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The frequency of one-legged stance and two-legged stance differs considerably among sports. We therefore expect the balance ability of athletes from different sports to vary. This study compared the sway characteristics during a static one-legged stance of soccer players, basketball players, swimmers, and non-athletes. The centre of pressure sway during one-legged stance of ten male participants representing each of the four groups was measured using a stabilometer. Centre of pressure sway was assessed by four sway factors: sway velocity, anterior-posterior sway, horizontal sway, and high-frequency sway. None of the four groups of participants showed significant differences in body sway between standing on the dominant leg and standing on the non-dominant leg. The soccer players had more high-frequency sway and less anterior-posterior sway and horizontal sway than the basketball players, swimmers, and non-athletes. These results suggest that soccer players have superior ability to maintain a stable one-legged stance. Further study is required to determine how much of the superior balance ability in soccer players is innate and how much is developed through training, as well as to determine the relationship between balance ability and playing performance.  相似文献   

目前,国内外运动生理学领域中有关诱发脑电的研究尚属不多,而有关CNV的报导更是少见。本文通过对射击、短距离、球类等各专项组运动员CNV的波幅、面积、时程的比较,分析各组间的差异,阐明了以CNV作为有关专项运动员中枢神经系统的选材和脑功能评定的电生理学指标的可行性。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of muscle strength, trainingspecific and anthropometric parameters on bone mineral density (BMD) in male top athletes of different sports in comparison to untrained controls. BMD was measured by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry in 173 males, aged 18 to 31 years. Of these, 104 were athletes (runners, n = 21; cyclists, n = 12; triathletes, n = 18), heavy athletes (HA, judo and wrestling, n = 28), and team sport athletes (TS, handball, soccer, basketball, volleyball, n = 25); 44 were unspecifically trained sport students (STU); and 25 were untrained controls (UT). Sport- and group-specific differences were found in anthropometric but not strength parameters. Marked sport- and group-specific differences were found for BMD at lumbar spine (LSP) and the femoral sites (FEM). Group-specific effects on BMD were clearest when calculating percentual differences between BMD of athletes and UT: In group I (HA, TS, and STU), BMD at LSP and FEM were significantly (p < .01) higher compared to UT; in group II (R and TRI), BMD at FEM but not at LSP was higher compared to UT (p <.01); and in group III (C), no BMD value was significantly different from UT. Multiple regression analysis revealed lean body mass to be the strongest predictor for BMD at LSP and FEM. We conclude that mechanical loads have strong effects on bone adaptation. Sport-specific and body region-specific effects have to be taken into account for evaluation of osteogenic effects of exercise. Particularly dynamic sports with short, high, and multidimensional loads have the strongest effects on bone formation, independent of training quantity.  相似文献   

阿英嘎 《体育学刊》2007,14(1):130-133
通过比较连续3届进入全运会决赛运动员的项群分布,发现我国不同项群的优秀运动员运动寿命有所不同,技能类项群的运动员运动寿命长于体能类项群运动员。在技能类项群中,运动寿命较长的是球类运动员,而格斗类项目的运动员运动寿命较短。而在体能类项群中,速度性项目运动员的运动寿命长于耐力性和快速力量性项目运动员的运动寿命。  相似文献   

冬季室外低温环境是开展冰雪运动的最重要条件.但同时,低温又对冰雪运动员产生很大影响,其中冻伤是室外冬季运动中较常见的运动创伤,应给予高度重视,采取合理的方法加以预防.  相似文献   

A review of the results concerning the body size, growth, maturation, shape, composition, and strength of ice hockey players, cross-country skiers, alpine skiers, ski jumpers and Nordic combined skiers is presented. The comparisons of the results in body height, weight, somatotypes, percent fat, LBM and hand grip from various authors are made. Also the differences between ice hockey players and skiers of all disciplines are shown. The review covers all the available results. It may be concluded that the elite athletes in each studied sport form a highly select group which has, from the biomechanical point of view, the best physical structure for their sport discipline.  相似文献   

A review of the results concerning the body size, growth, maturation, shape, composition, and strength of ice hockey players, cross‐country skiers, alpine skiers, ski jumpers and Nordic combined skiers is presented. The comparisons of the results in body height, weight, somatotypes, percent fat, LBM and hand grip from various authors are made. Also the differences between ice hockey players and skiers of all disciplines are shown. The review covers all the available results. It may be concluded that the elite athletes in each studied sport form a highly select group which has, from the biomechanical point of view, the best physical structure for their sport discipline.  相似文献   

