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Multimodal relation extraction is a critical task in information extraction, aiming to predict the class of relations between head and tail entities from linguistic sequences and related images. However, the current works are vulnerable to less relevant visual objects detected from images and are not able to sufficiently fuse visual information into text pre-trained models. To overcome these problems, we propose a Two-Stage Visual Fusion Network (TSVFN) that employs the multimodal fusion approach in vision-enhanced entity relation extraction. In the first stage, we design multimodal graphs, whose novelty lies mainly in transforming the sequence learning into the graph learning. In the second stage, we merge the transformer-based visual representation into the text pre-trained model by a multi-scale cross-model projector. Specifically, two multimodal fusion operations are implemented inside the pre-trained model respectively. We finally accomplish deep interaction of multimodal multi-structured data in two fusion stages. Extensive experiments are conducted on a dataset (MNRE), our model outperforms the current state-of-the-art method by 1.76%, 1.52%, 1.29%, and 1.17% in terms of accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score, respectively. Moreover, our model also achieves excellent results under the condition of fewer samples.  相似文献   

We address the problem of finding similar historical questions that are semantically equivalent or relevant to an input query question in community question-answering (CQA) sites. One of the main challenges for this task is that questions are usually too long and often contain peripheral information in addition to the main goals of the question. To address this problem, we propose an end-to-end Hierarchical Compare Aggregate (HCA) model that can handle this problem without using any task-specific features. We first split questions into sentences and compare every sentence pair of the two questions using a proposed Word-Level-Compare-Aggregate model called WLCA-model and then the comparison results are aggregated with a proposed Sentence-Level-Compare-Aggregate model to make the final decision. To handle the insufficient training data problem, we propose a sequential transfer learning approach to pre-train the WLCA-model on a large paraphrase detection dataset. Our experiments on two editions of the Semeval benchmark datasets and the domain-specific AskUbuntu dataset show that our model outperforms the state-of-the-art models.  相似文献   

The spread of fake news has become a significant social problem, drawing great concern for fake news detection (FND). Pretrained language models (PLMs), such as BERT and RoBERTa can benefit this task much, leading to state-of-the-art performance. The common paradigm of utilizing these PLMs is fine-tuning, in which a linear classification layer is built upon the well-initialized PLM network, resulting in an FND mode, and then the full model is tuned on a training corpus. Although great successes have been achieved, this paradigm still involves a significant gap between the language model pretraining and target task fine-tuning processes. Fortunately, prompt learning, a new alternative to PLM exploration, can handle the issue naturally, showing the potential for further performance improvements. To this end, we propose knowledgeable prompt learning (KPL) for this task. First, we apply prompt learning to FND, through designing one sophisticated prompt template and the corresponding verbal words carefully for the task. Second, we incorporate external knowledge into the prompt representation, making the representation more expressive to predict the verbal words. Experimental results on two benchmark datasets demonstrate that prompt learning is better than the baseline fine-tuning PLM utilization for FND and can outperform all previous representative methods. Our final knowledgeable model (i.e, KPL) can provide further improvements. In particular, it achieves an average increase of 3.28% in F1 score under low-resource conditions compared with fine-tuning.  相似文献   

Conceptual metaphor detection is a well-researched topic in Natural Language Processing. At the same time, conceptual metaphor use analysis produces unique insight into individual psychological processes and characteristics, as demonstrated by research in cognitive psychology. Despite the fact that state-of-the-art language models allow for highly effective automatic detection of conceptual metaphor in benchmark datasets, the models have never been applied to psychological tasks. The benchmark datasets differ a lot from experimental texts recorded or produced in a psychological setting, in their domain, genre, and the scope of metaphoric expressions covered.We present the first experiment to apply NLP metaphor detection methods to a psychological task, specifically, analyzing individual differences. For that, we annotate MetPersonality, a dataset of Russian texts written in a psychological experiment setting, with conceptual metaphor. With a widely used conceptual metaphor annotation procedure, we obtain low annotation quality, which arises from the dataset characteristics uncommon in typical automatic metaphor detection tasks. We suggest a novel conceptual metaphor annotation procedure to mitigate issues in annotation quality, increasing the inter-annotator agreement to a moderately high level. We leverage the annotated dataset and existing metaphor datasets in Russian to select, train and evaluate state-of-the-art metaphor detection models, obtaining acceptable results in the metaphor detection task. In turn, the most effective model is used to detect conceptual metaphor automatically in RusPersonality, a larger dataset containing meta-information on psychological traits of the participant authors. Finally, we analyze correlations of automatically detected metaphor use with psychological traits encoded in the Freiburg Personality Inventory (FPI).Our pioneering work on automatically-detected metaphor use and individual differences demonstrates the possibility of unprecedented large-scale research on the relation between of metaphor use and personality traits and dispositions, cognitive and emotional processing.  相似文献   

