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跨境高等教育由学生和教师、项目课程、教育机构这三个方面的跨境流动来进行。由于国际学生的流动人数众多,招收外国学生不仅有利于加强国家间文化、政治、贸易、经济关系的长期发展,提升国家的竞争力,更有利于提高国家的财政收入。笔者从经合组织与我国学生跨境高等教育的现状入手,分析了发展跨境高等教育的必要性,并从经合组织及其成员国的宏观政策对发展学生跨境教育的作用进行了分析。通过比较研究,提出了我国在宏观层面上发展学生跨境高等教育可选择的对策。  相似文献   

金融监管机构颁布的监管政策为矫正市场失灵提供了正当性基础,然而监管的失灵却对政策的有效性提出了质疑。成本收益分析成为平衡双重失灵下金融监管政策效率的基准。英国和美国等国家的金融监管机构已经开始采用成本收益分析对拟定的监管政策进行经济效率评估。但是,金融监管政策效率的分析框架与私人项目决策存在很大的差异,这就需要对成本和收益的数量化估值做出特别的要求,并在分析程序上做出特别的规定。中国金融监管机构在采用成本收益分析评估拟定政策时,应当分步骤实施,在这一方面,英国金融服务局和美国证监会、期监会为其提供了经验借鉴。  相似文献   

中国英语能力等级量表作为一项重要的国家语言教育政策,对促进我国英语教育与测试发展具有里程碑意义。与此同时,量表的实施也将带来语言经济学层面的意义,在网络外部性、成本—收益、语言制度3个方面体现出量表产生和实施的经济效益和社会效益。个人与社会的成本—效益分析与利益相关者的正和博弈评估为量表的评价提供了新的思路和视角。  相似文献   

国际学生的流向总体上是有规律的.从宏观的角度看,国际学生的流动与其流向国家的综合国力呈正相关,与语言和文化圈的相近呈正相关.国家实力、国际关系、文化及地缘关系、友好开放的留学环境、个人职业发展考量、教育成本、大学品牌等因素影响着国际学生的流动方向.  相似文献   

在高度融合的当今世界环境下,语言不仅是国家权威身份的象征,同时还被看作商品。拥有该商品就意味着掌握了一门重要的工作技能,这即是语言的经济学属性。那么,作为一种经济资源,英语能力的培养已作为经济成本来评估,同时也意味着它可以通过直接投资来获得。这对英语教育进行成本—收益分析提供了显示基础。本文正是从该特定角度出发,对现阶段大学英语教育这一大型的政府推动型公共产品进行成本—收益分析,试图寻求以最小的成本获得最大收益的方式。  相似文献   

职业教育成本、收益的经济分析,是目前教育经济理论研究的一个重要内容。本文分别从个人和社会两个层面对直接、间接的成本和收益进行详细分析,目的是找出最佳的职业教育投资的均衡点和最优的职业教育收益率,从而为政府制定教育投资政策和计划,正确安排财政收入的分配,提供参考。同时,也为家庭合理安排工资收入,正确进行家庭教育投资提供建议。  相似文献   

教育数字化转型是教育高质量发展的推动力和革新因素,对教育数字化转型能力水平的评估已成为当前教育改革与实践的要点之一。成熟度模型为破解教育数字化转型能力水平评估难题提供新方法,有助于引领教育数字化转型实践落地。本研究基于成熟度模型理论及基本结构,从国际比较视角分析现有数字化成熟度模型,通过政策分析提炼出教育数字化转型的关键构成要素;借鉴能力成熟度模型的级别划分和行为特征,结合我国教育数字化转型发展特点,构建了包含5个关键过程域、18个子关键域和5个成熟度等级的教育数字化转型成熟度评价框架;基于“宏观—中观—微观”系统性推进数字化创变的思路,从国家、区域和学校三个层面探讨了教育数字化转型成熟度评价框架的关键应用场景,以期为探寻教育数字化战略行动实施和教育高质量发展提供可行的评价路径。  相似文献   

STEM人才正在成为影响国家发展和科技创新的关键因素。美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚和新西兰在国际高等教育市场中占据优势地位,五国在STEM国际教育政策与实践方面呈现出一些共同的特点:高度重视STEM教育和国际人才竞争,从国家战略层面制定STEM国际教育政策和措施;政校企合力构建STEM人才培养支持体系;普通教育与职业教育并重的STEM人才培养路径;针对生源国实施差异化的STEM国际学生流动政策。在全球人才竞争的背景下,五国的做法可为我国STEM人才培养与引进提供参考。  相似文献   

作为公共支出的高等教育技术投资,同样需要进行成本—收益分析。从提出教育技术成本的含义着手,界定了现代教育技术成本—收益的范围,进一步针对成本收益方面存在的问题并提出建议,以使高等教育中的教育技术投资更加科学规范。  相似文献   

作为公共支出的高等教育技术投资,同样需要进行成本—收益分析。从提出教育技术成本的含义着手,界定了现代教育技术成本—收益的范围,进一步针对成本收益方面存在的问题并提出建议,以使高等教育中的教育技术投资更加科学规范。  相似文献   

单中惠  勾月 《中学教育》2011,(3):99-103
在20世纪80年代以来的基础教育公平政策上,关国和英国以新的哲学思路关注教育平等与教育质量、弱势群体学生与所有学生、宏观层面与微观层面以及本国标准与国际水平之间的关系,在新的社会时代和基础教育改革背景下凸显出一些新的视角。  相似文献   

