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4月16日,山东省委常委、政法委书记才利民到省档案局馆调研。在省委副秘书长、省档案局馆长杜文彬等陪同下,参观了档案利用服务大厅、特藏档案库房、中共党史展、山东党史展和山东省公务外事礼品展等。才利民称赞省档案馆可看的东西真多,大开眼界,许多珍贵档案见证了党和国家重要历史发展节点,文化  相似文献   

神舟七号载人航天飞行的圆满成功实现了我国空间技术发展具有里程碑意义的重大跨越。与此同时,各大媒体纷纷行动,在这其中,作为舆论骨干的重要力量,我国主要网络对外传播媒体——中央重点新闻网站的表现更是可圈可点。  相似文献   

平遥国际电影展“从山西出发”单元通过对山西导演、山西故事、山西空间、山西文化的全景书写和时代深描,将叙事的诗性与抒情性融会贯通,在完成对历史整体感知的基础上渐趋圆融,从个人到集体,不断寻唤着更广泛的思想共鸣和审美升格。透过充溢温情治愈、情感哲思的山西故事,俯瞰时代罅隙中的个体命运与审美旨趣;经由自然空间和社会空间体悟传统与潮流的精神思辨与思想意蕴,从而实现对山西的文化显影与思想巡礼。  相似文献   

华蓉  贺俊  康美权 《声屏世界》2013,(12):58-59
2012年11月29日,新一届中央领导集体参观《复兴之路》展览,习近平总书记提出"实现中华民族伟大复兴,就是中华民族近代以来最伟大的梦想"。习总书记提出的"中国梦",道出了亿万中华儿女的心声,具有强大的凝聚力和感召力。  相似文献   

新华社每天播发的上百条国际新闻稿件,都有其相应的新闻价值,其中的国际问题专稿,地区问题分析,燕人物传略,档案,综述等,更是当今报刊争相摘载的“香饽饽”,众所周知,国际新闻既增强了科学及多寡,又反映了编辑“视野”的水,然而,各类纸界媒体的办报方针不同,对国际新闻的采用,编辑形式也不尽相同。  相似文献   

2010年3月10日,在广州琶洲举办的第十七届华南国际印刷工业展览会上,科印传媒将与华南国际印刷展主办方联手.共同举办一场主题为”持续发展创新价值“的数码印刷论坛。目前,国外一些发达国家的数码印刷市场已经相当成熟;我国的数码印刷市场虽还没有完全规范化.在产品质量方面也未形成统一的行业标准.  相似文献   

将于2010年3月9~11日在广州琶洲会展中心举办的2010华南国际印刷展为切合不同买家的需要.特别设置了不同的主题专区,包括印前及数码印刷专区、丝网印刷设备及材料专区、柔印/凹印设备专区、印后/纸制品加工及纸盒包装专区、油墨/耗材及配件专区、标签及防伪印刷专区等。  相似文献   

正2014年3月24日,由人民文学出版社、天天出版社和曹文轩儿童文学艺术中心主办的"中国种子·世界花——曹文轩图画书国际合作项目(意大利站)"活动在博洛尼亚国际儿童书展的中国展区举行。活动成了当天中国展区的最大亮点,原定只在中国展团和意大利出版社、插画家间举行的互动活动吸引了展会上来自西班牙、澳大利亚等其他国家和地区的出版机构与插画师共同参与,活动反响热烈。  相似文献   

近年来,我国大学图书馆发展迅速,但是,在更大程度上,是更多的内部阻滞因素成为了大学建设具有学术性的研究型图书馆的障碍。文章基于“学术性机构”这一角度出发,对这些因素进行了探讨和分析。  相似文献   


It is still unclear why some of the blue enamel on sixteenth- and seventeenth-century stained window glass is flaking off, while enamel layers with other colours are still in relatively good condition. In order to obtain a better understanding of this conservation problem, 31 historical recipes used for the fabrication of blue enamel were compared with results from the chemical analysis of 25 historic samples. The chemical composition and the microstructure of the enamels were analysed in cross-section by means of electron probe microanalysis (EPMA). This study demonstrated that the variation in chemical composition of the samples can be explained by the use of the wide range of recipes existing at that time. Although this study gave an insight into the composition, heterogeneity and use of colouring substances, no clear relation could be found between the parameters analysed and the deterioration rate of the blue enamel paint layer.  相似文献   