目的:探讨不同水上运动项目优秀男子运动员安静状态下肱二头肌微循环相关指标与运动项目、运动员等级及专项训练年限的关系方法:利用PeriFlux Syste m 5000系列激光多普勒仪自带的血流单元、温控单元及经皮氧分压单元,对47名不同水上运动项目抛秀男子运动员进行安静、坐位状态下肱二头肌微循环相关指标进行测试,测试环境为室内,室温250±3.0℃、空气相对湿度45.0%~65.0%,结果:不同水上运动项目优秀男子运动员肱二共肌微循环血流灌注量(PU)、血细胞的运动速率(V)、经皮氧分压(tcpO2)皮艇组〉赛艇组〉帆船组,加热后PU变化率帆船组〉赛艇组〉皮艇组,加热后微循环相关指标变化率帆船组〉皮艇组;不同运动等级水上运动项目优秀男子运动员安静时肱二头肌PU、V一级运动员组〉二级运动员组〉健将级运动员组,而加热后PU的变化率、运动的血细胞聚集程度(CMBC)的变化率健将级运动员组〉一级运动员组〉二级运动员组;不同专项训练年限水上运动项目优秀男子运动员安静时肱二头肌微循环PU、V1-5年组〉6~9年组〉10年以上组,结论不同水上运动项目优秀男子运动员安静状态下肱二头肌部分微循环相关指标与运动项目、运动员等级及运动员专项训练年限有关。  相似文献   

从组织行为学、管理心理学角度出发,对浙江省的305名负责学校运动队训练的体育教师的工作压力状况进行了问卷调查,对导致工作压力的主要因素进行分析,发现这类教师的工作压力主要表现在福利待遇、训练经费、角色定位、人际关系等方面。  相似文献   

高校女篮运动员经期运动能力的变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对高校女篮运动员在月经周期不同时相中专项身体素质,基本技术指标及生理、生化指标进行测试,了解其运动能力与月经周期的关系及运动能力在月经周期各时相中的变化规律及特征。结果显示:运动员速度、专项速度耐力、力量、协调性及最大吸氧量在其月经周期黄体期显强于其它时相,弹跳力则在各时相内无明显变化。  相似文献   


Sleep is an essential component for athlete recovery due to its physiological and psychological restorative effects, yet few studies have explored the habitual sleep/wake behaviour of elite athletes. The aims of the present study were to investigate the habitual sleep/wake behaviour of elite athletes, and to compare the differences in sleep between athletes from individual and team sports. A total of 124 (104 male, 20 female) elite athletes (mean ± s: age 22.2 ± 3.0 years) from five individual sports and four team sports participated in this study. Participants' sleep/wake behaviour was assessed using self-report sleep diaries and wrist activity monitors for a minimum of seven nights (range 7–28 nights) during a typical training phase. Mixed-effects analyses of variances were conducted to compare the differences in the sleep/wake behaviour of athletes from two sport types (i.e. individual and team). Overall, this sample of athletes went to bed at 22:59 ± 1.3, woke up at 07:15 ± 1.2 and obtained 6.8 ± 1.1 h of sleep per night. Athletes from individual sports went to bed earlier, woke up earlier and obtained less sleep (individual vs team; 6.5 vs 7.0 h) than athletes from team sports. These data indicate that athletes obtain well below the recommended 8 h of sleep per night, with shorter sleep durations existing among athletes from individual sports.  相似文献   


The objective of the present study was to monitor the immunological and hormonal responses and the occurrence of upper respiratory symptoms in adolescent basketball athletes during the different stages of a sports season. Anthropometric measures, biochemical analyses (interleukin-6, interleukin-10, tumour necrosis factor-alpha, C-reactive protein, testosterone and cortisol), neuromuscular evaluations (standing vertical jumping ability, agility and estimated VO2max) and leukocyte counts were performed at four moments: 72 h before the season (?72 h); before the season (Pre-season); after six weeks, at the end of the preparatory period (Preparatory); and after 20 weeks, at the end of the competitive period (Competitive). Also, the occurrence of upper respiratory symptoms was collected weekly during all stages of the season. There were significant increases in monocytes, cortisol, tumour necrosis factor-alpha and C-reactive protein at the Competitive moment as compared to the Pre-season. In addition, interleukin-10 decreased at the Competitive moment as compared to the Pre-season. Occurrence of upper respiratory symptoms demonstrated increases (38%) during the competitive period as compared to the preparatory. These results suggest that periods of training and competition could increase the occurrence of upper respiratory symptoms in adolescent athletes and this may be due to the unwanted effects of an inflammatory process in response to the excessive stress of training and competition.  相似文献   

