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Archeological and natural resource collections are nonrenewable and become increasingly valuable over time. Some would argue that collections and collecting have been severely threatened by decreasing financial and other support, especially over the last decade. However, this situation does not fully apply to the National Park Service (NPS). NPS archeological and natural resource collections have grown, as has the rate of collecting, though less than 2% of NPS collections are natural resource specimens, whereas 52% are archeological. (The other 46% are historical, ethnographic, and archival collections.) When the NPS began compiling annual statistics in 1983, it found that the rate of collecting far exceeded the rate of cataloguing. In addition, many collections were stored or exhibited in substandard conditions. The NPS developed a strategy identifying the problems and estimating the cost for correction. The plan influenced Congress to increase appropriations to the NPS for collections management, which, from 1988 through 1994, have totaled $26.7 million. Following the lead of the NPS, the Department of the Interior has adopted a similar strategy.  相似文献   

数字馆藏质量管理系统研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
数字馆藏是现代复合图书馆开展计算机网络信息服务的物质基础。数字馆藏的质量管理不仅包括馆藏数字资源质量管理,还包括相应的存取系统和检索系统的质量管理。在数字馆藏的质量管理中,每个阶段影响其质量的因素不同。数字馆藏质量管理系统的主要任务是采集、存储和处理各类质量数据,并以此为基础进行质量分析、评价、控制和决策。数字馆藏质量管理系统包括数字馆藏发展管理子系统、数字馆藏存储管理子系统,数字馆藏服务管理子系统3个子系统。每个子系统有着相应的功能。  相似文献   

In an effort to satisfy the leisure reading demands of students, the Brigham Young University library provides a small collection of books for browsing. A study of circulation statistics led to a heavier emphasis on paperbacks, a change in emphasis to fiction purchases, and the replacement of the McNaughton Plan with local purchasing. Currency of the titles was not found to be related to popularity. Science fiction, fantasy, and romance were found to be the most popular subjects.  相似文献   

对数字馆藏的安全隐患进行风险管理,是当前文献信息保存机构极为关注的热点之一。基于风险管理的基本流程,对数字馆藏风险管理策略进行探讨,介绍风险管理的概念及内涵,对数字馆藏面临的风险进行识别与评估,并在此基础上提出数字馆藏的风险控制策略。  相似文献   

优化高校档案馆馆藏建设几点体会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校档案馆应建立以教学、科研档案为主的结构体系。加重高校档案馆的文化、学术色彩。丰富馆藏内容 ,注重发展音像、实物档案。从根本上优化馆藏结构 ,拓展高校档案馆的功能。  相似文献   

藏书管理模式的PDCA分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
结合图书馆藏书管理发展过程,用PDCA循环的概念推论图书馆发展过程中藏书管理模式的变化,提出依托新技术的支持,以藏书利用为中心,采取多分馆多馆藏地的方法,构建“以人为本”的共享馆藏统一管理模式,实现读者需求与馆藏的动态平衡。  相似文献   

Ross Housewright, a Research Analyst at Ithaka S+R (http://www.ithaka.org/ithaka-s-r/) delivered the keynote address at the E-Resources Symposium at Mississippi State University on September 16, 2010. Housewright challenged traditional thinking about collection and preservation activities in the academic library setting. He introduced two important Ithaka S+R programs—the Faculty Survey and the What to Withdraw Framework—and discussed how they can assist serials librarians struggling to maintain the proper balance between patron needs, budget pressures, and the library's mission to preserve materials in the age of mixed digital and print collections.  相似文献   

A model is developed which minimizes the total annual cost of maintaining a journal collection with any given level of demand assuming that all requests will be met either from the collection or through interlibrary loans and that the obsolescence and scattering characteristics of the collection are known. The costs considered are the acquisition costs, storage costs, and the cost of interlibrary loans. The relationship between the annual number of requests and the optimal collection size is investigated. The collection comprehensiveness and the cost per request are also examined as a function of the demand level.  相似文献   

网络环境下藏书管理比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过网络访问5家不同代表性的大型图书馆所收藏“不确定度”与“误差”书的情况,经整合、梳理、技术处理后进行分析、研究,发现图书馆在文献收集、整序方面存在的一些问题,进而提出改进设想。  相似文献   

基于ILM的数字馆藏管理策略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用信息生命周期管理理论探讨对数字馆藏的科学管理问题。对数字资源生命周期进行阶段划分,分析数字馆藏管理成本及其服务绩效。在此基础上,提出从技术与管理的角度制定数字馆藏的管理策略,以提高数字图书馆的服务绩效。  相似文献   

基于GIS的馆藏知识管理初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地理信息系统(GIS)是数字图书馆发展过程中一个重要的解决方案。在考虑拓展GIS分析及辅助决策功能的同时,试图将复杂网络及本体研究中的一些方法引入到GIS的应用模型中,使GIS从馆藏空间管理平台转化为馆藏知识管理的承载体。  相似文献   

Sport management is a relatively new and rapidly growing academic discipline. Despite the proliferation of sport management programs in the United States, a review of the library literature reveals few publications concerning library support for such programs. In addition to providing background knowledge about the sport management discipline, this article provides practical information for academic librarians by recommending essential databases, journals, academic publishers, industry publishers, and associations in the arena of sport management.  相似文献   

Museum education collections are inarguably a part of a museum's actual collection, just as are the research/permanent collections. However, past practices indicate that education collections are typically not given equal stature in museological terms. This paper argues that techniques and practices used with research/permanent collections should be applied to education collections, a viewpoint that has not yet been readily embraced. Several methods are addressed for upgrading an education collection to a level similar to a museum's permanent collection. The Lubbock Lake Landmark's education collection serves as a case study to demonstrate the need for the application of proper museological techniques to conform to best practices. A scope of collection was created, preventive conservation techniques were applied, a gap analysis was performed, and legal issues concerning the education collection were addressed.  相似文献   

介绍Unicorn系统报表的统计功能在架位调整和分配中的作用。结合统计数据的分析结果和书库架位现状,科学测算各类图书架位分配比例,确定调整方案。库位调整旨在使库位调整和架位格局划分既具可行性又有前瞻性和可持续性,使图书馆的藏书流通步入良性循环,以提高馆藏资源和馆藏空间的利用率。  相似文献   

作于清光绪18年的山西平定《冠山书院藏书记》、规条及书目,详细记载了书院的藏书缘起及管理方法,开山西近代图书馆风气之先,对信息闭塞的山西藏书事业带来了春天的气息。  相似文献   

国内四种非书资源管理系统的比较研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对南京昂克科技有限公司的“非纸质资源管理系统”、杭州卓源科技有限公司的“CD Tower光盘系统”、杭州麦达电子有限公司的“博文非书资料管理系统”、北京畅想之星信息技术有限公司的“畅想之星非书资源管理平台”四个非书资源管理系统进行比较研究。  相似文献   

我国高校院系一般可根据教学、科研和工作等需要,自行购买中、外文书刊及电子文献.这些文献采购渠道十分广泛,针对性、专业性很强.虽然它们与图书馆文献重复较多,却是图书馆文献资源的有益补充.为了充分发挥院系自采文献的作用,院系有必要制定文献采买及管理制度,合理使用文献购置经费,科学管理文献资源,提供有效利用.各院系资料室与校图书馆共同构成学校的两级文献保障体系,可在文献购置经费、文献采购及管理等方面加强协调.  相似文献   

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