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The implementation of digital contact tracing applications around the world to help reduce the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic represents one of the most ambitious uses of massive-scale citizen data ever attempted. There is major divergence among nations, however, between a “privacy-first” approach which protects citizens’ data at the cost of extremely limited access for public health authorities and researchers, and a “data-first” approach which stores large amounts of data which, while of immeasurable value to epidemiologists and other researchers, may significantly intrude upon citizens’ privacy. The lack of a consensus on privacy protection in the contact tracing process creates risks of non-compliance or deliberate obfuscation from citizens who fear revealing private aspects of their lives – a factor greatly exacerbated by recent major scandals over online privacy and the illicit use of citizens’ digital information, which have heightened public consciousness of these issues and created significant new challenges for any collection of large-scale public data. While digital contact tracing for COVID-19 remains in its infancy, the lack of consensus around best practices for its implementation and for reassuring citizens of the protection of their privacy may already have impeded its capacity to contribute to the pandemic response.  相似文献   

大数据环境下用户隐私顾虑日益加深。尝试从用户对威胁的评估以及组织的隐私政策方面研究当下隐私现状,有利于企业在保护个人隐私的前提下更好地发展。基于保护动机理论,实证研究威胁评估、网络隐私顾虑和组织隐私政策(重要性认知)的关系及其作用机理。研究结果表明:威胁评估和组织隐私政策都对网络隐私顾虑起正向影响作用;组织隐私政策作为调节变量,在威胁评估与网络隐私顾虑间的调节作用并不显著,只在威胁评估与隐私控制的关系中起显著反向调节作用。  相似文献   

Solutions to the problem ofprotecting informational privacy in cyberspacetend to fall into one of three categories:technological solutions, self-regulatorysolutions, and legislative solutions. In thispaper, I suggest that the legal protection ofthe right to online privacy within the USshould be strengthened. Traditionally, inidentifying where support can be found in theUS Constitution for a right to informationalprivacy, the point of focus has been on theFourth Amendment; protection in this contextfinds its moral basis in personal liberty,personal dignity, self-esteem, and othervalues. On the other hand, the constitutionalright to privacy first established by Griswoldv. Connecticut finds its moral basis largelyin a single value, the value of autonomy ofdecision-making. I propose that an expandedconstitutional right to informational privacy,responsive to the escalating threats posed toonline privacy by developments in informationaltechnology, would be more likely to find asolid moral basis in the value of autonomyassociated with the constitutional right toprivacy found in Griswold than in the varietyof values forming the moral basis for the rightto privacy backed by the Fourth Amendment.  相似文献   

In the age of big data we need to think differently about privacy. We need to shift our thinking from definitions of privacy (characteristics of privacy) to models of privacy (how privacy works). Moreover, in addition to the existing models of privacy—the surveillance model and capture model—we need to also consider a new model: the datafication model presented in this article, wherein new personal information is deduced by employing predictive analytics on already-gathered data. These three models of privacy supplement each other; they are not competing understandings of privacy. This broadened approach will take our thinking beyond current preoccupation with whether or not individuals’ consent was secured for data collection to privacy issues arising from the development of new information on individuals' likely behavior through analysis of already collected data—this new information can violate privacy but does not call for consent.  相似文献   

随着各种各样移动设备的普及,轨迹隐私保护问题变得日益严峻,作为轨迹隐私保护的一个方向,国内外开始慢慢建立起一些较为成熟的度量机制,常见的有基于k-匿名保护机制的隐私度量方法、基于跟踪的度量方法、针对特定匿名系统的轨迹隐私度量方法等。文章在现有研究的基础上构建了了一种基于假数据轨迹隐私保护技术的隐私度量标准,从发布假轨迹上点之间的关联性、发布数据所包含信息的精确度以及攻击者所拥有背景知识多少三个方面进行轨迹隐私保护度的全面度量。  相似文献   

