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奥斯卡·王尔德是十九世纪唯美主义的杰出代表,他以自身的创作实践了唯美主义的艺术主张,对二十世纪欧洲文学乃至世界文学影响深远。他的童话更是以美轮美奂的情境和蕴含于其中的深刻哲理流传至今。其童话以唯美主义原则为表征,追求纯粹的艺术美,强调形式的创新和艺术手法的运用,在吸收和发扬了传统民间文学的基础上营造出充满趣味的意境。旨在通过对王尔德童话的分析挖掘出作者对传统民间故事的叙事手法的继承和发展、象征手法的运用以及他对文学语言效果的创新三个方面对唯美主义思想的实践与超越。  相似文献   

本文将从唯美主义文学创作来论述其颓废特征的表现,并从哲学、社会等因素对其成因进行分析,从而深化对唯美主义思潮的认识.  相似文献   

郁达夫的作品中总弥漫着浓郁的感伤情绪,带有明显的世纪末颓废色彩。郁达夫作品之所以会有这样浓重的感伤情绪,除了其深刻的社会根源和他个人的独特生活经历之外,西方世纪末非理性主义思潮,特别是唯美主义对他的影响是一个不容忽视的重要因素。  相似文献   

文章通过解读《马太福音》,并与《论语》比喻手法的对比,将《马太福音》中的比喻分为三个类别,阐明了《马太福音》中运用比喻的意义。寓言式比喻在寓言中包含多层次的比喻;象征性比喻,与《圣经》其他章节紧密联系,需要联想;抓取事物特征,将人拟物化的比喻,与中国《论语》中的比喻有异曲同工之妙。  相似文献   

作为一位留日作家,滕固的文学创作具有唯美主义倾向。其主要表现为颓废感伤、病态的享乐和现实性强。然而相对于其他留日作家来说,他善于采用一种融古典与唯美于一体的委婉方式传达现代年轻人的苦闷,并以这种独特之处成就其在现代文学史的地位。  相似文献   

郁达夫对唯美主义的选择,主要受独特个性气质和传统审美文化心理的影响。由于时代和地域的制约,郁达夫选择唯美主义文学思潮的过程也就是一个不断个性化和民族化的过程。郁达夫对唯美主义的选择可以使我们更清晰的认识中国二三十年代唯美主义文学思潮的产生和流变。  相似文献   

泰戈尔诗学思想中有着明显的唯美倾向,集中体现于其关于艺术的起源、文学的本质、文学的目的以及真善美的关系等有关问题的论述中。泰戈尔唯美主义既有对印度诗学唯美主义传统的继承和发展,又与西方唯美主义文学思潮有着深刻的联系,其中既有吸收借鉴,也有互动超越。  相似文献   

西方唯美主义文艺思潮是19世纪后半叶颓废主义大潮中的一个支流,唯美派是近代欧洲文艺思潮中有深远影响的艺术流派之一。本文试图通过对唯美主义的产生背景及主要特征的探讨,达到对西方唯美主义的一个总体性把握。  相似文献   

中国现代纯诗体是指20年代到30年代在诗坛上出现的一种新诗体式,是中国纯诗运动的成果。纯诗体受西方现代唯美主义文化的影响,认为诗歌的本质是美,诗歌是超功利的;在创作上注重形式与技巧,并和本土的艺术观念加以调和,形成了纯诗体的内外兼美的艺术品质。在诗歌的节奏上,纯诗体注重诗歌的节奏美;在表达技巧上,纯诗体讲究语言的"音"、"色"等元素的表现能力;在意象的组织上,纯诗体主张一种特别的逻辑"诗的思维术"、"诗的逻辑学"。纯诗体对现代诗体的建设具有一定意义。  相似文献   

颓废主义、象征主义、唯美主义是19世纪中后期欧洲"世纪末"文学大潮中涌现的三支文学流派.它们在产生、发展中相互影响象征主义是颓废主义和唯美主义产生的源头,兼具唯美与颓废二种美学特征;颓废主义是唯美主义发展成熟的酵母,颓废主义自身也在唯美主义文学中得到发展.三者的概念与内涵相互渗透、相互交融.  相似文献   

隐喻作为一种思维方式和认知手段,已成为认知语言学研究的一个重要范畴。常规隐喻中的垂直性空间隐喻,亦日益凸显其研究价值。本文拟从垂直性隐喻的形成基础出发,探讨垂直性空间隐喻的拓展意义。  相似文献   

