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Both retrospective and prospective monitoring are considered important for self-regulated learning of problem-solving skills. Retrospective monitoring (or self-assessment; SA) refers to students' assessments of how well they performed on a problem just completed. Prospective monitoring (or Judgments of Learning; JOLs) refers to students' judgments about how well they will perform on a (similar) problem on a future test. We investigated whether secondary education students' SA accuracy could be improved by training (Experiment 1 and 2), or by providing assessment standards (Experiment 2), and whether this would also affect the accuracy of JOLs. Accurate assessment of past performance might provide a good cue for judging future performance. Both Experiment 1 and 2 showed no effect of training on SA or JOL accuracy, but SA and JOLs were positively correlated with each other and negatively with effort. Providing standards did improve SA and JOL accuracy on identical problems, and performance on all problems.  相似文献   

Research has demonstrated that instruction that relies more heavily on example study is more effective for novices’ learning than instruction consisting of problem solving. However, ‘a heavier reliance on example study’ has been implemented in different ways. For example, worked examples only (WE), example-problem pairs (WE-PS), or problem-example pairs (PS-WE) have been used. This study investigated the effectiveness of all three strategies compared to problem solving only (PS), using electrical circuits troubleshooting tasks; participants were secondary education students who were novices concerning those tasks. Based on prior research, it was hypothesized and confirmed that WE and WE-PS would lead to lower cognitive load during learning and higher learning outcomes than PS. In addition, the open questions of whether there would be any differences between WE and WE-PS, and whether there would be any differences between PS-WE and PS were explored. Results showed no differences between WE and WE-PS or between PS-WE and PS. This study can inform instructional designers on which example-based learning strategies to implement: it does not seem necessary to alternate example study and problem solving, but when doing so, example-problem pairs should be used rather than problem-example pairs.  相似文献   

Recent research has shown that example study only (EE) and example-problem pairs (EP) were more effective (i.e., higher test performance) and efficient (i.e., attained with less effort invested in learning and/or test tasks) than problem-example pairs (PE) and problem solving only (PP). We conducted two experiments to investigate how different example and problem-solving sequences would affect motivational (i.e., self-efficacy, perceived competence, and topic interest) and cognitive (i.e., effectiveness and efficiency) aspects of learning. In Experiment 1, 124 technical students learned a mathematical task with the help of EEEE, EPEP, PEPE, or PPPP and then completed a posttest. Students in the EEEE Condition showed higher posttest performance, self-efficacy, and perceived competence, attained with less effort investment, than students in the EPEP and PPPP Condition. Surprisingly, there were no differences between the EPEP and PEPE Condition on any of the outcome measures. We hypothesized that, because the tasks were relevant for technical students, starting with a problem might not have negatively affected their motivation. Therefore, we replicated the experiment with a different sample of 81 teacher training students. Experiment 2 showed an efficiency benefit of EEEE over EPEP, PEPE, and PPPP. However, only EEEE resulted in greater posttest performance, self-efficacy, and perceived competence than PPPP. We again did not find any differences between the EPEP and PEPE Condition. These results suggest that, at least when short training phases are used, studying examples (only) is more preferable than problem solving only for learning. Moreover, this study showed that example study (only) also enhances motivational aspects of learning whereas problem solving only does not positively affect students’ motivation at all.  相似文献   

Scientific reasoning skills can be acquired through technology-enhanced inquiry tasks or video modeling examples showing how to conduct virtual experiments. However, inquiry tasks can be cognitively demanding for novice learners, whereas video modeling examples can induce overconfidence. The present study investigated the effectiveness of both approaches in isolation and combination. We compared the effects of four groups (example-example, example-task, task-example and task-task) on learning outcomes, perceived difficulty and mental effort, judgments of learning, and monitoring accuracy among 107 seventh graders. In line with our hypotheses, watching a video modeling example first led to lower mental effort, better learning outcomes, and higher judgments of learning than solving an inquiry task first. Contrary to our hypotheses, all groups underestimated their performance. Results for mental effort and learning outcomes corroborate research on worked examples, whereas results for judgments of learning and monitoring accuracy indicate an underconfidence-with-practice effect.  相似文献   

Accuracy of students’ judgments of learning (JOLs) plays an important role in self-regulated learning. Most studies on JOL accuracy have focused on learning word pairs and text but problems-solving tasks are also very important in education. This study investigated whether children in grade 3 could differentiate in their JOLs between problem-solving tasks that varied in complexity. Participants (N = 76, 8–10 years old) engaged in solving four arithmetic problems, rated mental effort invested in each problem, gave either immediate or delayed JOLs, and completed a test containing isomorphic problems. The negative correlation that was found between invested mental effort and JOLs suggested that children's JOLs are sensitive to differences in complexity of the problem-solving tasks. Results on the relative and absolute accuracy of JOLs showed that immediate JOLs were numerically higher than delayed JOLs, and relative accuracy of immediate JOLs was moderately accurate, whereas delayed JOLs were not.  相似文献   