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a very important growing business practice in today's environment. It is used for managing the interaction between a company and its future and current customers. CRM approach's task is analyzing data about the history of customers with a company. It focuses on a way to retain customers, therefore it helps the growth of sales. This leads to improvement of company's business relationship with customers. Current study's goal is to determine how technology, organizational capability, customer orientation, and customer knowledge management influence CRM success. We try to see that how the performance of an organization is affected by the achievement of CRM. For testing the hypotheses, Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) was adopted. Results have indicated that the success of CRM is highly influenced through “information technology use”, also “customer orientation”, “organizational capability”, and “customer knowledge management” are related to CRM success. Finally, along with the future research avenues and limitations, study implications and findings are discussed.  相似文献   

白雪 《大众科技》2012,(2):27-29
客户关系管理以客户为中心,深入研究客户行为,通过客户关怀提高客户满意度,进而提高企业的竞争力。而数据挖掘技术则为客户关系管理提供了强有力的技术支持。文章阐述了数据挖掘技术在客户关系管理中应用的研究背景和意义,并介绍了客户关系管理思想、数据挖掘的过程和方法、以及数据挖掘技术在客户关系管理中的应用。  相似文献   

李根强  孟勇  刘人境 《科研管理》2019,40(9):199-210
随着无边界职业生涯的兴起,实施发展型人力资源管理实践显得尤为重要,而相关的实证研究并不多见。本文通过在中国企业调研获取的320套员工样本,考察了发展型人力资源管理实践对工作绩效的影响机制,检验了人-组织匹配的中介作用和职业承诺的调节作用。结果发现:发展型人力资源管理实践既对工作绩效产生直接正向影响,也通过人-组织匹配的中介效应对工作绩效产生间接影响;职业承诺对发展型人力资源管理实践与工作绩效的关系具有非线性调节效应,具体而言,当职业承诺经历低、中、高三种水平时,发展型人力资源管理实践与工作绩效的关系呈现倒U型关系。  相似文献   

This study uses the resource-based view to explore the impact of data volume, data velocity, and data variety, which are the main characteristics of big data, on firm performance and the mediating roles of data value and data veracity on these relationships. To test the research model, we collected data from 143 top and middle level managers in the United States. The findings show that data variety positively improves data value generation, whereas data volume and data velocity do not impact it. Additionally, while data volume negatively impacts data veracity, data velocity and data variety positively impact it. Findings indicate the necessity of conceptually differentiating among big data characteristics in investigating their impacts on firm outcomes instead of treating big data as a holistic variable. The study provides useful insights for researchers and managers willing to better understand the role of big data characteristics in influencing firm performance.  相似文献   

Complaint behaviors are critical to maintaining customer loyalty in an online market. They provide insight into the customer's experience of service failure and help to redress the failures. Previous studies have shown the importance of customer satisfaction as a mediator for complaint intentions. It is important to examine the antecedents of customer satisfaction and its link to complaint intentions. Online shoppers are both buyers of products/services and users of web-based systems. Trust also plays a critical role in forming a psychological state with positive or negative feelings toward e-vendors. In this context, there are three major concerns: justice, technology and trust. This study proposes a research model to combine these issues, in order to investigate complaint intentions. Data were collected from an online survey wherein subjects were encouraged to reflect on recent service failure experiences. The results from testing a structural equation model indicate that distributive and interactional justice contribute significantly to customer satisfaction and, in turn, to complaint intentions, but procedural justice does not. Technology-based features and trust are also important in determining the two target variables. The implications for managers and scholars are also discussed.  相似文献   

The number of firms that intend to invest in big data analytics has declined and many firms that invested in the use of these tools could not successfully deploy their project to production. In this study, we leverage the valence theory perspective to investigate the role of positive and negative valence factors on the impact of bigness of data on big data analytics usage within firms. The research model is validated empirically from 140 IT managers and data analysts using survey data. The results confirm the impact of bigness of data on both negative valence (i.e., data security concern and task complexity), and positive valence (i.e., data accessibility and data diagnosticity) factors. In addition, findings show that data security concern is not a critical factor in using big data analytics. The results also show that, interestingly, at different levels of data security concern, task complexity, data accessibility, and data diagnosticity, the impact of bigness of data on big data analytics use will be varied. For practitioners, the findings provide important guidelines to increase the extent of using big data analytics by considering both positive and negative valence factors.  相似文献   

