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OECD国家终身学习政策与实践分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
本文阐述了OECD及OECD国家的终身学习理念,介绍了20世纪90年代以来OECD国家终身学习发展现状和相应的终身学习政策,并对各自的终身学习政策与实践进行了评价。  相似文献   

文章以终身学习的视野研究学校教育的开放问题。从层次上探讨了中、小学和高等教育的开放;从手段上研究了远程教育对学校教育开放的意义;从对象上学校教育开放涵盖了所有适龄儿童、青少年和成年人。  相似文献   

澳门学校教育改革的思考从终身教育谈起   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
“终身教育概念是人类进入21世纪的一把钥匙”^「1」。目前终身教育的思想已被各国普遍接受,并成为世界主要国家教育改革的原动力及指导原则^「2」。澳门在1988年提出教育改革,并於1991年颁布非高等教育范围的《澳门教育制度》法律,进行教育改革。为使澳门的教育改革能适应21世纪的教育发展,必须积极地研究、分析各地学校教育改革的发展及政策,借鉴他人经验,并结合澳门的情况,不断对澳门教育改革进行分析及调  相似文献   

在欧洲终身学习领域为背景下,该文从三个方面分析终身教育话语被终身学习话语取代的趋势。导致这一趋势的直接原因是欧洲各国及国际组织对终身学习政策的推广,而更为深层的原因是社会各个层面的“变化”。第三个方面的原因是这些变化在社会维度、组织维度和个体维度作为文化因素的“自反性”和“灵活性”;最后,该文对这两个概念转变产生的一些问题进行反思。  相似文献   

终身学习与学习化社会   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
建立学习化社会,实现终身学习,是进入知识经济时代世界各国的必然选择。它一方面要求学校向社会开放,为各类社会成员提供多种、多次受教育的机会,形成开放、灵活、发达、完备的终身教育体系。一方面要求创建学习型组织、学习型家庭、学习型企业、学习型社区,形成人人学习、终身学习的环境和氛围,使学习成为基本的生存和发展方式。  相似文献   

论学习型组织与终身学习   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
学习型组织是一个能学习、有行动的团队组织 ,自从上个世纪 90年代彼得·圣吉 (PeterSenge)的《第五项修炼》一书问世后 ,学习型组织的理念对于终身学习产生了深刻的影响。学习型组织在现实社会各个层面中得以充分利用 ,促进各类团队终身学习的持续发展 ,以最终实现学习化社会为目的  相似文献   

创知学习就是创造新知识、新思想、新理论、新方案、新活动、新方法、新技术的学习,它不仅是人的本质和人的自身生存与发展的需要,也是社会发展的需要;它与传统学习有本质区别;创知学习和以创知为基础的终身学习是人类学习的新境界;要搞好这两种学习,就必须改变观念,营造良好的学习环境,掌握新的学习方法和完善终身学习制度。  相似文献   

终身学习的意义已被社会广泛认识,然而人们的终身学习意识并不强,集中表现在人们学习的主动性缺乏上。究其根源,就在于人们已经养成的被动学习习惯很难改变。推进终身学习必须从培养学习者学习的主动性开始,而"慕课"的兴起则提供了一个可以借鉴的范例。在未来,终身学习的重心必然转向以自我意义探索为主,而学习的本质就是一种主动探究而非被动接受。  相似文献   

终身学习体系的构建是一个系统工程;但就社会个体而言,每一个学习者所具备的学习能力是整个终身学习体系结构中不可欠缺的基础条件;每个学习者的所学如何终身评价则是一个根本;终身学习成果与能力的评价是贯穿每个学习者整个人生的重要结构环节,也是衡量终身学习体系构建的重要指标。  相似文献   

OECD从终身学习的框架出发,对学生的阅读、数学和科学三个方面进行评估.在该评估项目中,OECD对学生评价的功能、评价主体、收集信息的方式以及评价方法都做了新的阐述,分析了影响学生成绩的因素--学生性别、家庭背景、学习环境和学校组织等,使政策制定者更清楚地了解影响教育成功的因素.  相似文献   

It is argued, through the example of art education seen from a broad cultural perspective, that the concept of lifelong learning implies common terms of reference for learning in all contexts in which learning takes place, especially in schools, colleges and universities. This implies a common approach to standards at all levels of formal educational provision. The disparity of school art and art in other learning contexts is discussed, and concepts of standards currently in use are examined and found to be highly problematic. The idea of practitioner referenced standards is introduced in relation to standards derived from educational theory and practice. In the case of art these are considered in terms of ‘what it is that artists do; what it means to engage with a work of art at first hand; what people have to say about artists and works of art; and what it means to engage in learning’. Ways of relating these standards to each other and to lifelong learning in the context of a research rationale for an art curriculum are put forward. In conclusion, it is suggested that co-ordination of the current review of the National Curriculum and the developmental work on standards currently being undertaken by the QAA would represent a basis for the establishment of appropriate standards for lifelong learning, although this would require a new level of co-operation between the relevant educational sectors. Such standards would assist in reducing the possibility that lifelong learning could develop as a further isolated and self-justifying educational sector in a divided national educational system. They would also provide an opportunity for post-modern thinking to make a worthwhile contribution to educational debate.  相似文献   

