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Seven months after the transfer of the senior department of a school for pupils with severe learning difficulties into a local upper school, an evaluation was carried out by staff of the special school and their liaison educational psychologist, Phillip Whitaker. It attempted to investigate the perspectives of all who took part, focusing particularly on any actual or potential problems so as to shape the future development of the project. This report focuses on the attitudes and experiences of the mainstream students and on the lessons which were drawn from their experience. The author, Phillip Whitaker, is a member of the Leicestershire Educational Psychology Service.  相似文献   

This article addresses the question as to whether training pre-school practitioners in an approach to anti-discriminatory education can impact on the developing attitudes of young children. This article attempts to analyse the effect of training practitioners in the delivery of an anti-discriminatory curriculum on the developing attitudes of the children they are teaching. This training was carried out with Leicestershire Foundation Stage settings.  相似文献   

Teachers in Scottish schools were asked about their attitudes to, and experience of, movement and drama, by Ken Byron, recently lecturer in drama, Hamilton College of Education, Lanarkshire, now teacher/adviser for drama in West Leicestershire  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Technology for All
Special Educational Needs and the Education Reform Act
Special Educational Needs
The Music Curriculum and Special Educational Needs
The Governor, The Law and Special Educational Needs
A Struggle for Choice
Patterns of Educational Integration
Practical Approaches to Bullying
Attachment Behaviour and the Schoolchild
Leisure for People with Profound and Multiple Disabilities  相似文献   

探索电教设备管理的新模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着教育技术的迅速发展,电教设备日益增多,朝着集成化、精密化、自动化、综合化、计算机化等方向发展.由于电教设备服务广泛、规格复杂等特点,使得传统的电教设备管理已不再适合新的形势的发展.本文在分析企业设备管理、物流信息技术、计算机辅助管理的基础上,提出了新的电教设备管理模式.  相似文献   

日本的教育基本法是理念法,具有"教育宪法"的地位。进入21世纪后,日本政府和教育再生会议大力推动,教育基本法得以全面修正和实施。新教育基本法脱离了旧法"教育中立"的基本精神,失去了旧法的"宪法"地位,成为单纯的政府教育方针。  相似文献   

This paper describes a small‐scale study of what the authors describe as the ecosystemic approach to changing chronic problem behaviour. The study was undertaken with a group of twelve Leicestershire primary teachers. The technique is briefly described and then teachers' responses to it and its effectiveness are discussed. Four case study examples are presented and finally its potential is considered. Although in this case the work was undertaken with primary teachers, this is an approach which could also be useful at secondary level.  相似文献   

David Wood, Educational Psychologist with the Lancashire Educational Psychology Service, and Steve Trickey, Educational Psychologist with the Clackmannanshire Educational Psychological Service, examine the implications of the Code of Practice for the 14+ review and the transition process. Adopting the emphasis given in the Code to personal, social and independent living skills, the extent to which a balance can be obtained between process and procedure is explored.  相似文献   

紧扣当前教育信息化的时代背景,首次从信息视野,即基于信息视野教育研究原理,对教育研究设计进行研究探讨.以教育研究系统的教育研究者、教育系统、教育研究内容、教育研究方法、教育研究媒体、教育研究交互六要素不断迭代深入,为总体研究思路,并以案例进行了实践思考.期望为教育信息化时代教育研究设计及其相关理论提供一些借鉴.  相似文献   


This paper describes a small‐scale study of what the authors describe as the ecosystemic approach to changing chronic problem behaviour. The study was undertaken with a group of twelve Leicestershire primary teachers. The technique is briefly described and then teachers’ responses to it and its effectiveness are discussed. Four case study examples are presented and finally its potential is considered. Although in this case the work was undertaken with primary teachers, this is an approach which could also be useful at secondary level.  相似文献   

