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《老照片》《老漫画》《画说资本论》《西方文化漫画集成》……当各种传统或现代的绘画、新闻或艺术照片、电影、电视、卡通、漫画、商业广告影像等铺天盖地涌来时,我们不得不承认:读图的时代来到了。读图时代的来临,无疑是迎合了我们越来越懒惰的阅读——越读图越多,越读越简单,越读越“返璞归真”了。照这个趋势读下去,下一步恐怕就要读“看图识字”了。读图的“优势”是显而易见的,图片往往比文字包含了更多的信息,而且图片比文字更直观、更形象、更通俗、更明白,“读”起来也就更省时省力。新近出版的《读图时代》中也称:“在有文字之前…  相似文献   

一、读图时代:是将幼稚进行到底。还是培养有思想的受众? 这个时代是世界被以图像的方式把握的时代。面对纷杂的信息,我们的目光停留的时间越来越短。因而,视觉符号生动的形象、浅显的表意,要比文字和声音更能在短时间内吸引受众。图形、图像逐渐成为当代青少年课外阅读的主体内容。许多事实表明.“读图”影响学生的阅读品质,使他们的思想幼稚化.逐渐丢失了生命体验的悟性。影响了价值判断的正确性。  相似文献   

郑琨 《辅导员》2014,(13):53-54
在当今视觉图像力量空前强大的“读图时代”,怎样的“读图”策略才能使我们获得更多更有价值的信息呢?阅读简单的非连续文本,是从图文等组合材料中找出有价值的信息,要求同学们既要学会“读文”,也要学会“读图”。  相似文献   

随着全球信息化社会的到来,人类社会进入了“读图时代”。“读图时代”对青少年影响颇深,在小学教材中更是随处可见彩色插图,学生也更喜欢“读图”这种快速的阅读方式,这对学校教育无疑是一种巨大的挑战。本文通过分析“读图时代”及其对教育的影响继而从小学语文课堂教学的角度提出应对“读图时代”影响的策略。以期通过有效的小学语文课堂教学,从读图时代对小学生产生的积极影响出发培养小学生的各种能力,以应对“读图时代”的挑战。  相似文献   

随着传媒技术尤其是电子媒介的发展,随着生活节奏的加快和阅读方式的变革,“读图”成为越来越重要的阅读方式,有人称我们进入了“读图时代”。所谓“读图时代”,“就是我们进入了这样一个时代:文字让人厌倦,让人不过瘾,需要图片不断刺激我们的眼球,丰富我们的求知欲和触动我们麻木的神经。”  相似文献   

读图能力:阅读能力的现代阐释   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在视觉文化的冲击下,充斥于当代生活的大量图像、影像正以惊人的力量改变着人们的阅读取向。读图已作为一种普适性的快餐文化受到人们的青睐。面对读图时代的到来,阅读教学在培养学生“读文能力”的同时,更应注重“读图能力”的培养。因为“读图”与“读文”本源上是一致的,文字与图像是一种相互补充、协调的关系,图像阅读能力与文本阅读能力应成为读图时代语文阅读能力的双翼。只有实现图文互动,才能全面提高学生的阅读能力。  相似文献   

“读图”已成为当下社会文化语境中的阅读特征 ,它正以前所未有的力度影响着文化的每一个层面 ,从高深精微的哲学思考到大众传媒的生产方式。校报对此不能熟视无睹 ,必须正视它并逐步建构起一套新的、具有自己鲜明特色的文化话语。只有这样 ,它才能真正拥有自己最广泛的受众 ,充分贴近高校师生这一特定受众群体的利益、兴趣、情感 ,在满足受众要求和愿望的过程中 ,实现校报在宣传喉舌及舆论导向方面的价值  相似文献   

读图启发式教学就是在地理教学过程中,通过读图提出问题,利用读图把问题引向深入,运用地图去解决问题。这种教学模式可以充分调动学生的积极性,培养学生分析问题的能力,发展其思维,提高教学质量。把“读图——启发——运用”贯穿于教学过程之中,会取得较好的效果。 读图 地图比文字叙述更直观,学生更容易辨认、判断、理解,  相似文献   