We examined the latent structure of metacognitive monitoring judgments using hierarchical confirmatory factor analysis to compare five competing theoretical models with respect to domain-specific versus domain-general monitoring processes. We expected our results to support a domain-general monitoring model. Of the five models, the domain general monitoring model provided the best fit. In this model, level-1 domain-specific accuracy and error factors for each of the three tests loaded on second-order domain-general accuracy and error factors, which then loaded on a third-order general monitoring factor. This model suggest that metacognitive monitoring consists of two different types of cognitive processes, one that is associated with accurate monitoring judgments, and one that is associated with error in monitoring judgments. We discuss the theoretical and practical instructional implications of our findings.  相似文献   

Learner-generated drawing is a strategy that can improve learning from expository text. In this paper, a model of drawing construction is proposed and the experimental design tests hypotheses derived from this model. Fourth and sixth grade participants used drawing under three experimental conditions with two conditions including varying degrees of support. On a problem solving posttest, both supported drawing groups scored higher than the non-drawing Control group. Although the grade by condition interaction was not significant, there was a strong trend in this direction. When sixth grade participants were considered independently, participants in the most supported drawing condition also obtained higher problem solving scores than those who drew without support. There were no significant condition effects for fourth grade nor were there any significant effects on a multiple-choice recognition posttest. Results were consistent with hypotheses and are discussed in light of the proposed theoretical framework.  相似文献   

Paper-and-pencil learning and testing are gradually shifting to computerized environments. Cognitive and metacognitive researchers find screen inferiority compared to paper in effort regulation, test performance, and extent of overconfidence, in some cases, with unknown differentiating factors. Notably, these studies used reading comprehension tasks involving lengthy texts, which confound technology-related and cognitive factors. We hypothesized that the medium provides a contextual cue which leads to shallower processing on screen regardless of text length, particularly when task characteristics hint that shallow processing is legitimate. To test this hypothesis, we used briefly phrased yet challenging problems for solving on screen or on paper. In Experiment 1, the time frame for solving the problems was manipulated. As with lengthy texts, only time pressure resulted in screen inferiority. In Experiment 2, under a loose time frame, the same problems were now framed as a preliminary task performed before a main problem-solving task. Only the initial task, with reduced perceived importance, revealed screen inferiority similarly to time pressure. In Experiment 3, we replicated Experiment 1's time frame manipulation, using a problem-solving task which involved reading only three isolated words. Screen inferiority in overconfidence was found again only under time pressure. The results suggest that metacognitive processes are sensitive to contextual cues that hint at the expected depth of processing, regardless of the reading burden involved.  相似文献   

The literature suggests generic workshops on the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) rarely have a lasting impact on teaching. Seeking an alternative approach, academic developers designed a four-stage Collaborative Scholarship Model where they provided individualised SoTL mentoring to academics implementing a teaching innovation. Project outcomes included sustained change to teaching, openness to new ideas, scholarly contributions and peer recognition (through awards, publications or invited presentations). This model had a sustained impact on participants’ teaching and increased research productivity. Although few individuals can be mentored at one time in this labour-intensive model, long-term benefits may still outweigh limitations in scalability.  相似文献   

This is a study of deaf children in Bhimavaram, West Godavari district Andhra pradesh. Physical disability hampers personality development of the child, because of the social stigma that such disability conditions carry. Children with hearing disability cannot speak also as they are deprived of learning and imitating sounds in the environment. Because of the disability of hearing and speaking they are segregated from the rest of world due to the lack of communication. Due to its invisible nature, the disability does not evoke the necessary response from the public. Compared to other human positions, hearing is next to mind itself, mans most important assistant for an integrated and satisfying social existence. It can isolate a person from his/her family, peers and community. Those who do not understand this disability may subject the victim to extremely negative attitudes.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of group work as a strategy for attribution retraining and improving students’ motivational styles. Students were first categorised into one of three motivational styles: learned helplessness, self-worth motivation and mastery orientation. In the intervention procedure, selected students from each of these three categories were subjected to an intervention procedure requiring the students to work in groups, with the emphasis on personal effort as the major contributor to group success. Post-intervention assessment of motivation showed an improvement in the motivation of self-worth motivated students although there was generally a decrease in mastery orientation amongst students in both the control as well as the experimental groups.  相似文献   

Feng Teng 《Literacy》2020,54(1):29-39
This paper presents a small‐scale study examining the effects of metacognitive reading strategy instruction on English language learners' reading comprehension in a Hong Kong international school. Twenty‐five primary school (Grade 5) students who learn English as a second language participated in this study. Metacognitive instruction was incorporated into 10 process‐based reading lessons. Data were collected from notes learners took during reading, post‐reading reflection reports, teacher‐facilitated group discussions and two types of reading tests. Results revealed that the young learners could articulate several knowledge factors that influenced their reading. In addition, learners reported a better understanding of the nature and demands of reading, a deeper awareness of metacognitive knowledge in improving reading comprehension and increased confidence in handling reading exercises. The learners also showed enhanced reading performance compared to those in a control group without metacognitive intervention. This study highlights the potential of metacognitive instruction to enhance primary school English learners' reading literacy.  相似文献   

