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与时俱进是贯彻“三个代表”思想的关键,也是一种时代精神,这种精神的内涵有四个方面:一、它是一种不断创新的精神;二、它是一种积极进取的精神;三、它是一种批判的精神;四、它是一种竞争的精神。理解与时俱进的深刻内涵,对于推进我们的实际工作有重要意义。  相似文献   

网络德育具有经济价值。其理论依据主要有四个:一是马克思主义关于上层建筑对经济基础的反作用理论;二是马克思主义关于物质和精神相互转化的理论;三是马克思主义关于社会生产力的理论;四是马克思主义关于劳动价值的理论。  相似文献   

我国当代商业伦理精神的缺失,主要表现在商业主体伦理精神素质的缺失、商业诚信精神的匮乏、商业公平竞争精神的缺失、商品交换平等互利精神的缺失等四个方面,商业伦理精神缺失的主要成因是体制的缺陷、权力介入市场和市场机制作用不到位等四个方面;最后,探讨了商业伦理精神缺失的基本对策。  相似文献   

两个条例制订的法理基础:一是《党章》;二是在实践中形成的传统、习惯和惯例。两个条例产生的时代背景:党的十六大提出的要建立结构合理、配置科学、程序严密、制约有效的权力运行机制。两个条例体现的精神实质:一是坚持了党要管党,从严治党的精神;二是坚持了“与时俱进”的精神;三是坚持了党员“在党纪面前人人平等”的精神;四是坚持了“实事求是”的精神。  相似文献   

创新是国家兴旺发达的不竭动力。政治课教学中,培养学生创新精神,主要应从以下四个方面来努力:唤醒学生创新意识,拓展学生的创新空间;培养学生的探讨精神;塑造学生的健康人格。  相似文献   

社会主义精神明的结构是由两个方面组成它的,即化建设和思想建设,社会主义精神明建设的道德内涵主要有四个方面:1.人民公朴-人民之魂;2.爱国主义-时代强音;3.创业精神-社会乐章;4.理想之歌-信念之歌。其中,人民公朴,爱国主义,创业精神是社会主义精神明中共产主义道德的根本特征,理想和信念是社会主义精神明一撰的共产主义道德的核心。  相似文献   

我国现代大学制度探析   总被引:47,自引:3,他引:47  
我国大学制度存在的突出问题是:第一,大学的主体地位还没有完全建立起来;第二,大学依然是一个官本位体系;第三,大学的办学仍然按计划体制运行;第四,大学的定位趋于模糊,大学功能的泛化现象越来越严重;第五,大学依然没有形成自身成熟的独特的精神和文化传统。因此,我国现代大学制度应当包括四大内容:第一,独立的法人制度;第二,服务性的行政组织制度;第三,人性化的教育制度;第四,自由的精神。而国际性与本土化结合则是建设我国现代大学制度的必由之路。  相似文献   

古代文学课程教学应该成为大学中文专业素质培育的一个重要阵地。古代文学课程教学的改革要完成这一任务,就必须先认清这门课程所具有的素质教育的品质。古代文学课程所具有的这种品质,从四个主要方面勾画:第一,传承传统与创新精神;第二,现实精神与浪漫气质;第三,形象思维与哲学思辨;第四,审美精神与语言能力。  相似文献   

刘毅 《中国教工》2013,(12):27-27
中国教科文卫体工会全委机关日前召开传达学习贯彻中国工会十六大精神会议。与会人员结合教科文卫体工会实际交流了学习的初步体会。万明东主席对进一步深入学习领会工会十六大精神提出要求。一是要深刻理解党中央对工会工作寄予的厚望;二是要深刻理解把握工会工作正确方向的重大意义;三是要深刻理解中国工运时代主题的重大意义;四是要深刻理解工会维权的重点、要求和原则;  相似文献   