良好的地理读图能力是学好地理的有效方法和手段,但读图能力的提高并非一朝一夕之功,如何让学生科学快速地提高读图能力,可以通过“无意读图方法”培养学生的空间辨识能力;通过“一图多填方法”训练学生的信息综合能力;通过“简图归因方法”增强学生的图像应用能力;通过“以图析题方法”提升学生的图表理解能力。  相似文献   

古人有读画一词,即所谓画中有诗,诗是不能看出来而只能读出来的,故称读画。但今人的读图与古人的读画不同。读图说的不是画,而是书。书是文字的,书中的图叫插图;可是如今书籍插图日多,甚至反客为主,读书就变成读图了。时下,读图是新鲜事,是一种时尚。故而说,今天的读者正在进入读图的时代。1995年冬,我在台北买了一套小书,叫做《发现之旅》,图画多文字少,印得精美好看。我特别注意到书中“出版者的话”,那里面说道,出版这种书为的是“满足影像时代人们在视觉上的需求”。自台北回来后,我即对好友肖关鸿说:“影像时代就是大众文化时代。看图…  相似文献   

The power of various pictorial movement cues in eliciting a reading of movement was studied to determine the relationship between the ease with which a picture is interpreted and the degree to which the picture retains the structure of reality. Movement was indicated in 2 ways: pictorial conventions indicated movement by lines, blurs, and vibration marks; and pictorial postures indicated movement by figures which were isomorphic with the postures involved in real movement. Preschoolers, first graders, sixth graders, and college students were asked to label and sort pictures of human figures as "moving" or "still". Members of the 2 young groups did not classify pictures with conventional cues as "moving" as often as they did pictures with postural cues. Members of the 2 older groups classified both types of pictures as "moving". Since postural cues for movement are recognized at an earlier age than conventional cues, those that are more similar to reality may be easier to understand.  相似文献   

This discussion is a review of experimental work designed to determine whether pictures have an effect upon the derivation of meaning from the text printed in children's reading materials. Many reading schemes emphasize the use of illustration, but for a number of different purposes ranging from the provision of a referent for a specific word, to the provision of' contextual support, and the generation of motivation for reading. Experimental studies of the interactions between pictures arid words in the cognitive system go some way to supporting three uses of illustration in (a) the provision of meanings against which the print may be compared, (b) in the development of an organized understanding of the meaning of the text, and (c) in the enhancement of subsequent recall. The danger of distraction arising from the pictures has also been investigated, and been found to lead to decoding errors in young children presented with one word at a time. An analysis of mutual interference effects between pairs of pictures and words leads to the conclusion that the cognitive representations of meanings arc organized in a semantic system common to pictures and words. Thus, any decoding errors due to interference effects are of more than local importance—they can affect comprehension and influence the stored representation.  相似文献   

On pictures in educational research   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
A brief sketch of the last 20 years of research on instructional pictures is given with an emphasis on the effects of increasingly analytical approaches, changing conceptions, and changing research questions. Trends in recent picture research, last 10 years, are discussed in greater depth with emphasis on three groups of studies: pictures vs. pictures, pictures vs. words, and pictures plus words. Selected studies in each group are described along with recent theoretical explanations of the pictorial superiority effect and of other pictorial information processing effects. Some of the possible implications of these trends for educational research and practice are mentioned.  相似文献   

Overall findings of this meta-analysis reveal small effects of adjunct pictures on reading comprehension. No advantage was found when traditional vs. nontraditional text settings were compared. Generally small effects were found for nontraditional text settings at both public school and university levels. On the other hand, a large effect was noted for university-level subjects in traditional text settings. Additionally, line drawings seem to facilitate comprehension more than do shaded drawings or photographs, and color pictures seem to have a greater effect than black and white pictures. Finally, only a slight difference between immediate vs. posttests was found.  相似文献   

