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The evolution of trust in information technology alliances   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
As strategic alliances become an increasingly important weapon for companies in achieving a competitive advantage, an important subject of investigation has become those factors that contribute to the success of the alliance. Trust between the alliance partners has been proposed to be one of those critical success factors. The high levels of uncertainty and interdependence that characterizes high technology alliances make trust particularly important in these contexts. Very little is known, however, about the process of trust creation or erosion in strategic alliances. This study addresses this shortcoming in cross-sectional trust research by utilizing a longitudinal survey design to examine the antecedents and outcomes of trust formation between strategic alliance partners. We contrast a transaction cost economics view of trust with a social exchange perspective to more fully explore what may influence changes in the level of trust between partners. Results suggest that the development of trust was not a function of the formal incentive systems that transaction cost economists deem necessary to prevent opportunistic behavior. Conversely, factors from social exchange theory – communication, shared values, and relationship equity – provide a more thorough explanation of what contributes to the development of higher levels of organizational trust. Finally, this study provides evidence that as trust increases between partners, the alliance benefits by displaying higher levels of dependence, higher levels of partner learning, and higher levels of performance.  相似文献   

IOS中信任、学习与组织绩效关系的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘怡  高山行 《科学学研究》2007,25(6):1178-1182
 近年来,IOS作为一种新的合作形式,已为众多学者所关注。信任作为IOS的本质要素,对其成功起决定性作用。本文通过对在华跨国企业的调研,引入技术性学习这一中介变量,试图对IOS中的企业间的相互信任和企业绩效之间的关系进行实证研究。结果表明,IOS中组织间信任可以通过组织间的技术性学习对组织绩效产生影响。  相似文献   

联盟关系风险生成机制研究:以娃哈哈为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈菲琼  虞旭丹 《科研管理》2010,31(6):159-166
摘要:企业联盟关系风险的研究始于上个世纪九十年代,Das & Teng两位学者创造性地把联盟风险概括归纳为关系风险和绩效风险,其中关系风险特指联盟伙伴可能的可能机会主义行为或是对联盟缺乏忠诚而造成的潜在损失。本文在国内外学者研究的基础上,细化分析联盟关系风险的生成机制,演绎出联盟不同阶段关系风险的差异。同时,在此分析框架的基础上,具体分析了“达娃联盟”的关系风险,由此给出了联盟关系风险的一些启示。  相似文献   

本文探讨了战略联盟中的企业绩效问题.通过引入知识获取这一中介变量,把信任和冲突与企业绩效联系起来,并使用结构方程模型对它们之间的关系进行了检验.本文使用的数据来自127个德国联盟企业.研究结果表明,信任将通过知识获取的中介作用对企业绩效产生正向影响.而冲突对知识获取的影响作用并不显著,说明冲突可以不经过知识获取的中介作用直接降低企业的绩效.此外,企业的知识获取与其绩效呈现正向的相关关系,表明企业需要重视知识管理活动以增强竞争力.  相似文献   

Organizations face significant challenges in capturing value from their investments in strategic information systems such as enterprise systems (ES). Managers are a powerful source of influence shaping the post-adoption attitudes and behaviors of users and the success of ES. However, the extant IS literature has focused primarily on the role of top management and theoretical explanations of the role of supervisors in fostering continuing usage of ES are lacking. Drawing on transformational leadership theory and the IS continuance (ISC) model, this paper conceptualizes a theoretical model differentiating the influence mechanisms through which different types of leadership behaviors influence the success of ES. Data collected from 192 users of ES confirms our theorization. We find that transformational leadership behaviors of supervisors influence users’ evaluations of satisfaction and perceived usefulness, while their transactional leadership behaviors influence users’ ES continuance intention by moderating the effects of user satisfaction and perceived usefulness on ES continuance intention. This study advances research on the role of leadership behaviors of supervisors in capturing value from enterprise systems. The research also contributes to practice by suggesting effective strategies for promoting continued usage of mission critical systems such as enterprise systems and delivering value from firms’ IT investments.  相似文献   

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