Stress and depression detection on social media aim at the analysis of stress and identification of depression tendency from social media posts, which provide assistance for the early detection of mental health conditions. Existing methods mainly model the mental states of the post speaker implicitly. They also lack the ability to mentalise for complex mental state reasoning. Besides, they are not designed to explicitly capture class-specific features. To resolve the above issues, we propose a mental state Knowledge–aware and Contrastive Network (KC-Net). In detail, we first extract mental state knowledge from a commonsense knowledge base COMET, and infuse the knowledge using Gated Recurrent Units (GRUs) to explicitly model the mental states of the speaker. Then we propose a knowledge–aware mentalisation module based on dot-product attention to accordingly attend to the most relevant knowledge aspects. A supervised contrastive learning module is also utilised to fully leverage label information for capturing class-specific features. We test the proposed methods on a depression detection dataset Depression_Mixed with 3165 Reddit and blog posts, a stress detection dataset Dreaddit with 3553 Reddit posts, and a stress factors recognition dataset SAD with 6850 SMS-like messages. The experimental results show that our method achieves new state-of-the-art results on all datasets: 95.4% of F1 scores on Depression_Mixed, 83.5% on Dreaddit and 77.8% on SAD, with 2.07% average improvement. Factor-specific analysis and ablation study prove the effectiveness of all proposed modules, while UMAP analysis and case study visualise their mechanisms. We believe our work facilitates detection and analysis of depression and stress on social media data, and shows potential for applications on other mental health conditions.  相似文献   

Recently, a massive amount of position-annotated data is being generated in a stream fashion. Also, massive amounts of static data including spatial features are collected and made available. In the Internet of Things (IoT) environments, various applications can get benefits by utilizing spatial data streams and static data. Therefore, IoT applications typically require stream processing and reasoning capabilities that extract information from low-level data. Particularly for sophisticated stream processing and reasoning, spatiotemporal relationship (SR) generation from spatial data streams and static data must be preceded. However, existing techniques mostly focus solely on direct processing of sensing data or generation of spatial relationships from static data. In this paper, we first address the importance of SRs between spatial data streams and static data and then propose an efficient approach of deriving SRs in real-time. We design a novel R-tree-based index with Representative Rectangles (RRs) called R3 index and devise an algorithm that leverages relationships and distances between RRs to generate SRs. To verify the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed approach, we performed experiments using real-world datasets. Through the results of the experiments, we confirmed the superiority of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

Text-enhanced and implicit reasoning methods are proposed for answering questions over incomplete knowledge graph (KG), whereas prior studies either rely on external resources or lack necessary interpretability. This article desires to extend the line of reinforcement learning (RL) methods for better interpretability and dynamically augment original KG action space with additional actions. To this end, we propose a RL framework along with a dynamic completion mechanism, namely Dynamic Completion Reasoning Network (DCRN). DCRN consists of an action space completion module and a policy network. The action space completion module exploits three sub-modules (relation selector, relation pruner and tail entity predictor) to enrich options for decision making. The policy network calculates probability distribution over joint action space and selects promising next-step actions. Simultaneously, we employ the beam search-based action selection strategy to alleviate delayed and sparse rewards. Extensive experiments conducted on WebQSP, CWQ and MetaQA demonstrate the effectiveness of DCRN. Specifically, under 50% KG setting, the Hits@1 performance improvements of DCRN on MetaQA-1H and MetaQA-3H are 2.94% and 1.18% respectively. Moreover, under 30% and 10% KG settings, DCRN prevails over all baselines by 0.9% and 1.5% on WebQSP, indicating the robustness to sparse KGs.  相似文献   

