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In this paper, we organize the fragmented management literature on technology standards according to a meta-theoretical scheme originally proposed by Astley and Van de Ven. We review over 89 relevant papers in influential journals in management, marketing and management-related disciplines. We observe that cumulative research streams on this topic have stayed within a single central perspective, that the development of research across the four central perspectives has been uneven, and that works incorporating multiple central perspectives have been few. We argue for complex models that take into account the two boundary conditions—technological complexity and institutional environment—that have been implicit in the extant literature. We also argue for theoretically grounded works in the collective action and strategic choice views, but the greatest opportunity lies in integrative works that will take us one step closer to a comprehensive view of technology standards.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]对情报学知识来源的分析,有助于情报学界更好地把握学科研究内容、探究现有研究是否偏离情报学的本原。[方法/过程]文章基于4种情报学中文核心期刊的刊载文献及其中文参考文献,使用OI~*_i等指标定量分析国内情报学研究中各学科对情报学领域的知识输入量,并通过LDA主题模型识别各学科知识输入的主要内容。[结果/结论]研究发现,国内情报学研究过度依赖经济学、计算机科学、法学及管理学等学科,情报学中有关信息的研究较多,对真正的情报问题重视不够,急需加强自身理论和方法建设,增强学科独立性。  相似文献   

【目的/意义】本研究旨在对比国内外中小企业竞争情报领域的研究特点和发展趋势,揭示二者存在的差 异,为今后国内学者更深入的研究提供有益参考。【方法/过程】首先以国内的 CNKI、维普、万方和国外的 Web of Science核心合集为数据来源,检索并获取相关论文信息;然后借助可视化工具 ITGInsight,分析作者合著、期刊关 联、主题分布及演化情况;最后从学科领域、作者合著、研究主题、演化趋势四个维度对国内外中小企业竞争情报研 究进行对比。【结果/结论】国外研究发展迅速,主题分布广泛,学科交叉性明显,作者合作关系密切;而国内研究热 度相对不足,研究主题及学科分布集中、作者合作程度较低。【创新/局限】利用可视化方法从不同维度分析了国内 外中小企业竞争情报研究的差异,样本文献与研究工具有一定的局限性,未来应扩大文献检索范围,并结合其它工 具进行综合对比分析,从而使研究结果更加全面可信。  相似文献   

陈琢  杨振兵 《科研管理》2020,41(3):247-255
“重理轻文”是长期以来积攒的科研弊病,那么从科研技术效率的角度来看是否如此呢?本文以2009-2014年中国大陆31个省高校科研活动为研究对象,采用随机前沿分析方法对中国大陆高校理工农医类与人文社科类科研技术效率进行测算与比较分析。研究发现:理工农医类的科研技术效率要明显高于人文社科类,且差距随着时间的推移而不断扩大;初始拥有较多科研资源的东部地区理工农医类与人文社科类的科研技术效率均较高,但后期被中西部地区赶超;不同省市的科研技术效率差异较大,少数省市依然存在“重理轻文”科研观念。因此,合理配置不同地域科研资源,实现不同学科的均衡发展,是今后一段时期内科研领域的工作重点。  相似文献   

eParticipation is an emerging research area which, like most emerging areas, lacks a clear literature base or research approach. This study maps out some of the academic theories and disciplines that the new area addresses, using conventional literature study techniques. We identify 99 articles that are considered to be highly relevant to eParticipation. We develop a definitional schema that suggests different ways of understanding an emerging research area, and use this schema to identify key academic articles that help to define eParticipation. We adapt Deetz's [(1996). Describing differences in approaches to organization science: Rethinking Burrell and Morgan and their legacy. Organization Science, 7(2), 191–207] taxonomy of discourses in organizational science to provide an overall categorization scheme for research in the area, and map the literature. The article thus contributes to a developing picture which will help future researchers both to understand and to navigate the research area.  相似文献   

