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<正> Have you been reading English course at the same rate as you would read read anovel or a page of a daily paper?If so,you have been reading it far too quickly. There are many types of reading,each with its own purpose,each suited to a partic-ular occasion.The skilled reader is one who varies his reading speed and method to suitboth the material he is reading and his reason for reading it.  相似文献   

How can you inspire a child to read?Today, many children never develop a love for books. A 1980 California study revealed that nearly 70 percent of sixth-graders polled said they rarely read for pleasure-an identical percentage said they watched four or more hours of TV a day.How can you help a child discover the magic, joy and wonder that come from reading a book? To find out, I spoke with Charles Schulz, the cartoonist, Maurice Sendak, who draws and writes books for children, Judy Blume, who writes for young adults, and Jim Trelease. an authority on motivating children to read,CHARLES SCHULZ, the creator of Peanuts, doesn't think it matters what children read, as long as they read something. As a child, Schulz loved reading comic strips-especially Buck Rogers and Popeye-but in his day, says the cartoonist, " teachers frowned on that kind of reading material."  相似文献   

How do you get information from an article as much and fast as possible while you are reading? It is a very important thing for us——Chinese readers. Reading is an important element in our English study. Mastering reading skills will help increase our reading speed and comprehend what we read. Now several reading skills are to be discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

史扬 《海外英语》2011,(4):242-243,251
Reading is always regarded as a solitary process of decoding the text.People think that they are able to understand as long as they are good at linguistic knowledge.In fact,Reading is a both linguistic and cognitive process.This paper intends to deal with the schema theory and its application to teaching practice of second language reading.  相似文献   

Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear. Don't cry over anyone who won't cry over you. Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget. You can only go as far as you push. Actions speak louder than words. The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love somebody else. Don' t let the past hold you back; you' re missing the good stuff.  相似文献   

Researchers from Mid Sweden University and Kalmar University organised surveys on reading skills in Swedish municipalities. This paper will focus on the surveys made in four municipalities between 2002 and 2007. All students in grade 8 in these four municipalities participated in the surveys--in total 16,287 students. These surveys included a reading test for the students and information about the students collected from the teachers, including participation in instruction in Swedish as a second language and in their mother tongues. Students of immigrant origin in Sweden are offered the possibility to participate in instruction in Swedish as a second language and in instruction in the student's mother tongue. No obvious trends over time in the participation in Swedish as a second language and mother tongue instruction were found in the four municipalities on the tests we gave, in spite of national trends. There was no difference in results on the reading tests in Swedish between those students who participated in mother tongue instruction and those who did not, but there was a difference in test results between those who participated in Swedish as a second language and those who did not. Those who did not participate (in Swedish as a second language instruction) did, on average, score higher on the test. When different language groups are compared, it can be noted that a majority in all groups of immigrant students neither participate in Swedish as a second language nor in mother tongue instruction. However, there are important differences between boys and girls and between language groups. Girls seemed to be more willing than boys to participate in voluntary mother tongue instruction, while boys more often than girls had to participate in compulsory lessons in Swedish as a second language.  相似文献   

Nothing is difficult to the man who has a strong will (决心). Long long ago, there lived two monks (和尚), one is tall and the other is short. Some day, the tall monk said to the short one, “I want to travel Wutai Mountain (五台山), can you accompany me?“ “On what do you depend for going there?“ asked the short monk. “A bottle and a bowl are quite enough for me,“ answered the tall monk. “Well, I have been trying to go there many years but failed. I bet you will wind up being failed like me. How could you be succes...  相似文献   

性格决定外表If you exhibit positive traits such as honesty and helpfulness,the chances are that you will be perceived as a good looking person,for a new study has found that the perception of physical attractiveness is influenced by a person's personality.The study found that people who exhibit negative traits,such as unfairness and rudeness,appear to be less physically attractive to observers.  相似文献   

Once upon a time the Wolves said to the Dogs, "Why should we continue to be enemies?You are very like us in most ways:the difference between us is one of training."We live a life of freedom;you are enslaved (受奴役) to men,who beat you,and put eollars on you,and  相似文献   

郭惠娟 《海外英语》2003,(10):16-17
Aworkplace that will know who you are, where you are and what you're doing. Even five years ago, it was impossible to predict the spread of such technologies as Wi-Fi, which allows workers to become office nomads, yet always connected to e-mail and crucial corporate data. The technology has proved so popular, it's a key force in reshaping the topography of the office. So what will the workplace actually look like five years from now, when such tools are ubiquitous and new  相似文献   

