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近几年,随着我国经济社会的快速发展,人们购买机动车辆的增多,道路交通运输变得日渐繁忙。由于一些驾驶员的交通安全意识不强,违章驾驶,交通事故的发生率也在逐年递增,由此而引起的人身、财产损害赔偿案件也随之上升。本文就道路交通事故的责任认定及其赔偿责任谈一些自己的看法。  相似文献   

Alien-hunting scientists have had an eventful1 year, and they're about to get busier. In just the past few months, life-friendly soil and ice turned up on Mars, astronomers bagged a trio of2 Earth-like planets in a distant star system, and scientists looking closer to home reported that certain hardy microbes3 thrive4 below Earth's ocean floor-a big clue that life may exist on planets that at first glance appear inhospitable5.……  相似文献   

竹材是一种年产量很高的生物质材料,就绿竹而言每公顷有12 000 kg的生物质产量,其纤维含量较高,纤维性能较好,非常适合进行纤维素乙醇的转化生产。以绿竹为生物质原料,进行了热水处理、氨爆处理以及蒸爆处理,然后添加纤维素酶和淀粉酶进行酶解,并利用高效液相色谱(HPLC)测定了生物质中的单糖含量。研究结果表明,热水处理在保温时间10 min时,生物质葡萄糖转化率为28.45%,木糖转化率达到最高为45.55%,较未进行预处理分别提高了111.07%和224.23%。结果表明热水处理对绿竹是一种有效的预处理方式,其他两种预处理差别不大。研究成果对于生物质转化和利用具有十分有意义的。  相似文献   

11月8日 我在寻找闪闪发亮的言外之意,寻找生活中各种事件背后的深层含义,当我感到痛苦和混乱的时候,当我一蹶不振,受到伤害的时候,  相似文献   

如果我是一个经理 一天上课,老师要同学们以“如果我是一个经理”为题写一篇作文,所有的学生都在动笔写了,只有一个男生例外。老师走过去问他为什么不写。 “我在等我的秘书。”那孩子答道。  相似文献   


Feedback is an important practice in promoting learning. This study examines teachers’ oral feedback practices, with an analysis grounded in students’ perceptions of what helps them learn. Based on 38 hours of lesson observations, interviews with 10 teachers and 84 students, we identify how teachers conceptualise and practice oral feedback. Based on student interviews, three main types of oral interaction were found to constitute feedback: discrepancy, success criteria comments and open questions. Current practices appear to address the feedback dimensions of ‘How am I going?’ and ‘Where to next?’, but seem to be lacking with respect to addressing the question related to ‘Where am I going?’ Feedback is infrequently used by science teachers compared with other types of oral interaction and the feedback types most frequently reported by students to help learning were used least often. Teachers used oral feedback types differently in whole class and small group situations. We use findings to elaborate an ideal-typical model of feedback practices, with divergent practices involving more frequent use of oral feedback, focusing on learning rather than task. The study concludes with implications for practice in teaching and teacher education.


In this article, I attempt to describe how certain theoretical constructions of semiotics could be applied in educational theoretical work. First I introduce meaning as a basic concept of semiotics, thus also touching on concepts such as action, competence and causality. I am then able to define learning as a change of competences, and also refer to the pedagogical concept of learning i.e. Bildung, which can be roughly defined as valuable human learning. I then take up the problem of education as pedagogical direction and communication. Finally, I conclude with some considerations on the famous Greimassian semiotic square.  相似文献   

嗨!我叫Drizzle(细雨)。我是一滴小水滴。吁!太阳把我加热了!我变得越来越小。哦,我上升了呀!上升!上升!啊?我进入了一个云层里!呦,太好了!  相似文献   

The levels of support which faculty provide to students have been linked to a number of positive effects on students such as lower rates of attrition, greater satisfaction with college life, enhanced self-concept, improved academic performance and more likelihood of remaining enrolled in college through stressful life periods. There are surely fewer periods of life that are busier than new motherhood. This paper presents research carried out at a higher education institution in the United Arab Emirates. We look at the ways in which faculty interact with new student mothers and employ interviews to explore ways in which faculty acknowledge and offer academic and pastoral support to the new mothers. Their perceptions of students’ coping strategies when they combine motherhood and college studies are reported, and the ways in which faculty navigate college policy which relates to the student mothers. Faculty saw themselves as being extremely supportive and flexible towards new mothers. Whilst undergraduate student motherhood was uncommon in their home countries, it was generally felt that the increased organization, efficiency, time management and resilience witnessed in student mothers were assets to the college community. This study also has wider applicability to faculty support of non-traditional students in other settings.  相似文献   

