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作为时代主题的技术哲学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
技术的发展已经使它从专业的领域溢出 ,成为人类社会的普遍现象 ,嵌入生活和文化之中 ,成为我们时代的主角 ,也就必然要成为哲学的时代的主题。技术哲学的发展经历了一个从狭窄的部门哲学到时代哲学的过程。作为时代主题的技术哲学把技术看作人的整体存在状态 ,看作人性即人的社会关系的综合表现 ,只有从这样的时代哲学的层面才能深入认识技术的本质、异化及其复归的道路。历史唯物主义的方法是这种探索的重要武器 ,对科学和技术的区分则是这种探索中必要的认识环节。  相似文献   

魏宏聚 《天中学刊》2011,26(1):129-131
高中文理分科是我国特殊时代的特殊教育制度,该制度在当代的存在基础如人才需求基础、心理学基础与知识基础已不复存在,并且取消文理分科的社会舆论基础已经成熟,所以,现在已经是取消高中文理分科的时候了。  相似文献   

Although much has been written about Friedrich Nietzsche's views on education over the years, and much has also been written about Dionysus, god of wine and ecstasy, very little attention has been given to the meaning of, and need for, Dionysian education. In this article, Sean Steel attempts to begin that project. Drawing Nietzsche's articulation of the Dionysian, Apollonian, and anti‐Dionysian into the orbit of broader scholarship on Dionysus, Steel invites readers to think about what a Dionysian education might look like in a modern‐day school setting, as well as to consider what challenges exist for the implementation of such a vision of education.  相似文献   

随着我国社会经济的全面发展,时代向中学政治教师提出了新要求。为了适应这一发展,中学政治教师必须增强思想政治素质,加强自身的道德修养,在业务上精益求精,勇于开拓创新,做到与时俱进。  相似文献   

传统观点认为道德是不图回报的,可现实生活中种种助人不乐甚至英雄流血又流泪的现象时有发生。因此.道德回报又成为社会各界广泛争论的话题。道德回报与经济回报有着本质区别。道德回报不仅有漫长的历史,更有深厚的学理依据.对于当今学校道德教育具有重要的启示价值。  相似文献   

新世纪德育课程改革已走过十年历程,取得了显著的成绩:建构了生活化德育的基本理论,推动了德育教师的专业化发展,促进了学生道德学习方式的多样化,把德育教材建设带入多姿多彩的新时代,从而变革了学校德育的整体面貌。当然德育课改中也存在着教学目标虚化、教学设计偏颇、教材使用迷失、忽视农村学生生活等问题。今后十年德育课程改革的发展趋势,强调要坚持并发展生活德育理论,提升德育课程的教学品质和研究品质,深化德育课程资源建设。  相似文献   

确立从作者的“自审”角度来解读作品,是源于笔者认为杨绛在干校中当时的生活状态,同回京八年后通过回忆来记录的状态,虽在叙述事实上不存在太大差异但在情感上会有一定的变化.如,社会生活的变化,历史语境的变化,自我生活状态的变化,人生经验的变化,知识心理构成等等诸多因素都会影响作家的创作.即使这些影响是细微的,但笔者认为不应该忽视.因此,本文试图通过文本分析来寻找这种差异.而在20世纪80年代初期弥漫着关于反思、自审、忏悔、伤痕这些命题的文学环境下,但凡经历过文化大革命的这些作家们都会将这一人生经历用这些情感来消化.而杨绛的家庭环境、知识构成、人生阅历则将她的这一遭遇淡化,而且不断在从自身找原因,从而确立了她从知识分子“自审”角度展开.  相似文献   

我国基础教育一直紧随时代步伐,有序改革、不断创新,近年来取得可喜的成绩。可对比国内外教育管理的模式,中国传统学校管理的"四大弊端"依然存现。造成我国学校管理的弊病是多方面的,结合基础教育管理中一些具体问题,试图探找一些能让教育回归本真的良方。  相似文献   