As knowledge production becomes more specialized, studying complex and multi-faceted empirical realities becomes more difficult. This has created a growing need for cross-fertilization and collaboration between research disciplines. According to prior studies, the sharing of concepts, ideas and empirical domains with other disciplines may promote cross-fertilization. We challenge this one-sided view. Based on an analysis of the parallel development of the neighboring disciplines of innovation studies and project management, we show that the sharing of concepts and empirical domains can have ambivalent effects. Under conditions of ideological distancing, shared concepts and domains will be narrowly assimilated ? an effect we call ‘encapsulation’ – which creates an illusion of sharing, while promoting further self-containment. By comparison, reflexive meta-theories and cross-disciplinary community-building will enable a form of sharing that promotes cross-fertilization. Our findings inform research on research specialization, cross-fertilization and effectiveness of interdisciplinary collaboration.  相似文献   

ContextNowadays the concept of knowledge mapping has attracted increased attention from scientists in a variety of academic disciplines and professional practice areas. Among the most important attributes of a knowledge map is its ability to increase communication and share common practices across an entire organisation. However, despite being a promising area for research, the knowledge maps community lacks a widespread understanding of the current state of the art.ObjectiveThe objective of this article is to explore the world of knowledge mapping by reviewing and analysing the current state of research and providing an overview of knowledge mapping’s concepts, benefits, techniques, classifications and methodologies, which are precisely reviewed, and their features are highlighted. In addition, we offer directions for future research.MethodBased on the systematic literature review method this study collects, synthesises, and analyses numerous articles on a variety of topics closely related to a knowledge map published from January 2000 to December 2013 on six electronic databases by following a pre-defined review protocol. The articles have been retrieved through a combination of automatic and manual search, hence extensive quantitative and qualitative results of the research are provided.ResultsFrom the review study, we identified 132 articles addressing knowledge maps that have been reviewed in order to extract relevant information on a set of research questions. We found a generally increasing level of activity during this 5-year period. We noted that while existing research covers a large number of studies on some disciplines, such as systems and tools development, it contains very few studies on other disciplines, such as knowledge maps adoption. To aid this situation, we offer directions for future research.ConclusionsThe results demonstrated that a knowledge map is an imperative strategy for increasing organisations’ effectiveness. In addition, there is a need for more knowledge maps research.  相似文献   


Are advances in ICTs enabling positive transformations in academic research practices? This paper explores key themes emerging from a 2008 survey of researchers aimed at identifying use and non‐use of advanced ICTs for research. Deterministic perspectives on e‐Research suggest that new e‐infrastructures will reshape research in predictable ways, such as by fostering more collaboration. In contrast, social shaping perspectives lead to the expectation that existing practices and institutions will shape the ways in which e‐Research is employed. This exploratory study found that individual variations across researchers cluster into identifiable groupings of research practices, which help to illuminate involvement in e‐Research, and differences in methods and research software used across the disciplines. In line with a social shaping perspective, the findings suggest that, in the social sciences, top‐down visions of e‐infrastructure development need to be tied to the realities of bottom‐up patterns of innovation in approaches to e‐Research.  相似文献   

孙建雄 《科教文汇》2011,(12):109-110
加强学科间的横向联系,有利于学生理解科学的本质、科学的思想方法和统一的科学概念和过程,建立科学的自然观,逐步形成正确的世界观。可是,当前我国的课堂教学大部分是"各自为政,互不干涉",分科思想严重,学科之间衔接不够,学科之间好像隔着一堵无形的墙,相互间缺乏融合与渗透。教师已经习惯于"各人自扫门前雪,不管他家瓦上霜"。所以,大力促进学科交叉渗透,打破学科界限,实现各个知识体系有机渗透,具有重大的意义。本文将以高中人教版(必修)为例,深入挖掘高中生物学科与其他科学的交叉渗透点。  相似文献   