Changing Notions of Lifelong Education and Lifelong Learning   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Drawing on material from IRE as well as other sources, this article describes how the notion of lifelong education came into prominence in the educational world in the late 1960s, how it related to the concepts of formal, non-formal and informal education, and how it contrasted with the idea of recurrent eduction, as promoted by the OECD. The author goes on to discuss the emergence of the broader and more holistic concept of lifelong learning and the various ways in which it is understood. The article shows how IRE and its host institute have played an important part in the debate on these issues.  相似文献   

终身教育与终身学习是现代教育理念、生活理念体现在实践层面的产物。终身教育是全程、全态、全面的长、宽、深的教育,终身学习是“全人生学习、全方位学习”;终身教育主要是政府行为,而终身学习是个体行力;终身学习的基础是终身教育,终身教育的实质是终身学习。无论终身教育,抑或终身学习,都旨在通过把人自身的潜在能力不断转化为现实能力,尽可能地促进人与社会协调发展、可持续发展。终身教育和终身学习还蕴涵着教育、学习和生活三位一体的理念。  相似文献   

全球化与终身学习   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球化对于教育发生着全面而深远的影响。受过高等教育的人总是承受着世界对于劳动力划分的压力,大学也因此变成为这些劳动力提供职业再教育的场所。世界上越来越多的大学教育已经开始面向社会上的劳动力提供硕士研究生教育和职业技能教育。中国的高等教育在为受教育者提供终身教育方面做得还很少。文章提醒我国的高等教育应该相应的调整。  相似文献   

In this article, I review the diverse ways in which perceived self-efficacy contributes to cognitive development and functioning. Perceived self-efficacy exerts its influence through four major processes. They include cognitive, motivational, affective, and selection processes. There are three different levels at which perceived self-efficacy operates as an important contributor to academic development. Students' beliefs in their efficacy to regulate their own learning and to master academic activities determine their aspirations, level of motivation, and academic accomplishments. Teachers' beliefs in their personal efficacy to motivate and promote learning affect the types of learning environments they create and the level of academic progress their students achieve. Faculties' beliefs in their collective instructional efficacy contribute significantly to their schools' level of academic achievement. Student body characteristics influence school-level achievement more strongly by altering faculties' beliefs in their collective efficacy than through direct affects on school achievement.  相似文献   

Drawing on material from IRE as well as other sources, this article describes how the notion of lifelong education came into prominence in the educational world in the late 1960s, how it related to the concepts of formal, non-formal and informal education, and how it contrasted with the idea of recurrent eduction, as promoted by the OECD. The author goes on to discuss the emergence of the broader and more holistic concept of lifelong learning and the various ways in which it is understood. The article shows how IRE and its host institute have played an important part in the debate on these issues.  相似文献   

信息技术革命和知识经济的到来改变着我们所生存的这个世界。学习型社会已经到来,终身教育、终身学习的理念伴随着学习型社会的思潮冲击着原有的社会传统观念。终身教育与终身学习有着相同的理念和目标,但在出发点和侧重点方面又有所不同。终身学习为学习型社会提供了不竭的内在发展动力,终身教育为学习型社会提供了长效的外在支撑体系,二者有机统一在学习型社会之中。  相似文献   

从三个方面对即将离开校园的毕业研究生提出了读书和学习的建议:一是要持之以恒地读书和学习,不断充实和提高自己;二是面对网络信息要慎思明辨,抵御庸俗信息,通过重读经典来不断提高自己的思想境界;三是读书方法上要庞而不杂,博约结合,同时注重理论与实践相结合,学以致用,知行合一。  相似文献   

再论教育信息化下的终身学习   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈联  张晓 《成人教育》2009,29(2):50-51
终身学习已经成为一种现代化教育理念和发展趋势,教育信息化是实现教育、学习的重要手段。教育信息化也是终身教育、终身学习的重要因素。教育信息化为终身学习创造了开放性的环境、为终身学习提供技术支持。有利于终身学习者自我学习,有利于终身学习者共享交流。而促进教育信息化需要社会、学校、教育者和学习者各方面的共同努力。  相似文献   

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