人类迈着矫健的步伐跨入二十一世纪。新世纪对新青年有着什么样的新要求?我认为主要有这么四点:确立一个志向;具有六种意识;发扬五种精神;增强四种能力。  相似文献   

Goat ovaries were collected from the slaughterhouse and categorized as right, left, corpus luteum (CL)-present and -absent group and evaluated on the basis of weight (g), length (cm), width (cm), number of follicles, follicles aspirated and number and state ofcumulus-oocyte-complexes (COCs). Comparatively higher weight [(0.66±0.02) vs (0.64±0.02) g], length [(1.17±0.02) vs (1.1 ±0.02) cm] and width [(0.77±0.02) vs (0.74±0.02) cm] were found in right ovaries than those of left. On the other hand significantly (P〈0.05) higher weight [(0.71±0.03) vs (0.64±0.01) g] and width [(0.76±0.03) vs (0.75±0.01) cm] were found in CL-present group than those of CL-absent group of ovaries. The left ovaries contained comparatively higher number of normal COCs [(1.06±0.09) per ovary] than fight ovaries [(1.03±0.10) per ovary] and the similar trend was found in total number of follicles [(4.51±0.25) vs (4.30±0.23) per ovary] and follicles aspirated [(2.55±0.14) vs (2.52±0.12) per ovary]. But the total COCs per ovary was almost similar in both ovaries [right and left: (1.85±0.12) and (1.85±0.11) per ovary, respectively]. Higher number of total COCs [(1.87±0.09) vs (1.76±0.16) per ovary], total number of follicles [(4.45±0.19) vs (4.16±0.37) per ovary], follicles aspirated [(2.55±0.10) vs (2.48±0.21) per ovary] and normal COCs [(1.12±0.07) vs (0.76±0.14) per ovary] were found in CL-absent group than those of CL-present group of ovaries.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: HARRIS, M. AND COLTHEART, M. (1986) Language Processing in Children and Adults: An Introduction. THOMSON, M. (1984) Developmental Dyslexia. PAVLIDIS, G. Th. And FISHER, D.F. (1986) Dyslexia: Its Neuropsychology and Treatment. GRONER, R., McCONKIE, G. and MENZ, C. (eds.). (1985) Eye Movements and Human Information Processing. LUNZER, L., GARDNER, K., DAVIES, F. and GREENE, T. (1984) Learning from the Written Word. DAVIES, F. and GREENE. T. (1984) Reading for Learning in the Sciences. FYFE, R. and MITCHELL, E. (1985) Reading Strategies and their Assessment. DAIUTE, C. (1985) Writing and Computers. MOORE, P. (1986) Using Computers in English: A Practical Guide. DUFFY, THOMAS M. and WALLER, ROBERT (eds) (1985) Designing Usable Texts. HARTLEY, JAMES (1985) Designing Instructional Text-2nd Edition. GILLIAN KLEIN (1985) Reading into Racism. Bias in Children's Literature and Learning. CATHERINE WALLACE (1986) Learning to Read in a Multicultural Society. The Social Context of Second Language Literacy. LEVINE, K. (1986) The Social Context of Literacy  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: BLOOM, W. (1987) Partnership with Parents in Reading. DURKIN. K. (ed.) (1986) Language Development in the School Years. WEBSTER, A. (1986) Deafness, Development and Literacy. BESNER, D., WALLER, T.G. and MACKINNON, G.E (eds) (1985) Reading Research: Advances in Theory and Practice. PERERA, K. (1984) Children's Writing and Reading: Analysing Classroom Language. STEIN. NANCY, L. (ed.) (1986) Literacy in American Schools. Learning to Read and Write. DE BEAUGRANDE, ROBERT (1984) Text Production. Advances in Discourse Processes XI.  相似文献   

湖南瓦乡人红细胞血型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
调查了湖南怀化市沅陵县230名父母均系瓦乡人而彼此无血缘关系学生的ABO、Rhesus、P、MNSs四种红细胞血型系统的血型.结果表明,ABO系统中的基因频率r(0.6325)>p(0.2221)>q(0.1464);MNSs系统中的基因频率m(0.5196)>n(0.4804)、s(0.9848)>S(0.0152)、Ms(0.4902)>Ns(0.4576)>MS(0.0272)>NS(0.0228);Rhesus系统中CCDee表型最常见(57.83%),CDe单倍型频率较高(0.7588),而cDe频率(0.0207)较低;P系统中P1基因频率为0.1391.湖南瓦乡人的红细胞血型分布具有我国南方民族的特点.与云贵高原周边其他8个民族之间的遗传距离比较表明,湖南瓦乡人与湖南土家族的遗传距离最近而和贵州的仡佬族最远.  相似文献   

