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师幼互动是指幼儿教师与幼儿之间发生的互动。有效的师幼互动对于促进幼儿全面发展、提升幼儿园教学质量有着至关重要的作用。目前师幼互动存在的主要问题是:幼儿主体地位缺失、教师区别对待幼儿、师幼互动时空有限、师幼互动模式单一。幼儿教师、幼儿家长、幼儿园都会影响师幼互动的质量。解决师幼互动问题的有效对策为:建言教师,改善自身问题;引导家长,改变观念行为;倡议幼儿园,提升办学水平。  相似文献   

师幼互动质量是幼儿园教育质量的核心组成部分,也是影响幼儿发展的重要内容。农村幼儿园师幼互动质量观念直接决定着农村幼儿教育的质量。本研究以提高农村幼儿园师幼互动质量为目标,采用简单随机抽样抽取浙江省杭州市十所农村幼儿园的450名幼儿教师,运用问卷调查法进行农村幼儿园师幼互动质量观念的调查,并提出提高农村幼儿教师师幼互动质量观念的具体对策。  相似文献   

袁小淞 《考试周刊》2014,(32):190-190
幼儿园师幼互动作为幼儿园教育的基本表现形态,存在于幼儿一日生活的每个环节之中,表现在幼儿园教育和保育的各个领域,并对幼儿发展产生不可估量的重要影响。师幼互动状况直接决定教育质量,是幼儿获得优质教育的关键。  相似文献   

幼儿园一日活动中高质量的师幼互动对幼儿发展尤为重要。首先提出师幼互动质量对于幼儿成长与发展的影响,并具体展开在幼儿园一日活动各个环节过程中高质量师幼互动呈现的不同形式。在此基础上,将自身一日活动中与幼儿教育互动实践案例和经验进行分享。最后,总结高质量师幼互动在幼儿园一日活动中的意义和作用,并给幼儿园教师提供相应的建议和启示,以促进幼儿园师幼互动的质量和水平的提高。  相似文献   

廖英 《贵州教育》2013,(12):17-19
作为贯穿于幼儿生活中最核心的人际互动,师幼互动构成了幼儿园教育的重要组成部分,是一种宝贵的教育资源,对幼儿的身心发展具有多重意义。对幼儿园师幼互动行为进行深入、系统的探究,不仅可以全面揭示其师幼互动的特点与普遍规律,丰富教育学和心理学的有关理论,而且可以为深化幼教改革,特别是促进幼儿园和谐师幼互动的建构提供参考和依据,从而促进幼儿全面、健康的发展。因此.探究幼儿园师幼互动教育问题.具有重要的现实意义和深远的历史意义。  相似文献   

在幼儿园中,师幼互动是贯穿于幼儿一日生活中最核心的人际互动,它构成了幼儿园教育的重要组成部分。本文针对幼儿园角色游戏中师幼互动中存在的问题,对如何创设积极有效的师幼互动进行探讨。  相似文献   

在以往关于师幼互动的研究中,幼教工作者注重教师与幼儿认知上的互动,而忽略情感上的交流和心灵上的沟通。师幼情感互动具有情感性、双主体性、交互性和动态性揭示了师幼情感互动的内涵;从情感互动对师幼互动、幼儿活动开展以及幼儿心理发展的意艾阐明了师幼情感互动的重要性;并在此基础上进一步探讨幼儿园活动中师幼情感互动的优化举措。  相似文献   

在幼儿教育阶段的教育教学活动中,倾听可以切实帮助教师确保和提升教育教学效率及效果,因而教师需要切实针对自身在教学倾听能力方面表现进行优化和提高,通过相应地为幼儿提供优质的受教育体验,同步在自身教育教学能力发展方面取得进步。其间,幼儿园教师可以从幼儿的言语表达和非言语表达两个角度着手把握幼儿的实际需求,理解并接纳幼儿表达的同时,及时给出相对应的评价,进而通过在情感层面与幼儿形成共鸣的方式切实确保师幼互动效果。为此,如何更加深入切实地把握倾听与师幼互动的内涵,了解幼儿园师幼互动现状及其问题成因,采取更加科学合理地采取有效策略,以倾听为支点促进师幼互动,逐渐成为幼儿园教师改善师幼互动状况过程中必须解决的重要课题。  相似文献   