Because the cost of attracting new customers is much higher than the cost of retaining old customers, keeping customers loyal is a crucial issue for service firms. This research explores how relationship quality and switching barriers influence customer loyalty. Relationship quality consists of two aspects: satisfaction and trust. Antecedents of satisfaction and trust are explored. To test the proposed research model, a survey research methodology was used. Paper survey was distributed to mobile phone users in Taiwan. A total of 311 valid questionnaires were returned. Structural equation modeling was used to test hypotheses. Satisfaction, trust, and switching barriers have positive effects on loyalty. In terms of antecedents, it was found that playfulness and service quality impact satisfaction while service quality and intimacy affect trust. From a managerial perspective, this research suggests that practitioner should not only keep improving service quality, but also provide playfulness to ensure customer satisfaction. Service providers should also build relationship quality and switching barriers to reduce the possibility of defection and enhance customer loyalty.  相似文献   

姜宁  顾锋 《科技管理研究》2021,41(1):160-165
基于企业非授权信息使用在手机购物APP情境下对消费者的影响,根据收集的269份消费者问卷,对提出的概念模型与研究假设进行检验.研究结果显示,非授权信息使用会增加消费者感知的信息脆弱性,而信息脆弱性则会促进消费者的转换行为;另外,信息设置有效性和信息政策有效性都可以减弱信息脆弱性与转换行为之间的正向关系.研究不仅促进相关...  相似文献   

Interactivity, which is a key characteristic of the live streaming commerce environment, fosters users’ active attitudes and behaviors in communications and transactions. However, the literature on live streaming commerce, is scarce, and few studies examine how interactivity influences customers’ non-transactional behaviors from a dynamic perspective. In this setting, based on the stimulus-organism-response (S-O-R) framework, we developed a research model using real-time data to investigate the dynamic effect of interactivity on customer engagement behavior through tie strength in live streaming commerce, which is a relatively new derivative of social commerce. This study developed a text mining method to quantify constructs using a large-scale sample of 3,500,445 online review texts. Our empirical study found that interactivity has a curvilinear relationship with customer engagement behavior. Besides, tie strength plays an intermediary role between interactivity and customer engagement behavior. It was further observed that both tenure of membership and popularity have an important moderating relationship between interactivity and tie strength. The study enriches the relationship marketing theory and live streaming commerce literature. Moreover, this study is one of the first studies to use real-time online data for live streaming commerce research.  相似文献   

本文基于业务多元化视角,系统地检验了高管团队断裂带对企业实质性创新的“双刃剑”作用。研究发现:(1)在专业化经营模式下,高管团队断裂带对企业实质性创新具有显著的正向作用;(2)在相关业务多元化经营模式下,高管团队断裂带对企业实质性创新具有显著的正向作用;(3)在非相关业务多元化经营模式下,高管团队断裂带对企业实质性创新具有显著的负向作用;(4)拓展性分析发现:当相关业务多元化程度越高时,高管团队断裂带对企业实质性创新的正向作用越强,当非相关业务多元化程度越高时,高管团队断裂带对企业实质性创新的负向作用越强;以及在不同业务多元化经营模式下,高管团队断裂带对企业策略性创新的影响与高管团队断裂带对企业实质性创新的影响存在差异性。本文丰富了企业实质性创新影响因素研究,且对于企业管理者的聘任决策、团队结构的合理设置等有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

Customer relationship management (CRM) and knowledge management (KM) have become key strategic tool for all companies, especially in the current competitive environment. Moreover, customer knowledge is an important issue for CRM implementation. Reviewing the literature, we found many studies that analyze the crucial role played by KM initiatives as determinants of the success of CRM. Moreover, we found also diverse studies that show high rates of failure when implementing that strategy, so there is still no integrated conceptual framework to guide companies to their successful implementation. In this paper, with data of 153 Spanish hotels, we examine the relationships between KM and CRM success using a structural equation model. The main contribution is that having knowledge management capabilities is not sufficient for the success of CRM, but there are other factors to consider. In particular, organizational factors indeed impact CRM success and they appear to be intermediaries of the impact of other factors (KM capabilities/technological/customer orientation factors) in the success of CRM (in financial and marketing terms).  相似文献   