Executive Summary Foreword Acknowledgments Foundations of Educational Inequality: Cultural Capital and Social Reproduction Pierre Bourdieu's Theory of Social Reproduction Cultural Capital and Education Promises and Pitfalls of Cultural Capital in Educational Research Uses and Abuses of Cultural Capital in Educational Research Methodological Approach and Analysis Definitions of Cultural Capital in Educational Research Cultural Capital in Educational Research Conclusion “Strikes and Gutters”: Examining Applications and Interpretations of Cultural Capital The Merits of Cultural Capital in Educational Research Substantive Limitations of Cultural Capital Methodological Limitations of Cultural Capital Applications Conclusion Revolutionary Possibilities? The Future of Cultural Capital in Educational Research Theoretical Considerations Methodological Considerations Educational Practice Applications of Cultural Capital Research Conclusion Notes References Name Index Subject Index About the Author  相似文献   

本文介绍了AECT研究与界定教育技术领域的新进展,并从技术的基本存在形态、教育技术主要研究领域出发,着重分析了AECT教育技术新界定的技术性特征,最后强调了教育技术研究的开放性。  相似文献   

利用Blog开展《教育心理学》的教学实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用Blog开展教学是一种新型的信息化教学方式。以唐山师范学院教育技术专业2005级学生为研究对象,以专业课程《教育心理学》为研究载体,进行了为期半年的教学实践。在实践的基础上系统分析了利用Blog进行《教育心理学》授课的优势以及具体实践过程,以期对今后进行的高校教师教育技术能力培训模块提供实践性支持。  相似文献   

教育券:基础教育财政资源配置的制度性创新   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
教育券是将公平与效率融为一体的基础教育财政资源配置的有效方式,教育券是一种契约合同,明晰了基础教育财政经费的使用权(产权),降低了经费使用过程中的交易成本,提高了经费使用效率;同时,把竞争机制巧妙地引入教育领域,深化了基础教育市场的内涵,是对基础教育财政资源配置的制度性创新,对基础教育的发展具有开拓性的现实意义和实用价值,在理论或实践上值得进一步研究、探索。  相似文献   

该文在对2006、2007年国内77所教育技术学硕士点院校招生情况进行调研的基础上,从硕士点分布及数量、招生规模、专业代码、研究方向、专业课考试等维度进行分析,展示了我国教育技术学硕士研究生招生的整体状况,希望能为教育技术学专业硕士研究生招生及报考提供参考资料。  相似文献   

文章阐述教育技术学的简洁定义与研究重心的转移。首先,从日本教育工学谈起,指出学科定义变迁以及坂元昂教授对教育工学的理解。其次,参考坂元昂教育工学理论模型图,归纳教育技术学理论模型——教育技术圆柱体,并概括学科简洁定义——教育技术学是支援学习资源的理论与实践。再次,说明简洁定义不提及"支援学习过程"的缘故。最后,从理论模型、简洁定义的角度,审视学科研究以促成研究重心的转移。  相似文献   

中国教育技术三十年透视与反思   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
中国的教育技术经历了"三起两落",真正得到快速发展是在改革开放之后,至今已走过了整整30年的历程。反观近30年中国教育技术发展历程中所取得的成绩,指出其在理论建构与实践方面存在的一些问题,为其后续发展提供参考方向。  相似文献   

从安康市教育城域网现状出发,本着应用优先、统一规划、分步实施的原则,先期基于VPN建设虚拟教育城域网和统一信息标准的共享教育资源库,最终建成基于RPR环网的安康市教育城域网。  相似文献   

随着教育虚拟社区在教学中的应用,对其教学交往的有效性考察显得越来越重要。本文在介绍教育虚拟社区中教学交往的基础上,从交往目的、交往主体、交往内容、交往方式、交往情境、交往结果等方面对其教学交往的有效性进行了分析。  相似文献   

教育技术综合实验需求分析与设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教育技术综合实验是锻炼教育技术专业学生专业实践技能的实验课程。通过实际需求分析设计了教育技术综合实验,并联系实际谈教育技术综合实验的实施,以此激发学生的实践积极性,提高教育技术综合能力,学会用综合技能解决实际问题。  相似文献   

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