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在大学生中强化廉洁教育是高校的重要教育任务。本文从大学生中开展廉洁教育的现实意义和主要内容,强调开展大学生廉洁教育必须要同高校教学活动、社会实践活动、校园文化活动、学生干部培养、管理体系建设紧密结合。  相似文献   

Little is known about university campus religious organisations’ influence on students’ sexuality-related attitudes and behaviours. This study sought to better understand sexuality-related communication within the context of campus ministries by exploring students’ and campus ministry leaders’ conversational experiences at a public university in the south-east USA. Data sources included an online survey of undergraduates participating in student religious organisations (n = 57), focus groups with campus ministry students (n = 36), and individual interviews with campus ministry leaders (n = 19). Findings indicated student satisfaction with the focus and frequency of conversations about romantic relationships and sexual health within the context of campus ministries. However, both campus ministry students and leaders indicated discomfort in discussions of sexuality. Leaders acknowledged their need for better strategies to engage students; students focused on how to integrate religious messages about sexuality with messages from other sources. These findings suggest campus ministry leaders may benefit from focused training and support to communicate more effectively with college students about sexuality.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to provide further evidence on potential determinants of college student involvement in curricular and cocurricular campus activities, particularly on the importance of student enrollment in three academic programs. The study focused on how students in two special academic programs—an honors program and a transition program to assist academically disadvantaged students adjust to college—as well as students in the regular curriculum become engaged in a variety of experiences and how their quality of effort (involvement) in the activities is related to student growth and development. The relationship between level of student activity and achievement supports the claims of previous research that involvement contributes to students' development and gains in intellectual and interpersonal areas. However, the strength of relationship between student effort and gain varied for the three groups. Overall, the honors and transition students appeared to get more for their effort than did the regular students.  相似文献   


This study seeks to understand which socio-demographic variables explain bystander readiness to help (BRH) among a diverse (via race/ethnicity) sample of college students. This study uses an intersectional approach by investigating how gender intersects with variables, specific to a college student population (e.g., class level, college of major, sexual harassment on campus), to influence readiness to help. The results are from a survey about campus climate experiences, which includes a stratified random sample of college students from a large Southwestern university in the United States, with 964 respondents. We conducted bivariate crosstabulations, comparisons of means, and multiple regressions. The multiple regression analyses illustrate that for women, the single most robust relationship with BRH is experiences with sexual harassment. For men, the strongest correlate is being a student within the college of liberal and fine arts. The practical and research implications of these findings are discussed.


社会主义核心价值体系教育生活化是解决社会转型期不良价值观对大学生影响,增强大学生思想政治教育实效性和提升大学生对社会主义核心价值体系认同度及践行度的必然要求。实现大学生社会主义核心价值体系教育生活化,必须改革课堂教学,开展主题性社会实践活动,加强大学校园文化建设,构建服务型的学生管理模式。  相似文献   

由一项心理调查看大学生焦虑缓解途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梁津安 《安康学院学报》2004,16(2):108-110,113
根据一项对大学生非典时期前后的心理调查结果,说明在这一非常时期,学校封校后所作的某些工作,对大学生焦虑情绪的缓解有着很大的建设性作用.由此得到启示:在平常时期的大学生焦虑情绪缓解工作过程中,富有高尚意义的活动、趣味活动、心理自助活动及社会支持活动的开展,都是行之有效的途径.  相似文献   

While much is known about the role of student involvement in various dimensions of student change and development, considerably less is known abouthow students become involved as they make the transition from work or high school to college. This paper describes the results of a series of focus-group interviews with 132 diverse, new students entering a community college; a liberal arts college; an urban, commuter, comprehensive university; and a large research university. The study identifies the people, experiences, and themes in the processes through which students become (or fail to become) members of the academic and social communities on their campus. The research reported here was conducted under the auspices of the National Center on Postsecondary Teaching, Learning, and Assessment. NCTLA is funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), under Grant No. R117G10037. The opinions herein do not necessarily reflect the position or policies of OERI, and no official endorsement should be inferred. Presented at the 1993 AIR Forum, Chicago, May 1993.  相似文献   

大学时期是学生进入社会的最后阶段,如何培养出顺利融入社会的大学生,是高校需要认真思考的问题。影响大学生社会化的高校因素主要有社会实践、学生社团和班委、思想政治教育与心理教育、高校校园文化等。应认真做好社会实践工作,加强社团实践活动;优化高校思想政治教育,促进学生政治社会化;开设心理健康课程,促进大学生心理的社会化;加强建设和谐校园文化,重视营造优良宿舍文化;推动大学课程教学改革,促进课程教学社会化;认真做好就业指导工作,帮助学生树立正确的择业和就业观。  相似文献   