教育的过程质量是幼儿园保教质量的关键因素,而师幼互动质量又是制约保教质量提升的重点和难点。因此,幼儿一日生活各环节中的师幼互动质量直接影响幼儿在园一日生活的质量,对幼儿的学习与发展具有不可忽视的重要作用。本文从幼儿园一日生活各环节中师幼互动存在的问题出发,探索提高师幼互动质量的方法,以期构筑温暖有爱、充满智慧的幼儿园教育生态,以保障和促进幼儿园保教质量的有效提升。  相似文献   

师幼互动是指在幼儿园一日活动的各个环节中,教师与幼儿之间的双向人际交往.师幼互动是实现幼儿园教育目标的重要保证.师幼平等有利于构建民主、平等、和谐的师幼互动氛围,有利于发挥教师"平等中的首席"的作用,有利于体现幼儿在师幼互动中的主体地位.从师幼平等的视角来看,实现师幼互动的策略有:树立以幼儿为本的理念,构建和谐温馨的师幼互动环境,践行共生共长的师幼互动做法.  相似文献   

The present study examined how child care teachers' socialization practices and child characteristics jointly predict children's sympathetic-prosocial responding. A total of 25 teachers of 105 five-year-old children were observed during free play with regard to their warmth, non-directiveness and passivity-activity. The children's reactions to distress simulations in two different situations were observed. The children's inhibition and aggression were rated by teachers and parents. More compassionate behavior was shown by girls as compared to boys and by children in classes with warmer teachers; inhibited children showed tendentially less sympathetic-prosocial reactions than non-inhibited children. Furthermore, girls who showed sympathetic-prosocial reactions were rated as more aggressive than girls who did not, and boys who showed sympathetic-prosocial behavior as compared to those who did not were in classes with warmer teachers. The data suggest that child characteristics as well as socialization practices play an important role in children's interpersonal functioning. Among the teacher variables, their ability to interact in a warm, affectionate way is of central importance for the development of emotional competence in children.  相似文献   

This study evaluated a school-based child sexual abuse prevention program which consisted of separate 2-hour workshops for children, parents, and teachers. Questionnaires concerning the children's knowledge about sexual abuse prevention and level of emotional distress were developed and administered to 88 children, ages 5-12, and 60 parents before and after the program. In addition, 12 teachers completed questionnaires about the children's level of emotional distress within 2 weeks after the program. Comparison of the children's knowledge before and after the program showed significant increases in knowledge about strategies for coping with potential abuse situations. Also individual children's responses were compared with their parents' responses. After the program the parents had a more accurate appraisal of their children's knowledge, and in addition, there was a significant increase in how much parents reported that they had talked with their children about sexual abuse. In terms of possible adverse emotional effects of the program, neither teachers nor parents noticed signs of increased emotional distress. In addition, the children reported that the program made them feel safer and better able to protect themselves. The findings support the value of providing sexual abuse prevention programs to children.  相似文献   

幼儿交往冲突和幼儿交往冲突管理是幼儿园日常生活中的常见内容。交往冲突及冲突解决方法直接影响到幼儿社会性的发展。本研究通过对中美幼儿交往冲突和幼儿教师管理冲突方式的比较,发现受文化、传统、价值观等诸因素的影响,两国幼儿和教师在处理冲突的方法上存在差异。为提高幼儿解决冲突的能力,幼儿教师在加强幼儿交往技巧训练和规则意识培养的同时,应注重幼儿自我控制和自我调节能力的培养,放手让幼儿在自己解决冲突的过程中学习成长。  相似文献   

王克进 《天津教育》2021,(4):128-129
幼儿手工教具,是辅助于教师的教学玩具,它是教师根据教学需求、幼儿兴趣爱好以及幼儿成长阶段设计制作的一款教学玩具。农村大部分的幼儿教具的制作是利用各种废弃的生活材料制作的,并且是将其通过清洗、分类、加工、设计、重新组合的。手工教具的目的是通过教师组织带领幼儿共同制作,让幼儿在亲自制作的过程中发现自己综合能力,使幼儿进一步提高动手操作能力,激发幼儿的好奇心和探索行为,并以此获得更多的知识。  相似文献   

