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Embodied cognition and evolutionary educational psychology perspectives suggest pointing and tracing gestures may enhance learning. Across two experiments, we examine whether explicit instructions to trace out elements of geometry worked examples with the index finger enhance learning processes and outcomes. In Experiment 1, the tracing group solved more test questions than the non-tracing group, solved them more quickly, made fewer errors, and reported lower levels of test difficulty. Experiment 2 replicated and extended the findings of Experiment 1, providing evidence for a performance gradient across conditions, such that students who traced on the paper outperformed those who traced above the paper, who in turn outperformed those who simply studied by reading. These results are consistent with the activation of an increasing number of working memory channels (visual, kinaesthetic and tactile) for learning-related processing.  相似文献   

Research has demonstrated that instruction that relies more heavily on example study is more effective for novices’ learning than instruction consisting of problem solving. However, ‘a heavier reliance on example study’ has been implemented in different ways. For example, worked examples only (WE), example-problem pairs (WE-PS), or problem-example pairs (PS-WE) have been used. This study investigated the effectiveness of all three strategies compared to problem solving only (PS), using electrical circuits troubleshooting tasks; participants were secondary education students who were novices concerning those tasks. Based on prior research, it was hypothesized and confirmed that WE and WE-PS would lead to lower cognitive load during learning and higher learning outcomes than PS. In addition, the open questions of whether there would be any differences between WE and WE-PS, and whether there would be any differences between PS-WE and PS were explored. Results showed no differences between WE and WE-PS or between PS-WE and PS. This study can inform instructional designers on which example-based learning strategies to implement: it does not seem necessary to alternate example study and problem solving, but when doing so, example-problem pairs should be used rather than problem-example pairs.  相似文献   

The contradiction between the worked example effect that occurs when learners presented with more instructional guidance learn more than learners presented with less guidance and the generation effect that occurs when the reverse result is obtained can be resolved by the suggestion that the worked example effect is obtained using materials high in element interactivity, whereas simpler, low element interactivity materials result in the generation effect. A 2 (guidance: low vs. high) × 2 (element interactivity: low vs. high) × 2 (expertise: low vs. high) experiment investigated this hypothesis with high school trigonometry learners. On an immediate test, high guidance reflecting a worked example effect was found for novices, but a generation effect was obtained for more knowledgeable learners. In contrast, on a delayed test, a three-way interaction between guidance, element interactivity and expertise was found. This interaction was caused by a worked example effect for material high in element interactivity and a generation effect for material low in element interactivity for novices while for more knowledgeable learners, a generation effect was obtained for both low and high element interactivity materials. These results suggest firstly, that both the worked example and generation effects may be more likely on delayed than immediate tests and secondly, that the worked example effect relies on high element interactivity material while the generation effect relies on low element interactivity material.  相似文献   

Learning from worked examples is an effective learning method in well-structured domains. Can its effectiveness be further enhanced when errors are included? This was tested by determining whether a combination of correct and incorrect solutions in worked examples enhances learning outcomes in comparison to correct solutions only, and whether a mixture of correct and incorrect solutions is more effective when the errors are highlighted. In addition, the effectiveness of fostering self-explanations was assessed. In Experiment 1, the participants learned to solve probability problems under six conditions that constituted a 2 × 3-factorial design (Factor 1: correct and incorrect solutions with highlighting the errors vs. correct and incorrect solutions without highlighting the errors vs. correct solutions only; Factor 2: prompting written self-explanations vs. no prompts). An aptitude-treatment interaction was found: providing correct and incorrect solutions fostered far transfer performance if learners had favourable prior knowledge; if learners had poor prior knowledge correct solutions only were more favourable. Experiment 2 replicated this interaction effect. Thus, a mixture of correct and incorrect solutions in worked examples enhanced learning outcomes only for “good” learners. In addition, Experiment 2 showed that confronting learners with incorrect solutions changed the quality of their self-explanations: on the one hand, new types of effective self-explanations could be observed, but on the other hand the amount of the very important principle-based self-explanations was substantially reduced. A possible measure to prevent this negative side effect of incorrect solutions is discussed.  相似文献   

Prior research has shown that tutored problem solving with intelligent software tutors is an effective instructional method, and that worked examples are an effective complement to this kind of tutored problem solving. The work on the expertise reversal effect suggests that it is desirable to tailor the fading of worked examples to individual students’ growing expertise levels. One lab and one classroom experiment were conducted to investigate whether adaptively fading worked examples in a tutored problem-solving environment can lead to higher learning gains. Both studies compared a standard Cognitive Tutor with two example-enhanced versions, in which the fading of worked examples occurred either in a fixed manner or in a manner adaptive to individual students’ understanding of the examples. Both experiments provide evidence of improved learning results from adaptive fading over fixed fading over problem solving. We discuss how to further optimize the fading procedure matching each individual student’s changing knowledge level.  相似文献   

