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This article describes the development of school psychology as a continuing search for identity and professional recognition. This search has led it to identity primarily with psychology at the expense of involvement and concern with the broad issues of educational development. Internal differences have exacerbated school psychology's difficulty in maturing. A suggestion for increased emphasis on learning and a decreased emphasis on mental health issues is offered.  相似文献   

Many college students display academic and social‐emotional needs that are not being addressed by extant university supports. School psychologists who work in postsecondary settings and have expertise in providing psychoeducational services may be uniquely positioned to help many of these students. However, few school psychologists currently work with or serve college students. To address unmet student needs and illustrate the fruitful role of school psychology in college communities, this article discusses ways university‐based or ‐affiliated school psychologists can expand their current roles. Additionally, a multitiered framework is included that encourages the provision of interventions at universal, selective, and targeted service delivery levels. Although many of the interventions and ideas discussed in this article are not yet widely implemented, they warrant consideration and further elaboration because of their potential to impact college students and the practice of school psychology. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The present study examined whether indicators of math learning disability are observed in 5- and 6-year-olds with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) and in 5- to 6-year-old girls with Turner syndrome or fragile X syndrome. Data from 14 girls with Turner syndrome, 9 girls with fragile X syndrome, and 11 children with NF1 were compared to data from control participants matched on age, sex, IQ score, and grade level. The results indicate that girls with fragile X syndrome or Turner syndrome are significantly more likely to have specific math difficulties relative to their control group, with a larger effect size demonstrated by the group with Turner syndrome. Young children with NF1 had a heterogeneous profile not suggestive of specific math disability. The results are discussed in terms of their implications for understanding math disability subtypes and the identification of math difficulty in the early school years.  相似文献   

The present study focuses on math and related skills among 32 girls with fragile X (n = 14) or Turner (n = 18) syndrome during late elementary school. Performance in each syndrome group was assessed relative to Full Scale IQ-matched comparison groups of girls from the general population (n = 32 and n = 89 for fragile X syndrome and Turner syndrome, respectively). Differences between girls with fragile X and their comparison group emerged on untimed arithmetic calculations, mastery of counting skills, and arithmetic problem verification accuracy. Relative to girls in the comparison group, girls with Turner syndrome did not differ on untimed arithmetic calculations or problem verification accuracy, but they had limited mastery of counting skills and longer response times to complete the problem verification task. Girls with fragile X or Turner syndrome also differed from their respective comparison groups on math-related abilities, including visual-spatial, working memory, and reading skills, and the associations between math and those related skills. Together, these findings support the notion that difficulty with math and related skills among girls with fragile X or Turner syndrome continues into late elementary school and that the profile of math and related skill difficulty distinguishes the two syndrome groups from each other.  相似文献   

This article provides a justification for identifying alternative work settings for school psychologists and describes one school psychologist's experience practicing in a business/industrial setting. Teh relationship between the services provided in this setting and the services traditionally provided by school psychologists in schools is described.  相似文献   

In recent years, increased attention has been devoted to the applicability of school psychological services to the adult population. Despite such attention, few school psychologists currently are being prepared to service adults. This paper argues that, with increasing numbers of learning disabled students entering postsecondary institutions, there exists an opportunity for school psychology training programs to aid in the servicing of these legally handicapped adults, while, at the same time, providing valuable experience to school psychology students in servicing the adult population. Specifically, this paper provides the reader with an overview of services provided to college learning disabled students, discusses the relationship between such services and school psychological services, and identifies numerous and service possibilities that exist for the profession of school psychology.  相似文献   

本文比较了机能主义心理学内部芝加哥学派和哥伦比亚学派在研究倾向上的差异,认为这种差异使心理学研究从心灵主义迈向客观主义并成为一个连续的过程,而机能主义出于这个连续过程的过渡环节。其中艺加哥学派主要是在与构造主义的斗争中确立了机能主义的基本立场和原则;而哥伦比亚学派把研究的侧重点由理论探讨转向对具体问题的研究,因此在具体研究成果的获得和研究方法的拓展方面贡献显著,为日后行为主义的产生奠定了先前基础。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate school psychologists' attitudes toward lesbians and gay males. Aspects of school psychologists' knowledge, beliefs, current practices, and levels of preparedness related to issues of sexual orientation were also explored. A sample of 288 school psychologists (215 females and 73 males, mean age = 44 years) who were members of NASP participated in this study. Participants completed research packets containing a hypothetical case analogue vignette and three questionnaires querying their attitudes, beliefs, and knowledge about issues of sexual orientation. The results indicated school psychologists endorse relatively positive attitudes toward lesbians and gay males, report low‐to‐moderate levels of knowledge about lesbian and gay male issues, are willing to address lesbian and gay male issues on the job, are generally aware of how such issues impact schools, and are inadequately prepared to deal with lesbian and gay male issues. These findings are discussed in relation to their impact on the field and the implications for graduate training. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 41: 201–210, 2004.  相似文献   

编辑专业大学生心理健康状况的调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用SCL-90心理卫生自评量表,对河南某大学编辑专业的102名大学生进行调查。结果显示:编辑专业大学生的心理健康程度低于常模,心理健康问题多于一般人群,具有特殊性;女大学生心理健康程度不如男大学生;四年级大学生的心理健康程度不如二、三年级大学生;编辑专业大学生的主要心理问题依次为人际关系、强迫症状和抑郁等。要提高编辑专业大学生的心理健康水平,需要根据具体的情况,采取针对性的方法和措施。  相似文献   

This report examines the community-based mental health preventive measures undertaken by the school psychology services in response to the missile attacks on Israel during the Gulf war. It attempts to report and delineate the major assumptions and components of some of the key interventions.  相似文献   

The first goal of this study was to look at the representation of educational and school psychology in introductory psychology textbooks. Research into the representation of other sub‐fields of psychology has been conducted but no research has looked specifically at educational or school psychology. The second goal was to compare the representation of educational and school psychology in introductory psychology textbooks to see if one or the other is receiving more coverage. Third, the textbooks with the most coverage were listed in order to aid educational and school psychologists teaching introductory psychology courses in selecting textbooks that adequately cover material from their sub‐fields. A total of 57 introductory psychology textbooks were content analyzed: 65% of the introductory psychology textbooks had educational psychology material and 65% had school psychology material. However, in the textbooks containing this material the educational and school psychology material made up only .29% and .19% of the textbooks’ total content.  相似文献   

自主学习是学习者为自己学习负责而主动建构的过程.通过问卷调查,发现南疆地区初中学生的自主学习能力一般,存在的问题主要表现在学生学习的主体地位作用不突出,对自己学习目标和学习计划的调整能力有限,对教师的教学要求了解较少,对除课本之外的其他学习资料的利用较少,对不同阶段的学习策略和方法的调节能力不足,不能保证自己的学习时间并且对学习进度的把握能力弱,对自己的学习成果评估较少,几乎不反思等方面.因此,应围绕学习动机、课堂管理、教师教学和教师期望四个方面来培养学生的自主学习能力.  相似文献   

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