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As a distinguished humorist and litterateur, Mark Twain has been studied by many scholars and experts. Most of the researches are based on his famous children novels and typical short stories. This paper aims to appreciate Twain’s humor in his sketches from the angle of catalog of humor—verbal humor and situational humor.  相似文献   

I .Scarlett is a girl who has the spirit of rebellious
Searlett is born in plantation family of Civil War period. Although her father is not a really aristocrat, hut through he hard-working, he becomes rich. When Scarlett was born, the family is first-grade class in Georgia. In her family, her mother is mild, industry and capable. Her father seems serious. But under him serious, he is a really good-tempered father. Her Mammy who is stern, also love Scarlett deeply. Her two sisters, who have a complete different characters.  相似文献   

王利娟 《教师》2014,(23):120-121
F. Scott Fitzgerald,the famous American novelist in the 1 920 s,is known as the spokesman and laureate of the"The Lost Generation". Considered one of Fitzgerald’s representative works and the finest achievement of his literary career, The Great Gatsbyis widely recognized as a classic of American literature. The paper is an investigation of the patriarchal ideology and misogyny,with a discussion of their influence on the portrayal of women characters in The Great Gatsby.  相似文献   

枫叶 《初中生必读》2012,(10):22-23
There once was a man who went to India.In those times,we didn’t have the communications or airplanes or many kinds of transportation that we do now.So the man went to India on foot.He had never been to India before,perhaps he came from Persia.And when he got there,he saw a lot of fruit.In India they have plenty of fruit to sell,but much of it is  相似文献   

Long long ago, an elephant didn't have a long nose. It only had a short one.  相似文献   

小时候,我们都看过《绿野仙踪》和《爱丽丝梦游仙境》这两部经典的儿童故事,对里面活泼、可爱的小动物更是印象深刻。作者将两部作品中的起关键作用的小动物放在一起对比,提示了故事的主旨:孩子的成长。两部作品用童话的手法讲述残酷的成人世界,让主人公经历磨炼,  相似文献   

Language is used to exchange information and to communicate. It contains several properties including the structural relationship--grammar, the context--pragmatics, content and meaning--semantics. These can all be considered as the characteristics to distinguish one language from another. As it is known to all that different lanauaaes have their own grammar, pragmatics and semantics.  相似文献   

《贞女传奇》在乔叟的创作发展和英国文学史上都具有特殊意义。它是14世纪英国文学中为数不多的佳作之一,特别是其“引子”,既继承了宫廷爱情的诗歌传统,又进行了创新,使“爱情之园”成为喜剧性冲突的场所,实为当时英国文学所仅有。同时,诗人在“引子”里还表达了他注重现实的创作思想,这在英国文学史上也有一定意义。但《贞女传奇》是一部过渡性作品,表现出乔叟在转入新的创作方向时存在的一些问题。它的得与失在一定程度上为《坎特伯雷故事》的创作做了准备。另外,这是第一部用英雄对句写成的英语诗作,对这种诗歌体裁后来的发展产生了相当影响。  相似文献   

乔叟一方面受到人文主义思潮的影响,关注现实生活中的人生百态,热情讴歌冒险发财的商人,指责教会的腐败堕落;另一方面,他又执著于精神救赎,唯恐对现实生活的热爱影响自己获得彼岸的永生。本文通过分析《坎特伯雷故事》中的宗教主题,试图阐明乔叟宗教观中的两重性。  相似文献   

乔叟的《特洛伊罗斯与克瑞西达》是英国学史上最杰出的爱情叙事诗,在作品的形式和内容,主题和体等方面,作才都继承了中世纪宫廷爱情学传统,但他也在情节安排,人物塑造,内心描写和思想观念上突破了宫廷爱情浪漫故事的模式,表现出中世纪学中所少见的现实主义倾向并复苏了悲剧精神。乔叟对中世纪宫廷爱情学传统的继承,改造和超越为英国学的发展和伊丽莎白时代的学繁荣奠定了基础。  相似文献   

李君 《海外英语》2011,(10):272-273,277
The essay applies Edmund Burke’s theory about the "sublime" and the "beautiful" to the reversal of the dominant and subordinate roles of the husband and the wife in The Merchant’s Tale. Burk’s concept of "the soft power", expounded as physical and sexual charm and enchantment, enables May successfully manipulates her husband January and the adulterer Damian, beneath her apparent passivity.  相似文献   

紫式部在她的代表作《源氏物语》中塑造了许多命运多舛的女子的形象。这些女性,不论地位高低,几乎都有着相同的悲剧命运。小说并非是专门为封建社会的女性而写的作品,但作者通过对这些女性悲剧命运的揭示,表达了对他们的深切同情,对于造成这些悲剧的根源,紫氏部的揭露与批判以文学作出回应。  相似文献   

玛格丽特的生态预警小说《使女的故事》体现了人与自然关系的生态世界观。从生态女性主义批评的视角出发,展现了阿特伍德对人与自然、男性和女性冲突的反思,为全世界的人类敲响了攸关生存的警钟。  相似文献   

文章立足于生态女性主义基本理论,分析玛格丽特·阿特伍德的小说《使女的故事》,探讨这部小说所体现出来的男性与女性之间的关系,用以批判“人类中心主义”和“男性中心主义”,以求引起人们对于如何看待女性,以及女性与自然界之间的联系的关注.  相似文献   

日本民族的审美意识最初起源于对自然美的体悟,就是对花草树木等森林植物和日月星辰等自然物的同情和欣赏。其哲学基础是崇尚"天人合一"、"万物有灵",他们把自然物当做是与人平等的生命存在,崇尚自然,同时尊重人的生命个体,这是一种极富有包容性的自然审美意识。在《源氏物语》中,日本传统的自然观以各种形式被赋予审美的意义,并且对日本民族的审美产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

《琵琶记》成功地塑造了一位蔡伯喈形象,这个形象有着二重性格,是聪明与无能、善良与软弱和仁爱与势利的复合物。  相似文献   

李华 《滨州学院学报》2011,27(1):98-102
产生于西汉初年的《韩诗外传》杂采先秦百家,其渊源所自向来难以确指,但历来人们所论,多局限于其与《荀子》的关系而忽略了《韩诗外传》对其他各家的采纳,尤其是《韩诗外传》体现出的鲜明的尊孟倾向,目前鲜有论及。了解《韩诗外传》对待孟子的尊崇态度,这不仅对把握《孟子》在韩婴学术构成中的分量具有积极意义,而且对理清汉代诗学渊源、重新考查孟子在汉代诗学承传过程中的地位,也有一定的辅助作用。  相似文献   

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