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The book publishing industry has seen a remarkable degree of change over the past 5 years including the emergence of Amazon and internet bookselling as a major distribution channel, the simultaneous decline of brick and mortar retailers, the growth of digital delivery as a viable alternative to the printed text, on-demand and short run digital printing as a financially credible book manufacturing technology, and custom publishing to name just a few of the environmental factors influencing the landscape faced by book publishers. The author argues that these and others factors require that publishers review their traditional infrastructure and operating protocols for opportunities to shed non-core activities and free up capital for investment in the primary mission of all book publishers—content creation.  相似文献   

A concise review is presented of the essential elements of the book publishing and bookselling business in a complex and diverse market. Demographics create the diversity while Arabic is the one language spoken across a multitude of different countries. Three features are common to all of these countries and they are: the dominance of English as the second language, education has and will remain to be a priority, and economic pressures cause price sensitivity to be a major challenge especially in the educational market segments. It is the price sensitivity as a key factor for the lack of respect for intellectual property and copyright regulations. A review of distribution and retail stores is a very important topic in relation to this complex collection of countries. The emergence of e-books is discussed especially in the educational, professional and reference market segments. Finally, there is a review of the Arabic language publishers and local book fairs to bring this article to closure.  相似文献   

In her article Veronika Licher presents some of the trends and developments in the German publishing industry in 2011. She reports how the German Publishers and Booksellers Association including book wholesalers try to add new services to adapt to the challenging changing markets??which not always turn out to be successful and give rise to many internal and external discussions. More and more non-publisher players appear on the stage. There is a trend to move to Berlin, Germany??s capital, as a base camp or location for publishing related services and in some cases publishing houses themselves.  相似文献   

The annual report captures the rapid growth over the past 5 years with a focus on the past 2 year of the digital publishing industry in China. The growth is evaluated in relation to new revenues generated, the size of the market segments represented by e-journals, eBooks, digital newspapers, blogs, online music and games. The leading companies in each of these sectors are identified as there is still a reluctance of traditional publishes to move more aggressively into the new media publishing. Finally, a review of the challenges that the lack of copyright present to the industry as legal systems have not caught up with the rapid developments of the media or online information industries.  相似文献   

Brazil is a huge country with at least 100 million readers with a total population of 200 million. Is this a good number for you? The article describes the developments of the Brazilian book market and publishing industry. Sales in 2009 were an estimated $2.5 billion for more than 228 million copies of books sold. But a country this big, as it is almost 50% of entire South America, confronts several major challenges including a real lack of bookstores. But one of the channels that is growing every year are the door-to-door sales, it has grown from 5% of all sales in 2006 to 17% in 2009. In a country this big, the digital or eBooks may also be a very good strategy to get to more readers, but it is still a small market in Brazil. The interesting news is that publishers are working on it and looking for solutions and ways to act on this new area of digital and online publishing.  相似文献   

媒介融合时代的传统出版业:焦虑与应对   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在媒介融合背景下,传统图书出版业与网络出版、数字出版、手机出版等新业态相互联系、相互作用,在竞争中相互促进。如何在媒介融合的冲击下找到自己的位置,是传统图书出版面临的一大挑战。本文通过对媒介融合背景下传统图书出版面临挑战与机遇分析,依据媒介与图书出版的互动关系,探讨图书出版的创新与发展。  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of the market for translation in China in the last decade based on the data collected from official publishing industrial statements, recent book publishing surveys and news reports. While providing basic information of book publishing in the country, the author also probe the current trends and developments in the field of rights trade, book distribution and digital publishing.  相似文献   

This paper explores the topic of electronic books (e-books) and the effect that these digital devices and other new technologies has on the publishing industry. Contemporary society often claims that the publishing industry is dying and that the innovation of the e-book will eventually sentence the printed book to death. But this study will show that such is not the case. While it is true that the world is undergoing a digital revolution, publishers today have not been left in the dust, because these firms have embraced electronic publishing (e-publishing). The invention of e-books opens a world of opportunities and since the e-book market is still in its growth stage, there is much work left to be done. As with any new venture, the industry faces certain challenges, such as piracy, but with tools like encryption, digital asset management (DAM), digital rights management (DRM), and digital object identifiers (DOI), publishers are well on the way to a solution. While it is safe to say that the digital revolution has forever changed the face of publishing, e-books could actually revitalize the industry. No one knows what the future of e-publishing will hold, but developments affect publishing houses, authors, and consumers alike. And while the ultimate fate of the printed book is yet unknown, for now, it is here to stay.  相似文献   