We study returns volatility and information availability in the rapidly growing Bitcoin market. The market microstructure for bitcoins is highly developed in terms of information generation and transfer. Therefore, returns volatility is highly likely to be affected by market information availability. We analyze the relationship between returns volatility and two independent variables, user opinion difference and user interest. This study adopted the GJR-GARCH model, appropriate for volatility studies.First, we find that, for volatility asymmetry, the Bitcoin market exhibits greater market efficiency than the general financial market. Also, the persistence of volatility is greater. The Bitcoin market is still relatively unregulated; hence, studying the relationship between information asymmetry and regulation in the market is salient. Moreover, we can infer that the ratio of reasonable users is high in the Bitcoin market. Second, the Bitcoin market supports the sequential information arrival hypothesis in that day trading volume, which is a proxy for user differences of opinion, has a statistically significant effect on returns volatility. Third, for the proxies of user interest, namely, the growth rate of page views on Google Trends and Wikipedia, only the growth rate of Google Trends shows statistically significant effects on Bitcoin returns volatility. This study can provide useful information to the financial market and policy makers on the behavior of the Bitcoin market, which may help to lower future entry barriers and opportunity costs of the Bitcoin market.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]考察软件技术的扩散动态、发展阶段及关键路径,深入认识软件技术的扩散规律,促进软件技术的跨领域、跨学科传播。[方法/过程]选取Web of Science核心合集2004-2019年CiteSpace相关论文381篇,基于扩散指标、扩散曲线和扩散路径分析探寻以CiteSpace为例的软件技术在学科领域间的扩散规律,考察不同阶段的扩散状态并预测扩散趋势,识别扩散网络中的关键主路径及关键节点。[结果/结论]CiteSpace被广泛应用于多个研究领域,主要包括计算机科学、工程、图书情报学、商业与经济等,不同学科对应的扩散区间具有差异性,呈现学科之间的领先-滞后现象;相关引用论文和发表论文逐年增加,目前处于扩散曲线的起飞阶段,预计短期内其扩散速率会保持加速增长,影响力进一步扩大;关键主路径上的文献节点对软件技术扩散发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

The paper reports on some of the results of a research project into how changes in digital behaviour and services impacts on concepts of trust and authority held by researchers in the sciences and social sciences in the UK and the USA. Interviews were used in conjunction with a group of focus groups to establish the form and topic of questions put to a larger international sample in an online questionnaire. The results of these 87 interviews were analysed to determine whether or not attitudes have indeed changed in terms of sources of information used, citation behaviour in choosing references, and in dissemination practices. It was found that there was marked continuity in attitudes though an increased emphasis on personal judgement over established and new metrics. Journals (or books in some disciplines) were more highly respected than other sources and still the vehicle for formal scholarly communication. The interviews confirmed that though an open access model did not in most cases lead to mistrust of a journal, a substantial number of researchers were worried about the approaches from what are called predatory OA journals. Established researchers did not on the whole use social media in their professional lives but a question about outreach revealed that it was recognised as effective in reaching a wider audience. There was a remarkable similarity in practice across research attitudes in all the disciplines covered and in both the countries where interviews were held.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]创新生态系统是近年兴起的热门领域,反映了学术研究前沿与趋势。对其学科多样性进行研究有助于激发学术思想碰撞,产生新见解,为科技政策制定与管理提供依据。[方法/过程]基于共类分析,以Web of Science数据库创新生态系统领域2002-2017年相关核心文献为目标,通过学科覆盖图,学科丰富度、均匀性、差异性和综合测度指标对比分析创新生态系统领域学科多样性特征。[结果/结论]创新生态系统领域整体学科多样性较强,主要集中于邻近领域或学科。且创新生态系统受其他领域的影响大于其本身对其他学科的影响。时序上,其学科多样性并无显著增强趋势,但总体上目标文献被引频率越高,学科多样性越强。  相似文献   

任静  孙建军 《现代情报》2012,32(4):174-177
在调研近年来国内外有关不同学科文献对网络信息利用率研究成果的基础上,从引文数量和引文域名类型的角度对各学科文献对网络信息的利用率进行了比较,并总结了影响不同学科对网络信息利用率的因素,文章最后提出了网络引文研究的前景与存在的问题。  相似文献   

