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李晓光 《教师博览》2005,(10):22-25
CIS是英Corporate Identity System的缩写,意即“企业形象识别系统”。由理念识别(Mind Identity简称MI)、行为识别(Behaviour Identity简称BI)和视觉识别(Visual Identity简称VI)三个方面构成。  相似文献   

1999年10月21日,我校开展《让设计思想导入市场》的专题讲座。特邀主讲人廖仲旋先生主要讲了以下几个方面的内容:(l)关注和尊重市场,区别绘画与设计的不同,明确设计师的职责。(2)寻求特定的形象符号,创造新型的设计语汇,结合CIS(包括MI理念识别、BI行为识别、VI视觉识别)系统准确的运用和灵活的导入市场。(3)减少因懒惰而造成的模仿和抄袭。鼓励学生走出图书馆,丢开各种抽象的理论,进入到鲜活的生活市场,这样将具有更强的兼容性。同时这也是当代设计教学所力求的方向之一。专题讲座还针对我系学生的专业能力提出了要求…  相似文献   

一、研究实施CIS战略的意义 1.CIS简介 CIS是英文“企业识别系统”(Corporate Identity System)的简称.是现代企业对自身经营理念、行为方式及视觉识别进行系统设计,以塑造富有个性化的企业形象,获得内部与外部公众组织的认同,从而提高自身竞争力的一种战略。该系统起源于德国,上世纪60年代风行于欧美;后传人日本.80年代引入中国企业。该战略由三部分组成,一是企业理念识别系统(Mind Identity简称MI);一是企业行为识别系统(Behavior Identity简称BI);三是企业视觉识别系统(Visual Identity简称VI)。20世纪90年代,CIS战略风靡中国企业界。并被逐步移植到城市建设和高校校园文化建设之中。  相似文献   

为了突出连锁经营管理专业人才培养特点,加强学生理论联系实际的能力,辽宁现代服务职业技术学院(以下简称本院)结合校园的实际情况和现有的师资力量,筹备一定的资金,组建了以小装饰品、化妆品为主的"Beauty Party"教学实体店(以下简称本店)。本店业态为专业店,主要目的是为了完成连锁经营管理专业的教学理论与实践的结合,通过实际商业实践,让学生在学中做,在做中学。依据企业形象识别系统理论,通过组织连锁10级专业学生进行市场调查,分析本院的学生特点,针对该市场的定位和分析,归纳和总结了"Beauty Party"教学实体店的理念识别、视觉识别、行为识别。  相似文献   

《土木工程概论》课程既是土木工程专业必修的专业基础课,又是土木工程相关专业的必修公选课。该课程具有内涵广泛、支系众多、科目复杂的特点,安排的课时又很有限,围绕"教师队伍→教材案例→教学模式→教学内容→考核方式",充分考虑到教学过程中的主导(教师)、主体(学生)、客体(教材)、载体(教学手段),对《土木工程概论》的重要性、特点、教学现状及其教学模式创新进行了研究,提出了合理化创新教学模式,对贯彻"大土木、大工程"的教育指导思想和"强基础、宽口径、多方向"的教育理念具有重要意义。  相似文献   

视觉识别系统(Visuai Identity System,简称VIS)是企业识别系统(CIS)中极为重要的内容,是理念识别(MI)的视觉体现,它是以视觉化的设计要素为整体计划的核心,为企业形象的传播建立一套完整、独特、具有强烈视觉冲击力的视觉符号系统,[第一段]  相似文献   

从高校环境艺术设计专业教育角度,提取企业识别系统(CIS)中的空间识别设计(SI设计),强调以视觉营销为重点的空间设计,使之成为环境艺术专业背景下系统学习企业形象识别系统设计课程的基础。以视觉营销(VMD)体系为框架,主张借鉴视觉营销的思维模式与空间设计的创意思维合理安排课程,探讨以空间设计为主的环艺教学整体思路与具体方法。实现从视觉图形在空间设计中的应用到视觉营销在空间设计中的识别的教学转变,互补优化,理解视觉营销在CIS设计课程的准确表达与应用。  相似文献   

"素质教育"的重要性在当今的教育界不言自明,在"就业导向"的高等教育大众化阶段尤为如此。大学素质教育研究与实践中,"专业教育"往往被视为"通识教育"的对立面,"专业"内涵被忽视,高等教育造就"专业人才"的使命被淡化。全面审视"专业"的内涵,建构基于专业的大学素质教育内容体系,加强大学生的专业知识(应知)、专业技能(应会)和专业伦理(应是)的培养,是引导大学素质教育走向深入和成功的关键。  相似文献   

VI的全称是Visual Identity,也就是企业的VI视觉识别,通译为视觉识别系统。VI是CIS企业识别系统的一部分,它将CIS的非可视内容转化为静态的视觉识别符号,是CIS识别系统当中的重要组成部分。由于VI视觉识别设计在CIS系统中最具有传播力和感染力,它也就成为了公众接触最多最直接的部分,从而最容易被社会大众所接受,具有主导的地位。本文主要通过对基础要素和应用要素的分析,来诠释VI视觉识别设计。  相似文献   

"说专业"是专业团队综合素质的展示,也是专业内涵和实力的体现,是"三说"(说专业、说课程、说管理)交流与沟通平台的重要环节,积极组织好"说专业"活动,将对高职院校的专业建设起到极大的推动作用。  相似文献   

This paper reports on a study of the implementation of a Computerised Information System (CIS) at the Ministry of Education in Botswana, and the use of CISs in secondary schools in Uganda. The findings portray the levels of use, the impact of CIS use, and the factors that influence the utilisation of the CISs in both countries. Although both countries have recognised the potential of CISs for managing educational institutions, the utilisation of these information systems were still at an early stage. Users’ perceptions of the impact of CIS use were in general very positive. Factors critical for CIS use in Botswana were the quality of the information the CIS provided, and the amount of user training. In Uganda, the amount of CIS use was especially dependent on the extent of training, and the support from the information system administrator. Carefully designed user training courses are considered important in promoting wider and better CIS use.  相似文献   

