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认知视角下存在着语言单位转喻和语言单位整合这两种认知操作;概念隐喻同概念转喻的目的不同;概念隐喻和概念整合区分的关键在于弄清说话人欲表达的概念为何;概念隐喻建构出的认知场景较原本稍有“夸张”,而概念整合建构的认知场景则太过“夸张”,一般不存于现实世界,仅存于想象世界。  相似文献   

Among current retention models, Tinto’s Interactionalist Model has reached near paradigmatic status. When his model has been applied to two-year college settings, the social integration results have been inconsistent. This has led Maxwell (2000) and Deil-Amen (2011) to suggest that a different construct of social integration exists in community colleges; one that focuses less on purely social activities and more on peer groups centered on academically-related activities, and interactions with faculty and students inside the classroom. But are these two constructs really different? The current study sought to ascertain whether this alternative construct of social integration is, in fact, related to Tinto’s construct. It also was designed to investigate the impact of additional variables including gender, race, age, and program of study (i.e., occupational vs. transfer) have on both constructs. After conducting the analysis, it was found that the two social integration constructs were highly related. Additionally, it was found that social integration, using Tinto’s construct, significantly varied by gender. Future research strategies including longitudinal analysis, regression analysis, and qualitative techniques are all recommended.  相似文献   

王雷鸣 《海外英语》2013,(22):288-289
Legal terms is widely used in varied law-related activities.However,it can be easily found that it is the professionalism of legal language that have results into the appearance of its discourse hegemony and the social integration function regarding the nature of law’s social command and dispute settlement mechanism at large.Therefore,there is a need to analyze the operation of legal language and its whole influence upon individuals and certain human groups to figure out the means of improvement and optimization to better serve the Chinese rule of legal modernization drive plus the facilitation of social harmony.  相似文献   

This paper describes the design and impact of an inquiry-oriented online curriculum that takes advantage of dynamic molecular visualizations to improve students’ understanding of chemical reactions. The visualization-enhanced unit uses research-based guidelines following the knowledge integration framework to help students develop coherent understanding by connecting and refining existing and new ideas. The inquiry unit supports students to develop connections among molecular, observable, and symbolic representations of chemical reactions. Design-based research included a pilot study, a study comparing the visualization-enhanced inquiry unit to typical instruction, and a course-long comparison study featuring a delayed posttest. Students participating in the visualization-enhanced unit outperformed students receiving typical instruction and further consolidated their understanding on the delayed posttest. Students who used the visualization-enhanced unit formed more connections among concepts than students with typical textbook and lecture-based instruction. Item analysis revealed the types of connections students made when studying the curriculum and suggested how these connections enabled students to consolidate their understanding as they continued in the chemistry course. Results demonstrate that visualization-enhanced inquiry designed for knowledge integration can improve connections between observable and atomic-level phenomena and serve students well as they study subsequent topics in chemistry.  相似文献   

本文通过对文化发展的趋势,文化与语言关系的阐释,结合实际现象探讨了文化趋同下的语言融合问题,并且从新词语术语的输入输出,英汉语言混同,语言的使用和表达三个方面加以了详细的阐述。  相似文献   

Language changes with the advancement of society. Language in use gets a further development because of the social revolution, the scientific and technological improvement, and the political and economic booming. Throughout the communication of politics, cultures and economy among different countries, language has been being made more abundant and more perfect. This paper gives some examples to show how English language in use changes and points out the trend of language.  相似文献   

A recent project in further education for students with learning difficulties is described, John Varley, senior lecturer in the social education unit at Kelsterton College, North East Wales Institute of Higher Education in Clwyd  相似文献   

A speaker's command of language is much influenced by his social status. People from different social classes use different varieties of language. All social linguistic studies concern language in a social context, treating speakers as members of social groups. Labov' s studies give us a lot in this aspect.  相似文献   

语言与社会的联系是非常紧密的。该文将就这一问题具体分析语言的特征,影响语言的社会因素,文化因素以及语言与人类思维的关系。  相似文献   

语言是社会的,是社会因素导致了语言的变异,这一说法已得到普遍认同。不同文化背景,即来自不同群体的人们使用语言的方式上也不同。这些不同就构成了语言的变异。语言的变异能反映说话者的身份。本文旨在通过列举种种事例说明若干社会因素影响语言变异。  相似文献   