教师是一种悖论性的社会角色,这一问题的追询首先应以基于“事实陈述”的社会学提问方式来进行。基于“实践规范”的教育学提问方式或基于“价值辩护”的哲学提问方式造成了论题的置换与方法的歧用———把“教师社会属性”的实然判断置换为“教师应起社会作用”的应然追求,把事实判断的方法引入价值选择的歧途并进而将二者彻底扯裂。结果,三种视角的“对话”就失却了意义平台和言说规则,自然也就成了各说各话;游离事实分析的实践规范大抵为纸上谈兵,割裂实然判断的应然追求不过是梦里求真。教育研究中,不同视角既要持守阵地和品格以便发挥各自特色与功能,又需加强借鉴和融通从而达致彼此互济与共荣。  相似文献   

在《黑书》中,帕慕克暗置了一个富于苏菲神秘主义意味的故事结构"我即凤凰",经由这一宗教叙事原型,作者深入地反思了写作、身份、文化三个层面中"自我"与"他人"的辩证关系,最终成就了具有深厚民族精神意味的诗学主题——"我是他人故我在"。  相似文献   

佚名 《初中生之友》2009,(11):47-48
从前,有个孩子马上就要诞生了。因此,有一天他问上帝:“听说明天你就送我去人间了,但是,我这么弱小和无助,我在那儿怎么生活呢?”  相似文献   

郴州市老年人体质状况调查与对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对郴州市城镇和农村户的常住居民老年人进行了体质调查,并对老年组农村(组1)与城镇(组2)进行了对比,通过对监测数据进行统计分析,掌握和了解老年人体质的变化及特点.针对监测中发现的问题,应及时采取措施,探索适合老年人的新颖、有效、科学的健身活动方式,用丰富的、多种多样的活动方式,吸引更多的老年人参加体育锻炼,以提高老年人健康水平,使老年人安康晚年,健康长寿.  相似文献   

徐莹 《英语沙龙》2009,(7):55-55
当我沮丧时,哦,我的灵魂,如此疲倦 当烦恼袭来,我的内心不堪重负 于是,我默然而立,在寂静中等在这里 直到你来,与我小坐片刻 你鼓舞了我,所以我能站立在群山之巅 你鼓舞了我,让我涉过惊涛骇浪的海面 当我依靠着你的双肩,我就变得坚强  相似文献   

I am very conscious of the honour you have done me by asking me to take the floor in front of this assembly and I truly appreciate being, with the help of chance, the first speaker enrolled; I am thus spared the risk of repeating the words of my predecessors.  相似文献   

两滴小泪珠从生活之河上流淌而下,其中一滴对另一滴说:“我是一个爱上一个男人又失去他的女孩流下的眼泪。你是谁?”“我吗,我是赢得那个男人的女孩的眼泪。”  相似文献   

劳伦·阿拉纳说:“我一直梦想着出一张专辑,真的不敢相信居然梦想成真了。正是我参加《美国偶像》的那些歌迷们为我投上了珍贵的选票.所以这张专辑是献给他们的.我希望歌迷们能够喜欢!”  相似文献   

周文毅 《英语辅导》2004,(11):55-55
It is said that many teenagers and children, for whom money is not an issue, are undergoing plasticsurgery in China.  相似文献   

狮子和老虎是森林中最强壮的动物,因此它们总是欺负其它动物。 一天,狮子看到一只小鹿。它对小鹿说,“我要吃了你!” 小鹿笑了,说,“你吃不了我。我和你一样强壮!”  相似文献   

庄子强调和高扬人的诗性栖居、"游"的审美生存方式,主要是沿着"保身、尽年","逍遥、养生","天地与我并生,万物与我为一"的理路发展的。研究庄子形之委蛇的"游世"生存态度,心之逍遥的"游心"生存境界和"天地万物与我同一"的生存环境,旨在构建理想的生存栖居地,达到"人诗意的栖居"。  相似文献   

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