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The replacement of traditional practicals by CAL simulations was prompted by a combination of economic factors, a decreased level of technical support and the requirement for a large capital investment to replace old and broken equipment. In an economic climate which promised only further increases in the number of undergraduates and no assured commensurate increase in resources, CAL appeared to be a possible alternative (Brown et al , 1988). Our only previous attempt to produce our own CAL package had been written in Turbo Basic on a 286 PC. It had involved considerable time and effort and the results were not particularly realistic. The increase in computing power offered by the 486 series of PCs, availability of low cost sound and video capture expansion cards, and the emergence of authoring systems, such as Toolbook, Hypercard and Authorware , appeared to provide an opportunity to produce better simulations (Purcell, 1993; Hartley, 1993).  相似文献   

积极探索学、做、考一体化的课程教学改革新思路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了进一步深化开放教育课程教学改革,积极探索“学、做、考一体化”的课程教学模式,是在教学中围绕提升教学质量,注重内涵发展所采取的重要举措之一。基本思想是将课程教学、实践环节与考试融合于整个课程的学习全过程并有机地加以结合,充分发挥课程考核的形成性评价和终结性评价功能,探索将知识的传授转变成对学生技能和动手能力培养的途径,并构建基于网络环境的课程教学和考核体系,为学生自主学习提供更为广泛的空间。  相似文献   

以问题为导向的PBL在预防医学教育中得到应用.以山东大学流行病学实验课程为例,将2014级、2015级预防医学方向本科生随机分为实验组与对照组.从学习习惯、学习与教学效果、课程形成性与终结性评价等方面对PBL进行了评估.将基本情况作为控制变量引入双重变换模型(CIC)后显示PBL显著促进了学生养成良好的学习习惯、预习及...  相似文献   

Computer‐assisted learning (CAL) is becoming ever more important as a method of teaching and facilitating learning in an increasingly overburdened higher education sector in the UK. A number of authors have made pleas for more evaluation and research in the area of CAL. This study set out to evaluate the attitudes to CAL amongst over 300 business and management undergraduates using a questionnaire survey. The survey revealed a positive disposition towards CAL irrespective of age, gender or educational background. In addition respondents were asked to compare the features of CAL with those of other more traditional methods of teaching and learning. Two factors were identified, labelled CAL ‘instructional’ features and CAL ‘tutorial’ features. The instructional features of CAL were rated more highly than its tutorial features. Respondents rated CAL as better than traditional methods in terms of its instructional features and about the same as traditional methods in terms of its tutorial features. Younger respondents rated the instructional features of CAL more highly than did the older respondents. The findings were discussed in terms of their implications for the use of CAL in an expanding system of mass higher education.  相似文献   

作为教学过程中极其重要的一环,教学评价对教学效果的影响举足轻重。对英语专业的翻译教学进行动态的、及时的形成性评价,将极大地改善翻译教学的现状。通过对终结性评价和形成性评价及其理论基础的分析可见,应当运用多种方式对翻译教学进行形成性评价并使其贯穿翻译教学的始终,才能让学生真正做到学有所得。  相似文献   

The Directed–Self Education programme (DSE) in the first year undergraduate course in veterinary anatomy seeks to support students in developing personal study and information technology skills. It also aims to move computer–assisted learning (CAL) towards offering tools for students to create a variety of computer–based materials of their own which subsequently can be repurposed by staff as teaching resources. This aspect addresses the issue that many British academics have little incentive to devote time to improving teaching through CAL methods, as innovation and excellence in teaching is not rewarded in career terms on par with excellence in research. The programme seeks to integrate a modest type of "problem–based learning" (PBL) methodology without demanding the total integration of pre–clinical with clinical teaching advocated by full–scale PBL. Since 1993 the outcomes of the programme have been that lectures in the first year veterinary anatomy course have been reduced by a third, with a slight change in the mean value of the final grades in the first year final examination in veterinary anatomy during 1994–5, as compared to the years 1991–3. Other benefits have included the rapid creation of a library of student–produced CAL which is recycled by staff into other forms of computer–based teaching. It has also led to involvement in the use of CAL by lecturers hitherto resistant to applying technology to teaching, and the vacation employment of current BVSc undergraduates from the programme in university and national projects producing CAL for medical teaching.  相似文献   