Within the context of Information Extraction (IE), relation extraction is oriented towards identifying a variety of relation phrases and their arguments in arbitrary sentences. In this paper, we present a clause-based framework for information extraction in textual documents. Our framework focuses on two important challenges in information extraction: 1) Open Information Extraction and (OIE), and 2) Relation Extraction (RE). In the plethora of research that focus on the use of syntactic and dependency parsing for the purposes of detecting relations, there has been increasing evidence of incoherent and uninformative extractions. The extracted relations may even be erroneous at times and fail to provide a meaningful interpretation. In our work, we use the English clause structure and clause types in an effort to generate propositions that can be deemed as extractable relations. Moreover, we propose refinements to the grammatical structure of syntactic and dependency parsing that help reduce the number of incoherent and uninformative extractions from clauses. In our experiments both in the open information extraction and relation extraction domains, we carefully evaluate our system on various benchmark datasets and compare the performance of our work against existing state-of-the-art information extraction systems. Our work shows improved performance compared to the state-of-the-art techniques.  相似文献   

In recent years, reasoning over knowledge graphs (KGs) has been widely adapted to empower retrieval systems, recommender systems, and question answering systems, generating a surge in research interest. Recently developed reasoning methods usually suffer from poor performance when applied to incomplete or sparse KGs, due to the lack of evidential paths that can reach target entities. To solve this problem, we propose a hybrid multi-hop reasoning model with reinforcement learning (RL) called SparKGR, which implements dynamic path completion and iterative rule guidance strategies to increase reasoning performance over sparse KGs. Firstly, the model dynamically completes the missing paths using rule guidance to augment the action space for the RL agent; this strategy effectively reduces the sparsity of KGs, thus increasing path search efficiency. Secondly, an iterative optimization of rule induction and fact inference is designed to incorporate global information from KGs to guide the RL agent exploration; this optimization iteratively improves overall training performance. We further evaluated the SparKGR model through different tasks on five real world datasets extracted from Freebase, Wikidata and NELL. The experimental results indicate that SparKGR outperforms state-of-the-art baseline models without losing interpretability.  相似文献   

The aim in multi-label text classification is to assign a set of labels to a given document. Previous classifier-chain and sequence-to-sequence models have been shown to have a powerful ability to capture label correlations. However, they rely heavily on the label order, while labels in multi-label data are essentially an unordered set. The performance of these approaches is therefore highly variable depending on the order in which the labels are arranged. To avoid being dependent on label order, we design a reasoning-based algorithm named Multi-Label Reasoner (ML-Reasoner) for multi-label classification. ML-Reasoner employs a binary classifier to predict all labels simultaneously and applies a novel iterative reasoning mechanism to effectively utilize the inter-label information, where each instance of reasoning takes the previously predicted likelihoods for all labels as additional input. This approach is able to utilize information between labels, while avoiding the issue of label-order sensitivity. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method outperforms state-of-the art approaches on the challenging AAPD dataset. We also apply our reasoning module to a variety of strong neural-based base models and show that it is able to boost performance significantly in each case.  相似文献   

In recent years, large-scale Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs) like BERT have achieved state-of-the-art results on many NLP tasks. We explore whether BERT understands deontic logic which is important for the fields of legal AI and digital government. We measure BERT's understanding of deontic logic through the Deontic Modality Classification (DMC) task. Experiments show that without fine-tuning or fine-tuning with only a small amount of data, BERT cannot achieve good performance on the DMC task. Therefore, we propose a new method for BERT fine-tuning and prediction, called DeonticBERT. The method incorporates heuristic knowledge from deontic logic theory as an inductive bias into BERT through a template function and a mapping between category labels and predicted words, to steer BERT understand the DMC task. This can also stimulate BERT to recall the deontic logic knowledge learned in pre-training. We use an English dataset widely used as well as a Chinese dataset we constructed to conduct experiments. Experimental results show that on the DMC task, DeonticBERT can achieve 66.9% and 91% accuracy under zero-shot and few-shot conditions, respectively, far exceeding other baselines. This demonstrates that DeonticBERT does enable BERT to understand deontic logic and can handle related tasks without using much fine-tuning data. Our research helps facilitate applying large-scale PLMs like BERT into legal AI and digital government.  相似文献   