西方荒诞派艺术在审美趣向上表现出三个鲜明的特点,此即反形式、反英雄、反传统。所谓反形式,意指荒诞派艺术以反叛古典形式的姿态,在艺术自身内部进行了一场形式革命;所谓反英雄,意指崇高意味上的英雄在荒诞派艺术中已经缺席,取而代之的则是荒诞意味上的英雄;所谓反传统,则意指荒诞派艺术通过相对主义与虚无主义与自身的传统做了一种诀别。  相似文献   

教学审美与立美能力的培养是教师教学艺术形成的重要内容。它包括教师教学审美感知能力的培养、教师教学审美想象能力的培养、教师审美情感的培养、教师审美领悟能力的培养等方面。  相似文献   

隐喻与文化之间的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
隐喻是语言的一种普遍现象,是语言与化联系最紧密的部分,许多深层化内容(如人生观、价值观)在很大程度上通过隐喻来表达和继承。  相似文献   

英汉语在“时间是空间”、“时间流逝是运动”、“时间是金钱”、“时间是实体”等主要时间概念隐喻及相应的语言表达形式中虽有很多相同之处,但也存在着差异。这些差异来源于英汉不同的认知和社会文化背景。  相似文献   


This paper explores how doing headship may be considered as a form of policy narration. A key role of the headteacher as policy narrator is to tell/sell a story about their school to themselves, their staff and the outside world of parents, inspectors and other stakeholders. The accounts they construct will depend to some extent on their perspectives, commitments and personal-professional identities as well as an interplay between national priorities and situated contexts. They will also depend on who they are speaking to and what they take to be a ‘professional’ response in relation to their policy work in school. Drawing on in-depth interviews with two experienced English primary school headteachers, Hazel and George, and Lakoff and Johnson’s claim [1980. Metaphors We Live By. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press] that metaphors are not just linguistic devices, but technologies of reasoning and understanding, this paper explores the ways in which headteachers deploy different tropes to explain what it is that they do. Metaphors of leadership explored include headship as branding, persuasion and not dropping the ball as well as fighting and parenting although there is an absence of any direct political critique in these two accounts.  相似文献   

The study focused on how principal mentors perceived the mentoring process by means of the metaphors they used to represent it. Semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with 18 principal mentors. Findings were analysed qualitatively, generating themes as an inductive process, grounded in the various metaphors articulated by participants. Analysis of the research findings revealed five themes based on principal mentors’ metaphors: exposure and mirroring, modelling, giving, empowering and supporting. Exploring the mentoring principals’ metaphors may help to improve both the mentoring process and the practical training of principal preparation programmes.  相似文献   

一些专家学者对隐喻的理解发表了很好的见解,文章拟在此基础上以《红楼梦》中的隐喻为例,阐释这些观点的可行性及在运用中的利弊。  相似文献   

Using the responses to open questions, this qualitative study examines the personal metaphors expressed by prospective secondary education teachers, 46 science graduates and 41 economics graduates. The metaphors are classified into the four categories of Leavy, McSorley, and Boté: the behaviourist/transmissive, the cognitivist/constructivist, the situative, and the self-referential. The results showed most metaphors to fall into the behaviourist/transmissive category, followed by the cognitivist/constructivist, self-referential, and situative categories, although some teachers expressed metaphors framed in more than one category. Of the 129 metaphors detected in the study, only one, of a chemistry graduate concerning the equilibrium between reactants, was associated with the prospective teachers' specific undergraduate education. The rest were expressions of their overall vision of teaching and learning, regardless of the speciality.  相似文献   

Much has been written about the persistence of teacher beliefs upon entering and exiting preservice teacher education programs. Little research has explored teacher beliefs over the career span. Through an online survey instrument teachers (n = 110) choose which teaching metaphors most closely match their own under three conditions: upon first entering the profession, at present, and ideally. Analysis indicates that 63% of teachers changed their conception of teaching over time. While very experienced teachers began teaching with teacher-centered conceptual metaphors, over the course of their careers some move toward student-centered metaphors. Newer teachers have a tendency to begin with and aspire to student-centered conceptual metaphors. Teachers whose metaphors for current and desired practice differed identified obstacles to, and suggestions for, a better fit.  相似文献   

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