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This paper contrasts the profiles of women who choose to pursue vocational training in either public institutions (community colleges) or private institutions (career colleges) in Canada with particular attention given to respondents’ life‐course positions. The study employs 1998 Adult Education and Training Survey data. Correspondence analysis shows the relation between training choices of women, their individual characteristics and selected situational, dispositional, and institutional factors. The space topography determined by the correspondence between training choices and women profiles indicates that duration of training constitutes the primary institutional feature distinguishing choice. Older women who need to balance both work and family obligations tend to enroll in single courses and are attracted to the modular programming of the private colleges. In contrast, the traditional program‐based vocational training offered by community colleges is the preferred option for younger women.  相似文献   

民办高校的学生工作管理体制和公办高校不太一样,单靠制度管理在一定程度上并不可行,其中辅导员的亲和力在日常管理当中发挥这很大的作用。辅导员通过自己的亲和力,可以得到学生的喜爱和信任,可以获得学生的宽容和理解。通过管理制度的加强加上辅导员的亲和力,有时候会发挥出事半功倍的效果。本文从高校辅导员亲和力培养的现实意义,辅导员亲和力表现形式及高校辅导员亲和力培养途径进行探讨,旨在为民办高校的辅导员工作提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,民营经济发展一直保持着高速发展的态势,民营企业成为增加社会就业的主要渠道。而民营企业与传统用人单位相比,对毕业生素质有新的要求,本文通过对福建一些民营企业人力需求特点的调研,分析当前高职学生的素质特点及当前高职教育中存在的问题,在专业设置、教学设计、人才评价标准等方面提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

大学生自我管理能力在经济全球化的时代尤显重要,针对民办高校"90后"大学生特点,从其自身方面、学校方面、家庭方面三个角度进行对策探析,以期形成合力,促使大学生成长为社会需要的有用之才。  相似文献   

民办高校作为我国高等教育的一种新型办学模式,给我国高等教育带来积极的影响,民办高校教师队伍建设直接影响到民办高校整体的专业水平和教学能力。本文分析了民办高校的现状及其专职教师的组成、提高民办高校专职教师队伍的能力和素质,旨在民办高校建立一支业务能力强、结构合理的专职教师队伍。  相似文献   

阐述了云计算的概念、发展现状与云计算在教学中的应用;进行了基础设施层、平台层、服务层的私有云架构设计,运用虚拟化技术构建了虚拟机群集,并提出了基于虚拟机群集的实验实训私有云服务平台架构方案。以吉首大学为例,阐述了软件工程云教育平台的实施情况及主要功能。该云教育平台不但能降低高校实验实训基地的建设与运行成本,而且能大力提升学生的训练效果。  相似文献   

民办高校担负着培养社会主义建设人才的重任,开展民办高校的党建研究,是保证民办高校的社会主义办学方向的需要。本文立足于民办高校教师党组织的党内教育成效不足的问题,分析原因,提出要充分认识加强民办高校党建工作的重要性和紧迫性,加强民办高校党组织自身建设,不断提升教师党员的自我教育能力。  相似文献   

This article argues that the adoption of the competitive Vocational Education and Training (VET) markets in Australia resulted in shifts in institutional perceptions and practices. Using situated experiences and perspectives from quality assurance auditors, training managers, international students and VET teachers from seven commercial for-profit private VET institutions in Melbourne, Australia, the article suggests that there are emerging patterns of institutionalised market-based relationships, which can have long-term implications for pedagogy, learning and international students' outcomes in VET.  相似文献   

以宿迁学院为例,从学生工作者思想、班级学生干部选拔和培养制度、学生干部政治思想和心理教育及班级学生干部考核体系几个方面,调查分析了现阶段班级学生干部的培养现状和特点。从建立有效的班级干部选拔制度、加强对学生干部的思想政治教育和心理教育、强调辅导员的人格魅力、引入"抽屉式"管理理念、构建新型学生干部"基地"培训模式、完善班级学生干部考核评估制度几个方面提出宿迁学院班级干部选拔与培养体系。  相似文献   