广告语言,作为语言的一种特殊形式,同样能够反映社会文化的方方面面;一个民族的文化趋向、文化心理、传统观念、思维模式等等都必然会受到广告语言的影响或对广告语言产生这样那样的作用。认真探讨社会文化与广告语言之间的内在关系,说明只有适合特定民族文化特征的广告语言才易为人们所理解和接受。  相似文献   

农民工社会融合具有二重性特征.根据农民工的群体特征,其社会融合方式包括迁移融合和本土融合两种类型.两种社会融合分别包括认同、文化、网络、经济四个维度.农民工两种社会融合程度均较低,但是两种社会融合之间呈现既相互排斥又相互促进的趋势.在对于社会融合的影响因素的分析中,人力资本、家庭环境以及工作情况均发挥出一定的作用.其中,家庭式迁移模式是农民工进行社会融合的一项有效策略.  相似文献   

杜军 《鸡西大学学报》2009,9(4):103-105
二语词汇的习得在认知语言学的指导下出现了新的发展趋势。许多学者将认知语言学中的子理论运用到二语词汇习得的研究当中,取得了斐然的成绩,并且也从另一个侧面验证已有的词汇习得方面的理论。笔者在介绍认知语言学子理论概念整合理论的基础上,探讨基于这一理论的第二语言词汇习得。  相似文献   

论信息技术与外语教学的整合   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过分析外语教学存在的问题与信息技术的特点,阐述了信息技术与外语教学整合的必要性与Ⅱ丁行性,接着分析了信息技术与外语教学整合的内涵及原则,最后具体指出了信息技术与外语教学整合的教学模式。  相似文献   

高中语文专题教学的教材整合艺术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高中语文专题教学既要源于教材,又要新于教材,即对教材内容资源进行整合,实现教材思路的单一性和学生思维的多样性相结合。要开展高中语文的专题教学,就必须对教材中的内容进行优化整合,使之处于一个主题之下。  相似文献   

在中国文学的发展过程中,少数民族语言文学和汉语言文学相互交融,共同发展为多元文化融合的中国文学特征,在文学评价体系中,汉语言一直注重和多民族语言文学的交流,以求同存异的多元一体化发展作为文学发展的目标。在语言教育的过程中,需要重视将不同语言种类的文学进行跨越式整合,这样才能更好地促进中国文学特征的形成,也利于中国文学的平衡发展。本文将对少数民族语言文学和汉语言文学的融合问题展开讨论,探讨如何通过有效的途径增进不同语言的文学整合和发展。  相似文献   

While Tinto’s (1975, 1987, 1993) Interactionalist Model has reached near paradigmatic status, and introduced the construct of social integration, the research has been inconsistent when applied to community college student retention. This has led Maxwell (2000) and Deil-Amen (2011) to suggest that a different construct of social integration exists in community colleges. This construct focuses less on purely social activities and more on both peer groups centered on academically related activities, along with interactions with faculty and students inside the classroom. While previous research found that these two constructs of social integration were highly related (Mertes, 2015), differences were found when investigating gender. But the previous research did not consider the impact of program of study and potential interactions with other variables including gender, race, and age. The current study sought to investigate the impact of program of study (i.e., occupational vs. transfer) on both constructs, as well as the impact of the interaction of program of study and additional variables including gender, race, and age. After conducting the analysis, it was found that while overall program of study did not significantly impact either construct of social integration, a significant gender difference was found on the alternative construct of social integration as suggested by Maxwell and Deil-Amen. Future research strategies including utilizing campus ecology theory are then discussed.  相似文献   

"城中村"的社会整合问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市化的过程,不仅是人口向城市集中,农村经济向城市经济、农村地域向城市地域转化的过程,也包括人们的行为方式和生活方式的转变。“城中村”是我国大城市扩张的必然产物。在这些地区,原有的农村文化与现代都市文化之间,本地文化与外来文化之间不断发生碰撞、冲突、交流与融合,对城市景观、居民观念、经济结构等都产生了重大的影响,同时也造成了一些社会问题,有的还相当尖锐。本文试从社会学的角度对“城中村”的内部冲融和外部冲融问题进行分析。  相似文献   

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