)反思学习对隐性知识创新有显著正向影响;(4)忘却学习对隐性知识创新有显著正向影响;(5)学中干学习对隐性知识创新有显著的正向影响;(6)知识冲突学习对隐性知识创新有正向影响,但不显著;(7)交互式学习对隐性知识创新有显著正向影响;(8)试错学习对隐性知识创新有一定程度的负向影响。  相似文献   

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