宋庆元 《科技广场》2005,17(1):53-57
本文介绍了一种针对化学数据分析的挖掘系统原型实现和设计理论。阐述从化学数据分析的角度开发一个联机分析数据挖掘系统原型的理论过程,研究过程采用数据仓库提供的OLAP技术进行关联规则挖掘,提供了一种数据项的二进制编码技术,对于提高数据信息的处理能力和可靠性有一定意义。预期实现从各种文献资料或数据库自动抽取有关化学反应的信息,发现新的有用化学成分,完成合成设计和反应预测等功能,从而对数据挖掘的实现进行了有益的尝试。  相似文献   

基于信号传递理论发现,团队层次因素(团队创新气氛和变革型领导)和个体层次因素(创新自我效能感)可能会同时影响高管团队成员的创新承诺;同时,利用我国东部沿海8省市28家科技型中小企业的调查数据,进一步验证个体及团队层次因素对高管团队成员创新承诺的影响。研究结果表明:创新自我效能感和变革型领导对高管团队成员创新承诺有显著正向影响,而团队创新气氛与高管团队成员创新承诺的关系并不显著。此外,探究高管团队创新承诺与团队创新绩效之间的关系,以及高管团队创新承诺在团队创新气氛、变革型领导与团队创新绩效关系间的中介效应。研究发现:高管团队创新承诺是实现高团队创新绩效的一项重要驱动要素;高管团队创新承诺对变革型领导与团队创新绩效的关系起中介作用,而在团队创新气氛与团队创新绩效之间并没有显示中介效应。  相似文献   

   一方面,大数据使整合更大范围内的互补资源成为可能,制造业服务供给能力日益集中;另一方面,大数据也提供了满足服务需要的更多实现形式与获取途径,制造业服务需求日益异质;如何响应数据赋能对制造业服务化的供给侧、需求侧以及两者匹配的三重冲击决定了制造企业服务化的成败。基于“供给-需求”匹配视角,本文利用美的单案例扎根探究,采用商业模式创新框架分析数据赋能驱动制造企业服务化的作用路径,研究表明:(1)数据赋能分别通过战略导向、数据特征利用与多主体实时交互,继之以资源利用为共通媒介,然后影响价值创造、价值传递、价值捕获三个维度来驱动制造企业服务化;(2)数据赋能驱动制造业服务化表现为“数据赋能-工业数字化能力、产品数据利用能力、客户价值互动能力的提升-工业服务化、客户服务化与价值服务化的组合影响”的动态过程。本研究引入了制造业服务化的需求侧,扩展了数据赋能驱动制造企业服务化的作用路径,为制造企业服务化提供了以“供给-需求”匹配为核心的理论指导。  相似文献   

Corruption has emerged as a well-debated subject against the backdrop of electronic government (e-government). While e-government has attained a level of sophistication in leading countries, there are countries for which going digital remains comparatively new on their national schedules. Their struggle and lag in reaching maturity in e-government can be attributed to corruption, which is an infamous issue prevalent across the globe and argued to impede technological innovation. Despite such a possibility, there is a paucity of research examining the “corruption–e-government” linkage. This study, hence, adopts the institutional perspective for conceptualizing corruption and seeks to understand the relationship of corruption in basic national institutions and national stakeholder service systems with e-government maturity. Specifically, by grounding the discussion on the agency theory, the rent-seeking theory, and the perspective of institutions as structures of cooperation and power, this study analyses the moderating influence of corruption in a national stakeholder service system (i.e., business systems) on the relationship of corruption in three basic national institutions (i.e., political, legal, and media) with e-government maturity in a country. The hypothesized relationships are empirically validated using a panel data of 94 countries, and the findings confirm that political corruption, legal corruption, and business-systems corruption in a country play vital roles in influencing its e-government maturity. Implications of our results to research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

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