Written in the twilight of the Mbeki Presidency, this paper considers the role that skills development has in the sustainability of the South African political–economic project. It explores some of the disarticulations of public policy and argues that these both undermine public sector delivery and open up opportunities for private provision to be, under certain circumstances, more responsive to the challenges of national development. We argue that there is a possibility that the state could work more smartly with both sets of providers. Crucially, however, this would necessitate working more smartly within itself. This was a major plank of the Mbeki strategy but it has failed conspicuously with regard to the Education–Labour relationship. Whether a new President can achieve a radical reworking of this relationship may be an important indicator of the viability of any new development project.  相似文献   

研究了国外几种典型的校企合作教育模式和国内目前校企合作的发展现状,以构建江西科技职业学院的计算机网络技术专业"2+1"人才培养模式(即2年在校学习,1年在企业顶岗实习)下的校企合作办学的机制为主要内容,通过近3年的探索、研究、实践、反馈和总结,介绍了校企合作机制的形成、措施、存在的问题和改进的建议。  相似文献   

新形势下加强民办高校统战工作,探讨民办高校党外代表人士选拔培养工作规律与新途径,有着十分重要的现实意义。要针对民办高校发展的新形势、新问题和新特点,研究民办高校党外代表人士队伍建设路径,做好民办高校党外代表人士培养选拔工作,以开拓党外代表人士队伍建设新领域,推动民办高校党外代表人士充分发挥其优势作用。  相似文献   

本文从反馈机制、教学等角度研究构建民办高职会计类专业招生培养与就业联动机制,试探索出一条能够解决民办高职院校会计类专业招生、培养和就业一体化模式改革的有效策略。  相似文献   

巴西的私立教育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2001年7月,根据世界银行"经济立法法律技术援助项目民办教育法子项目"安排,为了解经济转型国家私立教育发展的现状、经验与教训,为我国起草"民办教育法"提供借鉴,教育部政策研究与法制建设司组团赴巴西进行了私立教育的专项考察.考察报告反映了巴西私立教育的基本情况,巴西政府关于私立教育的法律法规和基本政策,以及由此带给我们的启示.  相似文献   

明治维新后,日本大力发展高等教育事业并取得了很大成绩.但是,由于受"官学中心主义"的影响,办学力量主要集中在国立大学上,私立大学无论在观念和政策方面都被严重地边缘化,造成了国立大学和私立大学发展严重不平衡的局面.这不但严重制约了私立大学的发展,而且也影响到了高等教育乃至整个教育事业的发展.1917年日本召开临时教育会议,从政策和法律层面正式承认私立大学,打破了对私立大学发展的束缚,从而迎来了私立大学的大发展时期.理清战前日本私立大学发展的脉络,考察近代私学的萌芽、私立专门学校的成立和近代私立大学大规模发展的历史,对方兴未艾的我国民办高等教育的发展有启示意义.  相似文献   

This paper reports research that evaluated the efficacy of training for education assistants and its impact upon changing practices in a group of private international schools in Hong Kong, China. Two cohorts of education assistants received training through an education institute. The focus was on supporting and fostering inclusive practices in schools. The expectations and perceptions of the education assistants regarding the training was recorded through survey and focus group interviews and discussed alongside international literature in the area of classroom support and inclusive schooling. The paper concludes that the provision of training was successful in meeting education assistants’ expectations and in increasing personal confidence and raising self‐esteem, but that they face many challenges if their learning is to be applied. The research further reveals that education assistants within Hong Kong schools lack clarity in their role and a narrow understanding of how they may be most appropriately utilised within schools has led to a limiting of their deployment. Implications for training providers and the teaching profession are discussed.  相似文献   

Conclusions As black students move into private schools at greater rates, a number of questions are raised. To what extent and under what conditions is a private school education better than a public school education for black students? What are the social and educational benefits and costs of being educated in a largely white environment? And what will be the benefits and costs as private schools themselves become increasingly black? Are the economic sacrifices made by black families to send their children to private school worth it to the individual child—to the black community?  相似文献   

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