Death can be considered a social taboo, a common source of fear and public avoidance. School communities are not immune to this, as the topic of death is constantly avoided. It is vital to understand how we can socially and culturally cultivate a positive regard for death, dying and bereavement in our school communities. Community members need to discuss these difficult issues and use strategies to enhance compassion, connectedness and support. In this literature review we reason that death is specifically not ‘part of life’ in school communities. Due to the dearth of school community-based literature on this issue and the progressive literature residing in palliative care, we aim to coalesce palliative care and school-based research, evaluate it and highlight compassion and partnership as a way forward for school communities. Essentially, our societal attitudes about death and dying have been profoundly altered and our community ownership of these normal life events has largely disappeared. This is demonstrated for example, by palliative care moving from the social grass roots ‘modern hospice movement’ formed in the 1960s and being reintegrated into the mainstream health care system by the end of the 1990s, resulting in an overall medicalised morphing of death, dying and bereavement issues. Therefore, we recommend that further research be conducted in how to develop compassionate schools to inform us how death may be continually made ‘part of life’ in school communities, for the benefit of students, teachers and families alike.  相似文献   

人类进入工业化时代之后,无限放大了自身的“技术权力”。作为培养“技术人才”的一项“技术权力”,现代学校教育表现出规模化、标准化、任务化和官僚化特征。中国职业教育是中国工业化和现代化快速发展的产物,不可避免地把“岗位技能训练”作为其最主要的人才培养模式,职业院校被动性“适应市场需求”或理想化“引领经济发展”。随着学习化社会来临,“学校即社会”和“教育即生活”将回归教育本质。  相似文献   

本文从香港中学会考及高级程度会考美术科考试及评核模式演变为主干,探讨中学毕业美术公开考试及评核模式演变与社会发展的影响。论文亦从近年西方学校艺术教育理念与发展,探究后现代社会学校视觉艺术教育的演变,以及如何影响关术考试及评核的模式。近年香港学校课程的改革,显然受西方国家学校课程改革理念的影响。考试及评核作为课程的重要部分,课程的改革必然会促使考试及评核的相应改革。考试及评核形式的改变,正反映我们社会期望的改变,学校教育培育的学生是否有自信?是否愉快学习?是否具备新世纪时代的共通能力?是否能够在新时代具有竞争力?学生是否具备改进社会的态度和适应新时代的生活技能?这些都是值得我们反省和探究的。  相似文献   

The deep economic, social, technological and cultural changes in Europe represent a real challenge for teacher education. The teacher's role is becoming more complex and demanding, while the expectations of society are rising. Teachers are expected not only to enable optimal development of increasingly heterogeneous groups of pupils, but also to mitigate the effects of social inequality. All this requires qualitative changes in pre-service and in-service teacher education. In this regard, the transition from school/university to professional life — the induction period and early career years — requires special attention. In this phase, a fruitful synthesis of theory and practice can occur if novices are systematically introduced and supported by good mentoring in the transition from study to school life and culture, but a ‘practice shock’ is also possible during which many positive effects of pre-service education are lost. Our aim is to identify some principles and optimal solutions that would foster teacher's professional development in this important phase of their career.  相似文献   

论中小学校长的办学理念   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
校长办学理念是校长对办学实践的理性思考和理想追求,是校长办学信念的集中体现,具有理想性、全局性、实践性、独特性、稳定性的基本特征。重视办学理念,是中小学校长专业发展的内在需要,是学校组织发展的内在需要,也是时代发展的迫切需要。中小学校长应确立创新生活是学校的基本使命、爱是教育的基本途径、教师是学校发展的第一关键资源的办学理念,不断丰富自我人生实践和办学实践,自觉确立高远的人生信念,大力提升教育理论素养。  相似文献   

宋代以后由于社会、经济、文化环境的发展变化,宋时雅俗共赏的周邦彦词,很多地方歧义纷呈。文章对部分有歧义的周邦彦词提出了自己的理解:周邦彦词用自然雅洁的语言描写了奋斗的人生旅途中的友情、亲情和爱情生活,表达了对人生旅途的愿望和眷恋,反映了社会的需求和审美理想。通过歌女的演唱,给当时的社会留下了一丝温暖和亮色。千百年来成为中华民族一份优美的文化遗产。  相似文献   