You think you own whatever land you land on The earth is just a dead thing you can claim[占有] But I know every rock and tree and creature Has a life, has a spirit, has a name You think the only people who are people Are the people who look and think like you But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger You'll learn things you never knew you never knew Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon?  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of teaching adult learners who are going through difficult economic and political times. Lessons are learned from Shakespeare's King Lear. Humor is at the same time both a powerful educational tool and a course content that can be used to highlight tragic social realities. Through thoughtful laughter, humor comforts people. On the one hand, humor eases tension. On the other hand, humor intensifies tension by exposing harsh realities in a comic way. Hence, humor can be used as an instructional tool to facilitate learning about complex issues and tragedies both inside and outside the classroom (formal education), the community (informal education), and the workplace (non-formal education and human resource development).  相似文献   

Activity 1 Think about the following questions,and write down your answers before reading the essay?(1)When you happen to stay with a stranger,for example,another passenger sitting next to you on a train over a long haul,which are you more likely to do,to initiate talks,or to wait for him or her to do so?How would they be different?  相似文献   

Most parents,I suppose,have had the 1 of reading a bedtime story to their children.And they must have 2 how difficult it is to write a 3 children's book.Either the author has aimed too 4 ,so that children can't follow what is in his 5 most often,her)story,seems to be talking to the readers. The best children's book are 6 very difficult nor very simple,and satisfy both the 7 who hears the story and the adult who 8 it.Unfortunately,th-ere are in fact 9 books like this,10 th problem of finding the right bedtime story is nol 11 to solve.  相似文献   

A lawyer(律师)was reading out.the will(遗嘱)of a rich man to the people mentioned(提到的)inthe will:“To you.my loving wife Rose.who stood by mein rough(困难的)time,as well as good,I leave herthe house and $2 million.”The lawyer continued,“To my daughter Jessica,who looked.after me in sickness and kept the busi-ness going,I leave:her the yacht(游艇),the busi-ness and $1 million.”The lawyer concluded,“And,to my cousin Dan,who hated me,argued(争论)with me,and thoughtthat I would never mention(提到)him in my will-well,you aye wrong.Hi,Dan!”  相似文献   

This thesis proposes a Romanticist approach to one of Eliot’s early poems.By putting the poetic subject between the classical and the modern settings,it ventures an attempt to discuss the poetic subject as a Romanticist seeker for love and mean ing.On the one hand,the subject craves for love and understanding from the feminine counterpart,who seems to represent the classical deal of love and meaning.On the other hand,he is stuck in his modern reality where love and meaning are rendered im possible.Thus,Eliot gives a remarkable depiction of the modern dilemma.  相似文献   

王亮 《海外英语》2014,(17):288-289
Many secondary vocational school students are afraid of reading,while teachers are often trapped in a dilemma as to how to teach reading. The present paper,based on scaffold theory,elaborates when and how to provide scaffold in reading teaching through a case study so as to promote the efficiency of English reading classes in secondary vocational schools.  相似文献   

The Smith Jones Robinson Riddle On a train, Smith, Robinson and Jones are the fireman, the brakeman and the engineer, but NOT respectively. Also aboard the train are three businessmen who have the same names: a Mr. Smith, a Mr. Robinson and a Mr. Jones: Using the clues below, can you determine the identity of the Engineer?.  相似文献   

You're travelling to some village. At some point there is a fork in the road. You could go two ways but only one of them leads to the village. Lucky for you there are two men standing next to the fork. But unfortunately one of them always lies and one always speaks the truth and you do not know who is who. Since the men do not really like to help you, you are allowed to ask one of them only one question. Which question should you ask'?  相似文献   

The ability to read is one of the important standards to measure a student's English ability.Nowadays,in the reading class,traditional teaching modal like Grammar-Translation method is still prevailing and badly limits students' reading abilities.The author attempts to apply schema theory to the reading teaching and to deepen their understandings by drawing information from both the external graphic message and internal schemata until the two are reconciled as a single schema or message.In order to help students understand the reading material,a teacher's main task in to activate their relevant schemata.When the information cannot be understood with the activated schemata,the teacher should build knowledge on familiar information by giving more background knowledge to help students create new schemata.To sum up,a teacher should have a deep understanding that students' schemata play a very important role in reading comprehension.The teacher can use different methods to activate students' existing schemata or help students build new schemata according to different teaching situations,so that students' reading abilities can be improved.  相似文献   

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