In highly procedural problem solving, procedures are typically taught with context-independent expository text that conceptually describes a procedure and context-dependent worked examples that concretely demonstrate a procedure. Subgoal labels have been used in worked examples to improve problem solving performance. The effect of subgoal labels in expository text, however, has not been explored. The present study examined the efficacy of subgoal labeled expository text and worked examples for programming education. The results show that learners who received subgoal labels in both the text and example are able to solve novel problems better than those who did not. In addition, subgoal labels in the text appear to have a different, rather than an additive, effect on learners compared to subgoal labels in the example. Specifically, subgoal labels in the text appear to help the learner articulate the procedure, and subgoal labels in the example appear to help the learner apply the procedure.  相似文献   

In an experiment, secondary students from Australia and Malaysia (n = 130) were randomly assigned to one of three approaches (equation, unitary, unitary-pictorial) to learn how to solve challenging percentage-change problems. In line with the differential types of cognitive load associated with the three approaches, the unitary-approach group outperformed both the unitary group and the equation group across Australia and Malaysia. In support of cross-cultural findings, the Malaysian students outperformed the Australian students for the equation approach but not the unitary approach nor the unitary-pictorial approach. The Australian students, in contrast, learned better with the unitary-pictorial approach. This study, overall, reveals the “gap” between the Asian and Western countries in the use of problem-solving approaches across different cultural settings.  相似文献   

An animation can have an informational advantage over a static picture by depicting dynamic features. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the provision of prerequisite knowledge can help learners infer dynamic features from a static picture. It was assumed that this supposedly more active processing with a static picture would result in longer lasting knowledge representations. A 2 × 2 × 2 between-subjects design with visualization format (static picture vs. animation), prerequisite knowledge (provided vs. not provided), and time of testing (immediate vs. one week later) was used (N = 260). The results of a transfer test showed that learners with low prerequisite knowledge benefited from the animation, but this was not the case for learners with high prerequisite knowledge. Time of testing had no influence. In line with the expertise reversal effect, prerequisite knowledge not only fostered learning with the static picture but also hindered learning with the animation.  相似文献   

This article discusses the design of tasks for teacher education. It focuses on tasks that are used in a university course for pre-service secondary school mathematics teachers. Special attention is given to tasks that use analogical thinking in their construction or implementation. These tasks are categorized by type of teacher education goal and analyzed with respect to the use of analogical thinking. Short examples are presented for three of the goal categories, while an elaborated example is given for the fourth one. The detailed example describes the goals and design of a task sequence following an emergent pedagogical need. Using the ad hoc constructed task-sequence the teacher educator avoids “telling” while demonstrating an alternative instructional approach, and seizing the opportunity to bring up additional pedagogical issues.  相似文献   

Element interactivity is a central concept of cognitive load theory that defines the complexity of a learning task. The reduction of task complexity through a temporary segmentation or isolation of interacting elements was investigated with 104 students randomly assigned to an interacting elements group, where participants were required to deal with complex accounting problems in their entirety, or an isolated elements group, where the task was broken down into constituent components. The results provide strong support for the expertise reversal effect with isolated elements beneficial for novices, while interacting elements were appropriate for more knowledgeable learners. Critically, these results only were obtained for high rather than low element interactivity materials. It was concluded that segmentation or element isolation should consider the expertise of the learner in conjunction with the complexity of the learning material.  相似文献   

Worked examples, commonly used in technical domains, are rarely used in language areas such as English literature. In 3 experiments, Korean university students for whom English was a foreign language received worked examples intended to facilitate problem solving in the ill-structured domain of English literature. During the learning phase, half of the students were presented conventional essay questions that they were asked to answer. The other half of the students were presented the same questions along with model answers that they were asked to study, followed by similar questions that they had to answer themselves. All students then were asked to answer retention, near and far transfer tests. Relatively more knowledgeable students were assigned to Experiment 1 than to Experiment 2, who, in turn, were more knowledgeable than were the students in Experiment 3. Results indicated that the effectiveness of worked examples increased with decreasing student knowledge.  相似文献   

The present article focuses on the meta-aggregative approach to qualitative evidence synthesis. Originally developed in Australia by the Joanna Briggs Institute, it mirrors the review process for reviews of effectiveness outlined by the international Cochrane and Campbell Collaboration, while remaining sensitive to the specific characteristics of qualitative research. Meta-aggregation is largely inspired by American pragmatism, hence its most distinct feature is that it produces synthesized statements in the form of ‘lines of action’ to be undertaken by practitioners and policy-makers. After a decade of implementing the meta-aggregative approach, we consider its challenges and outline how these can be dealt with in practice. We illustrate this by means of a worked example on experiences of pupils with special educational needs in inclusive education.  相似文献   