文章简述了选育CIS_(28-10)的主要技术路线,从三个方面总结了CIS_(28-10)的主要特征特性,提出了今后有关CIS_(28-10)研究的四个主要方面。笔者认为,CIS_(28-10)是目前比较好的水稻两用核雄性不育系,对CIS_(28-10)的进一步研究将为其生产利用提供更丰富的资料,有助于更快地将其应用于生产。  相似文献   

1.CI标志的内涵、作用、2.CI标志制约着现代企业整体形开发;3.CI标志开发的时机性制约着现代企业的发展;4.CI标志的可操作性制约着现代企业开发CIS战略的力度;5.CI标志在设计上的艺术性制约着现代企业化和企业理念的发展。  相似文献   

Communities In Schools, Inc. (CIS) is a nationwide initiative designed to connect needed community resources with schools to help students, particularly those identified as at-risk, successfully learn, stay in school, and prepare for life. As part of a comprehensive 5-year national evaluation of CIS, ICF International conducted a school-level quasi-experimental study on 123 CIS high schools and 123 matched comparison high schools, using public use data from 7 different states. The study examined the differences in high school dropout and graduation rates between CIS and its comparison schools over a 4-year period, starting from the year prior to CIS implementation to 3 years after implementation. Our analyses showed that CIS high schools made stronger gains in on-time graduation rates, and had greater reductions in dropout rates, than comparison schools over the same period. Results were considerably stronger for CIS schools that implemented the CIS model with a high degree of fidelity.  相似文献   

当令处于知识丝济社会新时代.知识力、文化力成为人类社套发展的主导力。文章从河北北方学院实施视觉形象识剐恭蜕策略入手,阐速了其在建设现代型学府、营造良好的文化生态环境、激发美育教育等方面的重要意史.  相似文献   

The Arnett Caregiver Interaction Scale (CIS) has been widely used in research studies to measure the quality of caregiver–child interactions. The scale was modeled on a well-established theory of parenting, but there are few psychometric studies of its validity. We applied factor analyses and item response theory methods to assess the psychometric properties of the Arnett CIS in a national sample of toddlers in home-based care and preschoolers in center-based care from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study-Birth Cohort. We found that a bifactor structure (one common factor and a second set of specific factors) best fits the data. In the Arnett CIS, the bifactor model distinguishes a common substantive dimension from two methodological dimensions (for positively and negatively oriented items). Despite the good fit of this model, the items are skewed (most teachers/caregivers display positive interactions with children) and, as a result, the Arnett CIS is not well suited to distinguish between caregivers who are “highly” versus “moderately” positive in their interactions with children, according to the items on the scale. Regression-adjusted associations between the Arnett CIS and child outcomes are small, especially for preschoolers in centers. We encourage future scale development work on measures of child care quality by early childhood scholars.  相似文献   

本文旨在以重庆中百仓储北碚中山路店为实例,通过调查资料分析导入CIS战略即组织形象对企业发展的重要作用,同时确定了CIS是由企业理念识别系统、企业行为识别系统和企业视觉识别系统三方面组成的有机整体。以此为框架,从重庆中百仓储北碚中山路店组织形象滞后的现状,研究原因并提出提升组织形象的策略,起到引导该企业更好发展的目的。  相似文献   

CIS是一种以职业化的手段为企业树立起完美的企业形象.本文旨在阐述创建CIS要根据企业的特情,不可盲目仿效,创建CIS首先要解决几个认识问题.  相似文献   

This study describes the development and validation of a science and engineering (S/E) career interest survey (CIS). This 56 question survey was developed to measure the overall S/E career interests of 7th through 9th grade students. In the CIS, a S/E career is characterized as one which requires the completion of at least a four-year college program with a major in science, science education, or engineering. The CIS is divided into four major parts. In Part I (30 questions), students are expected to select from occupational activities, while in Part II (20 questions) they are to select from various occupations. Part III (5 questions) and Part IV together make up the CIS internal verification scale. The CIS test-retest reliability coefficients for one week and eight months were calculated as 0.96 (n = 57, grades 7–9) and 0.78 (n = 1937, grade 8), respectively. The KR-21 estimate for the CIS was calculated as 0.92. Criterion-related validity coefficients were calculated in two ways: (a) CIS scores were correlated with the Kuder GIS science subscale (r = 0.75, n = 45, grades 7–9), and (b) CIS scores were correlated with a CIS internal verification scale (r = 0.59, n = 127, grades 7–9). Evidence to support the construct validity of the CIS was collected by two methods: (a) for 7–9 grade students (n = 45), the CIS score was found to correlate 0.75 with the scientific subscale and ?0.42 with the artistic sub-scale, of the Kuder GIS. (b) the second method compared the scores of known groups. Test results for students in grades 7-9 (n = 127; n = 1937) showed a statistically significant difference between the scores of boys and girls on S/E career interest. The readability of the CIS was seventh grade level.  相似文献   

英语教师职业形象是英语教师教育研究中一个上位的、具有综合性的研究课题。由于对英语教师职业形象专门研究的不足,英语教师职业形象存在认识上的模糊性和片面性,这将严重制约英语教师良好的职业形象塑造和英语教师专业化发展。本文借鉴现代企业经营管理的CIS理论,对英语教师职业形象CIS内涵、构成要素及其如何CIS设计稍作探析与勾画,旨在为英语教师职业形象塑造提供有益的参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

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