Due to the harmful impact of fabricated information on social media, many rumor verification techniques have been introduced in recent years. Advanced techniques like multi-task learning (MTL), shared-private models suffer from many strategic limitations that restrict their capability of veracity identification on social media. These models are often reliant on multiple tasks for the primary targeted objective. Even the most recent deep neural network (DNN) models like VRoC, Hierarchical-PSV, StA-HiTPLAN etc. based on VAE, GCN, Transformer respectively with improved modification are able to perform good on veracity identification task but with the help of additional auxiliary information, mostly. However, their rise is still not substantial with respect to the proposed model even though the proposed model is not using any additional information. To come up with an improved DNN model architecture, we introduce globally Discrete Attention Representations from Transformers (gDART). Discrete-Attention mechanism in gDART is capable of capturing multifarious correlations veiled among the sequence of words which existing DNN models including Transformer often overlook. Our proposed framework uses a Branch-CoRR Attention Network to extract highly informative features in branches, and employs Feature Fusion Network Component to identify deep embedded features and use them to make enhanced identification of veracity of an unverified claim. Moreover, to achieve its goal, gDART is not dependent on any costly auxiliary resource but on an unsupervised learning process. Extensive experiments reveal that gDART marks a considerable performance gain in veracity identification task over state-of-the-art models on two real world rumor datasets. gDART reports a gain of 36.76%, 40.85% on standard benchmark metrics.  相似文献   

Emerging topic detection has attracted considerable attention in recent times. While various detection approaches have been proposed in this field, designing a method for accurately detecting emerging topics remains challenging. This paper introduces the perspective of knowledge ecology to the detection of emerging topics and utilizes author-keywords to represent research topics. More precisely, we first improve the novelty metric and recalculate emergence capabilities based on the “ecostate” and “ecorole” attributes of ecological niches. Then, we take the perspective that keywords are analogous to living bodies and map them to the knowledge ecosystem to construct an emerging topics detection method based on ecological niches (ETDEN). Finally, we conduct in-depth comparative experiments to verify the effectiveness and feasibility of ETDEN using data extracted from scientific literature in the ACM Digital Library database. The results demonstrate that the improved novelty indicator helps to differentiate the novelty values of keywords in the same interval. More importantly, ETDEN performs significantly better performance on three terms: the emergence time point and the growth rate of pre-and post-emergence.  相似文献   

Argument mining (AM) aims to automatically generate a graph that represents the argument structure of a document. Most previous AM models only pay attention to a single argument component (AC) to classify the type of the AC or a pair of ACs to identify and classify the argumentative relation (AR) between the two ACs. These models ignore the impact of global argument structure of the documents, which is important, especially in some highly structured genres such as scientific papers, where the process of argumentation is relatively fixed. Inspired by this, we propose a novel two-stage model which leverages global structure information to support AM. The first stage uses a multi-turn question-answering model to incrementally generate an initial argumentative graph that identifies relations among ACs. At each turn, all ACs related to the query AC are generated simultaneously, such that the sibling global information between the answer ACs is considered. In addition, the partially constructed graph is used as global structure information to support the extension of the graph with additional ACs. After the whole initial graph structure has been determined, the second stage assigns semantic types to both the ACs and ARs among them, leveraging information from this initial graph as global structure information. We test the proposed methods on two scientific datasets (one is the AbstRCT dataset including 659 abstracts about cancer research and the other is the SciARG dataset that consists of 225 computer linguistic abstracts and 285 biomedical abstracts) and a student essay dataset PE with 402 essays. Our experiments show that our model improves the state-of-the-art performance on two scientific datasets for different AM subtasks, with average improvements of 1%, 2.41%, 1.1% for the ACC, ARI and ARC task respectively on the AbstRCT dataset, and 2.36%, 1.84%, 8.87% for the ACC, ARI and ARC task on the SciARG dataset. Our model also achieves comparative results on the PE datasets: 87.7% of F1 scores for the ACC task, 81.4% for the ARI task and 78.8% for the ARC task.  相似文献   