基层少体校羽毛球运动员选材方法实探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过长期从事少儿羽毛球运动员的训练所积累的经验,并借鉴其他项目的选材模式,提出一套从形态、机能、素质到心理特征的选材思路和实用的、操作性较强的少体校羽毛球运动员选材方法和具体指标,为广大基层少体校羽毛球教练员提供参考。  相似文献   

为了了解健美操运动员的运动表象特点与能力,对华东师范大学健美操队中的普通专业、二级、一级、健将级健美操运动员进行运动表象量表测试,结果发现在性别、训练年限、运动等级上未出现显著性差异,而在年龄上出现显著性差异,这与研究前的假设出现不一致。为此,运用相关运动表象理论和他人的研究结果分析其原因。  相似文献   

不同时间带运动减肥的比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在低痛苦甚至无痛苦的前提下以控制能量摄入与适当运动的方法进行60天的减肥实验,比较晚饭前与晚饭后运动减肥的效果,发现运动之后再吃晚饭减肥的效果更好,体重指数多下降2.66(P<0.001)。建议减肥的人先进行约2h的运动,再吃晚饭,在餐前暗示减少对脂类、糖类食物的摄入。  相似文献   

运动员杰出运动能力的获得及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运动员杰出运动能力的获得是一个极其复杂的过程,受到许因素的限制.杰出运动能力的获得既需要出色的运动天赋,也需要后天的刻意训练;既要依赖一系列的客观条件,又要依靠主观的内部动力;既需要按照人体生理心理发展规律进行科学训练,也需要借助于现代科技的辅助支持.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、分析归纳法等,以优秀运动员作为研究对象,运用田麦久的项群训练理论,对优秀运动员竞技运动项目的迁移进行了归纳分析,旨在探寻出优秀运动员竞技运动项目迁移的特征和规律.  相似文献   

根据运动员在训练过程中出现的异常饮食行为,在国内首次利用饮食障碍测量工具对不同类型(项目、性别、运动水平、运动员与非运动员)运动员的饮食障碍特征进行测量和差异比较检验.结果表明,运动员在饮食障碍行为特征上存在显著的项目、性别和运动水平的差异(p<0.05),运动员与非运动员在饮食障碍上也存在接近临界水平的显著性差异(p=0.048).研究认为,由于其所处的特殊环境,不同项目对饮食的要求有明显区别,因此,对于运动员饮食障碍的诊断和认识应区别于一般人群.  相似文献   

运动训练科学化的根本出路在于认识与遵循规律。运动训练的基本规律,包括项目规律与训练规律。运动训练的基本体系框架中,运动训练理论主要是基于专项与个案训练理论,运动训练实践主要是基于目标与实战需要。运动训练的基本体系的基本内容主要有:项目规律与训练规律及其统一;一般训练与专项训练和群体训练与个案训练及其统一;选择和创造训练手段,包括一般与专项和群体与个体训练手段及其统一;发展和形成竞技能力,包括一般与专项竞技能力和群体与个体竞技能力及其统一。它们都是普遍性与特殊性的辩证关系。其中,个案训练理论,是训练规律的基本内容,是实践规律,在构成运动训练理论中个案训练理论与专项训练理论是同等程度的规律,个案训练理论还包括训练主体的意识与情感因素。优秀运动员的实践途径是专项训练与个案训练及其统一,选择与创造专项和个体训练手段及其统一,发展与形成专项与个体竞技能力及其统一。  相似文献   

对民俗体育特征的研究   总被引:17,自引:6,他引:17  
采用文献综述法,对民俗体育的普遍性特征进行了系统研究,认为民俗体育具有内部和外部特征,其中内部特征主要有竞技性、娱乐性、依附性、民族的差异性和全人类共通性等,外部特征主要包括历史性、地域性、传承性、变异性和观赏性等方面。  相似文献   

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