The most visible aspect of the internationalisation of Higher Education is foreign students and this article outlines the factors which influence patterns and trends in international student mobility. Using the case study of undergraduate medical education, insights are provided on the issues which determine a student's choice of host nation and institution. Students who opt to study overseas to gain an award (the basic qualification to practice medicine) are the focus of this study, and the views expressed by them and individuals associated with international education, shed light on country and institution specific aspects which make the experience abroad either magic or misery.  相似文献   

For countries such as Australia exporting education is recognised as an important contributor to the nation’s economy. The embodiment of this export industry in Australia is the presence of international students in tertiary institutions across the country. Despite their considerable contribution to social, political, cultural and economic life, there have been recent examples of violence, exploitation and discrimination against international students in Australia. To understand how international students are both welcomed and excluded from Australian life, we use critical discourse analysis (CDA) to analyse news reports published in an Australian national newspaper from 2009 to 2011. Following van Dijk (Ideology: a multidisciplinary approach, Sage, Thousand Oaks, 1998) we view newspapers as ideological institutions that mobilise discursive power to polarise public opinion to support their ideological agenda(s). In the case of international students we use CDA to show how media discourses construct international students in ways that commodify their participation in higher education and marginalise them as the excluded ‘other’ in Australian society. Our conceptual and analytical approach has broader implications for national higher education policy and international student experience by exposing the social inequalities that accompany globalised international education.  相似文献   

采用经济学研究方法进行分析,发现合理的高等教育成本补偿有利于高等教育效率与公平的提高,有利于打破传统效率与公平对立的观点。建立高等教育成本补偿促进高等教育效率和公平机制方面,可以选择优秀的学生为补偿,亦可利用利益诱导机制弥补人力资本市场的缺陷。  相似文献   

This qualitative study examines the interplay between academic staff and international students with regard to developing academic literacies at university. Higher education has traditionally responded to increasing student diversity with the expectation that students will conform to institutional norms or habitus. In this context international students arrive with cultural capital which may not fit such norms, and would benefit from developing their academic literacy, as indeed would home students given an increasingly diverse student body in Irish higher education. Findings reveal a gap between academics expectations and international students’ capabilities. Academic staff remained within the remit of the research in contrast to the 22 international students who were interviewed. They did not separate the totality of their campus experience from academic literacy practices. These ranged from uncertainty around writing in another language to a mismatch between diversity management in class and students’ own expectations. International students found difficulty to making friends on campus which could benefit their integration into the academic literacy practices of their respective disciplines. Findings point towards a whole institution response to student diversity which transcends traditional disciplinary boundaries.  相似文献   

大力促进新世纪来华留学教育又好又快发展,必须了解、处理好来华留学教育的规模与结构关系。利用近10年统计数据,通过深入分析来华留学教育在规模、类别、专业、生源地、区域分布和经费资助等方面的总体发展状况。经过比较后,可知当前来华留学教育存在规模不大、教育层次不高、专业分布不均、生源地失衡等问题,当然,随着我国经济社会的发展、留学教育优势的发挥及留学政策的调整,到2025年,留学教育结构将不断优化,教育规模将快速增长,也将逐步迈入世界留学教育大国和强国行列。  相似文献   


Studies on economies of scale seek to establish atwhat size an institution functions at an optimal level ofefficiency. Higher education mergers produce an increase in thescale and scope of an institution, and are commonly driven on anexpectation of economic benefit. To what extent are greatervalue for money, savings in government expenditure, significantinstitutional financial benefit, achieved through the pursuit ofeconomics-of-scale-focused policies? The paper investigates thevaried findings of sixteen studies into economies of scale andscope in higher education, associated cost factors and cost/sizerelationships, and considers the strategic implications.


This paper describes a cost-benefit analysis of the impact of nonresident higher education students on the economy of West Virginia during the academic year 1985–86. During that year, the 10,091 FTE nonresident students enrolled in higher education institutions in West Virginia contributed to the state economy an estimated $72,182,000 through tuition and fees, living expenses, and travel expenses of parents and friends. The $72,182,000 flowing through the state's economy generated $86,618,318 in direct and indirect financial benefit to the state, while the state allocation attributed to the education of these nonresident students was $28,668,537. This return on investment, a benefit to cost ratio of 3.02, represents the net economic impact on West Virginia's state and local economies associated with higher education's nonresident enrollment in 1985–86. The ratio suggests that for each one dollar invested by the state in non-resident students, the state realized a return of $3.02 over the period of one academic year.Presented at the Twenty-Seventh Annual Forum of the Association for Institutional Research, Kansas City, May 1987.  相似文献   

In the past few decades, the additional revenues available via higher education exports (through both relatively higher prices and increased enrolments) have attracted the attention of providers in many developed countries, not least in Anglophone countries like the USA, the UK, Canada and Australia. However, while the revenue case is strong, the institutional cost structures underlying the provision of higher education services for international students remain relatively unknown at the sector level. Accordingly, we offer a comprehensive analysis of the cost economies underlying higher education provision for international students using a sample of 37 Australian public universities over the period from 2003 to 2012. The findings suggest that it is appealing to enrol additional overseas students given their lower average and marginal costs and the significant economies of scale prevailing in higher education generally. Further, while we find evidence of economies of scope for overseas students only in smaller institutions, there is no evidence of diseconomies of scope, implying the current number of overseas students and their joint production with domestic students at the least does not lead to unnecessarily higher overall costs.  相似文献   

把高校、学生个体和用人单位这三个利益主体置于市场之中,从市场角度并运用供需、成本收益、竞争等经济学的一些基本原理分析和判断高等教育质量及其走势,最后提出改进高等教育质量的措施。  相似文献   

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