Maureen Walsh 《Literacy》2003,37(3):123-130
What does the ‘reading’ of pictures reveal compared with the reading of print? The researcher examines aspects of visual literacy through the responses of young children to two picture storybooks. The findings emphasise how images can evoke different levels of response. The study confirms that we need to reconsider the nature of reading and reading education in an environment where words and print are no longer the dominant medium. Examples of responses are shown from children who are native speakers of English, as well as from children for whom English is a second language.  相似文献   

Pupils from middle-class homes devoted an average of 7.2 per cent of leisure time to reading. The relationship between home environment, attitude to reading and motivations for reading on the one hand and leisure-time reading on the other, was examined. The addition of these sets of variables to previously established correlates of leisure-time reading, achievement, sex, and library membership increased the proportion of variance accounted for in leisure-time reading by a significant amount (10.1 per cent). Correlations tended to be low, since leisure reading is a relatively sporadic type activity. From the perspective of developing the reading habit, the results suggest that what parents do is more important than what they are; the emphasis placed on reading in the home, on academic development and on intellectuality was related to leisure-time reading. Attitude to reading correlated more highly with leisure-time reading than any of the other variables included in the study; the correlation between attitude and time was significant even after controlling for sex, reading achievement and library membership. Among the motivational variables, reading for enjoyment was related to leisure-time reading whereas reading for utilitarian or escapist reasons was not.  相似文献   

Studies have shown that under certain conditions pictures can facilitate young children’s oral prose comprehension. Can pictures also aid comprehension when the information is presented in written form rather than orally? If so, what kinds of pictures, under what conditions? These experimenters analyzed a prose passage into 350 idea units, then interspersed throughout the text pictures depicting either the 179 main ideas or both the main ideas and the 171 nonessential details, or included no pictures. The subjects, fourth and sixth graders, wrote down all they could remember of the story immediately and again 5 days later. Pictures did facilitate both immediate and delayed recall, but only of the main ideas.  相似文献   

This article examines the use of archive pictures (paintings, photographs and engravings) in school textbooks, in the controversial setting of the Key Stage 3 (11–14) and Key Stage 4 (14–16) topics of the American West and the Native Peoples of North America, where pictorial images have created powerful stereotypes. Attention is drawn to the 1994 Schools Curriculum and Assessment Authority's report on history textbooks, which criticized the lack of supporting information for archive pictures. Textbooks written prior to the 1994 report are contrasted with those written since. It is noted that despite the report and recent historical interest in the study of representations, there has been little improvement in textbook design. The methods of analysis that should be used on paintings, photographs and engravings are explained in some detail, and the effect of not providing the essential background for pupils to develop a reasoned discussion of their value as historical evidence is demonstrated through a number of case-studies. Finally a checklist is provided for authors, publishers, teachers, trainee teachers and teacher educators to help them incorporate essential background material, in order to ensure that pupils can bring the same critical awareness to pictorial images as they have become accustomed to with written sources.  相似文献   

The use of visualisation in learning material is increasing rapidly. Three major categories of pictures or illustrations are distinguished: representational pictures, logical pictures, and pictorial analogies. This article concentrates on pictorial analogies of which the cognitive functioning depends on identical relations between two non-identical domains. To get more insight into the crucial parameters of pictorial analogies in combination with expository text, two investigatory studies with physics materials are reported. The results show that the use of pictorial analogies can improve learning significantly if they are designed properly and used together with the expository text to be studied. Pictorial analogies should be carefully developed in regard to high structural similarity between the base and the target domain. Understanding of the analogical relationship is supported by inter-connecting the information text closely with references to the relevant features of the pictorial analogy.  相似文献   


This article does exactly what the title suggests: It reads Derrida’s idea of close reading into Doug Lemov’s idea of close reading by close reading Lemov’s definition for close reading. Building on work that considers poststructural approaches in reading classrooms, I engage Lemov and Derrida in a conversation about the meaning and uses of reading as a classroom practice. This approach asks questions about who gets to read, where, and in what ways. Within this conversation, I aim to open new considerations of reading in classrooms in public schools in the U.S. The article concludes with some possibilities and risks of pursuing these ideas, focusing on the potential of new inquiries into the ‘right’ to read.  相似文献   

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