NFT在图书出版领域的应用探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究NFT对图书出版领域产生的影响和未来的发展趋势,文章分析了NFT赋予电子图书的新特性:实现电子图书与纸质图书等同的所有权、“智能合约+NFT”实现利益即时分配和转售、实现数字稀缺性等,结合这些新特性阐述了NFT在图书出版领域的现实和潜在应用:限量版NFT图书、具有差异的NFT图书、图书中艺术创作作品的NFT数字版、链接数字资产和实物资产、创建新的数字对象、图书数字衍生品NFT等,并探讨了NFT在图书出版领域未来可能面临的挑战。  相似文献   

The publishing industry in Mexico is a distinctive environment due to several elements: the role of the State government as the main publisher or buyer of books, the historic and central role of the Spanish publishing industry in the direction and influence of Mexican market through their affiliate companies, and the influence of the US book market concerning influences and trends. In a country of 120 million people, where the book reading rate is very low, as is the number of bookstores, I explore the changes that are taking place right now in the context of the crisis in the Spanish book market and why I see a promising future for the general interest publishing market in the Spanish language in Mexico and the US.  相似文献   

In the Greek publishing industry, tradition and the desire for innovation go hand in hand. The industry is influenced by European developments in publishing and bookselling in terms of book promotion methods, the role of chain bookstores and the impact of information technology. Greece shares the features of other small book markets in Europe, whilst retaining the individuality defined by the Greek language and the country’s cultural and social conditions. This article provides an overview of the publishing industry in Greece through a review of the relevant literature and the available statistics. This work also focuses on the need to develop publishing skills through publishing education and continuous professional development.  相似文献   

Taiwan’s book publishing industry has undergone a sea change: martial law, economic rise, fluctuating sales, on-line and bricks-and-mortar bookseller competition, and digital publishing. The author examines these various eras, developments and offers future insight.  相似文献   

为了解中国医学科技期刊数字出版的现状以及集约化发展的意向,通过问卷星向国内医学期刊管理者发放数字出版平台建设的集约化发展调研问卷。调研结果显示,中国医学科技期刊在出版传播领域已经完成了除结构化排版外的重大系统的信息化改造。大部分期刊编辑部认可通过加盟行业联盟或者数据库的方式实现数字出版。在各数字化系统的调研中,愿意加盟和已经加盟的期刊占了绝大多数,其中结构化排版为93.91%,网刊系统为92.07%, App建设为91.46%,采编系统为89.64%;不愿意加盟的期刊占比不大。在新的历史时期,科技期刊出版人已经认识到单一期刊出版模式在期刊规模、资金投入、人才储备、社会分工、商业模式上均存在明显短板,可持续发展潜力较弱,集约化出版平台的建设是科技期刊发展最重要途径。同时,作为集约化平台方,须采取更灵活、平等、便捷的策略供期刊选择加盟。  相似文献   

刘忠波  李贞玉 《出版科学》2016,24(6):98-101
韩国出版业的显著特点是本土出版产品单一,主要依靠引进国外图书补充国内市场,因此中国图书一直受到广泛的关注。目前,中国图书所占韩国引进图书比例不高,有一定增长空间,缺乏市场判断是影响韩国出版业引进中国图书的重要原因。另一方面,专业翻译和中文编辑的紧缺也制约中国图书在韩国的发展。中国图书所贯彻的中国文化软实力“走出去”战略,要政策推行和市场自觉结合,把握韩国读者需求,才能建立产业国际化模式,进而释放中国图书的内在价值力量。  相似文献   

数字阅读时代,随着种种电子阅读器的出现,读者可以随时实现阅读需求,图书的电子出版也在如火如荼地发展,因此,传统的书评也与"网络"有了千丝万缕的关联。豆瓣网作为数字阅读的新兴网站,在国内网络书评界一直深受读者喜爱。书评网站的发展不仅影响着作家的创作与读者的阅读,甚至为图书的出版带来了巨大的转变。  相似文献   

经营模式、内部管理模式、盈利模式等方面讨论CCID对国内数字出版具有重要影响,最后从出版源头、在线支付中的版权转移、规模化与多元化经营、专家审稿与读者在线评论、内容加工颗粒度变小而带来的新的利润模式等角度为数字出版产业调整提供一些策略。  相似文献   

This paper is based on an Australian government-funded research project looking at the implications of digitization for the book publishing industry, which was originally completed in 2008 and later extended to cover up to the present day. Although Australian-based the project and subsequent research has wider implications for application elsewhere. The paper initially provides a snapshot of Australian book publishing in a global context, and then summarizes our findings on the current and potential future impact of digital technologies. The original research employed an interpretive research paradigm, using a mixed methodology design, including an online survey of book publishers and the conduct of 14 case studies. The extension of the original research project led to its being given a more global dimension. In reporting this new research, the paper discusses in detail the diverse range of technologies, their limitations and the risks and opportunities they offer to the book publishing industry. This includes insights into the business as well as technical issues confronting the industry.  相似文献   

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