华罗庚在几十年学习、研究、教授、普及数学和指导师生数学教与学中形成的数学教育思想是珍贵的财富,对于研究中国数学教育的优良传统和开展数学课程改革都具有重要的指导意义.华罗庚认为,数学教学的基本要义是让学生在打好"双基"中走向创造,为此,数学教学要重视"双基"教学,使学生对"双基"达到"懂"、"识"、"熟",并通过自学、独立思考、历经成功和失败、加强训练等"双基"教学方式使学生在打好"双基"中学会创造.  相似文献   

基于MTLAB动画设计辅助高等数学教学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高等数学相对于初等数学,在学习方法和思维方法等多方面都有很大的差异,许多学生对其望而生畏.随着计算机科学的发展以及软件技术的不断提高,生动、直观的教学成为可能.MATLAB软件是一款功能强大的应用型软件,它在动画制作方面也有明显的优势,本文就具体事例制作基于MATLAB的动画,辅助高等数学教学,取得了很好的效果.  相似文献   

Formative evaluation in instructional design is widely advocated as a means to improve instructional materials through tryouts with learners and experts and revision based on this feedback. Research on formative evaluation has sought to prove its effectiveness and to provide guidance as to which methods of collecting feedback and which sources of feedback are most effective in improving learning. It is difficult to determine from the research whether aspects of tryout or of revision are responsible for improved learning. This paper describes a systematic investigation of both tryout and revision to more clearly determine the influence of different formative evaluation participants (experts, learners and revisers) on the improvement of learning from written instructional materials.It was found that revised versions incorporating learner feedback had the most impact on improving learning from the materials. It was also found that revisers have a far more powerful impact on formative evaluation outcomes than was previously supposed, in terms of how they mediate and incorporate the feedback they are given. The results refute contentions that any revision is better than none since versions revised without learner feedback did not improve learning. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Incorporation of mathematics into biology curricula is critical to underscore for undergraduate students the relevance of mathematics to most fields of biology and the usefulness of developing quantitative process skills demanded in modern biology. At our institution, we have made significant changes to better integrate mathematics into the undergraduate biology curriculum. The curricular revision included changes in the suggested course sequence, addition of statistics and precalculus as prerequisites to core science courses, and incorporating interdisciplinary (math-biology) learning activities in genetics and zoology courses. In this article, we describe the activities developed for these two courses and the assessment tools used to measure the learning that took place with respect to biology and statistics. We distinguished the effectiveness of these learning opportunities in helping students improve their understanding of the math and statistical concepts addressed and, more importantly, their ability to apply them to solve a biological problem. We also identified areas that need emphasis in both biology and mathematics courses. In light of our observations, we recommend best practices that biology and mathematics academic departments can implement to train undergraduates for the demands of modern biology.  相似文献   

针对医学院校《软件工程》课程教学存在缺乏工程体验、缺乏业务背景、学习积极性不高等问题,探讨如何利用“互联网+”为代表的现代信息技术,在TPACK理念指导下重构《软件工程》课程。从学科教学法知识(PCK)、整合技术的学科内容(TCK)、整合技术的教学法知识(TPK)、形成性评价体系等方面进行教学设计并应用于教学实践。实践表明,TPACK理念可以有效促进教师使用不同的信息技术提高学生学习积极性,补充课堂教学实践环节,取得了较好的教学效果。  相似文献   

AutoCAD工程绘图着力于学生应用计算机软件绘图能力的培养,是一门操作性与应用性比较强的课程。通过教学实践,对该课程的形成性考核方式进行了探索,结果表明,形成性考核方式能较好地适应本课程的特点,发挥了学业评价的导向作用,促进了教学目标的实现。  相似文献   