This article discusses the use of a pragmatic approach as the philosophical foundation of pedagogy in Finnish universities of applied sciences. It is presented that the mission of the universities of applied sciences falls into the interpretive paradigm of social sciences. This view is used as a starting point for a discussion about pragmatism in higher education. The Learning by Developing (LbD) action model is introduced, analyzed and compared to pragmatism. The paper concludes that, at least in practice‐oriented academic subjects, a pragmatic approach to pedagogy, as well as the LbD action model, is effective and could be considered in several universities as the basis of philosophy of pedagogy.  相似文献   

This study examines and discusses dropping out of school related to adolescents with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties (SEBD). It is based on in‐depth interviews of 10 adolescents between the ages of 16 and 20, three girls and two boys with internalised problems, and two girls and three boys with extroverted behavioural problems. Given this group of students' challenges at school, the aim of this paper is to explore the narratives of this adolescent group as they relate to the significance they attach to their dropout behaviour. An additional objective is to draw attention to what these findings are likely to mean for implementing preventive practices in school. Results show that adolescents with SEBD perceive a non‐supportive classroom environment to be a primary explanation for why they are dropping out from school. Additionally, lack of support from teachers and parents and family problems are, according to the adolescents, an important reason for dropping out. Findings are discussed in relation to future implications for this group of adolescents in the context of school.  相似文献   

高考辅导资料繁多,标准答案不一,给教师辅导和学生自学带来了困难。笔者通过实践总结了“找出句子中不能删去的词语”这一类题型的辅导方法,以帮助学生选择正确的答案。  相似文献   

This article is about personally driven professional development through the use of reflective self-study. The argument that teachers need to take responsibility for their own learning while also taking decisions on how and in what areas to develop is strongly made throughout the article. Data for this article were gathered over a 10-year period where the author engaged in several studies using self-study as methodology. Between studies, the author kept using reflective self-study as a professional development tool, and it is these data between various studies that were analysed using thematic and reflective analysis. Such analysis resulted in various overarching themes that show how reflective self-study can be of benefit if used by teachers researching their own classrooms. Benefits include teachers taking full ownership of their learning, relevance of learning, learning that is ongoing and not restricted to specific times and places, taking problematic situations as learning opportunities and how other sources take on new relevance through reflective self-study. Some implications for teacher-education programmes and current school structures are also discussed.  相似文献   

This paper describes a type of motivation for studying that has not been accorded sufficient psychological consideration - namely, motivation based on belief in the worthiness of the subject matter. This sort of motivation is distinguished from both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. It is exemplified by the motivation for studying at the Yeshiva, an institution in which the sense of the worthy is explicitly highlighted. Interviews with highly motivated Yeshiva students reveal that the sense of the worthy is central to them and also constitutes an anchor to other types of motivations for studying. We point out two factors that enhance the effect of the sense of the worthy at the Yeshiva - its ethical orientation and its being a total institution. The interviews suggest that being motivated by the sense of the worthy does not lessen the students’ feelings of autonomy or their intrinsic motivation. We suggest two intervening variables between having a sense of the worthy and acting accordingly - the associated feelings and the individual’s sense of identity. By examining two important motivations for studying - the needs for achievement and self-actualization - we point out the influence of culture on the expression of these needs. Finally, we suggest that the sense of the worthy can and should serve as an important motivational factor in liberal education as well.  相似文献   

随着我国教育事业的快速发展和教育体制的深入改革,成人高等院校面临着调整与转型。为了把握普高生与成人脱产生的差异,本文以新疆教育学院为个案,对普高生与成人脱产生在学习期望值等方面的差异进行了调查与分析,并提出相应对策,以期为转型期成人高校的发展尽微薄之力。  相似文献   

师范院校音乐美术专业互修是国家教育部艺体司牵头主特的研究课题,此项目已推广至全国多家师范院校,我院便是最早加入该项目实验的学校之一,在川内也仅此一家,每年都派代表参加全国研讨。如何使音乐学习者在最短的时间内获得美术学习的自信并能将自己较为熟悉的音乐语言转换为绘画语言,进而登堂入室,音乐兼修美术培养模式中素描色彩课程设置的合理具有重要作用。  相似文献   

以"三个代表"重要思想为指导努力创新高校党建工作   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
进入21世纪,高校党建工作面临着新形势新任务,遇到了新矛盾新问题。高校党务工作者要继承中国共产党永葆生机和活力的重要法宝-创新,在党建工作的观念、领域、方法、机制等方面进行创新,不断开创高校党建工作的新局面,为高校的健康、快速发展提供强有力的保证。  相似文献   

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