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由广东广播电视大学、广东理工职业学院承办的全国高职成高学报研究会2011年年会暨编辑学理论研讨会,于11月8日-11日在金秋的羊城隆重召开。广东省新闻出版局、广东省教育厅及广东广播电视大学、广东理工职业学院的领导出席了开幕式并发表讲话,与来自全国各地高职成高院校的80多位代表共商我国高校学报改革与发展大计。  相似文献   

高职学报是我国高校学报中的一个特殊分支.由于高职学报植根于高职教育,由高职院校主办,以及高职教育的职业性、应用性特征,决定了高职学报的特点.高职学报的地位和功能与高职教育、主办的高职院校、学术研究等范畴,有密切的关系.该文对高职学报的地位和功能进行了深入的阐述.  相似文献   

广东高职院校学报现状初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
调研结果表明,广东省高职院校学报在近年来取得了长足的进步,但刊物质量、学术水平仍需提高,办刊理念、办刊模式仍需改进,办刊条件仍需改善,编辑队伍建设等方面仍需加强。  相似文献   

以质量求生存,以特色求发展——谈高职学报的建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用科学的发展观阐述了高职学报的建设,从建立高水平的作者队伍、建立期刊质量保障体系和完善高职学报质量评价体系等方面提出质量是高职学报的生存之本;从高职教育理论研究、地域优势、技术与应用等方面举例说明特色是高职学报的发展方向。对于今后高职学报的生存和发展具有一定的理论和实践指导意义。  相似文献   

据中国科学文献计量评价研究中心出版的《中国学术期刊综合引证报告(2006版)》统计,2005年,《番禺职业技术学院学报》的影响因子为0.138,在全国所有综合性高职院校学报中排名第7位,在广东省同类院校学报中排名第2位。本刊影响因子位居全国同类学报前列  相似文献   

受高职院校人才培养目标、期刊评价机制和职称评定制度影响,一些高职院校学报在定位过程中出现了偏差,片面追求高影响力、高关注度,而忽视了学报是反映本校教学和科研成果的学术理论刊物,与高职院校教学、科研成果息息相关。高职院校学报应明确自身价值定位、评价机制定位、读者定位、作者定位,以展现高职学报的特色,实现高职学报更好的发展。  相似文献   

2009年11月6日至10日,第二届第二次全国高职院校学报研究会2009年学术年会在我院隆重举行。出席这次会议的有学报研究界的专家和来自全国各高职院校的学报主编、编辑近120人。会议总结了2008年学报研究会工作,传达了下一步工作要点;研讨了高职院校学报目前的作用和地位,探讨了高职院校学报在实际工作中存在的问题;评选了第二届全国高职院校优秀学报和优秀学报工作者。  相似文献   

据中国科学文献计量评价研究中心近日出版的《中国学术期刊综合引证报告》(2007版)统计,2006年,《番禺职业技术学院学报》的影响因子为0.185,在全国职教成教院校学报中排名第6位,在广东省高职院校学报中排名第2位。  相似文献   

据中国科学文献计量评价研究中心近日出版的《中国学术期刊综合引证报告》(2008版)统计,2007年,《番禺职业技术学院学报》的影响因子为0.370,较上年有较大提升,在全国所有职教成教院校学报中排名第3位,在广东省高职院校学报中排名第1位。  相似文献   

2010年7月19日至23日,全国高职成高学报研究会2010年年会在享有“筑城”美誉的高原明珠贵州省贵阳市召开。来自全国各地高职成高院校的百余名学报同仁欢聚贵州警官职业学院,对高职成高学报的改革与发展问题进行了探讨,分析了高职成高学报的现状和面临的问题,对高职成高学报如何进一步提高质量、办出特色提出了建议。  相似文献   

在高师音乐教育中应开设"室内乐"课   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“室内乐”在不同的时代和条件下有其不同的意义。在高师音乐教育中开设“室内乐”课不但可以提高学生对多声部音乐的表演能力,全面提高学生艺术修养,优化高师音乐教育的外部环境,增强艺术实践环节,而且可以使学生接受更多的通才教育,从而增强适应社会的能力。“室内乐”课的开设必将为高师音乐教育注入新的活力。  相似文献   

汉赋四大家有三位出自巴蜀之地。司马相如、王褒、扬雄三人生活的时代虽然不同,但都代表着其时汉赋创作的最高水平。本文从不同侧面证析这三人的创作特点及其对赋史的贡献。  相似文献   