Learning by observing and imitating others has long been recognized as constituting a powerful learning strategy for humans. Recent findings from neuroscience research, more specifically on the mirror neuron system, begin to provide insight into the neural bases of learning by observation and imitation. These findings are discussed here, along with their potential consequences for the design of instruction, focusing in particular on the effectiveness of dynamic vs. static visualizations.
Tamara van GogEmail:

The aim of this paper is to examine the effects of sequencing instructional materials and learners' prior knowledge on learning ESL (English as a second language) through an online learning course. 121 fifth-grade students from an elementary school in Korea participated in the study. Each participant was allocated to one cell of a 2?×?2 between-subjects factorial design, with an instructional format (i.e. sequential or concurrent) as a first factor, and prior knowledge (i.e. high or low) as a second factor. Instructions of the words and grammar rules were allocated to each page for the sequential group, whereas integrated on a single page for the concurrent group. The result indicates that the sequential instruction of words followed by grammar explanations was more effective for the students with higher levels of prior knowledge than the concurrent presentation. The reverse was also found for the students with lower levels of prior knowledge in English. There are four possible explanations for the results. First, split-attention effect, temporal-contiguity effect, or transient information effect might occur. Second, worked-example effect might occur and over-ride the effect of sequencing. Third, intrinsic and extraneous cognitive load might intertwine each other. Last, the levels of element interactivity in two instructional formats might be different from each other. The implications for instructional designers and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Research on Problem-Based Learning in medical education has undergone an evolutionary process from initial proof of concept studies through critiques of the original methods and beyond. Initial studies focused on whether or not the instructional method was effective for medical students and the goals of medical education. Despite much movement back and forth between results demonstrating effectiveness and ineffectiveness, not much forward progress was made in reaching a decisive conclusion. Recently, however, the adoption of different theoretical perspectives, research methods, research targets and technological supports has begun to move the studies along. Current research in the area is focusing not on whether the students learn, but rather what goes on during learning that helps or hinders their learning. As such the group process and its cognitive components has become a more fruitful target of researchers. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

The aim of this Introduction to the Special Issue ‘Bridging Cognitive Load and Self-Regulated Learning Research’ is to explore how cognitive load theory, which is particularly relevant for how learners deal with complex information, and self-regulated learning theory, which is particularly relevant for how learners use information to monitor and control their learning, can be combined into one joint research paradigm that is relevant for contemporary and future developments in education. The first two sections introduce cognitive load theory and self-regulated learning theory. The third section discusses the main similarities and differences between the theories, and describes how the cue-utilization framework can be used as the basis for a joint research paradigm. The main idea postulated is that new instructional methods should help learners identify diagnostic cues in available information that provide an accurate indication of where learners stand in relation to criterion task performance. Use of these diagnostic cues when monitoring learning will lead to better regulation of learning activities and of mental resources allocated, and thus to more efficient learning and higher learning outcomes.In the fourth section, the six studies and two commentaries presented in this special issue are positioned within this paradigm. In the fifth and final section, a common research agenda based on the joint CLT-SRL paradigm is sketched and its relevance for future developments is explained. The studies presented in this special issue and the two commentaries, which complete the Special Issue, should be seen as a very first step in executing this research agenda.  相似文献   

This investigation explored the role of the home supervisor (usually a parent) in creating meaningful learning environments for young students’ numeracy development. The case study data (from four home sites in remote areas of Australia) illuminated the role that the supervisor plays in developing student’s numeracy in distance-education learning contexts. The case studies highlighted various pedagogical practices across these rich and diverse educational settings. The quality of the teaching and the influence of the distance education materials on the student’s numeracy outcomes were attributed to the resources that were supplied to the home site, the supervisory engagement, and the extent to which learning partnerships were fostered among classroom teachers, parents and other members of the extended community.  相似文献   

In this study, we adopt the concepts of Michel Foucault on the medical gaze and Nikolas Rose on psychological expertise to differentiate between two forms of expertise evident in the education of intellectually disabled children. We draw on a discourse analytic study carried out in South Africa on intellectual disability in relation to educational practice to examine the operation of a medico-psychological gaze that calls for disability expertise in the management of disability. We conclude our discussion by noting that the dichotomy between impairment and disability that is proposed in the social model of disability does little to destabilise the power of the medico-psychological gaze since impairment is conceded to biomedical knowledge as an object of positive knowledge. This tacit acceptance of the medical authority gives sanction to disability expertise that operates in diffuse ways to regulate the educational experience of learners with intellectual disability. The implications of this conception for inclusive education are briefly explored, and further areas for research are suggested.  相似文献   

关于"教"与"学"的新思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着高校的改革,“教”与“学”都“冒”出一些新问题,学生埋怨学校所“教”不适应当前需要;教师则叹息学生不如八十年代的大学生素质高,而教师教学、科研任务繁重;同时毕业生就业等影响教学计划的落实。如何通过管理杠杆调动师生“教”与“学”的积极性?“教管部门”应针对扩招、“保研”、“就业”的等新问题出台新举措。  相似文献   

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