在日常教学过程中,幼儿难免会犯各种各样的错误。幼儿出现的错误具有重要的教育价值。教师应解放思想,充分利用幼儿错误带来的教育机会,在帮助幼儿纠正错误的过程中实现幼儿的发展。  相似文献   

运动活动中积极和谐的师幼互动具有的意义是:可以促进教师转变教育观念,优化教师的教育行为,改善师幼关系,提高运动活动质量,培养幼儿勇敢、不怕困难、乐观、自信等品质,增进师幼关系的亲密度。教师要从营造环境、创设条件、发挥作用、提升质量四个方面入手,构建和谐师幼互动,促进幼儿运动区游戏开展。  相似文献   

As a part of efforts to evaluate and monitor the increasing public investment in early childhood education, teachers are being asked to assess children's school readiness. In this study, preschool teachers and kindergarten teachers rated children's skills in three areas (kindergarten readiness, academic skills, and communication skills), and these ratings were compared with direct assessments of the children's skills. Ratings by both groups of teachers tended to be more highly related to basic skills, such as counting and number naming, than to abilities such as solving applied problems and using expressive and receptive vocabulary. Preschool teachers' ratings had a lower association with children's observed skills and abilities than kindergarten teachers' ratings. Ratings of children attending Head Start were systematically inflated, but this relationship was mediated to a significant extent by the teachers' levels of education. More educated teachers rated children in a manner consistent with the children's directly assessed skills. Implications of these findings for informing future efforts to assess school readiness by using teacher ratings are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the social competence and mental health of homeless and permanently housed preschool children enrolled in the Head Start program. Mothers and Head Start teachers rated the social skills and behavior problems of 38 homeless and 46 housed preschoolers twice during the school year. The researchers compared the behavior of the homeless and housed preschoolers soon after they entered Head Start, as well as changes in children's behavior six months after their initial assessment. Both parents and teachers reported that homeless children exhibited more behavioral problems than housed children at the beginning of the study, but perceived no significant differences in the two groups' social skills. Mothers reported significant declines in homeless children's compliance relative to their housed peers at the conclusion of the study, while teachers noted significant declines in homeless children's compliance and expressive skills. Both mothers and teachers reported that homeless children exhibited significantly greater increases in behavior problems than their housed peers over the study period. Findings indicate the need for Head Start and other early childhood programs to develop interventions designed to moderate the negative effect of homelessness on young children's social-emotional development.  相似文献   

生命哲学是一种非理性的哲学思潮,它比较关注体验、理解、直觉以及人的生命和生活等.生命哲学中蕴含着丰富的教学理念:教师应转变教学观念,实现教学超越,让儿童成为学习的主人;重视儿童的生活体验,让儿童在教学中自由和谐发展;重视儿童创造性,让儿童成为教学的参与者;关注儿童现实生活,培养儿童直觉意识;以儿童生命发展为本的多媒体教学观.用生命哲学的视角对当前我国学前儿童教学的目的、过程、手段等几个方面进行审思,无论对幼儿教学事业的发展还是幼儿自身的健康成长都具有重要的价值和意义.  相似文献   

A quasi-experimental, statewide intervention targeting preschool teachers' enhancement of children's language and early literacy was evaluated. Across 2 years and 20 Head Start sites, 750 teachers participated (500 target, 250 control), with 370 classrooms randomly selected to conduct pre- and posttest assessments (10 randomly selected children per class). The inability to randomize children to classrooms was addressed by examining children's performance for teachers who were control teachers in Year 1 and target teachers in Year 2. We also compared teachers with 2 years of training with teachers with 1 year of training and with control teachers. Greater gains were found for children in target classrooms than for those in control classrooms for all skills, but particularly for language skills, in Year 2, and this varied by program site. The presence of a research-based early literacy curriculum, higher levels of teacher education, and full-day versus half-day programs were significant moderators of intervention effectiveness. The challenges of implementing a statewide initiative across programs that varied in their readiness to implement a cognitively rich experience for preschool children are discussed.  相似文献   

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