形成性评估已经成为大学英语教学评估的重要策略之一。阐述了江西财经大学大学英语教学二部设计并采用的形成性评估模式,该模式在八个教学班(192人)进行了为期一年的实验,定性和定量的数据表明了形成性评估对大学生英语学习,特别是对自主学习意识、自主学习能力、合作沟通能力和学习自信心四方面的影响。  相似文献   

论"形成性评价"   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
文章介绍了形成性评的基本特征,对形成性评价与终结性评价进行了较为详细的对比分析。认为形成性评价对我国外语教学理论、教学方法、学习理论都将产生不可估量的影响,将大大有利于我国外语教学从知识传授型向能力培养型的转化。  相似文献   

大学英语是高等教育的重要组成部分,是本科高校开设的一门公共必修课,其考核方式一定程度上决定着学生的英语学习成效。针对当前应用型高校大学英语课程考核方式存在的问题,指出应从注重终结性考核逐渐走向将形成性考核与终结性考核相结合,更注重学生的平时学习,将听说读写译等各项技能及综合应用能力作为课程形成性考核的重点,只有采用合理又多元化的考核方式才能够更好地促进学生的语言学习和不断提高教学效果。  相似文献   

形成性评价是针对学生整个学习过程进行记录的评价。阐述了形成性考核的目的及专业英语课程形成性评价的构建方法,提出了适合专业英语课程的形成性评价方案,并在教学实践中加以应用。应用结果显示,形成性评价可以提高学生的独立学习能力,促进学生的自主与合作学习,加深学生对本专业的认知和对专业知识的理解程度。  相似文献   

Recently, there has been increasing criticism concerning academic computer science education. This paper presents a new approach based on the principles of constructivist learning design as well as the ideas of knowledge transfer in communities of practice. The course ‘High‐tech Entrepreneurship and New Media’ was introduced as an interdisciplinary project management lab in which students collaborate in groups to develop software solutions for authentic problems. Main goals were the tighter integration of university and local start‐up companies, an intense knowledge transfer on software engineering methods, as well as the implementation of constructivist learning principles in academic teaching. This paper presents the background and structure of the course as well as the results of a formative evaluation. While being successful in introducing a course based on digital‐media assisted, constructivist learning arrangements, establishing lasting communities of practice between university and industry is still an open issue. After discussing several reasons, the paper concludes with a list of general recommendations on how to improve the approach and its implementation.  相似文献   

数学核心素养培养是当下基础教育数学课程与教学改革的热点.培养学生的质疑能力和创新精神,建立科学合理的数学核心素养评价指标体系是当下迫切需要解决的问题.质疑式学习包括认知性质疑、迁移性质疑、创造性质疑.质疑式3维空间学习模式搭建了数学核心素养框架与课堂衔接的"立交桥";"634"质疑式学习发展空间模式,实现了数学学习过程的"提档增速".利用AHP软件及模糊综合评价法构建的质疑式数学核心素养评价指标体系,有助于促进学生数学学科的高效学习及核心素养水平的提高.  相似文献   

近年来,随着信息技术以及"以学生为中心"的教学改革的推进,课程团队探索了本科"中药资源学"课程采用联合思维导图总结式、讨论式、设计式等多种教学法,并融合形成性评价的新型教学模式。实践表明,这种新型教学模式调动了学生的学习内驱力,学生综合能力得到提升的同时实现了知识的内化,使得学习结果卓有成效。  相似文献   

为使高师院校数学师范专业的教学适应基础教育数学课程改革的需要,提升师范生教学技能,《中学数学教学设计》实现了线上教育和线下教育相结合的“慕课+翻转课堂”教学模式。课程关注有效学习,落实先学后教,在完善网上课程资源、构建立体化教材的基础上,对教学方法、教学场所、评价模式等方面进行改革。从学生在线互动、课堂反馈、微格教学、教师资格证考试及教学技能竞赛中可知课程实施效果明显。  相似文献   

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