饶圆  朱慧涛 《北京档案》2007,(12):26-28
一、质疑:"档案职业边缘化"? 近年来,律师边缘化、股市边缘化、学术(者)边缘化、文学(作家)边缘化等转眼间让"边缘化"成了"红人",不少人在为这种种的"边缘化"扼腕叹息.与此同时,档案学界也出现了"档案职业边缘化"的提法,对此笔者不敢苟同.  相似文献   

树立终身学习理念成就复合型编辑人才   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨庆华  冯英凯 《编辑学报》2012,24(2):180-181
在竞争激烈的社会主义市场经济和知识经济时代,科技期刊的生存和发展面临严峻的挑战,科技期刊编辑人员只有牢固树立终身学习的理念,主动去掌握新概念,学习新理念,研究新问题,培养适应新环境的能力,才能在竞争激烈的出版市场争得一席之地,发展和充实自己。新时代的编辑应该是集编校、策划、经营为一体的现代复合型编辑人才。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To obtain basic information about non-librarian health professionals who become librarians and information specialists. METHODS: The survey was a Web-based questionnaire. A non-random sample of persons was obtained by posting messages to several large Internet electronic discussion groups. Individuals who met the selection criteria and were willing to participate filled out a Web-based form designed using common gateway interface (CGI) programming. RESULTS: 118 forms were analyzed. Three subgroups of participants were identified and statistical comparisons among these groups were carried out for many of the quantitative questions. Information concerning reasons they left their original field; factors influencing their choice of the field of library and information science; reactions of family, friends, and colleagues; and interactions with patrons and other information about this group was obtained and summarized. A health sciences background was seen as helpful in the new career as information specialist. Most people were happy with their new profession despite negative reactions from colleagues, relatives, and, occasionally, patrons. Feelings of regret and abandonment of their patients were noted by some. Many persons did not know that peers had made similar career changes. CONCLUSIONS: A health sciences background imparts an expertise in both the vocabulary and subject matter of medicine that non-biomedical individuals would not ordinarily have. Although becoming a librarian may be perceived as a very positive career change for an individual, societal opinion and pressure can make such a career change difficult. Nevertheless, participants in this survey demonstrate a high level of satisfaction with their new careers and are quite happy with their work.  相似文献   

在竞争激烈的社会主义市场经济和知识经济时代,科技期刊的生存和发展面临严峻的挑战,科技期刊编辑人员只有牢固树立终身学习的理念,主动去掌握新概念,学习新理念,研究新问题,培养适应新环境的能力,才能在竞争激烈的出版市场争得一席之地,发展和充实自己。新时代的编辑应该是集编校、策划、经营为一体的现代复合型编辑人才。  相似文献   

Two sixteenth-century Limoges painted enamel plaques by Léonard Limosin in the collection of the J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, show a remarkable restoration technique consisting of separately enameled pieces that have been inserted into areas where original enamel was lost. A detailed investigation of the two plaques brought information about this former restoration method and the materials used. Investigation included optical microscopy, UV-A examination, and X-radiography for identification and mapping of the insert restorations, scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy for analyzing organic restoration material as well as X-ray fluorescence for studying the enamel compositions. A survey of six other Limoges painted enamel collections in the USA was carried out, which revealed many more of these insert restorations and indicated particular damages related to the so-called paillon designs on silver or gold foils. A literature review was undertaken focusing on possible causes of the damage as well as on persons and workshops that may have executed the insert restorations.  相似文献   

《情报资料工作》(前身为《资料工作通讯》)与中国社会科学院文献情报机构的联系早在25年前的1981年初春即已开始。1981年3月初在春寒料峭的北京召开了一次社科情报工作座谈会,这是中国社科院情报所成立以来首次主持召开的一次全国性会议,会议规模虽不大,但全国几大区的社科院文献情报机构的负责人都出席了会议,人大书报社和《资料工作通讯》编辑部的代表也应邀与会。这个近30人的座谈会开得生动活泼,每位与会代表都各抒己见,畅所欲言,就社科文献情报工作的方方面面交流了意见。会议除决定协作编写当代国内外社会科学手册以外,还郑重提出建立全国社会科学情报工作者协会的倡议。会后,《资料工作通讯》对会议的情况作了报道,对这次座谈会的《纪要》也全文予以刊载,从而拉近了社科院情报所与人大书报社之间的距离。  相似文献   

本刊讯 6月上旬,北京市"十一五"规划编制工作领导小组研究决定:正式将"十一五"时期档案事业发展规划纳入北京市"十一五"一般专项规划体系.  相似文献   

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