Blockchain is the latest ‘disruptive innovation’ that has caught scholars’ attention. It is the underlying technology for Bitcoin and other digital currencies. Stakeholders like developers, entrepreneurs, and technology enthusiasts claim blockchain has the potential to reconfigure the contemporary economic, legal, political and cultural landscape. Skeptics claim the concept and its applications remain ambiguous and uncertain. Business scholars began publishing studies on the emergence and impact of blockchain, bitcoin, and related projects in 2014. In this study, we conduct a PRISMA guided systematic review of blockchain research in the business literature from 2014 to 2018. Our results show a rapid increase of studies over the five year period. The findings also convey key insights about the current state of scholarly investigation on blockchain, including its top benefits and challenges for business and society. We found that blockchain remains an early-stage domain of research in terms of theoretical grounding, methodological diversity, and empirically grounded work. We suggest research directions to improve our understanding of the state of blockchain and advance future research of this increasingly important and expansive area.  相似文献   

为融入一线,嵌入过程,拓展学科服务领域,学科馆员深入开展用户研究尤显必要。文章以实证研究的方式,借用SCI对某高校开展学科用户分析,期望发现并评价该校学科领军人才。研究表明,综合运用文献计量学方法和社会网络分析方法,通过构建学科型人才模型和学科团队可视化网络分别揭示高校领军人才的两项评价指标,即学术造诣和团队意识,并综合两项指标评选领军人才,能够简洁、直观地拟定出相关学科领军人才的候选人,展示出学科用户的结构特征。  相似文献   

针对弱势学科文献资源保障及其服务体系构建面临的挑战,在介绍纺织史基础上,以东华大学纺织学院和服装艺术设计学院2004—2014年博士开题查新中纺织史研究为案例,分析了纺织史研究现状、年代分布、涉及内容特征,针对其研究需求和资源现状,探讨了纺织史资源保障体系及其服务体系构建思路和措施。  相似文献   

作为我国工商管理学科“十一五”发展规划以及优先领域的遴选研究的基础工作,使用文献计量学方法,以工商管理学科代码为基础,以最近十年各领域发表文章的关键词检索统计为依据,对国内外研究的热点问题及其内容进行了分析,重点就研究热点的形成、发展趋势的异同等方面进行了比较研究。  相似文献   

Big data has captured the interests of scholars across many disciplines over the last half a decade. Business scholars have increasingly turned their attention to the impact of this emerging phenomenon. Despite the rise in attention, our understanding of what big data is and what it means for organizations and institutional actors remains uncertain. In this study, we conduct a systematic review on “big data” across business scholarship over the past six years (2009–2014). We analyzed 219 peer-reviewed academic papers from 152 journals from the most comprehensive business literature database. We conducted the systematic review both quantitatively and qualitatively using the data analysis software NVivo10. Our results reveal several key insights about the scholarly investigation of big data, including its top benefits and challenges. Overall, we found that big data remains a fragmented, early-stage domain of research in terms of theoretical grounding, methodological diversity and empirically oriented work. These challenges serve to improve our understanding of the state of big data in contemporary research, and to further prompt scholars and decision-makers to advance future research in the most productive manner.  相似文献   

以Web of Science数据库为文献来源,应用Web of Science平台自带的分析工具和Histcite引文网络分析工具,通过文献检索、结果分析等方式,得出"雾霾"这一研究课题的发展脉络及发展态势,并通过两种引文分析工具之间不同的计量指标所展现的学科发展现象和统计结果的差异,进而得出在进行学科发展态势研究时,应该将这两个引文分析工具进行有机的结合,使得这两者互为补充,充分发挥各自的作用,更好地研究和分析学科引文脉络,使得统计结果更为全面、准确,为学科领域发展态势的研究提供有力的支撑。  相似文献   

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