大学生日常表现量化考核体系旨在设计一套完整的大学生日常表现监测表,通过对学生日常参加活动的考勤,力求用数字形式反映学生在思想、学习、生活上的活跃度,用数字记录每一位大学生的成长轨迹。通过对S学院医学系2017级学生实施大学生日常表现量化考核办法,发现其结果可以为校内评优评先和就业单位挑选人才提供量化依据。此外,由于量化考核体系本身带有奖惩性,在推行的过程中极大地提高了学生的自律性,从而增强了班级自我管理能力和班级凝聚力。最后,量化考核体系在运行过程中也能对预测学生心理危机起到一定的辅助作用。  相似文献   

Given the widely accepted notion of whole person education in Confucian societies such as Hong Kong, Mainland China and Singapore, it is surprising that research literature originated in these societies pays little attention to how students learn and develop through out-of-class experiences at university. There is little research evidence on how the prevailing culture among student social communities (residential halls and student societies/clubs) influences students’ social involvement and development. This paper examines 42 Chinese students’ social experiences and development during their freshman year at a Hong Kong university. The majority of them were intensively involved in out-of-class activities. Their active social involvement was both a response to the culture of student communities and a conscious choice about social experiences at university. As a result, the students attained development in four dimensions: (1) the social competences of interpersonal and collaboration skills and new friendships; (2) the practical competences of time management, organisation, negotiation, decision making and leadership; (3) the intellectual competences of open-mindedness and independent judgment; and (4) the personal competences of self- responsibility and self-confidence. Educational implications are discussed towards the end of the paper on supporting and advising students regarding social involvement, particularly during the first year of university.  相似文献   

班集体作为大学生学习的主要场所,是大学生在校教育的基本组织,在构建和谐大学校园中发挥重要作用。本文以分析和谐班集体的构成要素为基础,分析当前大学班集体建设面临的问题,提出构建大学和谐班集体的方案。  相似文献   

Investment in higher education facilities in terms of both hardware and software has witnessed significant growth on a yearly basis since the reintroduction of the college entrance examination known as the NMT in 1977. However, a social assessment of graduates’ qualities seems to indicate that the improvement in skill levels and graduates’ general qualities has failed to keep pace with the growth in investment. As a bridge to relate college environment to student gains in learning, student self-determined involvement in educational activities plays an important role in analyzing the educational effects of colleges. Based on a conducted through the survey of Chinese College Student Experience Questionnaire, with data collected from 647 valid respondents, universities can observe and evaluate the levels and quality of students’ involvement in the educational process. The students’ involvement of educational activities can be investigated through data analysis, employing statistical methods of a structural equation model. In observing student involvement in the educational system, it becomes apparent that the students’ capacity for building on and playing a key role in the improvement of the quality of education they receive is largely controlled by their involvement activities in the learning process. In addition, both of the college environment and student motivation have a combined and significant effect on student involvement behaviors. Student involvement can be divided into three gradual but distinct levels (controlled, identified and integrated involvement) in accordance with the varying degrees of internalization. Student involvement will exponentially magnify the positive effects on student gains when colleges invest in new and additional resources, particularly when students become more deeply involved in the educational environment. In addition, when colleges make a concentrated effort to recognize the importance of student involvement, and they encourage and incentivise students to become involved, the college itself will benefit greatly from the improved university environment. This combination of mutually beneficial activity, therefore, represents a virtuous circle of promotion between college and students.  相似文献   

The uniformly positive view of social mobility in the United Kingdom overlooks the difficulties working‐class young people have in reconciling a working‐class background with the middle‐class environments of the university and the professional labour market. But even more hidden are the subtle processes of exclusion and exclusivity that permeate social life in, particularly, the elite universities. Here, working‐class students' marginalisation in relation to advantageous social activities and networks, compromises their chances of later success in the labour market. This paper scrutinises working‐class students' experiences of elite higher education through the lens of Bourdieu's concepts of habitus, capitals and field. Drawing on a research project on working‐class young people who gain entry to elite universities it analyses the disjunctures between working‐class habitus and the field of elite higher education, focusing on the emotional and social consequences for working‐class students. The findings raise concerns—largely unexplored in existing research—about working‐class reception in elite fields. The paper concludes with a call to look beyond the attitudes and actions of working‐class students to those of their upper‐ and middle‐class peers, and the culture and ethos of the elite universities.  相似文献   