This article is an analysis of data drawn from semi-structured, taperecorded interviews with five female primary school headteachers. The research focused on their perceptions of their management role. One significant and unexpected finding was that these women not only denied feeling stressed but were deriving immense satisfaction from their work. It is suggested that much of their enjoyment comes from the high degree of emotional intelligence they display in managing people, time and resources and which also partly accounts for their success and managerial confidence. The degree of power, control and choice which these women exercise in their work lends support to the claim that there is an emerging group of managers in primary education who may represent the ‘new women of power’.  相似文献   

Do you regularly reflect on the value you bring to your client? The act of reflection is something experienced consultants, both internal and external, consistently do in their practice. This article examines the ways in which Certified Performance Technologists (CPTs) define and recognize the success of their efforts, but most importantly, how they learn from engagements that do not always end with the desired outcome. You will hear from CPTs across several industries in their own words about what strategies they have employed to continue to improve their skill sets.  相似文献   

学生物理学习中的思维障碍,不外乎来自两个方面:一方面来自学生原有的思维品质缺陷;另一方面来自物理自身的环境、物理知识中非本质因素和表面形式的影响.具体表现为凝固性、片面性、干扰性,对此进行分析,有助于教师在教学中帮助学生克服这些思维障碍,提高思维品质,提高学习效率.  相似文献   

The author obtained autobiographical statements and other data from 510 US members of the North American Association for Environmental Education. This report (1) presents findings regarding human and vicarious influences in their lives, and (2) presents excerpts from 34 of their statements, to illustrate the variety and richness of their narratives.  相似文献   

Relatively little work has focused on inclusive education in Singapore. This study examines the experiences and perceptions of parents whose children with disabilities are attending mainstream secondary schools in Singapore. Data was drawn from interviews with 13 parents of children with mild disabilities. Our findings reveal that parental perspective on inclusive education in Singapore is not only about classroom support but also reflects a deeper concern about whether their children with disabilities will emerge from school as contributing individuals in society. While parents strive to effectively include their children with disabilities in mainstream classrooms, there were dichotomies in their (1) understanding of disabilities, (2) expectations of school support, and (3) expectations for their child with disabilities. Given that academic and social prowess is a critical prerequisite to have a shot at entering the meritocratic Singapore society, the tension parents experience is to gauge a reasonable amount of pressure to exert on their children, the school and themselves as they assert their children's educational entitlements within an imperfect but evolving state of inclusion.  相似文献   

今天,我国已经进入中国特色社会主义新时代,开启了全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程,这给高质量教师队伍建设指出新方向、带来新机遇、提出新要求.与之相应,新时代也要求高质量教师在四个方面实现使命的迭代:一是在初衷使命上从立足课堂走向扎根中国,即扎根中国大地、坚守中华文化、树立崇高师德、投身教改浪潮;二是在核心使命上从培养人才走向立德树人,即增强育德意识、丰富育德内涵、提升育德能力、创新育德路径;三是在专业使命上从传道授业走向专业创造,即发展专业智慧、提升专业素养、开展专业生活、学会专业创造;四是在社会使命上从管理中心走向协同治理,即树立治理理念、推动协同治理、提升治理素养、创新治理格局.  相似文献   

90后大学生存在焦虑、自卑、攀高怕苦、依赖心强等就业心理障碍.这与舆论与环境的双重挤压、家长与家族的层层加压、教学与引导的双重脱节、认识与自我的多重偏差等因素有关.调适90后大学生就业心理障碍,应坚持政策导向与措施透明同在,教育引导与积极沟通并存,教学变革与措施补救并行,自我调适与全面发展结合.  相似文献   

Since 2004, Ireland has experienced the arrival of immigrants from various countries from all over the world including Poland. The Polish came to Ireland with their families including children of school age obliged to attend compulsory education. These children have attended schools dissimilar from the ones they are accustomed to in their home country in terms of teacher–student relationships. The question then arises as to what an Irish teacher is like in the opinions of young Polish immigrants? Is the image different from the one of a Polish teacher, or does the peculiarity of this job make teachers in various countries alike? This research conducted among a group of Polish grammar school students in Ireland helps to answer these questions. This article is a comparative study of teachers’ competence, and their personality, as well as their substantive, methodological and educational competence. The information was obtained by group interview technique with Polish youth aged 13–15 studying in Irish secondary schools at junior cycle level.  相似文献   

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