Dialectal Arabic (DA) refers to varieties of everyday spoken languages in the Arab world. These dialects differ according to the country and region of the speaker, and their textual content is constantly growing with the rise of social media networks and web blogs. Although research on Natural Language Processing (NLP) on standard Arabic, namely Modern Standard Arabic (MSA), has witnessed remarkable progress, research efforts on DA are rather limited. This is due to numerous challenges, such as the scarcity of labeled data as well as the nature and structure of DA. While some recent works have reached decent results on several DA sentence classification tasks, other complex tasks, such as sequence labeling, still suffer from weak performances when it comes to DA varieties with either a limited amount of labeled data or unlabeled data only. Besides, it has been shown that zero-shot transfer learning from models trained on MSA does not perform well on DA. In this paper, we introduce AdaSL, a new unsupervised domain adaptation framework for Arabic multi-dialectal sequence labeling, leveraging unlabeled DA data, labeled MSA data, and existing multilingual and Arabic Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs). The proposed framework relies on four key components: (1) domain adaptive fine-tuning of multilingual/MSA language models on unlabeled DA data, (2) sub-word embedding pooling, (3) iterative self-training on unlabeled DA data, and (4) iterative DA and MSA distribution alignment. We evaluate our framework on multi-dialectal Named Entity Recognition (NER) and Part-of-Speech (POS) tagging tasks.The overall results show that the zero-shot transfer learning, using our proposed framework, boosts the performance of the multilingual PLMs by 40.87% in macro-F1 score for the NER task, while it boosts the accuracy by 6.95% for the POS tagging task. For the Arabic PLMs, our proposed framework increases performance by 16.18% macro-F1 for the NER task and 2.22% accuracy for the POS tagging task, and thus, achieving new state-of-the-art zero-shot transfer learning performance for Arabic multi-dialectal sequence labeling.  相似文献   

In legal case retrieval, existing work has shown that human-mediated conversational search can improve users’ search experience. In practice, a suitable workflow can provide guidelines for constructing a machine-mediated agent replacing of human agents. Therefore, we conduct a comparison analysis and summarize two challenges when directly applying the conversational agent workflow in web search to legal case retrieval: (1) It is complex for agents to express their understanding of users’ information need. (2) Selecting a candidate case from the SERPs is more difficult for agents, especially at the early stage of the search process. To tackle these challenges, we propose a suitable conversational agent workflow in legal case retrieval, which contains two additional key modules compared with that in web search: Query Generation and Buffer Mechanism. A controlled user experiment with three control groups, using the whole workflow or removing one of these two modules, is conducted. The results demonstrate that the proposed workflow can actually support conversational agents working more efficiently, and help users save search effort, leading to higher search success and satisfaction for legal case retrieval. We further construct a large-scale dataset and provide guidance on the machine-mediated conversational search system for legal case retrieval.  相似文献   

In this work, we release a multi-domain and multi-modality event dataset (MMED), containing 25,052 textual news articles collected from hundreds of news media sites (e.g., Yahoo News, BBC News, etc.) and 75,884 image posts shared on Flickr by thousands of social media users. The articles contributed by professional journalists and the images shared by amateur users are annotated according to 410 real-world events, covering emergencies, natural disasters, sports, ceremonies, elections, protests, military intervention, economic crises, etc. The MMED dataset is collected by the following the principles of high relevance in supporting the application needs, a wide range of event types, non-ambiguity of the event labels, imbalanced event clusters, and difficulty discriminating the event labels. The dataset can stimulate innovative research on related challenging problems, such as (weakly aligned) cross-modal retrieval and cross-domain event discovery, inspire visual relation mining and reasoning, etc. For comparisons, 15 baselines for two scenarios have been quantitatively and qualitatively evaluated using the dataset.  相似文献   

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