Despite the growing body of research on green school grounds, relatively little has been written about their relationship with health promotion, particularly from a holistic health perspective. It is this relationship that we explore in this paper – the power and potential of green school grounds to promote health and well‐being and to be an integral element of multifaceted, school‐based health promotion strategies. Specifically, we bring together recent research to examine green school grounds as places where the interests of educators and children’s health advocates can meet, inform and support one another. By grounding our comments in recent thinking about health‐promoting schools, we highlight the growing body of evidence that green school grounds, as a school setting, can contribute to children’s physical, mental, social and spiritual well‐being.  相似文献   

高校后勤社会化改革现状的经济学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校后勤社会化改革始干上世纪八十年代,至今已经二十多年;以学生生活后勤为重点的新一轮后勤社会化改革,也将近十年。在这一改革进程中,尽管不同地区、不同高校后勤社会化的具体内容有所不同,但从经济学的视角来看,我国高校后勤社会化的现状不外乎三种情况:一是完全社会化的高校后勤;二是半社会化的高校后勤;三是尚未社会化的高校后勤。  相似文献   

Question: At this early stage how do you feel about the transition from sixth-form life to life in higher education? Answer: I'm rather unsure as I expected that the standards expected would be harder but they're not; e.g. in English instead of expecting a greater understanding of certain ‘principles’ we have already studied, the subject has taken a shift in a different direction (is this clear?). Instead of doing character studies and interpretation of texts, we are applying headings such as ‘sonnet and ode’, ‘authority’, ‘varieties of non fictional prose’. (Laura, in a written questionnaire completed in her first year at university)  相似文献   

At school, adolescents experience a variety of shame and shaming situations, which accompany important processes of social inclusion and exclusion. Shame could thereby be understood as a form of ??social fear?? constituting an emotional dimension, which specifically promotes social conformity. However, there are surprisingly few contributions from the fields of education science or school-sociology concentrating on this subject-matter. Therefore, within our emotion-anthropological study on ??multi-cultural?? classrooms, we give special emphasis on the theme of shame. The central question of this article is: What are the social functions of shame in the school context? Moreover: To what extent do differing cultural standards influence the experience and expression of shame? Our results show that shame-related situations in everyday school life, among others, are defined by peer norms. Furthermore, the forms of emotion-reactions demonstrate how behavior patterns are mediated by their social and cultural contexts. Shame and shaming constitute significant emotional dimensions in every-day school life. Future studies examining this theme, particularly in heterogeneous contexts, would only enrich the debate on questions of school culture.  相似文献   

All teaching and learning in the school classroom involves a range of modes including speech, writing, gesture, gaze, body-posture, movement, and so on--in other words teaching and learning are multimodal. This is as true of school English, where common-sense would have it that teaching and learning are fully realised in language, as it is of school Science where the role of action is firmly established in the curriculum. While all teaching and learning is multimodal, the use of computers in the classroom serves to emphasise the multimodal character of pedagogy. Computer applications introduce new kinds of texts into the classroom and these demand different practices of students. In turn this suggests the need to re-think conceptions of literacy, learning and assessment--to move beyond the narrow definition of literacy apparent in recent government policy to a broader definition that realises the connections between literacy and social practices in a multimodal digital era. The questions raised by the move from a language-based curriculum to a multimodal curriculum are explored in this paper through an illustrative example of computer mediated learning in the school English classroom.  相似文献   

《蒋兴哥重会珍珠衫》是冯梦龙“三言”中具有独特美学风貌的名篇。从生命美学阅读策略的维度来审视,道德纲常并不能去除人的原欲,人性人情的宽容还原感性生命的本真。而冯梦龙之所以能突破阶级和时代的局限,尊重生命,抒发性情,在文本中折射出生命美学之光,在于其情本论的可贵美学建树。  相似文献   

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