With more non-local (Mainland China and overseas) students admitted into the universities of Hong Kong, the student population on campus is becoming much more diversified. This study was a phenomenological inquiry into the social engagement experiences of local and non-local Chinese students in their first year at a university in Hong Kong. Qualitative data was obtained from 10 focus groups. The findings suggested that the majority of the students in the study were active in social engagement and most achieved a sense of belonging to the university or its sub-communities. The culture in student communities played an important role in students' social engagement. It pushed students to become intensively involved in out-of-class activities and challenged them to reflect on the direction in which they would carry this historical legacy forward in the diversifying campus.  相似文献   

高校学生骨干是大学生中的精英和骨干力量,要充分发挥他们的桥梁纽带作用、学生工作中的带头作用、学风建设中的表率作用、校风建设中的示范作用、校园安全稳定的骨干作用、网络舆情领袖的引导作用,分析学生骨干在高校教育管理中的角色及作用,指出他们的不足之处和培养途径,探索高校学生骨干作用的发挥,从而提高高校的教育管理水平,为社会主义事业建设培养出优秀的接班人。  相似文献   

在普通高校扩招的今天,大学生群体与日俱增,大学生们的素质也参差不齐。近年来,有关大学生犯罪的案件一再增多,人数急剧上升,手段及犯罪类型也逐步增多,大学生理应成为国家未来发展的栋梁之才,却偏偏走上犯罪的道路,成为阶下囚,真是令人痛心,让人为之惋惜。本文从当前大学生犯罪现状出发,通过对大学生犯罪的特点及主要原因的剖析,提出...  相似文献   

While prior studies have primarily relied upon quantitative methods to understand student attendance, the goal of this study was to extend prior research by utilizing qualitative data to gain additional insight into college students’ perceptions of class attendance. Data from five focus groups with undergraduate students revealed four primary themes impacting attendance: (1) students’ use of time, (2) class content and type, (3) the student-professor relationship, and (4) university and course policies. Overall, students believe they are the best judge of how to use their time, campus culture and overcommitment play a critical role influencing attendance, and there are practical strategies to promote student engagement and class attendance. Based on these findings, recommendations are provided to institutions and professors on how to promote class attendance and optimize the student learning experience.  相似文献   

近几年来,在大学校园里,出现了由经济困难学生、心理发展障碍学生、学习困难学生、受处分学生等构成的大学生特殊群体。大学生特殊群体已成为高校构建和谐校园的严重障碍,大学生特殊群体的教育管理工作是全面贯彻以人为本,落实科学发展观的需要,也是和谐校园建设的需要。  相似文献   

This paper considers how online, distance students enact the space of ‘the university’, in the context of the rise of distance education within a traditional, ‘elite’ institution. Aiming to provide insight into how students translate into distance the space of a university which has traditionally had its basis in conventional on-campus education, it locates itself within the ‘new mobilities’ paradigm (Urry in Mobilities. Polity Press, Cambridge, 2007), drawing on four different kinds of social space delineated by Mol and Law (Soc Stud Sci 24(4):641–741, 1994) and Law and Mol (Environ Plan D 19:609–621, 2001) in order to analyse narrative and visual data generated with distance students at the University of Edinburgh. The paper shows that the material campus continues to be symbolically and materially significant for a group of students who may never physically attend that campus. Distance students, we find, need their own version of the ‘spatial certainties’ of bounded, campus space. Yet, in exploring the ‘new proximities’ of online distance education, we also argue that to define institutional and academic authenticity solely in terms of this bounded, ‘regional’ space is inadequate in the face of the other topologies which also come into play throughout distance students’ accounts of what it means to be ‘at’ university.  相似文献   

This article examine how students from different class backgrounds at vastly different colleges interpret the role of social class in their past and future. It begins with a review of previous research findings based on freshmen and sophomore year interviews (2002–2004) with three groups of students: low income students at a state college; low income students at an elite private college (Little Ivy), and affluent students at the same elite private college. During a period of relative quiescence on college campuses, all three groups of students tended to look at their own lives in individualistic, non-structural ways, and generally downplayed the role of their own class backgrounds. Many of the students were interviewed again during their senior year to determine what, if any, changes had occurred in their overall outlook. Both groups of students at Little Ivy had become less politically progressive and active as they approached graduation; State College students had verbally moved to the Left, but without corresponding activism. Occupational goals for each of the three groups differed. The affluent students anticipated positions with the most power and prestige, while the State College students aimed for entry and middle level statuses. Not surprisingly, the low income Little Ivy students expected to obtain positions below their affluent peers, but higher than the State College students. The meaning of these findings in the context of the current historical period and the power of social reproduction is discussed.  相似文献   

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