The four-year study reported here investigated factors associated with Stage of Concern and change in Stage of Concern of teachers when implementing a benchmark testing program in a large mid-western school district in the United States. The results of the study revealed the Stage of Concern was associated with (1) degree of involvement; (2) role (teacher or principal); (3) grade level taught; (4) gender; (5) nature of staff development program. Factors associated with change of Stage of Concern were (1) role; (2) grade level taught/administered; (3) gender; (4) nature of staff development program; (5) “top-down” decision-making; (6) lack of principal involvement in implementation.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: AINCOW, M. and TWEDDLE, D. (1984) Early Learning Skills Analysis. ANDERSON, R.C., OSBORN, J. and TIERNEY, R.J. (eds)(1984) Learning to Read in American Schools: Basal Readers and Content Texts. TUNMER, W.E., PRAIT, c. and HERRIMAN, M.L. (eds) (1984) Metalinguisfic Awareness in Children. Theory, Research, and Implications. DOWNING, J. and VALTIN, R. (eds) (1984) Language Awareness and Learning to Read. COCHRAN-SMITH, M. (1984) The Making of a Reader. GOELMAN, H., OBERG, A. and SMITH, F. (1984) Awakening to Literacy. KENNEDY, A. (1984) The Psychology of Reading. VAN DIJK, T.A. and KINTSCH, W. (1983) Strategies of Discourse Comprehension. EGOFF, SHEILA A. (1981) Thursday's Child. FLOOD, J. (1984) Understanding Reading Comprehension: Cognition, Language, and the Structure of Prose. Newark, Delaware: International Reading Association. ISBN 0-87207-7365. PETERS, M. (1984) Spelling: Caught or Taught? A New Look. GRONER, R., MENZ, c., FISHER, D.F. and MONTY, R.A. (eds) (1983) Eye Movements and Psychological Processes: international views. RAYNER, K. (ed.) (1983) Eye Movements in Reading: perceptual and language processes. HENDERSON, L. (1984) Orthographies and Reading. WALLER, T. GARY and MACKINNON, G.E. (eds) (1979) Reading Research Advances in Theory and Practice, Volume 1. MACMNNON, G.E. and WALLER, T. GARY. (eds) (1981) Reading Research Advances in Theory and Practice, Volume 2. MACMNNON, G.E. and WALLER, T. GARY (eds) (1981) Reading Research Advances in Theory and Practice, Volume 3 MACKINNON, G.E. and WALLER, T. GARY (eds) (1985) Reading Research Advances in Theory and Practice, Volume 4.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: DE CASTELL, S., LAKE, A. AND KIERAN E. (eds) GARDNER K. (1986) Reading in Today's Schools. EVANS, T. (1987) English in the Primary School. PEARSON, H. (1987) Children Becoming Readers. TOVEY, D. R. and KERBER. J. E. (eds) (1986) Roles in Literacy Learning. NASH, w. (1986) English Usage. A Guide to First Principles. DAVIES, F. (1986) Books in the School Curriculum. INGHAM. J. with BROWN, v. (1986) The State of Reading. ADAMS. J. (1986) The Conspiracy of the Text: theplace of narrative in thedevelopment of thought. HARRIS. R. (1986) The Origin of Writing. READ, c. (1986) Children's Creative Spelling. WEBSTER, A. and MCONNELL. c. (1987) Children with Speech and Language Difficulties. KIERAS, D. E. and JUST, M. A. (eds) (1984) New Methods in Reading Comprehension Research.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed in this article: Cashdan , A. (1979, ed.) Language, Reading and Learning. Mason , G.E. and Blanchard , J.S. (1979) Computer Applications in Reading. Levin , Harry (with Ann Buckler Addis) (1979) The Eye-Voice Span NFER (1979) Register of Educationa1 Research in the United Kingdom (Volume 3: 1977–78). COUNCIL OF EUROPE (1979) EudisedR @ D Bulletin (no. 7).  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: CRISMORE, A. (1989) Talking with Readers: Metadiscourse as Rhetorical Act. COHEN, L. and MANION, L. (1989) Research Methods in Education, Third Edition. HUNTER-CARSCH, M. (ed) (1989) The Art of Reading. GOLDMAN, SUSAN R. and TRUEBA, H.T. (eds) (1987) Becoming Literate in English as a Second Language. MICHAEL, I. (1987) The Teaching of English: from the sixteenth century to 1870. HOLLINDALE, P. (1988) Ideology and the Children's Book.  相似文献   

Curriculum reform in contemporary China: seven goals and six strategies   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Curriculum developers and scholars in China are facing a set of inter‐related issues around the goals and the strategies of curriculum reform. This paper argues that there are, as in every process of curriculum development, seven goals to be addressed within China's curriculum reform: (1) the establishment of a new curriculum philosophy or ideal; (2) the development of educational objectives; (3) the renewal of educational content and experience; (4) the reconstruction of a model of curriculum organization; (5) innovation in curriculum materials; (6) the establishment of an active mode of teaching and instruction; and (7) the establishment of a new system of curriculum evaluation. Six strategies are needed for China to reach these goals: (1) improving the system of curriculum management; (2) redeveloping the mechanisms of curriculum reform; (3) promoting school‐based curriculum development; (4) integrating information technology with curriculum; (5) emphasizing teachers' professional development; and (6) encouraging the whole nation's participation in the reform.  相似文献   

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